Textbox Won't Bind To Table Field

Mar 13, 2006

I keep getting #Name? error. I'm trying to not use the form wizard and manually bind a text box on a form to a field in a table. I've placed a textbox on a form, then right click the text box and click properties, this brings up the properties page. In the control source property, I correctly type the name of the field. I save and switch views from design view to form view, I should see the first data in the textbox, but I see #Name?

what am I doing wrong?

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How To Bind A Textbox To Summation Query Value

Dec 23, 2013

How can I bind a textbox to summation query's value? I tried the formula builder and this did not work:


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Forms :: How To Bind Form Field To Table Field

Jul 22, 2013

I am creating a table which is called a New Connection Analysis from there I have created a form that is linked to the table. I the form I have created a combo box to show the different division e.g. Central, Western, Northern. Now the combo box is created but when I enter the data in the form once I select the division e.g. Central when I save it the data doesn't go to the Division list on the table.....How can that be fixed????

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Forms :: Control Setup - Bind List Box Result To Table Field

Nov 5, 2013

I want a List Box on a Form that takes its available drop-down values from tblDiscipline and puts the value selected into the Discipline Field of tblEquipment.

The problem is I set the Control Source of the List Box to tblDiscipline (so the List Box can use these values for the drop-down selections) and when I make a selection it tries to put it back into tblDiscipline instead of tblEquipment, because I can't find anywhere to set the table that the result should be Bound to.

How can I set up a control, such as a List Box, so that it gets its values from one table but returns them to another?

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Possible To Bind Combo Box To A Specific Row In Table?

Sep 5, 2014

I've attached a sample database. In this database, I'd like to have the combo boxes under the Week Ending label populate the data for the fruit name to the left of each box. For example, if I choose Week Ending 2 in the box next to Banana, I'd like to have the boxes to the right of the combo box auto populate with the data in the table. I already have started some coding, but I'm not getting what I want to see.

Here's the problem: the codes will only display the top row of data in the 9-7 and 9-14 tables, respectively. That is, if I choose week 2 for Banana and week 2 for Orange, the numbers that populate will be the same. Instead of this, what I would like to see happen is that if week 2 is selected for Orange, then have the second row of data, from the 9-7 table, populate into the textboxes on the Products form.

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Populate Textbox With A Field From Another Combo Box's Row/source Table

Jul 18, 2005

I've designed a data entry form based on a table. I use a few combo boxes, (linked via SQL statements for their row/source) to fill most of the fields in the table.

What I want to do is populate one textbox on the form with the contents of a field in one of the combo box's row/source tables. The field I want isn't shown in the combo box.

Basically, what I want is that when I choose a PART NUMBER from a combo box, I want the OEM_ID from the same table to jump into the textbox below it.

I think I may have tied myself in knots though to the point where what I want can't be done. Any ideas? I know this is probably going to take a couple of goes at explaining. :P

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Forms :: Value To Put In Textbox For Field In Same Table As Combo Box Selection

Jul 8, 2014

I have a form frmCrisisSupportWorkers with a tab control on the form. On the first tab, Personal Info there is a combo box called cboLocation. It is next to the Town/City.

I have a text box that updates the postcode after the selection is made below it but that is as the post codes are stored in the combo box and I just put the column for the postcode in the control source of the text box.

I can't do that for state as I have it stored in another table and use a numeric identifier to show which state is selected.

I want to have a text box below that auto updates the state once a town is selected but I can't seem to get it working.

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How To Bind Form With Table And How Data Can Come Automatically In Form?

Nov 24, 2006

I'm new in Access and facing a problem. Hope I’ll make myself clear.

I've a table "members" and I've created a form "member_form" based on this table (members).

1. I want to binde my form "member_form" with my table "member" so that the new data I store in form, automatically sotres in table. How can I do that:confused:

2. In form, I've fields "Member_ID" and "Member_Name". I want that when I type member_id in "Member_ID" field, the member name in "Member_Name" field come automatically. How can I do that???:rolleyes:

Thanks in advance
Hami Bjorn

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Queries :: Comparing A Text Field In A Table To Textbox On A Form

Jul 8, 2013

I have a table that has a date field set to text. I use the Mid function and get just the month in a query. I have a textbox on a form that when the user adds a month or removes a month from a selected listbox it adds or removes that months number from the textbox.

I want to us that text box on the form as the criteria for the month (the Mid function getting the month) and I can seem to get it to read what's in the textbox and use it as the criteria. I can manually type in a number and it works fine.

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Forms :: Populate Textbox From Table Field By Clicking Item In Listbox

Aug 28, 2013

I am trying to populate a textbox from a field in a table based on clicking on a item in a listbox. User clicks a name from the Client table in the client field, and the date that is stored in the orderDate in the same row. I want the text11 textbox to show that date.

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Bind Columns (Fields)

Aug 2, 2005

I have been looking on the forum for some code that would bind all columns (fields) starting from column 15 to 26 to a combo box

for example....

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4

data1 data2 data3 nodata


data 1

data 2

data 3

kind of like a grid

based on the record I select in my form the combo box will show the columns that have data for that record.

It is trycky but I have no idea how to get that started

Thank you all for your help

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Bind More Than One Column Of Combobox?

Sep 24, 2006


I am wondering if it's possible to bind more than one of the columns displayed on a combobox to a field please?


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Bind A Combo Box To A Report

Aug 1, 2006

I have a report that I would like to bind to a combo box. I have built the combo box with the table that I need but I need it to select and print a specific report when the user selects the correct item from the combo box. I really do not know if this is possible and my coding ability is next to nil, but having it would really help my users.

Thanks for whatever help you can render and if necessary, I will send you the database and show you what I need.

Thanks again,


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Forms :: Set Up A Series Of Controls Then Bind To SQL Queries?

Jul 10, 2014

I have about 12 tables in a 2010 database and I want to create a single summary form showing key details of the database. Most of these will be count fields using various subset of the tables e,g. total members, count of new members this year, count of those not attending a meeting etc. More than one table will be represented on the form.How would I set up a series of controls that I then bind to SQL queries? Or is this not the way to do it?

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Show And Hide Field With Textbox

Feb 6, 2006


How do I easy create a checkbox that displayes a field when I check it.
For example, if I check a box named I agree, it shows a field with a phonenumber to call


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Calling Field Value To Form Textbox

Mar 21, 2006

Hi. I have spent ages searching, but I can't find anything relating specifically to what I want to do, and I'm simply not experienced enough to make up the code as I go along.

I want to call a value from a field in TableA to a textbox on a form bound to TableB. I know, its probably simple, but I can't figure it out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Textbox Control Source To Field Plus Sum

Jun 16, 2006

I have a textbox with it's field control source set.

Is there any way of having a Sum function that adds up other textboxes and saves them in this field/textbox.

So far i can either set the control source to the field name or have =Sum([size_sqm])

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Forms :: Set Field Size On Textbox

Jul 7, 2014

i just wanna ask can i set a field size for a textbox so that it can be entered only a limited number a words

For example, when i set field size = 8 and want to type beautiful, it will stop at "beautifu".

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Combo Box Display Field Name On Textbox

May 21, 2013

How to set combo box for example doctor name with 2 field which display doctor name and department.

Lets say if i select doctor name : Eric and automatically display doctor department as: Surgery in text box. Then I can save patient record on appointment table.

Here is my sample db ...

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Change The Colour Of A TextBox / Field Depending On It's Value?

Jun 7, 2006

Hello fellow programmers, I have a tricky one for you. We have decided to split our local City up into different zones. Giving each zone a number and assigning it a colour. I have a form with all the customers who want jobs done in different parts of the city. This form has a text box on it called: Zone - (which has a 3 digit number it it). I want the colour of the text box to change depending on the Zone number, in the continuous Form view. So all the customers living in Zone=111, will have a Red background colour (color), all living in Zone=222 will have a Green background colour. I know conditional formatting through the properties of the Form can be used, but it only allows me to select 3 different situations. I have many more than 3 colours that I want to assign. I am working on a VB module to define what colour numbers from the MS Access Colour Map will be assigned to each Zone number. How can I now apply this module to the form, so when it opens, all the customers who live in Zone=111 will have a Red coloured background, those living in Zone=222 will have a green colour background, etc?

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Using A Combo Box To Populate A Textbox/memo Field

Aug 9, 2005

Dear All:

I have created a form to hold students names, ID numbers, dates, etc. On this form I have a combobox that lists various school names only. From this combobox, I wish to select a school, then the address on the school selected appears in textbox/memo field.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Many thanks,


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Multiplying A Value In Textbox To A Value In A Table??

Feb 21, 2006

Hi all,
I have a table shown in a form, beside that table a textbox with a button.
How can I multiply the numer entered in that textbox by the the number displayed in the table, and view the result in the same table??
Please help me as soon as possible?

Thanks in advanced and sorry for bothering you.....


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Textbox Not Updating Table

Feb 1, 2005

I have a textbox on a Page on a Tab Control on a Form.

The Record Source for the Form is set to the Table in which the Field is. i.e. Lessee.

The Control Source for the TB is set to the Field.

When I query the form to get the correct record, the value displays in the TB, but when I try to change the value, it doesn't update.

I also tried using DoCmd.RunSQL in the After Update, but get Record Lock Violation, which is fair enough, as User is in the record that they are trying to update.

Can anyone think of anything here?

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Adding Textbox Value Into Table?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a form that has a textbox and a button.

I want to add whatever the textbox's value is into a table.

How do I go about doing this?

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Forms :: Update Unbound Textbox In Main Form From Subform Textbox Afterupdate

Apr 17, 2015

How to update unbound textbox on main form from unbound textbox in subform afterupdate.

that is when amount paid is updated it automatically updates total paid, balance etc.

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User Input From Textbox To Table

Oct 9, 2006

I want to put a textbox on a form that will take user input (a postal code) and put it into a table. I'm not sure how to do this. Is it even possible, and if so, any suggestions?

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