Unusual (?) 'too Many Fields Defined' Problem

May 16, 2006

I have a dtabase (Access 97) and all ahs been well. I needed to adjust some field sizes. But if I try to even reduce 1 field's size or to increase 1 field's size and save the table, I get a message that it cannot be saved due to too many fields defined. But I am only adjusting size of an existing field.



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Too Many Fields Defined

Mar 27, 2008

I'm trying to add some fields to a table in access 2007 using design view and I keep getting an error message telling me too many fields defined when I try and save it. Surely access doesn't have a limit on the number if fields does it?

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Error: Too Many Fields Defined

Sep 13, 2005

I have a table in which I have about 245 fields (I know they are too much, but cant change the structure).
There are about 4 numeric fields, which have field type as Long Integer. I want to change them to Field type Single.
When I try to change them, I get a message too many fields defined.
What is the solutionß
Can someone suggest?

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Error: Too Many Fields Defined

Sep 13, 2005

I have a table in which I have about 245 fields (I know they are too much, but cant change the structure).
There are about 4 numeric fields, which have field type as Long Integer. I want to change them to Field type Single.
When I try to change them, I get a message too many fields defined.
What is the solutionß
Can someone suggest?

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Queries :: Too Many Fields Defined Error

Jan 1, 2014

I know that the cap is 255 fields in a query. Is there anyway around this?

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Modules & VBA :: Compile Error - User-defined Type Not Defined

Apr 20, 2015

I copied some VBA from one database to another. I didn't change anything and I am able to run it fine in the first database. But in the DB I pasted it to, I am received a Compile Error message with the XlApp As Excel.Application area highlighted.

Function OpenAutoCount()
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWB As Excel.Workbook


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General :: ADODB Connection - User Defined Type Not Defined

Feb 10, 2014

I have a line of code in an old program:

Dim CN as ADODB Connection

This is giving me the error 'User defined type not defined'. I know I have to set something in a list somewhere but have forgotten how to do that. Where to go, and what to set?

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Concatenating Fields Defined As QryQueryName.ColumnName?

Jun 28, 2005


I did a search to no avail...

I am trying to concatenate Address fields into one text box. The Control Source pull-down menu gives me the Field Names listed as QueryName.ColumnName.

I know that if they listed the fields as just ColumnName, you'd simply go:
ColumnName & " " & ColumnName2...

But the way these columns are defined, I cant find the correct syntax.

Is there a way to do this without changing all my queries??

Thanks again! :)


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Queries :: Access Query - Too Many Fields Defined

Jul 18, 2013

I am at the last phase of producing an extensive analysis report. The last calculation I need to the query QryCom_CalculationFinal gives me the "Too many fields defined" error. I have verified that "Ps_Score" calculation push the system into overload, as QryComp_CalculationFinalPrt01 without this calculation works fine.

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Forms :: Summation Queries - Too Many Fields Defined

May 24, 2013

Quick summary (See Attached)

Data is stored in 11 tables each with matching primary key. Each table has in the range of 20 fields of which only numbered data type are being used in calculations.

Each Data table has 3 augmenting queries. All these queries work individually.

Summarizing query "QStationCountList_Sum" works fine.

Calculating a summation score by each "Master_PS_ID" works fine if I only try to summarize data by 3 of the calculating queries. As you can see in the attached database "QStationTotalScore1_6" query based on 6 gives "Too many fields defined". (I have tried so many fixes I can not remember and received messages such as "To Complex") While a similar query on 3 works fine.

At this juncture I plan to build 4 new partial sum queries each from 3 collecting queries and then build a 5 Summation query adding the results from the Sum queries. Surely there is a better way.

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Error - User Defined Type Not Defined

Nov 9, 2005


On Compiling my assecc database VB code I get the following error message "User defined type not defined". I understand it is beecause I have not declared the Variable Type, but have no idea to exactly which part of the code the error is referring to.

How do I find out WHICH User defined type is not defined, especially when I have not got any (or do not want to use any) user defined types?

Thank you in advanced programming wizards. Kind regards, Adam.

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Application-defined Or Object-defined Error

Oct 23, 2006

I have the following code and i don`t know what's wrong
Private Sub cmdCautare_Click()
Dim strSQL As String, strOrder As String, strWhere As String
'Dim dbNm As Database
'Dim qryDef As QueryDef
'Set dbNm = CurrentDb()
strWhere = "WHERE"
strOrder = "ORDER BY DOSARE.DosarID "
If Not IsNull(Me.txtDenumire) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "(DOSARE.DenumireDosar) Like '*" & Me.txtDenumire & "*' AND" ' "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.cmbStadiu) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (DOSARE.Stadiu) Like '*" & Me.cmbStadiu & "*'"
End If
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmPrincipal"
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmRezultateCautare", acNormal
Forms!frmRezultateCautare.RowSource = strSQL & " " & strWhere & "" & strOrder
End Sub
Here: Forms!frmRezultateCautare.RowSource = strSQL & " " & strWhere & "" & strOrder
The error is the following "Application-defined or object-defined error"


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User-defined Type Not Defined

Oct 15, 2004

Dim XL As Excel.Application

When I try to run this specific line of code an error occurs. It says:
"User-defined type not defined"

May I know how to solve this problem?
Thanks a lot

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User-defined Type Not Defined

Sep 27, 2005

I've put in this in a module many times and this is the first time I have gotten an error.

Dim Conn As ADODB.Connection

When I run the app I am getting a compile error saying "User-defined type not defined".

Anyone have any ideas?



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Unusual Linking Question?

Jan 22, 2008

I have a table with contract numbers and acceptable start date and end date for training.
And I have a different table which has records for individuals with fields which include a contract one that is a combination of a vendor name and the contract number, plus the individual's training start date.

Anyway, I need to run a query which would check to verify that the individual's start date falls within that contract's acceptable start range.

How would I link the 2 tables? There really isn't a 'firm' related field. Or, is this impossible.


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Unusual Changes To Information In Form

Apr 25, 2008

I have previously posted this on another message board with no responses. I am hoping that someone here can help.

I have a form that has several subforms. The forms are linked Child to Master using a Company Name Contol. In the table where the Company Name is set up, it is not indexed.
It is not a primary key. When the EU (in test) enter data with the company name a second time (a second record for the same company), all the information in the first record populates the second record. If any changes are made to the second record, then it is also reflected as changed in the first record. I hope that I am clear in my explanation. What have I done to cause this?


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Unusual Query – Advice Needed Please

Jan 15, 2008

I have a list of events and what the out come was on a particular day or date.

To give you some idea, the event is basically number given to a day and the outcome is all possible things that “could happen” and that did happen (so not all 160 possible Outcomes are used all the time).

So it is quite possible to have:

Event 1 (This could be “Monday”)
Outcome 12 (This could be “Rain”)

Therefore as you collect your data over time the “Outcome Diff” would = 12

The problem comes when I try to create a report to automatically calculate the “Outcome Diff” this in a Query as the “counter” that should have been added at the time this was created was not done at the time. I also do not mind if this has to involve creating to a table, as long as I get the “outcome diff” calculated in MS Access, I do not mind how this is done. I also cannot use date diff as event mean more than just an index for the day.

Event, Outcome, Date, Outcome Diff
12, 1, 14-Feb-95, 12 (0 to 12 = 12) i.e this is the 1st event outcome of 1
22, 1, 19-Apr-95, 10 (12 to 22 = 10) i.e this is the 2nd event outcome of 1
29, 4, 07-Jun-95, 29 (0 to 29 = 29) i.e this is the 1st event outcome of 29
34, Ect...
*This is just a representation with test data.

Just for further clarification: the reason this is need this is to find out difference in "event" days as opposed to just an average.

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Queries :: Extracting Data From Unusual String

Mar 5, 2015

I have a flat file sent to me today that contains a number of fields with the same issue. As an example, I have a field named Coordinators from a table named Audit and the data within it is formatted as follows:

Mark Hollings;#14664;#Judy Thompson;#10169;#Tammy Wilson;#3608;#Tim Levy;#2785;#David Simpson;#1251

Is there any way to extract only the names while leaving in either the ";" or replacing it with a ","? My desired output would look like this:

Mark Hollings;Judy Thompson;Tammy Wilson;Tim Levy;David Simpson

This field can be populated with one or more names so that's a variable in all of this as well.

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Error 2465 Application Defined Or Object Defined Error.

Nov 17, 2006

I am new to this forum and to MS Acess. i am not a software engineer or in the field of software. I had to learn as much as i could about MS Acess because of a project i worked on. I have a standalone MSacess database and one of the forms is giving me trouble when I try to enter a new record

The form is called frm_fragrances and has information about a fragrance.
the frm_fragrances has 4 fields in it and a sub form. the sub form has details about the fragrance

In a new record when I enter the 4 fields and attemt to go to the subform which has details about this fragrance I face this error.

an unexpected error haas occurred @2465: application defined or object defined error.

additional information
Active form:<frm_fragrances>
Active control:<txt_VendorName>
Previous control:<frm_fragrances>@Please call the developer for further instructions

I have looked in the FAQ and on this forum for help on error 2465 and cannot find anything to help me. I can work with forms to an extent but cannot write too much code.

I would really appreciate some help in this matter
Thank you

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Queries :: Unusual Date Format In Text File

Jan 5, 2015

Someone decided to be clever and send a text file with a stupid date format, is it possible to show off a little here and get a working date format, it's a text file I am working with: Dec 18 2014 01:12PM.

Not that is an exactly cut/paste so spaces are as they are here, ideally would like to get 18/12/14 13:12.

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Import CSV File From Database PRO To Access: Unusual Record Splitting Problem

Jul 19, 2006

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to import data from our current Database Pro v1.0 DB to an Access DB that I'm creating.

Our DBPRO is essentially a flat-file data entry program. It has a "subform" for history events that isn't actually in it's own table, but all concatenated in a single [History] field.

Basically, when viewed in DBPRO, it's broken into different records, yet it's actually stored as one. DBPRO uses °, ±, □, and 0's to separate the different "fields", but Access can't seem to break it down automatically.

When I export the data to a CSV file, everything else comes through with minimal problems. The [History] field, of course, comes in as a huge block of concatenated records.

I've attached an example of this below. I included only the field in question, ([History]), and the primary key, ([Last Name/Cust]). The first tab in my example is a single record, recently imported. The second tab shows how I need it to be, broken into multiple records.

Is there anyway I can split these records, while maintaining the primary key? It's my goal to have all the other information in one table, and the history records in a separate one.

Thanks so much for your help! I've researched all over, and just can't seem to find a similar problem, or solution. :(

Ben Bolduc

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Label Not Defined??

Jun 20, 2007

I compiled my module, but an error came out,

Select Case Err.Number
Case 9999 ' Whatever number you anticipate.
Resume Next ' Use this to just ignore the line.
Case 999
Resume Exit_SomeName ' Use this to give up on the proc.
Case Else ' Any unexpected error.
Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, "SomeName()")
Resume Exit_SomeName
End Select

And the error came out, Label Not Defined.
I've checked with "help", and it stated that

"The label must be within the procedure that contains the reference. Line labels are visible only in their own procedures"

Is there any missing references in the library I should checked??


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Variable Not Defined

Feb 9, 2005

In the on clkick event I have code that is not running.

... Dim strCurrentYear As String
Dim intCurrentYear As Integer
Dim dtLastYear As Date
Dim intLastYear As Integer
Dim strLastYear As String
Dim strSubCycle As String
'Add dtThisYear to account for the changing year
Dim dtThisYear As Date
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset

'Get the Cycle Number and the Subcycle
strCycleNum = Forms!frmreports.[lstNetChk].Value
strSubCycle = Forms!frmreports.[NetChkSubCycle].Value
strSubCycle = "'" & strSubCycle & "'"

Set db = CurrentDb
'Get the year
strSQL = "SELECT Max([OCSE Cycle Raw Data].YEAR) as MaxOfYear " & _
"FROM [OCSE Cycle Raw Data] " & _
"WHERE (([OCSE Cycle Raw Data].[OCSE CYCLE])=" & strCycleNum & ") " & _
"AND (([OCSE Cycle Raw Data].SUBCYCLE)=" & strSubCycle & ");"

Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

intCurrentYear = rst(MaxOfYear) ....

Access for some reason doesn't understand MaxOfYear. Although when I run the query by hand it comes out to 2005. What am I doing wrong here?

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Tab Order - User Defined

Jun 16, 2005

Has anyone ever produced a function to let users, pick their own tab order for a form.

I am thinking along the lines of holding a tab order for each user for each form.

So when a form opens - if a user has saved a tab order the form will adopt it, if the user has never saved a tab order, the sytem default will be applied.

Would this work.


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User Defined Autonumber

Oct 31, 2005

Can anyone help?

Is it possible to have an autonumber that is generated depending on the entry in a particular field? I'm creating a database to track various enquiries and I would like each enquiry to have a unique number that is preceded by a codenumber that identifies its origin. For example:

ABC query - 100xxx
DEF query - 200xxx
XYZ query - 300xxx

(xxx denotes the autonumber part)

This way a particular query can be identified just from its number without having to interrogate the main record.

Can it be done? I've searched other posts and not found quite what I'm looking for.

(If not then no probs - I'll think of another way!)

Thanks in advance

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Using A Defined Variable In An SQL String

Jan 9, 2008


Can anyone tell me how I use a variable I have defined within a SQL string.


***code start ***

Dim ComputerName as string
Dim Sqlstr as string

ComputerName = Environ("ComputerName")
Sqlstr = "INSERT INTO ComputerName ("ComputerName") SELECT ***This is where I need help including the variable ComputerName I defined above ****

I would really appreciate some help.

Thank you :-)

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