Table Design For A Clock Card System

Jan 8, 2005

i'm try to create a database to record staff sign in and out times and to get reports but i cannot for the life of me get it working after many many efforts. can any one help me?

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Employee Time Card System

Nov 15, 2006

I need to develope a system that will allow for employees to login and imput their "time card". I found one post on here about something similar, but it didn't give much info. I am very very new to Access so please give info in simple terms or very well explained. I am hoping that I can have a login and password so employees can't access eachothers time card. All it will need to track is
Type of work
I am hoping that this is going to be an easy task, but I need some help. Anyone have any ideas or directions... or even better know where I could just download a template.

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Queries :: Grab Custom Fiscal Year Count Based On System Clock Date

Aug 13, 2015

How do you grab a custom Fiscal Year's values based on the system clock's date?

I am building a query where I want to see the number of closed cases based on the current custom fiscal year with the system clocks date. The report that it feeds only cares about the current FY.

I need the System Clock's FY value in this query

SELECT shortname AS Station, NZ(TotalCount.TotalCases,0) AS [Cases Complete]
FROM StationList LEFT JOIN (SELECT station, count([Open Issues].ID) AS TotalCases FROM [Open Issues] WHERE [Status]="Closed" GROUP BY Station) AS TotalCount ON StationList.shortname =TotalCount.station;

Within the Query Open Issues I have the FY broken up

fiscalYear: IIf(Month([Issues].[Opened Date])>=10,"FY" & Year(DateAdd("yyyy",1,[Issues].[Opened Date])),"FY" & Year([Issues].[Opened Date]))

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System Design Question

Jan 29, 2008


We have a relational DB that holds information on West Nile Virus. Currently, we have 5 tablet PCs that take a full copy of the DB and updates/edits are done in the field.

Once a month, the tablets come back and someone manually takes the 5 databases and uploads the changes to the central database. I want to find an easier way to do this. Some sort of 'synchronization' type of process.

Can anybody recommend anything? I am not too experienced with Access and this sort of functionality.

I think ideally I would create an application to check data in and out of the central DB, but I'm not really sure where to start.

Any help is appreciated.


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Database Design For Container Tracking System?

Apr 17, 2014

I am designing a shipping container tracking system for my work and would like to know what the best design is for this.

There are many excel sheets that provide data on the status of containers along the supply chain i.e. shipping schedule, data from the logistics supplier showing status at the wharf, data for movements on our site etc.

Each container has a unique identifier according to what stock it carries and also a container no. designated by the shipping line. I was planning on use the first one as a primary key.

My first instinct was to have a main table that contained all of the information, with queries that updated the fields from the other data sheets.

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Open A Card Directly From Table View

Jun 7, 2015

In fact, I have one principal d/b running on my access, ad/b which I had imported from my iPad... The import went smoothly enough but I face this problem. I usually scroll the table in order to locate a patient's name.

I can't find a way to select this line and have it switched to a card view in order to update it. I need to move to card view, search from there in order to locate this person in card view. I am sure there is a way to select a line ( a record) in table view and jump from there directly into this record in card view.

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Tables :: Primary Web Based Inventory System - Update Raw Data From Another System

Mar 13, 2014

I have our primary web based inventory system that I am exporting to Excel and using this as an import to Access for the main raw data for my database. This being inventory it changes daily so I am updating this table every day. When I try to append the table it ads all the records. I am wanting an easy way to add only the new records/take out the ones that are no longer there. Basically update the table with what is currently there.The only have I have found to do this is by running non-matching queries and update queries.

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Creating A Register System/table

Sep 7, 2006

Ok, firstly im sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I say this because my problem first begins with the tables but then i need to sort a problem out with the form aswell, but i will put it in here.

Here is the problem. Im sorry if im not too clear with this.

I need to create a register system E.G. A child comes into a club, he is registered. At the end of the session the child leaves the club. His depature is registered and his departure time is also recorded down.

Like a paper based school register but electronically.

How would I go about implementing this into a system?

Would I need a child table (with fields such as Child ID, Forename, Surname etc.) and a register table (not sure on the fields)?

k, this bit below probably goes in the forms section...

How would I get this to work on a form so there were boxes to check for arrival and departure, and when a button is clicked the depature time is filled in for each day of the term?

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Problem Scanning Over All Non System Table

Jun 23, 2005

Hi guys i wrote a vba code that supposed to
go find all non system tables in access 2000 db
and generate corresponded create table statements for them.
Unfortunately when i run the program it misses one of the
tables called committee members and also uses one of
table names 2 time.Furthermore, instead of using table names it
uses first columns of each table in generating table name for createing table statement.I be happy if some expert help me fix this bug in my vba program.Thanks ( teniss club db reletions ) (genrated create table statements)

Code:Private Sub CreateTableButton_Click() Dim T As TableDef Dim db As Database, cont As String Set db = CurrentDb() For Each T In db.TableDefs If Left(T.Name, 4) <> "MSys" Then ' 'If T.Name = Me.ComboBox Then pk = Left(GetPK(T, db), InStr(1, GetPK(T, db), "<-") - 1) cont = cont & ShowFields(T.Name) & vbCrLf & " primary key " & pk & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ''MsgBox ShowFields(T.Name) & vbCrLf & " primary key " & pk & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ''End If End If Next T MsgBox cont Call createTextFile("C:createTableStatements.txt", cont) End Sub

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Realtime Clock

Sep 5, 2005

I've got 5 time zones showing on the main screen of my db, just by doing date() and subtracting number of hours for each time zone. Only problem is need a refresh button on it for people to click. Can you get a realtime clock ticking away on an access form?

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Analoge Clock

Jun 12, 2006

can you get an analoge clock on a form?

if so, how??

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Time Clock App In Access

Jun 6, 2005

Has anyone ever made a time clock application in Access? If so, can you post a sample application? I'm really at a loss with this one..


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Sync With Computer Clock

Jan 18, 2006


My question there any way to get Access to work out the actual day of the week from a date entered into the computer? The reason for this is...I am designing and implimenting a bookings data base for a village hall, and I wish access to automatically store what day of the week it will be on the specified date, in a field called 'Day'. I need this field to produce a report for the week ahead, showing exactly what is in on which day of the week. Is there any way this can be done? Or do the days just have to be typed in manually, i.e. check a calendar and type them in? I would appreciate it if anyone could give me info...on ANY way this can be it store the dates in a table or use a giant Iif statement or whatever! And the tags necessary would be helpful,

Thank-you for your help in advance, and i apologise for such a lengthy post!

Please get in touch directly through or alternatively post the answer here.


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Anolog Clock Needed

Sep 10, 2004

Do you happen to know if I can get my hands on an anolog style clock to put on my form in Access?

Thanks in advance - John

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Employee Punch Clock

Jun 13, 2007

The company I work for has a central office and out employees work at different locations around the city. I have setup a database so that reports and requests made by employees are put into the database and sent to our office and clients office, instead of the tri copy forms we have been using. One thing that we were interested in doing was setting up a punch clock in the database so when employees come and go they punch in and out and there is a report that can be printed weekly or biweekly. Unfortunately I have no idea how to start making that feature, I would appreciate any help or advice on what direction to go...

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Table Layout For Airport Minicab Quote System

Jan 3, 2006

ok basically im creating a quote system that will show users prices from one destination to the other destination based on the size of the vehicle..

you can see a similar quote system used on the following website..

there will be three main tables..

Airport Table
airportID - primary key, autonumber
airportNAME - text

the airport table will consist of 5 records..Heathrow,Gatwick,Stansted,London City, Luton

Town Table
TownID - primary key, autonumber
TownNAME - text

the town table will contain a list of postcodes, maybe 50 or so (n1,n2,n3,n4,e1,e2...)

Car Table
CarID - primary key, autonumber
CarNAME - text

the car table will consist of 4 records..Saloon,Estate,MPV,Executive

now what i need to do is create a similar quote system like there is on the url above..

my original idea would be to do something like this..

Have three tables that contain the quotes for each type of car..the first two listed here will work i think..

Airport2TownQuotes Table
quoteID - primary key, autonumber
carID - foreign key from car table
airportID - the airport Pickup, foreign key
townID - the town Destination, foreign key
price - currency

Town2AirportQuotes Table
quoteID - primary key, autonumber
carID - foreign key from car table
townID - the town Pickup, foreign key
airportID - the airport Destination, foreign key
price - currency

however.. for airport to airport quotes.. the resembling table would look something like this..

Airport2AirportQuotes Table
quoteID - primary key, autonumber
carID - foreign key from car table
airportID - the airport Pickup, foreign key
airportID - the airport Destination, foreign key
price - currency

but you cannot place the airport id twice in the same table..(this maybe a case of simply renaming the airport fields in this table such as airport1, and airport2.. but can you still link them and enforce integrity if the fields have different names?)

also one example may be Heathrow to n1 is £30... this does not mean however that n1 to heathrow will be £30.. this is why i need to separate the quotes in this way.. for the 3 possible journeys (airport to airport, town to airport, airport to town).. also the quotes will be different for each car type..

anyway.. i shall be using asp to create a similar quote system on my website.. but i just need to get the final layout of the database sorted.

thanks in advance for any help.

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Creating Employee Clock In / Out Application

Mar 4, 2012

I'm trying to create a database whereby employees within a business can select their name, or scan the barcode on their ID badges, to clock in and out of work.

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Adding A Simple Text Clock To A Form

Apr 19, 2005

Trying to make a simple clock inside my form.
So far I got my clock but it isn't running.
It only get's the time when I open the form but I want it to keep track of time.

Searched the forums but couldn't find anything that relates to this problem.

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General :: Create Time Clock Button?

Aug 20, 2012

I want to create a toggle button (On/Off), that can show time clock on button. Click to start time, click again to stop time.

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Add Windows Widget Like Clock To Access Form

Mar 16, 2014

Can we add windows gadgets like clock and calender to access form?

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General :: Work Order System - Empty Records Showing In Table

Apr 3, 2014

I have a work order system that people use but it somewhat randomly puts blank records into my table. I've added a lot of validation checks when submitting, closing and resetting the form and limited the way people can exit out of the form to fight this issue but it still happens.

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Add Live Time Clock Using Activex, Just Calindar In MS Access

Mar 6, 2008

Since you can add Calindar in access using activex so that I can select any date and pass that on to a field in a form, is there any way you can add a clock using activex so that I can select any time that I want to put in to a field? any suggestion? Thanks.

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Using A * (Wild Card) In Pop Up Box?

Aug 3, 2004

Is it possible to use a * (Wild Card) in a pop up box for a query?

I read the previous post about pop up boxes for quires and it worked worked great! I created one for my month field

My criteria in my search fieled is a follows:

As you can see someone would have to type a 08-August to get the results for August, can a wild card be used? Example 08* would return all of 08-August data. I tried it but it wouldn't return any data.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Scott

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Forms :: Time Clock - Referencing Subforms On Navigation Form

Jan 15, 2014

I have a complete working timeclock and trying to add the forms within the navigation form. I know I have to go back and re-reference everything and have already done so with the queries. But I cannot get the setfocus to work.

Here is the setup.

NavigationForm (navigation form)
frmClockIn (top form)
frmClockIn_SUB (bottom form)
Open Navigation > Time Clock.
Select an EmployeeID from the dropdown
Click on clock in. (successful)
cboEmployeID goes blank and try selecting the same employeeID to clock out and I get a debug at


I think there is a problem with my cboEmployeeID_AfterUpdate() as well.(related?) which used to be
Private Sub cboEmployeeID_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

I have replaced "me.refresh" with "Me.frmClockIn_SUB.Form.Refresh"

(It used to break here, but not after I changed it.)

Not too sure where to set these forms to in the code

I have attached a blank copy ....

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Wireless Network Card

Dec 21, 2005

Sorry All,
I have a simple question, how can I tell if my laptop has a wireless network in it. Thanks.

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Fried Graphics Card. What Do I Do?

Jun 4, 2006


I'm in a a lot of trouble. My graphics card has stopped functioning, leaving me with a perfectly good computer that I cannot use.

In order to retrieve the information from the harddisk, I got a cable between this computer and another one.

This is my plan:

When the "blind" computer is started, I will enter the cmd. From there I would like to be able to "share" one of my folders on the small network (ie the two computers). Is there a DOS command for this?

second question:

If I have VNC server installed, will I be able to see the desktop from another computer allthough I can't see it on the blind computer? Does that information go through the graphics card before it is sent over the internet, or after it has arrived in the VNC viewer computer?


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