Triple Bookings

Mar 5, 2007

im making a system and part of that system is the booking of the library

2 classes can be in the library at once
i want a way where if a 3rd teacher tries to book a slot then theyll be told its not available
if only one class was allowed itd be easy, by using a compound key
but cos 2 classes are allowed this is a bit hard for me lol
trying to think of a way to allow 2 bookings but not more
any ideas?

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General :: Triple Cascading Combo Boxes

Jul 10, 2013

Working in MS Access 2007.

I am creating a small database for a budget and Im trying to create 3 cascading combo boxes on a form (areabox2 , devbox2, entitybox2) . I have it right now so that that

devbox2 is based on areabox2
entitybox2 is based on devbox2
I want entitybox2 to be based on both areabox2 and devbox2

Parameters are :

Table = Budget Info
areabox2 data = [Budget Info].[Project Area]
devbox2 data = [Budget Info].Development
entitybox2 data = [Budget Info].Entity

This this the code im currently using :

Private Sub areabox2_AfterUpdate()
devbox2.RowSource = "Select DISTINCT [Budget Info].Development " & _
"FROM [Budget Info] " & _
"WHERE [Budget Info].[Project Area] = '" & areabox2.Value & "' " & _
"ORDER BY [Budget Info].[Development];"

[Code] .....

I am thinking that i have to add a second WHERE clause to the devbox2_AfterUpdate() but i dont know how?

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Forms :: Triple Cascading Combo Boxes?

Jul 24, 2013

I have a form with various input boxes, three of which are combo boxes. These combo boxes need to affect one another. So let's call these cmb1, cmb2 & cmb3.

Hypothetically let's say:

Within cmb1 the list is A, B, C & D

If the user was to choose A, cmb2 would show the options 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc..
If the user was to choose B, cmb2 would show the options 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc..
if the user was to choose C, cmb2 would show the options 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 etc..

(So, it is possible that if the user chooses A from cmb1, cmb2 would show 1 and if the user chooses C from cmb1, cmb2 would also show 1)

Using the example in the brackets above:

If the user chose cmb1 - A then chose cmb2 - 1, cmb3 would then show the options Option1, Option2, Option3 etc..


If the user chose cmb1 - C then chose cmb2 - 1, cmb3 would then show the options Random1, Random2, Random3 etc..

At the moment I have a table with 3 columns. Within the table is every possible combination of the drop down, i.e:

-A l 1 l Option1 l
-A l 1 l Option2 l
-C l 1 l Random1 l
-C l 1 l Random2 l

I have tried to use the example shown on this website but i've had no luck: (If you look at "Example 2", thats what I tried to do)

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Queries :: Triple Join Uneditable In Form

Jan 28, 2014

I have a query:

SELECT purchaseOrder.poId, purchaseOrder.poYear, purchaseOrder.poDate, purchaseOrder.userId, purchaseOrder.currencyId, purchaseOrder.poSendDate,
FROM purchaseOrder INNER JOIN (orderDetails INNER JOIN partnerDetails ON orderDetails.partnerDetailsId = partnerDetails.partnerDetailsId) ON Cstr(Format(purchaseOrder.poId,"00000")) = Nz(MID(orderDetails.poNo,6,5),"0");

Simple join query gives dup entries also, i need in single entry.When using Distinct query for the form control source, the record is uneditable, can i get the records without dups.

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Double Bookings

Apr 16, 2005

hi guys nice site you got here.

I need a bit of help its been over 2 years since I used access in college so have forgot most things.

I want to stop people from making double bookings at the same time on the same date.

I have the following

Booking ID
Teacher ID
Class Room ID
Date Booked
Booked Date
Start Time
End Time

so the booked date, start time and end time is what I need to look but not sure, should I index (no duplicates) for them three?

thanks for the help

I realise there are posts about bookings but more help would be great :)

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Dates And Bookings

Mar 19, 2008

Just a small query for today (if you pardon the pun)

basaclly my problem is, i am creating a booking system, and i want the total for the length of stay;
attributes are

Date Arrive | Date Depart | Room Number | room price

i want to add an total column at the end (i was using the query by example builder) and tried [datedepart] - [datearrive] * [roomprice]

this however doesn't always work well, is there any other way of doing the same function? i can use SQL if that makes life easier

cheers for any response

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Count No Of Bookings In Jan And Feb Query Help

Mar 29, 2007

I am trying to create a query that will count the number of bookings in january and a seperate count for the number of bookings in february from a table called booking order. im using the start date as the date to tell which month the booking was in.
This is what i have come up with but it doesn't work and i am not to sure where to go from here.
select count(jan.[booking no]), count(feb.[booking no]) from [booking order] jan, [booking order] feb
where jan.[booking no].[start date] > 31/12/2006 and < 01/02/2007
and feb.[booking no].[start date] > 31/01/2007 and < 01/03/2007;

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Display Bookings By Date

Nov 10, 2007

Dear Programmers,

I would like to display a page that tells the user that there are no "bookings" for TODAY. It is a restaurant booking database which I have nearly completed. When there are bookings for TODAY, it shows a table with the customers booked for today (that's working ok), but if there aren't any for 'today' when I open that page, it just shows the headings of the table with no customers. I'd like to just display a message (and no table elements) when there aren't any bookings for today. Pretty confusing explanation? sorry bout that.

Of course I'm using a MS Access DB and .asp

Any suggestions?? Thanks very much.


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Loop For Entering Bookings Into Table

Feb 15, 2006

Could someone check the following code. i've set up a form for creating regular bookings, and have a field, for which you type in the frequency in days you want the bookings for. (ie, 7 days for every week on that day, 14 for every two weeks etc...) and it seems to work, however it just alters the one record, instead of creating entirely new ones. Could someone please help:

Private Sub cmdCreate_Click()
Dim date2 As Date
Dim period As String
Dim cost2 As Currency
Dim frequency2 As Integer

Do While year = actual_year

date2 = Date_For
period = Time_Period
cost2 = Cost
frequency2 = Frequency

DoCmd.OpenTable "tblRegularBookings"
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataTable, "tblRegularBookings", acNext

Date_For = date2 + frequency2
Time_Period = period
Cost = cost2
Frequency = frequency2

DoCmd.Close acTable, "tblRegularBookings"

End Sub

Also, one of the other problems i'm trying to solve is for those who want to create a regular booking but on say every third monday of the month for example.

Thanks very much

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General :: Limiting Amount Of Bookings Per Course To 50

Jun 27, 2013

I have Trainee, Staff, Course, and Booking tables and forms. Everything is working fine but I want to limit the amount of bookings per course to 50, how would I go about doing this?

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Forms :: Calendar To Show Bookings Each Day

May 2, 2013

I want to create a calendar to show some bookings. I have a table [tblShootDates] with some fields, the most important being [ShootDate]. I also have a [ShootDateID] which is an Autonumber and is the Primary Key. I should add that it has a Prefix "Shoot ID" 000000.

I want the calendar to show each day that a booking has taken place and the text to show is the [ShootDateID]

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Preventing Duplicate Records Being Entered (Double Bookings)

Oct 24, 2006

I have a form which allows the user to book rooms.

On this form, there are the following fields:

BookingID: (Autonumber)
RoomID: Text box
Time:Text Box
Date: Text Box
Class: Text Box
Teacher: Text Box

The form adds this information to the Booking table.

What I'm looking to do is prevent the user from double booking a room,like being able to check if the Room is already booked at that time and date, before the new information is added to the table and the room becomes double booked.

Basically this would be checking the RoomID, Time and Date fields, as everything else is irrelevant. What would be the best way to do this?

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Tables :: Avoid Double Bookings In Simple Database?

Jun 7, 2013

I work across a number of small venues which have art cases that can be booked for displays. I am trying to build a simple data base to report what space is available and also what art is currently being displayed. The art is usually booked by month, but sometime it can be booked for a week etc.

I have set up 3 tables

Art Inventory

Art Cases by Venue

Art Case Bookings

In the art case booking form, I have set up the start and end date but I cannot figure out how to avoid double bookings of a case? Once I have that worked out I believe I know how to build the required reports for my needs.

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Database For Hotel System - Prevent Double Bookings

May 23, 2014

I am supposed to make a database for a hotel system, how I could prevent double bookings.

My Reservation Table has the following fields:

Reservation No. (PK)
Room No. (FK)
Customer ID (FK)
Payment ID(FK)
Reservation In Date
Reservation Out Date

Together with preventing double bookings is there a way automatically that can mark in the Room Table, the status as "available" or "booked" automatically by looking at the date today?

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Show Bookings Staying Today From Checkin & CheckOut Dates

Jul 26, 2007


First timer question

After searching for Nemours combinations I am now asking for some help

I have tried combinations to get a expression to give me a list of bookings staying tonight

The fields in the table I use to store the Start & End date of the booking are below

I have lost my way with Between And <= etc

A wee pointer would be appreciated


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