The Database Has Been Placed In State By User "Admin"

Mar 13, 2007


Everyone know this error? the database has been placed in state by user "Admin"!

We are using a shared database in Access 2003 that is still in Access 2000
format. When more than one user has the database open (by using the, the following error
message appears "The
database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine XXXXX that
prevents it from being opened or locked."

How to slove this error? please help! Urgent!:confused:

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Modules & VBA :: Mail Merge - Database Placed In A State By User That Prevents It From Being Opened Or Locked

Jun 19, 2014

I have the following code which errors on line

Code : .OpenDataSource Name:=CurrentProject.FullName, SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM [qryMailMerge]"

The error (Error has occurred: The database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine 'W74XXXXXX' that prevents it from being opened or locked) appears in the Word document.

Public Sub CreateWordToPDF(strWordFile As String, strPDFFile As String, strSQL As String)
'Call CreateWordToPDF("C:Doc1.doc", "C:Doc1.pdf", "SELECT * FROM [qryMailMerge]")

Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim docWord As Word.Document
'Open MS Word using early binding.
Set objWord = New Word.Application
Set docWord = objWord.Documents.Open(strWordFile)


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Find Out If The User Is Admin

Aug 3, 2005


On my database I did it so it checks who logs in to the machine (through API), but now I'd like to see if someone logs in to database as Admin or regular user. How is it possible ?

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Is The Current User A Member Of The Admin Group?

Aug 10, 2007

I am setting up a call log for an application. Once a message has been entered, I need to restrict access to the person who created it AND to managers (who have admin privelages to the database). Since the user who created a message needs to be able to go back in and edit it if necessary, I can NOT simply restrict access to the edit form to admins.

The command that opens this form looks like this so far:Code:If ((Me.[Transaction] = "Status Call") And _ (Me.[TransactionBy] = CurrentUser())) THEN DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEditMessage" ...Else MsgBox("Blah blah blah, etc etc.")End IfI need to add something to the initial If statement like this:Code:Or (CurrentUser.isMemberOfGroup("Admins"))but I don't know the correct Access syntax for it.

Any help anyone can give me would be appreciated!

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General :: Lock File Shows Admin User Active For All Clients

Jul 2, 2013

We have a split ACC2010 database, with the back end on our server and 5 front ends on 5 client PCs. I hadn't run a compact/repair on the back end for months. When today I tried, I got the 'database is locked' error. The lock file showed 'Admin' logged on at all 5 clients. The front-ends had been closed on all 5 clients. We do not have a user called 'Admin'. Because my issue occurs for all clients, it might be caused by some sort of programming error in the front end.A VBA bug (implicit comparison to a control in an If .. Then construct) caused this type of behaviour but was resolved in Access 2007.

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Database Won't Open, Placed In A State.

Jun 7, 2006

I am getting the following Error:

"This database is in an unexpected state; Microsoft access cannot open it.

"This database has been converted from a prior version of Microsoft access by using the DAO CompactDatabase method instead of the Convert Database command on the tools menu. This has left the database in a partially converted state.

"If you have a copy of the database in its original format, use the convert database command on the tools menu to convert it. If the original database is no longer available, create a new database and import your tables and queries to preserve your data. Your other database objects can't be recovered."

The database is on the server. Nothing was changed. Someone in our IT department says they simply opened it and then closed it. I think that they had their access program set to compact and repair on close.

I have tried to import the tables but am gettting the same errors.

I have the original database but it is an old backup that is missing data.

Can someone HELP

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Securing The Database So Only Admin Can Make Changes.

Feb 7, 2006

I've been fiddling around with the Tools>>Security settings but I can't seem to find a way where only I can make changes to the database and the users can't just use the switchboard. If you are regular user you don't need password but if you are admin you do.

How do I do that?

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Admin Issues When Copying Database To New Network

May 24, 2007

When attempting to open an Access DB that has been transferred from one network to another (via CD and aeroplane!) we are finding that the copy cannot be edited - the access is effectively read only... I believe this has something to do with Workgroup admin rights but this area is all a bit confusing for me. What do I need to do to open the copy up for editing - allowing the recipients to administrate their copy of the DB?

We're using Access 2002.

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General :: Access Multi User Database - Error On Only One User

Apr 24, 2013

I have a multi user database in Access 2000 that is on a server. The individual users have shortcuts pointing towards the server instance. One user and one user only when opening the shortcut gets the error "you do not have exclusive rights to the database" .

All other users can enter the database with no error box. I have checked the advanced setting under options and they are correct. Ironically if you go to start and open access then navigate to the database shortcut. It opens with no error.

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Unexpected State

Jul 13, 2005

Ok, I know you guys have heard about this problem quiet a few times, my search told me that. But my problem has a bit of a twist. The message appeared when I tried to open the database yesterday, so I went to the backups and tried to open them. All the backups for the past month give the same message. The problem is with the FE only, the BE is working fine. The backups are connected to the same workgroup as the FE and BE. Has anyone seen this before and know what might of happened?

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Determine State

Mar 28, 2006

I am trying to determine the state that a job is located in. If the ProjectID begins with a 2 then it is in California. If it does not then the job is located in Nevada.

State: IIf(Left([tblMainFrontierUnits].[ProjectID],1)="2","CA","NV")

What is wrong with this statement? I am getting a compile error.

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City State Zip??

Aug 26, 2005

Does any one know of a place online where you can get the tables (for free I hope) for a city state zip comboboxes, or at least the tables for all cities in the US.

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Check Box State

Dec 9, 2005

If the check box is null (grey) - the default value, I do not want to include it is the sql statement. If I use the code below I get the error 94 Invalid use of null. How else can I exclude this ststement is the check box is grey.


If CheckStaged Then
strWHERE = strWHERE & " AND s.Staged = " & CheckStaged
End If

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How Can The Value State The Date?

Dec 11, 2005

i have 2 questions.

1) how can i have a record automaticly fill in the next date from the privous record? (Example if record 1 has date:10/14/05 i want record 2 to fill in in that same feild 10/15/05?

2) how can i have a reccord automaticly fill in the same number from the privios record? (Example if record 1 has Number :34 i want record 2 to fill in in that same feild 35?

I keep on changing these numbers, so its vitel that it repeats the privous record


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Abbreviating State Names

Jan 14, 2005

Hello out there:
We have a application that imports information from a csv file into our customer order table. After we process the order we have to export this inforrmation to our UPS shipping program to process the shipments.

Problem is that the UPS program only recognizes the abbreviations for state names. Is there a way to run a macro, code or update query that will change the state names to the correct abbreviated version before we do our export?

Thanks immensely,

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Queries :: Get Top 10 NPI Per State And County

Feb 27, 2015

I am trying to get the Top 10 NPI's by State and By County based on the Current_Year_Members_Outreached. Below is the query I created but I haven't been able to verify if the results are correct because when I execute it runs and some results show but in the lower right corner of the screen it says "Formatting Page" and seems to be taking forever.

My source table only has 67k records which doesn't seem like a lot. So, I have two questions:

1. Does my query below look correct based on what I am trying to achieve?
2. Is there a better way to right this query to get better performance?


A.[SumOfCurrent Year Members Outreached]
FROM Qry_Provider_Distinct AS A

[Code] ....

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Could Not Use 'Admin'; File Already In Use.

May 18, 2005

I'm working on an MSAcess 2003 database and I have saved the System.mdw file to a folder on the Server and linked all users to it. When multiple users attempt to log in, they get the message

Could not use 'Admin'; filer already in use.

I have used shared system.mdw files for years with no problems. But obviously the force is not with me today.

Any help with this issue would be appreciated.

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Admin Passwords

Nov 1, 2005

Within our client estate, there are a number of types of machines and a number of admin passwords that go with them

I need to put an agent on each of these machines but first i need to make all the admin passwords the same or add our domain group to the local administrators on that machine.

In order to do that I need to know what the admin password is for that specific machine

So a series of attempts with various different passwords and users names are required.

so something like this maybe

dim admin1 as string
dim pass1 as string
dim admin2 as string
dim pass2 as string
dim admin3 as string
dim pass3 as string
dim admin4 as string
dim pass4 as string

call Shell("psexec \ -u + admin1 + -p + pass1")
if error = 1 then

call Shell("psexec \ -u + admin2 + -p + pass2")


end if


Is this the best way to approach this? - Am confused? - Thank you

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Could Not Use Admin. File Already In Use

Feb 21, 2006


One of my user is getting this error when trying to launch the DB - "Could not use 'admin'. File already in use. The DB is in shared mode and other users are using it without problem. What could be the issue?


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Not Being Recognized As Admin

Jan 5, 2007

About three weeks ago, my work computer crash hardcore. Windows (2000 ver) had many corrupt files in the Windows Directory and in the Registry. Because of that, IT gave me an up to date computer running Widows XP. I am still running the same version of Office (2003 Pro).

I think because I have a new machine and a different platform, I am now have issues with trying to administer the permission rights. MS Access is not recognizing me as Admin and/or Creator of the db, therefore I am not able to modify permission rights....... :eek:

Does anyone know how make this db recognize that I am the Creator of it?

Thank you in advance for your help.:cool:


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Just An Email Admin

Apr 12, 2005

I do Exchange administration, but I use Access Databases all the time to manipulate data. That is the only way I can take care of over 25,000 mailboxes with just two people.

Here is my scenario. I have two spreadsheets. First spreadsheet has UserIDs and Names. Second spreadsheet has group mailboxes and UserIDs associated with those mailboxes. I need to send an email out using Access to each of these 500 mailbox owners. In that email it must contain the name of the group mailbox and each user's name (not ID).

Spreadsheet 1:
User01 Name1
User02 Name2
User03 Name3
User04 Name4

Spreadsheet 2:
Mailbox1 User01, User03, User04
Mailbox2 User02, User03
Mailbox3 User01, User02, User03, User04

Outgoing emails:
Mailbox1 Name1, Name3, Name4
Mailbox2 Name2, Name3
Mailbox3 Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4

I am pretty good at Excel and Access when it comes to basic data manipulation. I know how to make Access send an email out to hundreds of customers at once. Now I just need to be able to create that form letter and plug in the names where there are UserIDs.

Anyone have a suggestion (of course you do, so just put it down!).

Thanks a whole lot in advance for your assistance in this matter. And, if you have an email problem, let me know! I can prolly fix that for ya!


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Mar 3, 2007

Do you know of any knows list that contains cross-refs of all Countries,state/province,region so that I can build cascading combox for my site.

This is very strange. It is a concept we see all over the internet websites, but the least documented!!!!

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Combobox Country, State, City

Feb 21, 2007

Hi All!!

I need help with the code for a combobox. The thing is that I've created a form where the user has to select the country, then the state and finally the city. What I need is that once the user selects the country, the combobox of the state shows only the states of that country and then the combobox of the city shows only the cities of the chosen state. I'd appreciate all the help given. Andrew.

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Access Data To Display On State Map

Jan 15, 2013

I have a database will all the FM stations in the USA/Canada, I wish to plot the frequency and calls to the correct city on the state map as per the attachment, can it be done? If so, what are my steps and what maps can I use?

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Contract Admin For Architects

May 29, 2006

I don't know who to write and thought that I would try this list. Has anyone written, or do they know of, a Contract Administration package for Architects, written in Access 2000 or later? I am an Aus architect who dabbles in Access and doesn't want to re-invent the wheel.

Any help would be appreciated.

Cornelis (Kees) Wegman

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Delete Admin Account

Dec 4, 2006


After I setup user-level security, and add the new users with Admins permission.

Why I cannot delete the Admin account?
Can we delete the Admin account forever after setup user-level security?

Please let me know about it.

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