Update List Box Without Closing And Opening Ms Access

Aug 30, 2005

- i have a form, that has a List Box coming from a table ,,
This list box when you click on it, it shows that field in the main form
- and i have a front end and a backend to this database,
- When i add a new entry in my main form, it shows in the List Box just fine, but when i click on that list box, it doesn't show the entry on anyone else on the network - works ok locally

here is an eg: my main table has firstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, Address

Form : main form has firstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, Address
List Box inside my Form has: First Name

so i when i click on the firstName in my list box, it will show me the contact person in my main form

as i mentioned i have couple of people has the database open (split Database) anyone on the network, could see the update on the list box , but when they click on the new created name doesn't show in the main form, unless you close access, and reopen it again

i hope i was clear expaling,

any idea on how to have the List Box update itself without closing and opening Ms Access ??

thanks in advance

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Forms :: Closing Opening Form With Timer Then Opening Main Menu

Apr 7, 2014

I have a Form opening from Access Options. I would like to close this Form using the Timer. The following is the code I have used but it is not working.

Private Sub Cover_Page_Form_Load()
OpenTimer = Timer
End Sub
Private Sub Cover_Page_Form_Timer()
If (Timer - OpenTime) = 5 Then DoCmd.Close acForm, "Cover_Page_Form", acSaveYes
End Sub

Next question. If I can get this to work can I then use a DoCmd to open new Form within the code above or do I need a new process.

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Opening New Form And Closing Current Form?

Mar 14, 2013

I am using Access 2010 - Version (32-bit)

I am building a custom Export Wizard to export data to Excel using the Report Wizard for the basic ideas.

All I am trying to do is have a [Back] button on a form to open another form and close the current form.

Private Sub cmdBack_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_ExportWizardPage2", , , , , , Nz(Me.OpenArgs)
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm_ExportWizardPage3"
End Sub

The new form is opening but then the current form is not closing. All forms are the same size, shape and positioned centrally although this should not make any difference.

Could this be anything to do with which form has the focus when I open the new form?

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Opening & Closing Excel 2000 Workbooks From Access 2000

Jun 2, 2006

I am opening and closing a series of Excel 2000 Workbooks using Access 2000 VBA and want this sequence to be able to complete without any human intervention.

However, there are 2 instances when this stops and waits for a human option to be selected:

1. When the spreadsheet is password protected
2. When the spreadsheet has automatic links I get the message:

"The Workbook you opened contains automatic links to information in another workbook. Do you want to update this workbook with changes made to the other workbook?"

How can I code it so that in situation 1 it skips this file and in situation 2 it automatically defaults to do not update?

Any help most appreciated.


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Opening & Closing Forms...

Sep 15, 2005

I have an unbound start-up form with a button that I want to open another form. When the user is done with the second form and clicks a close button, I want to bring up the first form.

Q. Is it best to leave the first form open in the background or close and re-open it? (And why?) :confused:

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Re-opening 'switchboard' After Closing Crosstab Query?

Jan 12, 2006

I have a 'switchboard' form called Menu (not created by access wizard). One of the buttons down the navigation tree opens a crosstab query for the user to examine a data summary; but the 'Menu' form is still visible right in front of the query. Now, I could close the Menu form easily enough when the run query code is triggered, but that would leave the user loose in the database window when they eventually close the crosstab query window.

All that I have read on database navigation says that this is bad thing.

I can't place the crosstab query into a form or report because the column headings/fields don't appear when I try. (The field headings of the cross tab query are likely to change based on the underlying select query parameters so I can't hard-code the field names).

So, any thoughts on how to reactivate my Menu once the user closes the crosstab query or else puts the focus on the database window? (I achieve this using vba code in the on_close events of other forms and reports but I don't see an equivalent option for queries!)

Please note that I'm a vba newbie!


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Modules & VBA :: Navigation Pane Opening / Closing

Dec 4, 2013

I have a user login form wherein my users authenticate their employeeid as well as their person PIN. If the user authenticates with a valid username/ password combination, then the employee id and the role (permissions) for that user are stored on the form and it is minimized to stay open. If the user that authenticates has "Admin" role then I want to unhide the navigation pane. For all other roles I want the navigation pane to remain hidden.

That said, the default setting in the database is for the navigation pane to remain hidden. I have a piece of code on the login form as follows:

If Me.role = "Admin" Then
DoCmd.SelectObject acTable, "NavigationPaneObject", True
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowUnhide
Exit Sub
End If

This is successfully unhiding the navigation pane, but I'm getting the following error message and I don't know how to get it to go away."Run-time error '2544':

"Microsoft Access cannot find the NavigationPaneObject you referenced in the Object Name argument."The code is unhiding the navigation pane.

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Queries :: Opening Closing Balance / Show Today Movement In DB And CR

Apr 18, 2014

I want to perform in this query that Opening balance + Dr - Cr = Closing balance.And the next day my opening balance will equal to the date() -1 closing balance. And when todays movement DR and CR take changes it will also take affect on closing balance.Here I have two questions 1st is how can I built a qry that will make todays opening equal to last day closing . Can I have to built two queries or make another table that store last day closing then create relationship and again built a query that perform.

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Closing First Form After Update

Oct 5, 2006

I have a control in Form1 and after LostFocus it open a Form2, Form1 rests still open. But I want to close Form1 after LostFocus. How can I do that?

Here is an example:
Private Sub POD_LostFocus()
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Form2"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

End Sub


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Update Combo Without Closing Form

Feb 2, 2005

I have a form for inputting products into a table called "products". On this form is a combo box which lists the Suppliers. This list is generated by a Table called "suppliers".

If the supplier has not alredy been entered into the supplier table then it is not listed in the combo box list. I have added a button to open a supplier entry form to add the supplier to the supplier table. Once the new supplier is entered and the supplier entry form closed, the new entry does not show in the combo box list unless you close the product form and reopen it.

How do I refresh the combo box list without closing the form it is in and reopening it.

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Opening An Access Program Without Opening Microsoft Access

Jun 11, 2007

I am very close to completing a DB Program.... How can I create a desktop Icon that will Launch my Program without Loading Microsoft Access along with it???

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Opening Forms Directly (instead Of Opening MS ACCESS)

Apr 20, 2006

Hi All,

Is there a way that when the user clicks on a database file, the form pops up without opening MS Access window.



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Opening Forms Directly (instead Of Opening MS ACCESS First)

Apr 20, 2006

Hi All,

Is there a way that when the user clicks on a database file, the form pops up without opening MS Access window.



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Opening Forms From Value List

Jan 31, 2005

As you Can See I have attached just one form in my database.

I have created a combo box with a value list of forms which are in my main database. And then put in command button to press to open the form you have selected in the value list.

but alas i cant get the right code to be able to open the form with the selection from the value list

Any ideas oh sooo kind people?

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Opening A List Box To An Empty Field

Aug 31, 2004

Can you set up a list box so when the form opens the list box is on a blank value at the start of the list. At the moment it opens with the first option selected. I have tried playing with the default value but this doesn't work.

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Forms :: List Box Selection - Opening A Form

Aug 15, 2014

I have a list box, List3, in a form, which is populated from a query. The list populates correctly.I added a command button which I want to open a new edit form with the selected record from the List3 control.I used this code on the DoubleClick event - it opens the form EditEquipment, but the form does not have the relevant record, ItemID, open in it. It's an autonumber field and primary key. Is there something I now need to do in the EditEquipment OnLoad event or something like that?

Private Sub Command5_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(Me.List3 & "") > 0 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "EditEquipment", acNormal, , _
"[ItemID] = '" & Me.List3 & "'"
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Opening Report From List Box In Form

Aug 4, 2014

I have a report that runs a parameter query identifying which StudentID it wants to run the report of, and what month/year.I want to leave the month/year as a parameter, but what I want to do is get the record that I selected from the listbox (IE. student 1000) and then when I click on Run Report Card, it wouldn't ask me for the parameter of the student, but just the year, and then it would run the report card for the student I selected.

I tried doing the open report macro and in the where row I put
[StudentID] = [Forms]![Form1]![List12]

but it didn't seem to work.

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Access Not Closing

Jun 13, 2005

Has anyone seem the problem when you close an access database and you think it is close but if you open the task manager you will see MSACCESS.EXE still running. Why ????


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Closing Access

Feb 12, 2005

I want to put a button on my form which closes access i.e when i click it the access application closes and I go to desktop directly. Is there anyway I can do that.


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Closing Access

Jan 27, 2005

I want it to make it impossible to close my access application (mde file) through
the normal way (the x on top must be shut off)


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Closing Access

Mar 3, 2005

Is there a way to close access from a form?

I know you can close the database, but is there also a way to close the entire programs with a button on a form?

Thx in advance,


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Access 97 Closing With No Errors

Sep 27, 2007

I have recently done a fresh install of access 97 to our 2003 server. I load up an access app, it brings up a form with a button...I clidk the button, and it closes the app with no errors, and leaves the ldb file in tact. Checking the event viewer, I get this message:

Faulting application msaccess.exe, version, faulting module unknown, version, fault address 0x00202878.

It appears to be on the buttons that open forms / reports, but not those that run queries. Any ideas?

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Feb 21, 2007

where do I add a closing string into this code and what do I write? The server said the database is not closing the access database correctly and i don't know what is wrong.


<add key="connString" value="~/protected/pedalcardb.mdb" />


Set compilation debug="true" to enable ASPX debugging. Otherwise, setting this value to
false will improve runtime performance of this application.
Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging symbols (.pdb information)
into the compiled page. Because this creates a larger file that executes
more slowly, you should set this value to true only when debugging and to
false at all other times. For more information, refer to the documentation about
debugging ASP.NET files.

Set customErrors mode="On" or "RemoteOnly" to enable custom error messages, "Off" to disable.
Add <error> tags for each of the errors you want to handle.

"On" Always display custom (friendly) messages.
"Off" Always display detailed ASP.NET error information.
"RemoteOnly" Display custom (friendly) messages only to users not running
on the local Web server. This setting is recommended for security purposes, so
that you do not display application detail information to remote clients.
<customErrors defaultRedirect="error.htm" mode="RemoteOnly" />

This section sets the authentication policies of the application. Possible modes are "Windows",
"Forms", "Passport" and "None"

"None" No authentication is performed.
"Windows" IIS performs authentication (Basic, Digest, or Integrated Windows) according to
its settings for the application. Anonymous access must be disabled in IIS.
"Forms" You provide a custom form (Web page) for users to enter their credentials, and then
you authenticate them in your application. A user credential token is stored in a cookie.
"Passport" Authentication is performed via a centralized authentication service provided
by Microsoft that offers a single logon and core profile services for member sites.
<authentication mode="Forms" />

This section sets the authorization policies of the application. You can allow or deny access
to application resources by user or role. Wildcards: "*" mean everyone, "?" means anonymous
(unauthenticated) users.

<allow users="*" /> <!-- Allow all users -->
<!-- <allow users="[comma separated list of users]"
roles="[comma separated list of roles]"/>
<deny users="[comma separated list of users]"
roles="[comma separated list of roles]"/>

Application-level tracing enables trace log output for every page within an application.
Set trace enabled="true" to enable application trace logging. If pageOutput="true", the
trace information will be displayed at the bottom of each page. Otherwise, you can view the
application trace log by browsing the "trace.axd" page from your web application

By default ASP.NET uses cookies to identify which requests belong to a particular session.
If cookies are not available, a session can be tracked by adding a session identifier to the URL.
To disable cookies, set sessionState cookieless="true".
sqlConnectionString="data source=;Trusted_Connection=yes"

This section sets the globalization settings of the application.



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Access 2000 Suddenly Closing

Jul 16, 2007

Recently Access has started to suddenly close. Usually when I have been developing although I do not appreas to have lost anything as I Save, Save, Save all the time. Last week I had a report that a live access 2000 is doing the same thing. Users are in the middle of entering data and suddenly the database is gone, with no messages. They can re-open the database and continue.

Anyone else experiencing this problem with Access 2000?

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General :: Closing PDF Using Access Code?

Jul 15, 2015

How do I close a .pdf file using Access code? There has got to be some simple line of code that will do this.

I know the location of the .pdf. There has to be something like:


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Closing Down Access Takes Ages

Apr 17, 2012

I'm using Access 2000 and every time I shut down my database, it takes ages (the screen locks up) and it creates a duplicate copy of the database.

I seem to recall it saying, on a few occasions, that it was something to do with a "Read Only" file;

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