Unique Column In Table

Apr 2, 2008

Hai all,

i am creating one table like CREATE TABLE XX( CODE NUMBER, NAME VARCHAR(10).



1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
2 A

problem is There is no unique column in that table.

is there any unique column in ACCESS. like

for Exp: in SQLBASE is ROWID is unique column.
in ORACLE is ROWNUM is unique column.

pls help

Thanks & Regards


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Populate A Column With Unique ID

Nov 22, 2011

I have a table with about 700 records in it that I import. In my code I am using Alter table to add a column called BlID. I want to populate each record with a unique number. Because of other things that are happening I cannot use auto number, so I am using the date (with the date, hours, min, and seconds). My problem is that I cannot think of a ways to loop through this and insert a the date and time in each record.

I am using MS Access 2007.

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No Unique Column In A Database

Sep 28, 2014

It may be that there is no unique column in a database. Then it will not be possible to create a Primary key based on a single column.In that situation a COMPOUND KEY has to be prepared by combining two or more columns.how this COMPOUND KEY is prepared.

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General :: Unique Values For Two Column Combobox

Jul 18, 2013

Here's my dilemma: I have a table that keeps track of job postings and how many people applied for each posting. So, for instance, I can have 20 people apply for a job posting say....on July 18. On another column I have the shift name for that posting such as DAY Shift. So, I have 20 people that have applied for the Day Shift on July 18.

What I'd like my combobox to show me in just one instance of July 18 in column 1 and one instance of Day Shift in column two. I have tried using the wizard and then going to the properties of the combobox and attempted to edit the SQL statement to use the DISTINCT value to no avail.

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Queries :: How To Reduce Down Data Set To Get A List Of All Unique Combinations Of Column

Jul 8, 2014

I am new to Access and am trying to reduce a dataset I am working with to make it managable for Excel. I have three columns which have three unique parameters and one column with numberical content.

Column A Column B Column C Column D
NJ Red Monday 10
NJ Red Tuesday 20
NJ Yellow Wednesday 30
NY Red Monday 35
NY Green Tuesday 40
NY Green Wednesday 60

I want to elimiate column C from the dataset, and sum column D for every unique combination of Column A & Column B. I have figured out how to reduce down the dataset to get a list of all unique combinations of Column A&B,what formula I can use in a query to sum column D on my table for every unique combination of column A&B. This is a simple SUMIF in excel, but my dataset is too large for excel.

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Combine Two Columns To Display Information In Third Column As Unique Identifier

Jul 23, 2015

So i have a access database with a main field that we can call vendor # (LIFNR) and another called Company code (BUKRS). There are multiple company codes under a single vendor #. Example:








What I am trying to do is create a 3rd column where i can have a unique row for each of these fields without it repeating. There is no unique identifier in this table and that is what i am trying to achieve.

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Populating A Column In A Table Based On Values In An Existing Column

Mar 5, 2007

Hi all,

In the organisation that I work for employees get paid every 2 weeks on a Saturday. So for this financial year the pay period end dates have been 08/07/2006, 22/07/2006, 05/08/2006 etc

I have a column in an Access table listing various dates. I want the next column to be
populated with the next pay period end date after that date.

So if DATE is 05/07/2006 I want PAY PERIOD END to be 08/07/2006
and if DATE is 09/07/2006 I want PAY PERIOD END to be 22/07/2006 etc

How do I do this?

Kind Regards,


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Copy Data From A Column In One Table To A Column Another.

Jul 18, 2007

Please would you be able to advise me how I would copy data from a column in one table to a column another table.

But I need to only use table not a query.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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How To Extract Unique Record To New Table And Duplicate In Another New Table

Mar 4, 2013

I have this database that do contains duplicate record (not duplicate field).What I'm trying to do here is to extract record that is unique to a new table And those record that were duplicate into a new table.the *Distinct that we used in sql will not work because it is not what I wanted. using distinc will give me unique record of the whole database.say i have this database that contain an ID:


so what i want is to extract unique record to a unique table and those that contain duplicate in another table.so the 3678 will be put in a new table and the 2525 and 2658 in a new table,,That way I will see which file will have duplicate

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Finding Unique Records In A Table

Mar 25, 2015

I have one table with 250 fields and hundreds of records. Each field represents a computer we have and the records in that field represent the type of applications we have on that computer. So the table looks like this:

Computer 1..........Computer 2.......... Computer 3........ Computer 250

Microsoft...............Google.................... .Paint.....................Microsoft
Windows Hotfix......Security Updates.......Java ......................Google
Java.....................Mediaplayer.............. Google.....................Java

As you can see, most computers have the same applications, but some have applications that others do not. I just need the list of applications we have from all computers. Meaning each app is listed only once.

I just need each application listed once. So I was trying to come up with a way to delete all the duplicates or use a Totals query to group the apps but since my table has 250 columns I'm not really sure how to go about it. What kind of query would be best to make this work?

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Queries :: Unique Data In Access Table

Feb 21, 2015

I Have one table which have 4 column ,i.eID , NAME, PAN, DOB..in this table same id having diffrent data of Name or PAN or DOB except DOB all are text format when i m trying to select unique id which having more than 1 name it shows 0 data, but table having these,,

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Queries :: Unique Record Table Query

Oct 22, 2013

I am using a software drawing program that intelligently link information from a drawing to a database and vice versa. I have many tables and queries that I have created over time that enable auto populating of tables, creation of tables and so on. All of which enable me with tabular documents for ordering purposes.

The problem I currently have is: - I want to create a table that looks at an existing table, analysis various fields for duplicate information and then adds one record to a new table. This is to enable me to create a spares list based on the entire list.

I have a full valve list with various items, some duplicates some not. I am required to produce a spares list that considers only one of each type.

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Tables :: Unique Identifier Over Two Fields On A Table?

Jan 22, 2015

Any way on a table that I can have a unique identifier over two fields? E.g.I have a login ID and a Domain field in a table with sample data below.

Login Domain

John Test
Jane Test
Fred Live
John Live

The login names need to be unique to the domain so the integrity cannot be breached. This has to fit into one table (although the domain is actually being pulled from a look up table so is in fact a numerical value) for ease of form creation.

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How To Create All Unique Values In 4 X 4 Matrix Table

Oct 6, 2012

if I got a 4 x 4 matrix table - 4 rows and 4 columns - MS Access 2007/2010 the values should exist as below with no repetition of any number in any of the cells.

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16

a number should not repeat in any of the cells.I set a primary key on cloumn 1 and defined unique on all the fileds but that doesn't work since 1 columns does not know what the other cell contains and no relationship exists.

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Create New Table With Unique Customer Rows

Mar 6, 2014

I am trying to take a table that looks like this:

Customer Name

Customer A

Customer A

Customer B

Customer B

Customer C

And create a table that looks like this:

Customer Name

Customer A

Customer B

Customer C

I think this is relatively simple but don't know the syntax to create this table.

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Queries :: Update In Table From Same Table Based On Criteria Column In Same Table

Sep 29, 2013

How can I update (some columns) in a table from the same table based on a Criteria column in the same table.

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Help! Cmd Button Link To Unique Hyperlink Stored In Table

Aug 23, 2005

ok, I have links to documents(reportLink) stored as type text in a table (Investigations). Each link is different per record.

I have a form that display information from this table. The field that holds the hyperlink is called reportLink on the form. On this form I would like to have a button that when clicked will open up the [reportLink] for that particular record. so this button will point to a different file each time the record is changed.

I have stumbled around this site and think I have to put the
Application.FollowHyperlink code in the OnClick event for this button. However, I am clearly not doing it right as it isnt working. what is wrong with this:

Private Sub Command34_Click()
Application.FollowHyperlink Me.[ReportLink]

End Sub

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Reports :: Table With Data - Unique Part Of A Record

May 28, 2013

I have a table with data like this


I need a report where I can only see


That is Group by Field_1 and only show the records which has Field_2 with the max. value of Field_3

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Combine Multiple Tables (all Are With Unique ID Names) Into One Table?

Nov 22, 2013

I have create 6 tables for library books (which are differentiated by categories). Each table has different category and unique ID name e.g. F1, F2, F3..(for table 1), G1, G2, G3..(for table 2) and so on. How do I combine all those tables into 1 table for easy search for a book rather than open up each table? Tried append query but its ID run as 1, 2, 3... , not F1, F2, F3 and it only append 1 table, not the rest.

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Adding A Unique Identifier Field To A Table With Lots Of Data

Jan 9, 2007


I wonder if someone can help with what must be an easy solution to this problem.

I have a table with 350,000 records, but without a unique identifier field. I just want a simple incrementing number field to become the primary key but dont know how to add this in. I cannot add an autonumber as there are two many records - it falls over.

Ive tried exporting it all to excel, but as well as being cumbersome, something went wrong and so I'm back to square one.

I think there must be a way to add an incrementing number either via a query or in VBA but I dont know how. Please can somebody provide a solution.


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Modules & VBA :: Alter Table Statement To Add Field And Make It Unique

May 18, 2015

I am using the following to add a column to an existing table. How do I make this column indexed with no duplicates?


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How To Add Auto-generated Unique Identifier Field To Existing Table

Jul 22, 2013

Have a table with data in it and I want to add a new field to uniquely identify each record (simple numerical sequence like 1, 2, 3, 4.....). I don't know VBA and don't know SQL.

Tried opening the table in design view, adding a new field with "autonumber" as the data type but get the following error msg: "File sharing lock count exceeded. Increase MaxLocksPerFile registry entry". The table has about 750,000 records in it.

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No Unique Index Found For Referenced Field Of Primary Table?

Apr 12, 2013

I am trying a to build a slot booking database in which users will be able to book slots (ranging from 1-30) on a particular day for a specific site (location).

When trying to build the relationship between slot in tbl_available and slot in tbl_appointment i get the following error "No unique index found for the referenced field of the primary table" the same error pops up when trying to build a relationship between site in tbl_available and site in tbl_appointment.

I need both relationships to be 1 to many.

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Creating Combobox With Unique Month And Year Entries From A Date Field In A Table

Jul 18, 2005


Anyone know how to create a combo box that has unique month and year entries from a table (month in one column and year in another - i.e. 2 columns)?

I've been able to get the textbox of the combobox to output the correct format using a custom format but it does not affect the combobox data. Also, I'm not sure how to separate this by two columns...

Any help would be much appreciated!

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Tables :: Error - No Unique Index Found For Referenced Field Of Primary Table

Oct 8, 2013

I am trying to create a one-to-many relationship between these two tables. I want to be able to access the 3 fields on the [Processors] table within reports based on [AllItems]. [AllItems] is a listing of account activity where the [AccountNumber] repeats. I have every field set as the "Primary Key" on [AllItems] as that is the only way to avoid importing duplicate data. I am getting the error: "no unique index found for the referenced field of the primary table"

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Queries :: Find A Way For Access To Find Unique Dates And Unique Names?

Aug 1, 2014

I have been working on a simple data base for some time now (beginner level) and am still trying to improve it. I would like to do something but before that I would like to have your opinion to know if it is even possible?I have a query QryMainReport:

Start Date/Time
End Date/Time

At the moment this is what the format of my report looks like (I removed other unnecessary fields):

12/06/2014 01:00--12/06/2014 03:00------John Smith
12/06/2014 04:00--12/06/2014 06:00------Jane Doe
13/06/2014 02:00--13/06/2014 05:00------John Smith
13/06/2014 08:00--13/06/2014 08:00------Jane Doe

I would like to do as a report. (Dates would always be from Sunday to Saturday). I am not sure it is possible to do that. I suppose first it would mean:I would have to do a query to separate the times from the dates?I would have to find a way for Access to find the unique dates and unique names?Does it mean I have to use cross tab queries?

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