Unchecking All Checks In A Table

Jul 27, 2005

I want to uncheck a check box field for all records in a table. I want to do this with a push of a button which will implement a function or sub or query that clears only that field. I?d like to know:

a) How will this hit performance? There will be approximately 150 records (max) that will be effected. Is this something that will slow the system to a crawl? If it takes a minute or so for these records to be altered, I can live with that.

b) How can this be implemented? Say a user hits the button to clear them, how does it get implemented? For instance, a select statement that grabs all the records that have -1 (a ?check?) in that field and then do an update statement for each one that changes it to a 0 (unchecked). Any suggestions?



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Unchecking The Tick Boxes In The Table

Jul 29, 2005


was wondering if i could get some assistance to hopefully a simple query.

In one of my tables i have about 1000 records with the data type yes/no and the problem is I have reliased that I need to have as a default value a yes (or a tick in my form) but i dont want to go down each record filling in a tick. Is there any easier way to do this

You will have to bear with me I am pretty new to access.

I manage to set up a default value of yes but this will only work on new records entered, but the issue i have is I require it to be on my records which are already there.

Any help will be really appreciated.



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How Can I Bring Column Value In Table To Checks Box In Form?

Jan 17, 2007

hi all ..

how can i bring data from column in table to form and choice from data by checks box ?

1- The column assortment table from kind "memo" . and that is my need.
2- It is possible to choice more 1 check box .

(URL address blocked: See forum rules)/download.php?i...ERYoQlEfFDyn8u

I am raring to your answer

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Queries :: Yes / No Field Named Cleared For Checks In Table

Jun 6, 2014

I have a table with yes / no field named cleared for checks.

I want to make a search form with combo box to query for cleared (yes) and not cleared (no) checks.

I tried combo box with values set in it, yes and no.

But it didn't work.

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Modules & VBA :: Label To Display Total Of Column In Table Based On Two Checks

Jul 8, 2013

I am looking to generate a total number of a given column based on two criteria.I would like a label (or textbox if necessary) to display a given total of "Active" devices based on a given month.The table name is "Blackberry" and the specific columns I would like to check would be "Activated?" and "Registration Date". I'm not sure if I should be using a dsum or dcount and the error i keep getting is a type mismatch.an active device would have the text value of "Yes.

Dim advalue As Integer
advalue = DCount("[Activated?]", "Blackberry", "[Activated?]=yes" And "[Registration Date] > #01/01/2000#")
lblad.Caption = advalue

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Check Boxes Not Unchecking

Apr 25, 2008

Ok I can't wrap my brain around this for some reason. I'm still learning access so there are a lot of things I'm trying to figure out.

I have a form that has a check box section to check off the days of the week. But for some reason they all stay checked when I move to the next record. How can I fix this?

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Unchecking All Check Boxes On Exit

Jan 2, 2015

I wanted to uncheck all check boxes on a form on exit. I added the following to the ON EXIT event of the form. It works, but takes a lot of time to finish. there are close to 700 records on this table:

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
With rs
Do While Not rs.EOF

[Code] ....

'SELECT' is the name of the check box. Is the code correct? If not, could you correct it?

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Forms :: Identifying Whether User Is Checking Or Unchecking A Checkbox

Mar 12, 2014

I have a checkbox on my form that basically deletes a record when the user ticks the checkbox. What I want to know is how do i check whether the person is "ticking" or "unticking" a checkbox before any action is carried out?

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Validation Checks

May 7, 2006

hi can anyone tell me all the different types of data checks that can be used in database tables such as field length check and range check
thank you

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Presence Checks???

Dec 1, 2005

i have a combo box which basically gives you the option of yes and no.... then if the yes is selected, you choose a time from another combo box

i want to be able to write an IIf statement which basically hides the second combo box unless the first one has the value 'yes'

Can anyone help me please???

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Validation Checks On New Records

Feb 23, 2005

I have a table of animals each with a unique ear mark. I also have a table of vaccination records. When adding new records to the vaccination table via a form i would like a validation check on weather the animal actually appears in the animal table or not with an appropriate error message. Please help.

Many thanks.

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Reports :: If Statement That Checks Color Of Background

Sep 11, 2013

I have a report. In this report I have a start date and an end date. I also have a date that is going to be checked. The report checks to see if the date the user entered on a different form is between the start and end date of an individual. if it is, a txt box at the end of the line will turn red. If it isn't the box will stay default of green.

What I would like to do is not even show the lines that have a green box. I want to just show the lines that have boxes as red.

I looked into If statements but I'm not quite sure what event I should put them on, nor am I certain I have the syntax right.

I had it:
If (lblAvailability.BackColor = "#CCB13D" Then
txt1.Visible = False
and so on... making all the txt fields invisible. I would rather have them not even show up because I'm pretty sure invisible things still take up room.
End If

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Creating A Timer Event That Checks System Time?

Apr 21, 2005

I need a query run that brings up a list of customers that need maintence after 6 months after their last maintence service. As soon as you open the DB, the event/query runs and if there are any customers past due to display them. And if there are none, to not even show the query at all.

I have very little experience with timers and if/then statements and don't know how to set this up.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Queries :: Show Data About Certain Checks - Expiry Date

Aug 7, 2015

I have a query which shows data about certain checks that are carried out employees. One of the fields is Expiry Date of the check. What I want is for the query to show only records that have a expiry date which has expired or is going to expire within the next three months of today's date. But I cannot work out how to do it!

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Queries :: Update In Table From Same Table Based On Criteria Column In Same Table

Sep 29, 2013

How can I update (some columns) in a table from the same table based on a Criteria column in the same table.

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Need 2 Fields From Table 1 / Using Lookup Info From Table 2 And Put Into Table 3

Jun 28, 2013

I need to get x and y coordinates for each device, but the data has to get looked up from 2 other tables.

I have a table (called InstReclosers) that has device names. Each device is on a Section. I can go to another table (called InstSections) and look up what Node that particular section is tied to. Then I need to go to another table (called Nodes) to get the X and Y location for that particular node.

How I can go about getting this X and Y data into the InstReclosers table?

...in summary, InstReclosers has device name and section name. InstSections has section name and node name. Nodes has node name and XY coords. Need XY coords for each device in InstReclosers.

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General :: When Transfer Data From Table In Excel To Table In Access / It Loses Format

Jan 29, 2015

When I try to transfer (ctrl c + v) data from a table in Excel to a table in Access it loses format.

Exemple: $ 1.000,00 (Excel) become 1000 (Access).

I need to keep the format to make sure that the code works properly.

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Tables :: Pull Field From Main Table And Create A New Table With Date Stamp

Nov 4, 2014

I have a make-table query that pulls all the fields from 1 table (MainTable), and creates a new table with a date stamp based apon a form value entered (New Table = MainTableWithDate).

Currently, I setup the query to pull info from the form field like this:

DateField: [Forms]![frmmain]![DateField]

However, when the make-table query is done - all date fields are blank (all other fields are correctly created), and when I look at the new created table (mainTableWIthDate), the typeassigned to the date field is "Binary" (in the form, I've specified LongDate).

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Queries :: DSum - Update A Field In Specific Table With Info Form Another Table

Aug 5, 2014

I have a table products with a field "id_product" and "total" (Total items in stock)

I have a query with the fields "id_product" and also the field "total in stock"

I want an update query to update the field 'total' in table 'products' with infos from that query

For each id-product in table products, replace the field total with the field 'total in stock' from the query

So I want to update a filed in a specific table with infos form another table.

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Queries :: Updating Child Table List View On Change Of Main Table Row

Apr 19, 2013

Here's a query that the bottom listview in the attached form i.e. a listview representing a table of calls(many) to fims (1 top listview)

SELECT calls.id, calls.firm_id, calls.called, calls.said, calls.spoke_to, calls.next
FROM calls
WHERE (((calls.firm_id)=[firms].[id]))
ORDER BY calls.called DESC , calls.next DESC;

When I run the thing...I get a dialog asking me for firm id.

I want to change this so when I move up and down the firms LV (top)... the bottom LV updates taking firm id from the top LV with focus.

Access 2003.

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General :: Copy Data From Local Access Table To Linked SQL Server Table?

Jan 13, 2014

I have an MS Access accdb with linked SQL Server 2012 ODBC tables. I am working on a procedure to copy data from local tables to these linked tables (identical schema). I did a simple


DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO linkedTable SELECT * FROM localTable"

This works, but is very slow. Way too slow. (INSERT copies the data one record at a time).

I would like to copy the data in a bulk operation, or operations that I can execute programmatically.

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Tables :: Multiple Parents Table Linked To Child Table - Primary Keys

May 28, 2015

I have a table for a multiple parents linked to a child table. I need to figure out a way to only allow 1 parent to be coded as primary, 1 as secondary, and then the rest as other... I thought about making Primary/Secondary/Other a primary key. But then I can only have 1 other. I would have to make a finite number of parents that could be entered and I want an infinite number.... My end goal is to have a report that only has a primary and second parent on it, but the rest of the parents still exist in the table...


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Making Form Open With Data From A Table Based On Date And Time In Table?

Sep 12, 2014

How to make a form open with data from a table based on a date and time in the/a table?

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Extracting Data From Linked Db2 Table Using Access Make Table Query

Aug 29, 2006

I am extracting data from linked db2 table using access make table query. First I create a select query and can view the linked db2 data, but when I change to a make table query I get an error message, "invalid argument", when I run the make table query. There is no selection critera specified. Has anyone had this happen? and Do you know a solution?

Thanks for your support

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Move Record To New Table After Data Change In Combo Box Value In Original Table.

Nov 24, 2006

Ok my problem is this......

I have a form with a field "Property Status" on it. It has 4 possible values -

"C - SHELTERED (with warden charge)";"H - SHELTERED (No warden charge)";"J - WHEELCHAIR SHELTERED (With warden charge)";"M - WHEELCHAIR SHELTERED (No warden charge)";"X - DISCONNECTED"

When the value "X - DISCONNECTED" is selected in the form I want the record to be removed from its existing table and sent to a new table which keeps all the "X - DISCONNECTED" records together.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. How would this be coded?

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If A Make-table Query Result Is Null, How To Have A Default Message Appear In Table ?

Jan 21, 2005

Hi everybody,

Beginner here needs help !

I'm building a make-table query for which if the result is null (no record correspond to the set of criterias), a default message like "there was no activity during the period" would appear in the table (not a message box...I need the message in the output table). The best I could think of is an IIF function but it doesn't seem to work... Is there any way to do this without using VBA?

Thanks in advance !

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