Units, Tens, Hundreds/IP Address

Jan 21, 2008

How can I place numbers side by side in the units, tens, hundreds etc

so if I have expr1, expr2, expr3........and I want them to appear side by side.

so expr1=1, expr2=3, expr3=0

This would appear as 130

However if expr1=0, expr2=3, expr3=0

I would like tis to appear as 030

I am sure I am going about this the long way but I am trying to create a query that wites out the full ip address i.e. really sure to go about this so I am going to try and strip everything down to 1 digit and then rebuild!!! Unless anyone can think of an easier way to do this?

So should appear as

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Hundreds Of IDs In One Table

Nov 30, 2005

Hi Guys

I'm sure someone has asked this before but I have been searching for ages and cannot find an answer. I have a table which i enter all appointments that have been made to which companies. So that i don't have to enter the company name in full each time they get an appointment I thought it would be easier to give each company an ID which I type in instead of the full name. However there are hundreds of companies and it is vertually impossible to remember the ID's for each individual company. Is there anyway of creating a drop down list where i choose the company name and id enters automatically in for me or something along these lines?

Thanks in advance

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Forms :: Combos With Tens Of Thousands Of Records

Aug 27, 2014

I'm trying to follow Allen Browne's - Combos with Tens of Thousands of Records [URL] ....

However, I keep getting the error...

Compile Error:
Invalid use of Me keyword
(This being a new module)

That's how it shows in his code (the use of me.comboname.rowsource) but it's not working for me.

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Forecast Units

Feb 7, 2008

I am drawing a blank on how to proceed with this requirement and was hoping someone out there could help me.

I am creating a graph that shows all of the orders we have taken, shipped, and what we have bid on. There is a table that holds the customer, no of units ordered, no of boxes per unit, number of units to ship each week and start date.

I need a formula that will calculate all of the week ending dates until the no of units ordered is 0.

For example, Capital ordered 100 units, 12 boxes per unit, 2 units to ship per week and shipments are scheduled to start on 2/19.

I would need it to display:

W/E Units Boxes
2/23 2 24
3/1 2 24
3/8 2 24 etc....

Until the total units ordered equals 0

This information is diplayed on a graph. The graph shows all of our open bids and based on shipments per week, displays a forecast of what's coming up.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: How To Do Math With Two Different Units Of Measure

Oct 30, 2013

I have a table with some prices that are charged by the pound and some that are charged by each.

ID 1 - 1.00 per pound
ID 2 - 1.50 per pound
ID 3 - 2.00 per pound
ID 4 - 5.00 each
ID 5 - 7.00 each

My form is set up so that way I count how many containers I have and their weight, separately. I need ID 1 through 3 to do the math based on the pounds (essentially $1 per pound at 36 pounds) and ID 4 and 5 to do math based on how many of each are there ($5 each, and there are 3 of them).

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Display Remaining Units Within Time Frame

Jan 4, 2013

I have a database being used to track and bill therapy units. I have a table that stores the pre-authorizations that tells me within a [start date] and [end date] I am limited with X amount of units (that is all the client's insurance and/or funding source will pay for within the time period). I also have about 4 different codes I can be authorized for which is also stored in this table - each code a separate pre-auth record.

Another table is where I enter in the type of therapy (service code) I've completed with the client. I put in the Service date, start time and end time and it will automatically give me the amount of units to bill (1 hour=1 unit). If I happen to choose a code or enter in a service date that does not match up with a client's pre-auth (Service date is between start date and end date and matches code from pre-auth table) I have a simple text box that says "No auth for this code or service date" due to an IIF statement in a query. I'd like to take this a step further and give me the remaining units for the pre-authorization left when it does find a match.

What is happening is when it finds the authorization, it's not taking into consideration all the services I've done for that time frame. For example: I have a pre-auth from 12/1/12 to 1/31/13 for code 90806 for 12 units. I served the client for that code a total of 10 units thus far. I can't figure out how to link my 4 service records dated 12/3/12 (2 units), 12/16/12 (4 units), 12/27/12 (2 units), and 1/3/13 (2 units) to add together and then subtract from my auth for 12 units. I know the dates are the key but I'm lost.

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General :: Replace Input Email Address With Mailto Address

Sep 17, 2012

I have a form where the user puts in a email address, eg test @ myserver.net

So the link opens a new mail it has to be prefixed by mailto:

How can I automatically replace the address the user enters with the format mailto:test@myserver.net

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Query How To Show A Temp Address Over A Perm Address

Jun 19, 2007

Hope you can help!

I have an access table which lists a customers address, however, if the customer has a temporary address it will also list that on a separate line -

CustID Address Type
1234 5 The Street P
1234 12 The Street T
2345 13 The Road P
3456 12 The Avenue P

Where P = Permanent and T = Temporary

I want to set up a query to show the permanent address where there is only one address, but where the customer has a temporary address also, I want to list the temporary one instead.


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Email Address, Web Address, Hyperlinks, Etc..

Aug 9, 2006

I have a form bound to a table which stores contact info for a person. I have two controls that are email_address and website_address. I set them both as hyperlinks.
So now when the user clicks on the email_address Outlook opens a new message with an email_address in the To field. (I had to use a function found on this forum to replace the "htttp" with "mailto" on AfterUpdate event in order for this to work properly.) However, now trying to add some other features to my DB I ran into problems listed below. I wonder if I should have rather left that control as Text instead of Hyperlink, and use the DoCmd.SendObject on doubleclick event instead of using the above solution.
How people usually store email addresses and enable emailing on click?

The problems I ran into:
1) My main form is in popup mode and therefore right click on the hyperlink does not give an option to edit the hyperlink
2) I copied a function from this forum which gathers a list of emails and sends one message to the emaillist. However, my email list instead of generating as:
email1@a.com; email2@b.com
it generates as:
email1@a.com#mailto:email1@a.com#; email2@b.com#email2@b.com#

I guess I could extract the email using vba (not sure how), but I still don't know how to solve issue number 1. So maybe it is better to siwtch the field to plain text and forget the hyperlinks?


PS. What procedure on double click would open a default browser, since I also have to deal with web addresses and thought of turning them into text controls?

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Convert Mins:Secs To Hours:Mins Depend On Units Built

Dec 15, 2007

This is something I've been working on that very nearly works until it get to point DM

What I need to do is convert a build time for a single unit which is stored as mins:seconds into a build time depending on number of units being built then display the time as Hours:Mins.

I don't know of any functions in access that do this so have been playing with the code below which works upto the point of DM where I need to add the mins together then if more than 59 add the hour(s) to hours and then use the mins part as the total mins.

It needs a lot of cleanning up as been playing but hope somebody can help.

T = The Time IE 2:43
N = Number of units being built

Function GetTotalTime(T As String, N As Long) As String
Dim M As Double, S As Double, Y As Integer, MZ As Integer, MS As Long, H As Single, Min As Long, MM As Long
Dim DM As Long, Z As Integer
Y = InStr(T, ":")
If Y <> 0 Then
'Do The Mins Convert To Hours First
M = Left(T, Y - 1)
If M > 0 Then
M = M * N 'Minutes * Number Of Units
'Convert Total Mins Into Hours
M = M / 60
Z = InStr(M, ".")
H = Left(M, Z - 1)
'The Left Over Mins
Min = Mid$(M, Z + 1, Len(M))
End If
'Do The Seconds
S = Mid(T, Y + 1, Len(T))
If S > 0 Then
S = S * N 'Seconds * Number Of Units
If S > 59 Then 'Has Minutes
S = S / 60 'Convert Total Seconds To Mins.Seconds
MZ = InStr(S, ".")
MM = Left(S, MZ - 1)
'Dont worry bout odd seconds
MZ = InStr(S, ".")
MM = Left(S, MZ - 1)
End If
End If
End If
'Now Add The Mins Together then / 60 to get hour /mins and add the hours to hours the remaining mins are the total mins element for build.
DM = MM + Min

GetTotalTime = H & ":" & DM

End Function

Many thanks


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How To Sort By IP Address

Aug 29, 2005

I am completely stumped on this one. I have a database where we track IP Addresses and I just want to sort by IP...should be simple, I'd think.

With these 5 IP's, I'd want them in this order:

But it sorts in this order:

Is there anything I can do to fix this? I want it to see each number as a whole, for example "10" instead of "1" and "0"

Much thanks.

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Query Address Help

Jun 29, 2006

I have an address all in the one line at the moment. My front end has been programmed this way. Now I have to split the address into 3 or 5 lines. The address looks like this:

3 Thorn Road Edinburgh Scotland G68 2AA

The post code is in a seperate field so that makes it easier for me.

This is the query i have.

UPDATE Clients SET Clients.Address1 = Left([Address],InStr([Address],",")), Clients.Address2 = mid([Address],InStr([Address],",")), Clients.Address3 = Right([Address],InStr([Address],","));

If it was looking for this address: 34 Thornwood Road, Kilmarnock, Aryshire. It would produce

Address1 = 34 Thornwood Road, = Correct
Address2 = kilmarnock, Ayrshire ,= Should be kilmarnock
Address3 = nock, Ayrshire = Should be Ayrshire

tried all different ways and it meeses up can someone point me in the right direction.



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Trimming An Address

Mar 21, 2007

I have a table that has about 5000 street addresses (ex. 1234 your st.). I want to get the all the characters until the first space. So for (1234 Your St.) I want to get 1234 for W1234 St I want W1234. Is this possible?

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Tempory Address's

May 9, 2005

Hi Ive got a form that has customer details at the top i.e name, address etc. and then a products subform. Once I have chosen a customer it then automatically fills in the address fields and i can then add products to the order. I then press a button which produces a form showing the customer name and address and the products they ordered. I want to be able to have it so I can add a tempory address if the customer wants the goods to be shipped somewhere different to there normal address. How do I do this without adding another address into the database?

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Choice Of Address?

Aug 14, 2005

I have two addressess, primary and secondary.
I would like to make an option button on the form that indicates (when selected) which address to use for mailings? Although, 9 times of 10, mailings are sent to the primary address, but there are those exceptions...

Can someone direct me to an example code to perform this?

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Hyperlink Address

Dec 19, 2005

Hello, I'm trying to add a hyperlink to my form that changes to a different location when the record changes.

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Address Book

Oct 12, 2006

I have a form "frmsend mail" whic have fields "To" and "Cc" i want to have a address book in the access itself having same functionality as outlook i.e it should add new email id to the address book, prompt the email id,etc.
How to do tht.

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Address Validation

Dec 14, 2006

Hi all,

Just a little advice on how to approach a problem.

I have some simple address validation in an unbound form. When the user types in a suburb, I have a DLOOKUP function that returns the appropriate postcode for that suburb.

My problem is that most suburbs have more than one postcode (standard and PO BOX).

How can I return both values?

My intention is to then allow the user to select the appropriate postcode.



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What Is A Email Address (in A PM)

Dec 11, 2004

What is a email address (in a PM)


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Address Verification

Feb 4, 2005

any one have experience with address verification in access through the US postal service? any good resources? Examples?

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Address Block?

Oct 20, 2005

I have a form for all my clients, and currently there's a separate field for each part of the address. This does not make it easy to cut and paste an entire address block. I therefore created an unbound text box with the control source as:

=[FMT-NAME] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [Pref1] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [Pref2] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [PrefStrt] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [PrefCity] & ", " & [PrefState] & " " & [PrefZip]

This works ok, but if someone doesn't have anything in the fields [Pref1] or [Pref2] it leaves blank lines. Is there a way to code it so that I can have a complete address block? Thank you.

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Help With Address Format Please

Oct 2, 2006

Hi - I am importing information into my database of customers names and addresses. The country part of the address comes in 2 letter code - eg AU = Australia, IT = Italy etc. What I would like is to change these to the actual country name. Is there a neat way of doing this? I am thinking doing a whole line of if then, but it all looks really messy.

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Address Book

Oct 12, 2006

I have a form "frmsend mail" whic have fields "To" and "Cc" i want to have a address book in the access itself having same functionality as outlook i.e it should add new email id to the address book, prompt the email id,etc.
How to do tht.

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Make E-mail Address From Name

Oct 21, 2005

Hello all,

I have a field called "Name", which for example is: "Johnny Briggs".

I want to be able to show the exected e-mail address, which would be: "johnny.briggs".

So, all I need to do, is take out the space, and replace it with a full stop.
Should be easy - but I can't figure it out!

I don't really need to store the address - so doing it in my query is preferable.

Thanks in advance!

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Finding An @ In An E-mail Address.

Feb 22, 2006

having a prob with the above. not sure what is the best way to find out what comes after the @ in an e-mail address.

For example, if i was to have the following e-mail address@


is there an expression to use to shrink the above so that i can only see the "myemail.com"?

thanks for your help.

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Partitioning An Address Column

Mar 21, 2006

Problem: Turning an address column containing a comma into two or three address colums containing no comma

I have a database with the structure:
postcode (zip code)

The present address column contains one of the following (I give examples)

-76 Nelson Street

-99 Bush Lane, Waddington
(where Waddington is a village, or quarter of the town named in the town field)

-Nixon House, 150 Clinton Street, Hareswood

-sometimes there might be a redundant comma at the end of the string e.g.
99 Bush Lane, Waddington,

-very occasionally the address field is empty (when the record is still incomplete


We now have to interact with another company and its software, which takes commas as field delimiters. We therefore have to get rid of all commas in our address field.

I have therefore revised our structure so that it now is:
Addr4 (which contains what was formerly 'town')
Postcode (zip code)

Now I must distribute the contents of Addr1 into Addr1, Addr2, Addr3
and eliminate the commas in the process.

Our database has 4000 records. Therefore doing this manually is prohibitively expensive and takes far too much time. We need the revised database virtually overnight.

My knowledge of Access is fairly limited, but it is ***I*** who has to solve the problem.


Is it possible to do this automatically?

How would you proceed, which steps?

If an Action Query has to be used - well, I have never used an Action Query before (but I have a hefty book about it = "Willing to learn - fast").

If there is a simple formula to be entered into the Action query, could someone please give me the formula?

Thanks for your help.


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