Text Size For Colunm's In Subform

Apr 4, 2005

well, I have managed to get everything to work. Its a great feeling. the only thing I am having trouble with now is cosmetic.


Notice how the size of the text is a lot bigger than the size of the same text in the first image?

How do I reduce the size of the text? I have looked in all the boxes and tried everything but it just doesnt want to change the final output text size.

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Can You Make Just One Part Of The Text In A Text Box Bold Or A Different Font Size?

Aug 20, 2004

Is there a way to make just part of the text in a text box bold, or to use different font sizes in the same text box?

Something like this:

Heading in bold: description in regular (not bold)
(a smaller height line used as a line space)
Another "normal" line
a larger height line
a normal line....all in one text box!

One thing I'd like to be able to do is to specify the line height of a blank line in a text box. I'm using carriage returns created with: Chr(13) & Chr(10). I could see defining the font size of a hidden character, but I'd need to know how to assign a font size to a piece of the text in a font box.

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Changing Subform Size

Jul 26, 2005

A quick design question here,

Is there any code that you can add so that you have your main form open to maximise and your subform adjusts accordingly ?

My database is used by a number of users, some use 1024x768 and some use 1280x1024. I want the main form to maximise when loaded but I would also like to get the subform to adjust its size accordingly (avoid a thicker border around the edge of the main form)

Alternativey, is there a way to get the DB to detect what the screen settings are and have an IF statement when loading the form ?

Many thanks


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Text Field Size

Jul 29, 2005

Is there any way of increasing a text field size to above 255?

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Text Field Size

Jul 11, 2007

MS documentation states that space is not reserved for unused characters in a text field. Does this mean that there is no storage penaly for having a text field 255 as opposed to 80.

On a more general note are there any tools to help calculate the size of a table?

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Label Text Size

Oct 4, 2006


Is there a way to make the text in a label smaller than size 8?
I need to put some text on a form, but it's too large for the limited amount of space I have.

Thank you.

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Text Box Character Size

Feb 2, 2005

Hi all,

What can i put on a text box to limit the amount of characters entered like the 'field size' property for a table. I want to limit entry to 40 characters. Thanks in advance for any help,


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Type Text Field Size

Oct 2, 2006


I have searched on this and it says: it doesn't matter as long as it's of type text. It matter if it's long integer..etc. I am not quite sure.

I wonder if default size '50 of fields' of type text occupies that size in memory even though the data in the field is not 50 chars.


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Apend Query Problem Text Size

May 25, 2006

Hello - the world
this the 2nd time i tried this and hope someone can help

I have a form that i need to insert text into the text is held in a table and the amount of text can vary from 30characaters to 1,000's

now i have a drop down box with the following

SELECT [Wording].[wordingid], [Wording].[wordingnme], [Wording].[wording] FROM Wording;

i select one and then while that item is highlighted , i push a button append and it inserts in to my form

The table settings on the form are memo and the table settings on the wording are memo , i can see the info in the raw table its the append bit

so wording - fishing would be wordingnme and the text I want to apply would be "gone fishing etc "
works a treat but I only get the first 255 chars of a long wording

I can insert as many wordings into my form but size limt of 255 so its not the form

any ideas ?????:confused:

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Return Size Of A File In Form Text Box

Feb 17, 2005

A quick question that I'm sure one of you guys will be able to answer without any trouble, but I'm having difficulty with...

I have a form on which I would like to have a text box which returns the size of a file on my PC. The file path will not change.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Reports :: Making All Text Box Grow The Same Size

Nov 17, 2014

I made a report that contains 10 textboxes beside each other and i changed the option (can grow) of the textboxes to yes the growing is okay, but i want all the textboxes to grow the same size as the bigger one.

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Forms :: Field Auto-size To Text In Form?

Nov 19, 2014

I am relatively new to using MS Access 2010. Some fields which i have set up as Memo fields to take report comments. Is there anyway to make the size of the memo field box variable to fit in with the text in the form when viewing in htis mode?

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Reports :: Text Within Report Labels Different Size In Preview / Print?

Jan 12, 2015

I have always noticed that when creating a report, when you make a paragraph using a label, the alignment and size of the text/paragraph is always different when you preview the report than when you design it.

This makes alignment of paragraphs tricky, especially when you are trying to insert a bold faced word into the middle of a block of text by using a separate label.

I am using Access 2000

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Changing Font Size Of Labels Depending On Text Length

Jul 28, 2014

I have a report that prints labels (similar to avery labels) which pulls data from a query. These labels are all unique and vary in length. Due to the length variance, I want the font size to get smaller for labels with more characters. I want the text to go down to another line when necessary.

In my report under the OnPage Event Procedure I wrote this:

Private Sub Report_Page()
If Len(Text2) > 20 Then Text2.FontSize = 8
If Len(Text2) > 10 And Len(Text2) < 21 Then Text2.FontSize = 10
If Len(Text2) < 11 Then Text2.FontSize = 14
End Sub

This works to some degree but the problem is that once there is a longer label, all of the proceeding labels are resized & the longer label that should have been resized was not.

Is there another place I should be writing this code? I looked under events for the textbox but there doesn't seem to be anything that would work since none of them would trigger when printing labels

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Import Text File / Multiple Lines And Varying Delimiters / Size To One Record

Aug 22, 2012

Using MS 2007, I have a 200 text files exported each day from another application that has two different types of lines (see below). I would like to import each text file in to a database as a single record.

Text file example (text.txt):

R111 WC 8/21/2012 7:00 Doe, John doej 10110110

First Question? Y
Second Question? N
Third Question? Y
Seventeenth Question? 10

As you see, I have the first row with multiple fields, but the next rows I have a question and an answer.

I would like to have this data imported as shown in the attachment. Example.zip

Most answers I see are for either multiple lines (same data and sizing). I am not sure how to handle several different lines with that vary in size and delimiters.

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Large Field Size = Larger Overall Database Size?

Aug 29, 2005

Will keeping your field size shorter result in a smaller MDB file?

Or does Access only use as much space as there is real data in its fields.

Way back in the dBASE III days, dBASE would pad all your "real" information with as many spaces as necessary to fill up your field. I suspect that the MDB structure is probably smarter than that.

Another question on the same topic - I believe there is a maximum number of characters in a record (4000?). Can your field sizes add up to more than 4000, as long as the actual data, all combined, never totals 4000...?

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Forms :: Display Row Text From Subform Column In Unbound Text Box Of Main Form

Jan 6, 2014

My database has Main form and a Sub form. On main form i place one unbound text box named investigations. In subform of which datasheet there is a column named TestCode. I want unbound text box (Investigations) to display row values which selected in a column (TestCode) of subform.for example:Investigation field should display "CBC,HB,ALP".

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General :: Text Box To Displaying Some Text When Subform Value Is Null

Sep 5, 2013

I have a form that is displaying a subform (of which source is a query). I have got the data from one of the columns in the subform going into a text box (entered in the control source) however when the field is empty it comes with a #Error in the textbox.I want the textbox is display some text is the subform value is null.

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Forms :: Text Size In Forms / Datasheets

Aug 16, 2014

I need to make the text size smaller to fit everything on the screen (users use 17" monitors..). I have gone into each form and subform and changed the text size for each text box to 9, but when I view them in form view the size has not changed ?

Also .. is there any way to make the autocentre option actually work as it's name suggests !! ? it does in most cases centre horizontally, but never vertically, quite often putting the top of the pop up form over the ribbon bar.

I would actually like to be able to totally remove the ribbon bar so that only the database forms are the only thing the user sees.

I vaguely remember being able to do this in Access 97 (Which was the last version I used - a long time ago !) but this seems to be more difficult in 2010 version.

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Help With Loop With Text Box In Subform.

Oct 27, 2006

hi guys i was wondering if you can help me please, in my main form i have a text box which the user enter an item number , and a combo box with the main contracts., then a continuous subform which has a combo box with the subcontracts that belong to that main contracts, in the subform i also have a txtPriceA, and txtPriceB. my problem is that with the code i have the priceA and priceB get added in different rows and all the other fields get added correctly but with the columns priceA and priceB empty.

this is what i tried

Private Sub Command94_Click()

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim varItem As Variant

Dim strSQL As String

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblMain")

For varItem = 0 To Me!frmAddSubform.Form!cmbSubContracts.ListCount - 1 'combo box from subform
rst.AddNew 'add new row for each subContract in combo box

rst!SubContract_ID = Me!frmAddSubform.Form!cmbSubContracts.Column(0, varItem)

rst!MainContractID= me.txtMainContract.value
rst!ItemNumber = Me.txtItem.Value

rst!PriceA = Me!frmAddSubform.Form!txtPriceA.Value (this is supposed to be added in the columm PriceA in the same row as the 1st row added from rst!subContract_ID. )

rst!Priceb = Me!frmAddSubform.Form!txtPriceB.Value (this is supposed to be added in the columm PriceB in the same row as the 2nd row added from rst!subContract_ID. )

Next varItem


But I get this:

ID (autonumber) Item# Main Contract Subcontract PriceA PriceB
1 123 12345 12345-1
2 123 12345 12345-2

3 $15.00 $ 15.01
4 $15.50 $ 16.01

I should only have two rows added instead of four....like this

ID (autonumber) Item# Main Contract Subcontract PriceA PriceB
1 123 12345 12345-1 $15.00 $ 15.01
2 123 12345 12345-2 $15.50 $ 16.01


also, i have my reasons why i have repeating rows.

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How To Search Subform With Text Box

Mar 5, 2013

how to search subform with textbox and button in form

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Unbound Text Box To Subform

Mar 26, 2014

I have an unbound text box, that is determined from a users Environ details, and i would like to link this to a subform the subform is made from a cross tab query and basically i only want the subform to show the users details which is in the text box.

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SubForm Hiding Text Field

Jun 15, 2005

Ok this is a bit long winded and I will try to explain,

I have a main form, with a title at the top, then a row of buttons underneath and underneath the buttons I have a sub form.

Some of the buttons can have a dual function (or multiple function) so rather than open up another form I have hidden text below the button, so that when the mouse moves over the button, the text becomes visible. this gives the impression of a drop down menu off that button.

However I cannot get the text to appear over the top of the subform, it only appears behind it.

To give an example of what the buttons and drop downs are for, one of the buttons is a reports page, rather than open another form I can have a list of the differnt reports I wish to run (currently they are text boxes with an on click event).

any advice woudl be much appreciate and even an alternative to what I am doing if anybody has one.

Many thanks


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Transfer Text Box Data To Subform

Aug 23, 2005

This is a price check form so it doesnt need to be saved it just needs to display the part no info and quantities with price
If i enter a part no into a text box(PN1) on the main form it enters the data into a textbox(PN2) on a subform.
Im using a continuous form on the subform and the master/child link is the Part No text box.
is there a way to lock the first item to the first line and then be able to enter a second item to display on the next line.
I have made the size of the continuous form to one line in my subform but i am only able to enter one part no into the subform because when i setfocus to the PN1 textbox on the main form it clears the first line.


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Subform Shows A Number, Not Text...

Dec 8, 2006

It's my understanding of general database practice that an Autonumber field should be used as a primary key in normalisation tables. I realise my understanding could be wrong, and I'm quite happy to change that practice if need be.

I have my normalisation tables. For the most part these consist of an Autonumber field ([UID]) as the primary key, then an indexed, no duplicates text field with the normalisation data. For this case, we'll say it's a list of departments ([DepartmentID]).

I have a form for entering users. Again, the PK is an autonumber field. I used a wizard to create a combo box. I selected the fact that I want to store the value in [DepartmentID], NOT [UID].

This works fine, I can add my users and the combo boxes work, although I had to change the bound column to 2, as 1 is selected by default although it is [UID].

I then created a subform based on a query of all users. This subform is not bound to the main form in any way, it simply shows the result of the query.

When entering users, upon saving a record, the form is updated and the new user shown in the subform. Great, apart from "txtDepartment" in the subform showing [UID], and not [DepartmentID] as stipulated.

I have a horrible feeling this is to do with [UID] being my PK, but I'd like someone to tell me I'm wrong. I can quite happily remove the autonumber field [UID] and make the unique [DepartmentID] field the PK, but this just doesn't seem "correct" to me.

Should I do this? Should I have an autonumber field as the PK?

I realise this is more a design theory question than a form problem as such, but anything that clarifies my understanding of correct design practice will help.

EDIT:- I'd also like to say that I did it this way to get away from using the "LOOKUP" field type at table design time, specifically to avoid this very problem of numbers showing up when I want the text there!

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Autofill 3 Text Categories In Subform

Nov 11, 2004

I have a form for recording site details and have been trying to autofill three of the four categories.

What I have is a Site Index Table that contains the site ID, Name, Description and Type. I want the results to
be recorded in an Affect Table that will also contain text data associated with these fields that I will enter
in manually.

I then have a form with the four fields; the site ID and Type are both bound to the Affect Table that records all the data
associated with each site. The Name and Descritpion source their information from a seperate query of the Site Index Table.

So what I want to do is to select the site ID on the form from a combo box I've created, and once selected it will automatically fill in the relevant text data into the Name, description and type categories on the form. I've been trying scripts with the DLookup function but have continued to encounter errors. If anyone can help PLEASE help me as i'm a novice when it comes to Access


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