Total Of An Invoice To A Table

Dec 18, 2006

I would like to create a table which stores the of all an invoice. at the press of a button. I want to use this to see how much I am Owed

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Total On Order Form And Invoice

Jan 5, 2006

I am trying to add a total to my order form but i am finding it a bit tricky, but once i have done this i also need to create an invoice, which should be simple enough but is quite difficult because of the way the system has been put together....

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Forms :: Invoice Sub Total Calculation

Aug 10, 2014

Is this possible? In my invoice form I have 3 different tax rates. I have put a calculation in each of the Control Sources to calculate the invoice sub total:

=[Invoice Sub Total]*0.13 =[Invoice Sub Total]*0.05 =[Invoice Sub Total]*0.09975

I don't always use all the tax rates. I would like to be able to go back into a tax rate field I don't need and delete it.

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Forms :: Save Record For Invoice Before Saving Invoice Items From Subform

Jul 30, 2013

I have a main form and subform. The main form is bound to a table of invoices and the subform to a table of invoice items. I'm picking up the invoice number from the form to save it to the invoice items table, so I need to save the record for the invoice before saving the invoice items from the subform.

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Invoice Form (invoice Master + Invouice Detail) Using Dao

Jan 19, 2006

I have to add an invoice how can I do it.
Desgn of the ms access form is

Date (suggest me)
ShipMode (option button)
Buyer (combo)
Supplier (combo)
Indentor (combo)

Product UnitPrice UnitOfMeasurement Quantity
(combo) (textbox) (combo) (textbox) (btnaddrow) (btndeleterow)

(btnAddInvoice) (btnCancel)

Please suggest me how to do it.Any code or sample like this.
I don't know how to add new row of product e.t.c.
Please help me as I have never done any programming in ms access before
(Done most of web development,,jsp,coldfusion)

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How To Combine Products Of Invoice Into Single Invoice

Oct 10, 2012

I am practising making relational databases as I haven't used them before.

The mock database I am creating is based around a cleaning company.

I am trying to make a form which will display all of the bookings a certain cleaner has in the future. I want it to be able to display a booking along with the services (Windows cleaning, vacuum cleaning etc...) the customer wants.

At the moment, it is displaying each service (Window cleaning, vacuum cleaning etc...) as separate result on the form and it is not combined. They both have the same booking_ID from the booking table. How can I combine them?

It is far easier to understand what I mean by looking at the database (Attached). Take a look at the form I have created and then click the > arrow at the bottom to see what I mean.


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Forms :: Populating Invoice From Underlying Table?

Jun 14, 2015

As simple as it sounds. I have set up a table with a list of items and the costs. I then created a form with a list comprising 10 combo boxes. I want to be able to select one record from the underlying table per combobox on the form.

I am able to do this but the records in the underlying table keeps switching to the primary key field as I go along using the combobox.

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Queries :: Pull Invoice Number From Another Table?

Oct 22, 2013

I have 3 tables invoice, customer and items. I need to create a query that will get the next invoice number from the invoice table and mark that invoice number in the items table for a set customer where the invoice field in the items table is blank.

The invoice table is now set up as a autonumber, therefore I need to append to get the last new number.

The items in the item table are unique and this is why I want to mark the invoice number in the item table field invoice.

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Tables :: Autofill Information In Invoice Table

Feb 11, 2015

I essentially created an account since I can't seem to find a straightforward answer much anywhere else (plenty of hints on auto-filling forms- but that isn't particularly conducive to my specific need on this).

I've attached a blank copy of my database.

The immediate concern I'm having is that I want to be able to autofill data in the invoice table based on the customer table and the products/service table.

*I want to be able to select a first name [or other primary key if necessary] to fill in the last name, company, address, city/state/zip, phone, fax, cell/alt phone, and email automatically... that is without multiple dropdown selections or input to those sections at all.

*I want prices to fill in to the 'cost of product/service X' so that I may use it for other calculations in the invoice table- as well as to make forms from it directly.

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Queries :: Self-Referencing Running Total Used To Calculate Next Total In A Query

Jul 23, 2015

I am trying to create a query that has a self referencing running total based on the values (point totals) of itself (running total of values in the running total column that have already been calculated for all previous records) plus the total of new points being added in the current record, less the total of points being removed in the current record. This running total can never go below 0, if it does, the running total should restart at zero and add in only new points and begin the process again with the next records

I am able to do this in Excel in less than two seconds so I know there has to be a way to port this into a query. I've attached an excel example of what I am exactly trying to do

If it takes multiple queries to complete the required output I am ok with it. In my previous outtakes I have had up to 8 queries but just couldn't seem to do it..

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Total Daily Sales Queries By Model/Total

Mar 8, 2008


1) I am pretty newbie to this access programming, do forgive me if my questions sounds stupid.

2) Basically I create an application in access capturing or production information for my company. now the top management suddenly wanted whats their main concern:- Total Daily/Monthly, Quarterly, Annual Sales (By Model If possible)

3) I start with daily (Lets don't be too overly ambitious).

4) I try to let user select dates from my calender control and reflect daily sales (in Total & By Model break down) insert into my form.

5) Understand someone told me from my previous post in Calender control I can achieve it either through forms or queries, which is a better way. (in terms of flexibility to change for program maintenance/ scalibility) wise ?

PS: Please forgive my ignorance :o:(

Thanks (In advance) & God Bless.

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Total Record Sum In Each Table

Oct 10, 2014

I've got a DB with a dozen tables and i was trying to find a way to put number of records contained in the DB, into the intro form. I mean, i wanted it to show the sum of the number of records in each table....i was trying with some query, but maybe is more functional VBA?

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Updating Total Cost In A Table

May 17, 2007

I have a table called: Invoice which has Invoice No (as the PK), Invoice Date, Total Cost.

I also have another table called Task: which has Task No (as the PK) , Task Type, No of hours, Charge Amount.

The user enters the Details of Task and Invoice in a Form. I have a field called Total Cost of my Form which should Calculate =([No of hours]*[ChargeRate]).

The problem I have is the total cost on the form is not being updated on the Invoice Table with The Total Cost.

Can anyone help please

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Show Total Entries From A Table On A Form

May 14, 2006


i am trying to show the total number of records that are in a table.

there are currently 8 entries in the table 'applications'

now i would like to show this on a tabcontrol in a form. I have been told to use Dcount. I have read about this and tried this on my form but unfortunately its not working.

Can anyone show me an example of how i would do this.

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Display Total Table Entries? Simple...

Jul 5, 2006

Hey guys.
Seems simple enough, I just can't figure out how to do it. How can I display the total number of table entries in a textbox on a form? thanks!

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Tables :: Show Total Of Linked Table

Feb 22, 2013

Access 2010 ... I have 2 tables. One with base information second one is linked with multiple results each having a price. On table one i see the + sign when i click i can see the linked second table. Can i get a total amount of the price on table 2 on table one?

Table 1:
Trans ID - Seller - Quantity - Lot Cost - Parts Cost<-- the one i need total for.
123 - joe - 3 - $100 - $20 <-- the total of the 2 linked parts (Keyboard, Mouse)

Table 2:
ID - Trans ID - Part - Cost
1 - 123 - Keyboard - $10
2 - 123 - Mouse - $10

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Forms :: Timesheet Table - Textbox With Total?

Jan 18, 2015

I have a timesheet table (tblHourEnter) which has a staff field (Staff_ID), week number field (Week_No) and hours field (Hours_Worked).

The data is entered through a form (frmHourEnter) which has a staff textbox (Staff_ID), week number textbox (Week_No) and hours textbox (Hours_Worked).

I wish to add another textbox (HrsTotal) that would show the sum of all the hours (from the table) which is dependent upon both the Staff_ID and Week_No entries showing on the current form. I.e. the sum of hours is restricted to both staff member and week number showing on frmHourEnter.

This total can be generated from a command button.

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Table With Four Fields - Calculation Of Total Time

Feb 21, 2013

I have created a table with four fields. The names are:1stBusOn, 1stBusOff, 2ndBusOn, 2ndBusOff.

I want the time for the first two fields and the time for the second two fields to end up in a field called TotalRideTime.

Also, if only one set of the fields are completed I still want that total time to in up in the the TotalRideTime field.

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Tax Calculation - Save Total Amount In Table

Mar 16, 2013

We have a form where we enter various amounts and a box where these are added together to calculate taxes. This amount is shown on the screen but we need to save this total amount in the table where it can be used in other calculations in other forms

The control in the box looks like this:

=[registration fee]+[membership fee]+[fee per term]+[additional classes fee]+[costume]+[books]-[discount]+[applicable gst]+[uniform fee]

How can I get the result of this formula saved in another table field?

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Total Newbie Question - Form Updating Not Table

Dec 1, 2004

Okay I've looked around but haven't found an answer to this, if there is one in the forum please forgive me. I've created a database to help track employee passwords for differnt system I placed and Audit Trail on the form (the example from Microsoft) however it updates only the form and not the table and I need it to do both. Please Help!



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Modules & VBA :: Get Total Of One Field In Access Database Table Via Excel

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to do a select query in excel vba like the below and would like to put the result in one of the macro variable in excel vba.

lngAMT = accdb.execute "SELECT Sum(Summary.NQ) AS SumOfNQ FROM Summary HAVING (((Sum(Summary.NQ))<>0));"

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Queries :: Make Table Query Not Working Because Of Running Total?

Nov 12, 2014

I have a running total query that seems to run but when I try to total the query results then Access will be "Not Responding". I tried to change it to a Make Table query because I need to use the running total result in another query. So I created a table but when I try to run the make table query it just says "Run Query" at the bottom. Here is the query:

SELECT [OTMissing].[Employee], [OTMissing].[AsOf], [OTMissing].[HRsEarn], (SELECT Sum(OT1.[HRsEarn]) FROM [OTMissing] As OT1
WHERE OT1.[Employee]=[OTMissing].[Employee] AND OT1.[AsOf] <=[OTMissing].[AsOf]) AS RunningTotal, [OTMissing].[RemainPP] INTO OTGenerated
FROM [OTMissing]
ORDER BY [OTMissing].[Employee], [OTMissing].AsOf;

My OTMissing query is 47061 rows. Does that have something to do with it? The only other thing it might be is that most of the records have 0 although I'm not sure why it would be a problem I thought I would at least mention it.

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Tables :: Date / Time Fields In Table - Subtract To Get Total

Oct 31, 2012

Any way of setting up a table containing the following date/time fields.


Ultimately I will need to be able to subtract these date/times to get a total time between the two. Should I combine the start date and times in one cell or keep them separate.

In either scenerio, how do I subtract the two in a query for a report?

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Reports :: Populate Table With Price From DLookup In Form To Total In Report

Apr 25, 2013

I am working with a database that I downloaded and am trying to modify to fit my needs.

This is an inventory database. The products table contains a description and pricing. I want the description and pricing to populate in the Purchase Order form, so I added Dlookup fields in the Purchase Order form. I was happy.

However, the pricing information is not populating to my Inventory Transactions Table from the Purchase Order form by way of this Dlookup feature, and therefore will not show on my report, and in turn does not show in my Total of my Purchase Order report.

As a work around, I tried creating a calculation in the purchase order report, of =[UnitsOrdered]*[Products.UnitPrice], and the pricing totals show fine on my report, but the subtotal doesn't work.

I was unable to upload my a few notes of info...

There are no queries set up in the database for this report.

I had tried a sorting grouping thing (in the Report) by Subtotal, but now can't get rid of it.

When I show the field list for the report, across the top of the window reads:

SELECT DISTINCTROW Employees.*, Products.*, [Inventory Transactions].*, [Purchase ORders].*, Suppliers.*, nz([Inventory Transact

Looks like it runs out of space

I am trying to attach a couple of images to support my comments.

Since this issue crosses both reports and forms (and tables!), I am not sure where to properly post. The end result I am looking for is on my report.

I am using Access 2003...

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Modules & VBA :: Label To Display Total Of Column In Table Based On Two Checks

Jul 8, 2013

I am looking to generate a total number of a given column based on two criteria.I would like a label (or textbox if necessary) to display a given total of "Active" devices based on a given month.The table name is "Blackberry" and the specific columns I would like to check would be "Activated?" and "Registration Date". I'm not sure if I should be using a dsum or dcount and the error i keep getting is a type active device would have the text value of "Yes.

Dim advalue As Integer
advalue = DCount("[Activated?]", "Blackberry", "[Activated?]=yes" And "[Registration Date] > #01/01/2000#")
lblad.Caption = advalue

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Replacing Running Total From Subforms Control To Main Form Table Field

Jun 11, 2015

I have an access form (Customer) along with a sub-form (Work_done). On sub-form I have Running sum of Amount in Text box-1. I want that Total of Running sum be replaced with Main form's tables field total_amount. Is it possible that we can replace an amount of control of sub-form into main form's field?

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