Transfertext With Export Delimited

Nov 30, 2007

I have a small table with 3 columns. First and third columns are type text.

When I do transfertext with:

Transfer Type : Export delimited

table : table1

File name D: est.txt

Here is test.txt data:


Is it possible to get rid of double quotes around the text fileds (columns 1 and 3)?


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Need Help With A Tab Delimited File Export

Oct 10, 2005

I've got an access table with six fields, all of which are text fields. I have set up an export specification file in order to export the table as a tab delimited txt file. However, when I export, the output file is not lined up in columns!

What I am seeing is:

2 f GG H I J
3 kk LLMM NN O
4 PP Q R S T

I've tried a manual exort, using the Advanced tab for my specifications, with the same results.

If anyone can lend some ideas or suggestions, I would be very thankful.

Thanks in advance..... looking forward to your replies!


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Export Query To Tab Delimited Problem

Jul 26, 2005

I just want to export a query table manually to a tab delimited file. I choose text try setting the file extension to .tab as well and I wind up with some sort of fixed width file.

I know this because when I open it in Excel it has the | symbos and so forth.

It's as if it is calling for an export spec, but I'm not aware of needing to do this when exporiting manually.

It seems like I have done this numrous times without this problem.

Any ideas? Thanks

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Modules & VBA :: Export DAT File With Delimited Format

Aug 20, 2014

I need to export a .dat file with delimited format (using ";")

I have tried the following:

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "ED File", "Employee Data Output", "c: estfilesfile1.dat", False, ""

But when I execute the code the following error is shown:

Run-time error '3027'

Cannot update. Database or object is read-only

Using the same structure "DoCmd.TransferText" but with the .txt extension in the file works perfect.

Also I have tried export the .dat file using DoCmd.OutputTo, but even if the export is done, the format is not kept.

How can I export the .dat file keeping the delimited format needed?

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Convert Export As Text To Tab Delimited (Word Merge)

Aug 3, 2005

I had to delete a database so I exported selected records using export as a text file thinking I would get some sort of delimited text file that I could later use. Instead I got some sort of fixed length file with .............. between records and | between fields.

I'd like to convert this data to a tab delimited file.

How would I do this?


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General :: Export Query Or Report To A Delimited Text File

Aug 29, 2012

A little background. I need to export the results of a query I use to build a report. For Print Master software I need the "Field Names" in the text file as well as the data for a Mail Merge in Print Master (PM).

"The field name information in the file you have specified is missing or not correctly formatted. The first line of the file must contain the database field names. Make sure the "Export Field Names" (or similar) option is selected in the program from which you are exporting data."

Trouble is, when trying to export the report or query, Access has no "Export Field Names" option. It works if I first export to Excel and then from Excel to "txt" then to Printmaster. I would like to eliminate the Excel step. Therefore, how do or can I get Access Export to transfer the "Field Names" along with the field data?

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Modules & VBA :: Export Table As Delimited Text To User Defined Location

Sep 20, 2013

I would like to export a table as a text file to a user defined location.

I have it mostly working, but not exactly as I would like. I'm stuck on the user defined location.

I have a Form that contains a subform and two command buttons.

The subform contains the table I want to export as a text file.

The text file has to be comma delimited, no qualifiers.

I have the transfertext command in VBA that works perfectly:

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "My Specification Name", "MyTableToExport", StrDirTemp & "input_" & StrPName & "NameCode" & StrDIAUnFormatted & "d" & ".txt", False

What I'm stuck on is the filepath. The file path changes everytime. So I would like to have either the open dialog box (I've tried many different versions that I found on the web.) or to search by the account name for the folder and place the text file in there.

Here is one that is closely working how I want it to:

This is a function that I found, that opens a dialog box for the user to select the folder location. It works, but I can't seem to get it to work properly.

It prompts, the location, then once you select it and press ok. It will add the folder name to the full file name, and place the file in the default root path. Not the selected folder path.

So in the end it will look like this:


I'm somehow stuck on getting to seperate the file path from the file name, so you it look like this:



Dim MSg As String
Dim SelectedDir As String
Dim SelectedDirFinal As String
Dim SelectedDirName As String
Dim StrFolder As String

[Code] ....

I think it should be something very easy, that I just need a pair of fresh eyes to look.

I've tried the Fileobject, FileFolder method, but can't get the quite work properly.

I've also tried wildcard methods as well:

StrDirTemp = Dir(StrFolder & StrPName & "*", , vbNormal)

But keep throwing up blanks.

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TransferText From LAN

May 18, 2007

I am importing a textfile using TransferText. There are about 50000 records in the textfile (6mb in size). When the Database is on the local harddrive the import takes about 5-10 secs.

I had to make the DB available to other people and put it on a LAN drive. When I now run the TransferText the import takes a lot longer. I gave up waiting after 20mins so don't actually have a time how long it takes. I reduced the text file to 14kb just to prove there were no unexpected errors (there were none). I could see the NetWork activity was at about 10-15% while the TransferText was running.

The text file that is imported usually resides in c: emp but moving it to the lan location made no difference.

The Lan connection is a 100Mbps full duplex and is not the problem. It takes 2 secs to copy the DB to/from the lan.

Has anyone got any ideas why it would take so much longer. When running queries on the DB while its on the LAN the response is somewhat slower, compared to being on the local harddrive (instead of 1 sec it takes 2 secs maybe) and that's acceptable and expected.

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Oct 4, 2004

Im new to Access and am trying to export a file to a .txt file using TransferText. I need to export with fixed width so have created an export specifiaction. Probelm is my data contains 2 dates which appear in the database as yyyy-mm-dd but when exported the dashes get dropped. Is there some way of keeping the dashes in the exported txt file.

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TransferText Overwrites

Feb 18, 2005

hi all,

i am trying to create a CSV file, from three different tables using this code

Code: DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "tblHeader", Me.Application.CurrentProject.Path & "QediExport.csv", False

the problem is if I do for the second and third table, it gets overwritten, and only the contents of the last table is in the field.

Is there a way to append to the text file using transferText, or should I use a FSO for the second and third table.

BTW, I don't know how to create a FSO, only ASP, not in VBA

Thanx 4 the helps

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TransferText Import Ignoring The First Line

Sep 26, 2005

I am currently importing data using the the "TransferText" method in Visual Basic; e.g., expression.TransferText(TransferType, SpecificationName, TableName, FileName, HasFieldNames, HTMLTableName, CodePage)

Per the above description, I can either include the first line as a field name, or as data. Is there any way to simply ignore this data row and start the import from row 2 onwards?

Thanks as always


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Docmd.transfertext Scrambles Data

Mar 6, 2008

I have a delimited file that has 51 fields. I am importing the text into a table but when I do this through VBA docmd.transfertext the data gets scrambled. If I manually import then all works well. Also, if I step through the code then the data seems to come in correctly.

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Import Delimited Non ASCII

Nov 4, 2005

Here is the snippet from this company that explains how this file is delimited.

Each field is delimited by character 127, DEL. Try typing this by holding the alt key, then pressing 0,1,2,7 in sequence. Try representing it with your favourite programming language with "x7F".

Using Access I want to run the import wizard but am unable to specify this delimeter. Any ideas would be great. Thanks.

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Import Delimited Data Specifications

Feb 20, 2007


I am attempting to import a .csv file into Microsoft Access. The .csv file is a raw data export from an online application used within the business.

One of the fields reported on within the file is unformatted, ie. "free-text". Some users are entering a comma within this "free-text" field, which is throwing my import table out of alignment.

Is there some way that I can continue to import the .csv file, but ignore any commas that appear within this one field.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Import Delimited CSV File With Over 255 Fields

Mar 4, 2008


I've got a situation where I'm needing to normalize a delimited .CSV file on a routine basis. The .CSV file has 369 fields. When normalized correctly, the true data should only be about 60 fields.

I didn't think this would be such a hard thing... just import the first 255 fields into one table, and the remaining fields into another table. Then, using a query... normalize the database as necessary.

I've scoured this topic all over... I've seen solutions for "fixed width" files, but not delimited. The only helpful thread I've found says that this is possible only through very complicated parsing through the file.

That's where I'm stuck... This is definitely over my head. If anyone has any help on this I sure would apprecaite it.

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Exporting Dates To A Tab Delimited File

Feb 14, 2007

i have a small table, about 14,000 records. currently all the dates in the table are YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00. so 2007-2-28 00:00:00

I built a query and set the format to MM/DD/YYYY when I run the query the date showed correctly 02/28/2007 (no time stamp). However when I did the export it exported to the TXT file as 2007-2-28 00:00:00 (notice the months is only 1 character and it added the time stamp and it exported as the table format, not the query format)

I need to export this to a tab delimited file to send to another person. They are specifying MM/DD/YYYY (no time extension) and two characters for month and day regardless of day, i.e 02 not 2 etc.

I looked at access help, and have done a quick search, and I can not figure out how to do this.

Any help would be appreciated

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General :: Exporting To Tab Delimited UTF8?

Jul 16, 2013

When I export a table or query by right-clicking its name > export to text > with formatting and layout > choose encode as Unicode UTF8 it creates a file where all the values are surrounded by boxes, which I guess means its fixed width although it didn't ask me if I wanted the file delimited (example attached)

How can I create a tab delimited text file using UTF8 encoding?

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Using VBA Code To Import Tab Delimited Text Data

Oct 30, 2006

I have a table by name "newtab" and I was trying to import a tab delimited text file "newdata.txt" into newtab. The first line in the text file are the column names: SSN, Lastname, FirstName (all tab delimited though). The same field names exist in the destination file. However I am getting the error which says the "the field name SSN Lastname FirstName does not exist in the destination file" What could possibly be the problem? Since the field names are not separated in the error message, could it be that it is seeing all 3 field names as one and therefore cannot match them to the destination fields? Does that mean TAB cannot be used as the delimiter? Using the interactive IMPORT from access directly for the same files work really good though. However, I would like to do this programmatically since the files would be coming in weekly for me to load and they are many such files. The command I used is as below. Please I need help.

DoCmd.TransferText cImportDelim, , "newtab", "c:
eportsewdata.txt", True

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Importing Comma Delimited Text File

Mar 4, 2005

I used the get external data tab and went thru the process. everything looked good in the preview but when I clicked finish I got type mismatch errors and the data that was supposed to be in field 1 was in fieild 2 and so on.

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Modules & VBA :: Split Delimited Field To New Record?

Sep 19, 2013

I need writing a function to split the image names. In essence, I need to create a separate record in a related image table. I have searched over and over again I can't seem to produce the results I need.

I would like to review the records in query so that I can add criteria before appending them.

BV-GB bv-gb.jpg
CSO-C sso-c, cso-c, eso-c.JPG

The number of images for each product varies as well.

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General :: Populating Combo Box With Delimited Field?

Aug 21, 2012

So I'm working on an Access 2007 application for my company's suppliers list, but I am restricted to using a single Excel worksheet for the back-end. One of the fields, called [Files], is a list of files in .pdf format related to a supplier. The number of files can be 0, 1 or many. I currently have this field set up so that each file is separated by a semi-colon. A sample first record in [Files] is:

K:Users est user2008-12-24-ASTM D5857-08.pdf;
K:Users est user2012-03-12APCPP25-Black.pdf;
K:Users est userDIN_16901.pdf

The front-end contains a multi-item form. I'm trying to add a ComboBox (cboFiles) for each record, which is populated by the value in [Files]. Then, selecting an item in the ComboBox should automatically open that file.

I've tried a few approaches so far for populating the ComboBox:
Setting [Files] as the Control Source results in a single item appearing as
"K:Users est user2008-12-24-ASTM D5857-08.pdf;K:Users est user2012-03-12APCPP25-Black.pdf;K:Users est userDIN_16901.pdf"

I also tried setting the ComboBox Record Source Type to Value List and created a hidden TextBox (txtFiles) with the Control Source set as [Files]. Then I used VBA in Form_Load to equate the ComboBox Row Source to the TextBox. The code is simply:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.cboFiles.RowSource = Me.txtFiles
End Sub

While this does create a ComboBox with the correct items for the first record, it also populates the ComboBox for all the other records with the same thing, ie. every ComboBox has the items:
- K:Users est user2008-12-24-ASTM D5857-08.pdf
- K:Users est user2012-03-12APCPP25-Black.pdf
- K:Users est userDIN_16901.pdf

I'm thinking maybe this approach could work with some modification in the code or approach. Unfortunately, I'm not too clear on why the code goes through all the Me.cboFiles.RowSource, but only once on Me.txtFiles or how to get it to check the txtFile for each row. Otherwise, I will need to figure out some other way to fill in the ComboBoxes.

Edit: Actually, I've noticed something peculiar. Each time I select an item from a ComboBox, the other ComboBoxes for the other records also change to the same item. I think this has to do with cboFiles being unbound. Changing it to bound doesn't seem to be quite right though as it just gives the same default values as txtFiles while the items are still just copied from the first cboFiles. Also, I can't actually select any of the items when it's bound. I imagine it might have to do with the read-only attributes of a linked Excel File.

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Queries :: Delimited Text To 10 Separate Columns?

Sep 8, 2014

I'm trying to build a query that can parse Delimited text to columns, for example I have the following:


I would like to convert the above in 10 seperate columnns within a query?

Is this possible? I know you can import delimited text to columns but that is not what i'm after for other reasons.

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General :: Combine More Records In One Using Comma Delimited

Jul 20, 2012

I'm a new Access user. I'm looking for an easiest solution to combine more records into one, using comma delimited. Let's say that I have a table T1 with two columns Code and Client like this:

Code Client
X C1
X C2
Y C1
Y C3
Z C1
Z C2
Z C4
Z C5

I need to see those records in a Query, grouped by "Code" with the Client's value combined like this:

Code New
X C1, C2
Y C1, C3
Z C2, C4, C5

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Tables :: Delimited Text Not Importing Correctly

Sep 4, 2014

I have a csv file with one row containing delimited text via a comma


1, James, Smith, Manchester, email, telephone, notes etc..

Think there are 50 comma separations all together. Anyway when I go to import / link my csv into access the data that is on the first row should it create individual fields where a comma has been placed... But it has doesnt quite worked, some of the fields are created and the rest have been put on a separate row! Rather than going to a new field. Rather having 50 fields I've got 21 fields and 3 rows or delimited text...

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Delimited Date/Time Fields Being Deleted On Import?

May 21, 2007

For anyone that might be able to help me out, I'd very much appreciate it, as this is now number 2 stupid workaround that I'd like to resolve before I need counselling...;)

I have a Date/Time field that I'm importing into my database via .csv files. The field is setup like the example below in every .csv file:

4/2/2007 8:30:00 AM

Access keeps throwing errors and deleting all the field values in this field whenever I try to import. I know that Access does this when a Date/Time field includes data that is not delimited, but these field values seem to be perfectly formatted to me... what can I do to stop Access from chucking these on import?

Right now I'm just importing the data into a "text" field, and then changing it to "date/time" afterwards, but I'm worried that once the table gets too long I won't be able to re-index all those records anymore and my database will be useless since it depends on that field being "date/time" format...

All those better than I feel free to show me how and where I've been stupid:D

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Trim Comma Delimited Value Stored In A Text Field

Apr 27, 2007

With microsofts article, I have made to store multi options value of a list box in a text box with comma. However, since these are IDs being stored, I want these values to run a query and get results also.

But I am confused since have never used comma like in query

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