Update Query Work On Allowzerolength On Text Fields

Sep 30, 2005


I am using a update query to update a table from another table. This query however will works only if I set the allowzerolength to yes in the table design otherwise validation error message will appear. This means that I cannot use the "Is Null " anymore because this empty space " " can appear. Is there any a way i can filter out those empty fields in the query design then? Thank you for your help.

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Queries :: UPDATE Query Won't Work After Warning Set To False

Feb 20, 2014

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "Tupdate1"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.SetWarnings Ture

If included the two setwarning statements, the update query won't work but when running without them, the update query worked well.

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How To Get DateAdd In A Query To Work Through Other Fields?

Sep 6, 2006


I am trying to get DATEADD to work in a query where the parts are called by different colums on the query like so:

Code:ExpiryDate: DateAdd("" & [DDType] & "",[DDNum],[Date])
At the moment the above will return the [DATE] without adding on the numbers

The [DDNum] is the number and works fine
The [Date] is the date and works fine

I know this becase the following code will give a new date
Code:ExpiryDate: DateAdd("d",[DDNum],[Date])

Could someone kindly let me know what I am missing in my syntax to get this working - I can get it working in ASP but I also need it to work in an Access Database

thank you for your time

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AllowZeroLength Or Not

Apr 8, 2007

I've been at this for quite some time now; creating databases and applications for a small company. I have gotten along ok by studying various books, with the gracious help of many exceptionally knowledgeable people in this forum, and by making heavy use of the archives here.

I have moved on, however, having found what many of us would likely consider a dream gig. I am now part of a team which will develop an application and associated database which we will make available (sell) to other companies. Pretty scary, considering I have no formal training, but I intend to make the best of it.

I of course want a solid foundation, and have a basic design question:

Briefly, which things should one consider when deciding whether to allow zero length on a text field?

And a related question:

I have in the past set AllowZeroLength to No, primarily because my installation(s) of Access have always defaulted to No.

In my current installation (2003), it defaults to Yes.

How can the default be changed?

I found the same question posted in the archive, but nobody replied to the post.

Thanks, and may I just extend at this point my deep gratitude to those who have been so willing to share their extensive knowledge and invaluable experience with everyone.

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Update Two Different Tables (fields) From One Text Box

Feb 9, 2006

Hi All,

How do update two different tables (fields) from one text box from a form?


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Queries :: Getting A Query On Multiple Checkbox Fields To Work With A Date Range?

Nov 7, 2014

I have developed a database which has required many checkbox fields to enable analysis. It requires to have the facility to input random/variable date ranges for statistical purposes.

I have built a query which obtains the counts of multiple fields using the following parameters in Query Builder in Access 2010. Although this comes up with the correct results for these multiple fields when I try introduce date range the results come up blank for all results.

An example of the parameters used for one of the checkbox fields in Query Builder is as follows:

Field: SumAnger: Sum([Anger]*-1)
Table: Default as only one table
Total: Expression
Show: Checked

This works fine.

My latest parameters for the date range are this:

Field: [cDate]
Table: Default as only one table
Total: WHERE Corrected! Whoops Copy & Paste Typo. Too early AM!
Show: Checked or Unchecked makes no difference
Criteria: Between [From Date:] And [To Date:]

This gives a statement in SQL view of:

SELECT Sum([Anger]*-1) AS SumAnger, Sum([Anxiety]*-1) AS SumAnxiety, Sum([Depression]*-1) AS SumDepression, Sum([Listening]*-1) AS SumListenig, Sum([Psychosis]*-1) AS SumPsychosis, Sum([Stress]*-1) AS SumStress, Sum([Other]*-1) AS SumOther, tblCommsLog.[cDate]
FROM tblCommsLog
WHERE (((tblCommsLog.[cDate]) Between [From Date:] And [To Date:]));

what I need to get this to work in Query Builder or failing that recommend some VBA script/code with embedded SQL to achieve the required report.

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Queries :: Update Fields By Splitting Text From Other Field

Nov 28, 2014

I have one field called FULL_ADDRESS. From that field I am going to populate two other fields. One called ADD_1 and the other, ADD_2.

In the FULL_ADDRESS field I have the following text :


I want ADD_1 updated to:


and ADD_2 updated to:

"T4T 1L7"

While I understand how to do an update if I was using a space as a reference, i.e.

Trim(Left([FULL_ADDRESS],Instrrev([FULL_ADDRESS]," ")-1))
Trim(Mid([FULL_ADDRESS],Instrrev([A]," ")+1))

I can't figure out how to skip the first space from the right, and reference to the second occurring space, so that I get "T4T 1L7" to populate the ADD_2 field, and everything to the left of "T4T 1L7" placed in the ADD_1 field.

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Wierd Prob: Cannot Update SQL Server Text-fields For Some Records, But Can For Others

Feb 22, 2005


I have a very strange problem:

I have a table linked to an SQL Server table in my MS Access 2000 Application containing 5 text-fields (SQL Server Type, in Access seen as MEMO-fields) and several other fields (in total about 140 fields). Updating any field works fine except for some records. In those records I can only edit the non-text-fields in my application. When I try to edit one of the text-fields I get a error message telling me that another user has edited the record and i have to discard my changes.

The strange thing is that this problem only crops up for some records. (1 in a 100 or so) All other records work fine.

Does anyone know what happens here? And how this can be fixed?


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Using Criteria To Update Fields In A Update Query

Nov 29, 2006

Ok, i have a question about update queries.I have two tables (I'll call table 1 and table two for simplicity) and an update query. I want to get some data from table one to table two (via an update query). But in table two there is a field that isn't in table one but i want to add a value to that field via the query.My question is, can i manually put into the query what data to add to a field instead of/aswell as using data from other tables.I hope you understood my questions.Cheers

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Uggh! Update Won't Work!

Sep 10, 2007

Hey guys-
I have 2 tables I am working with. The first one is the raw data I am importing (tbImport)- it includes records that are NEW, as well as records that are existing in the 2nd table. Some of the existing records will have updated info in this table, and will need the corresponding records updated as such.

The 2nd table is the main database table. It holds pre-existing records (tbListing).

I have read that I can do a RIGHT JOIN on an UPDATE query, and it will not only update the existing records, but- will append any new records to the tbListing table. I'm running the query- and it's saying that it's going to return/update ZERO records. There are 28,000+ records that will need to be updated at this time. What is going on here? WHy won't it update?

Currently, there are NO records in the pre-existing DB (I realize that this should just cause it to append all the new records on it- but tomorrow's update will append AND update at the same time).

I have the Primary Key set and matched in both tables (LN2 & MLS). Here's the LOOOONG SQL... Can you help me out here? I'm very frustrated!

UPDATE tbImport RIGHT JOIN tbListing ON tbImport.LN2 = tbListing.MLS SET tbImport.LN2 = tbListing.MLS, tbImport.PROPTYPE = tblisting.PropertyType, tbImport.ST = tblisting.Status, tbImport.HSN1 = tblisting.HouseNumber, tbImport.CP = tblisting.Compass, tbImport.STR = tblisting.StreetName, tbImport.SC = tblisting.Suffix, tbImport.UN = tblisting.Unit, tbImport.ADDRESS = tblisting.Address, tbImport.CT = tblisting.City, tbImport.ZP = tblisting.Zip, tbImport.Z4 = tblisting.Zip4, tbImport.COU = tblisting.County, tbImport.SBD = tblisting.Subdivision, tbImport.GRID = tblisting.Grid, tbImport.AREA = tblisting.Area, tbImport.BR = tblisting.Beds, tbImport.BATHS = tblisting.Baths, tbImport.SQ = tblisting.SqFt, tbImport.[LEVEL] = tblisting.Level, tbImport.YR = tblisting.YearBuilt, tbImport.PPOL = tblisting.Pool, tbImport.BOOKNUMINT = tblisting.Book, tbImport.MA = tblisting.MapNum, tbImport.PN = tblisting.Parcel, tbImport.PL = tblisting.ParcelLetter, tbImport.BOOK_PG = tblisting.BookPage, tbImport.LT = tblisting.LotNumber, tbImport.OLP = tblisting.OriginalListPrice, tbImport.LP = tblisting.ListPrice, tbImport.COE = tblisting.COE, tbImport.SP = tblisting.SoldPrice, tbImport.TN = tbListing.Occupant, tbImport.FP = tbListing.Fireplace, tbImport.ROOF = tbListing.Roof, tbImport.PPOL1 = tbListing.PrivatePool, tbImport.LTSZ = tbListing.LotSize, tbImport.LS = tbListing.LotDim, tbImport.PRK = tbListing.Parking, tbImport.DTYP = tbListing.DwelProj, tbImport.HRSE = tbListing.Horses, tbImport.BD = tbListing.Builder, tbImport.HS = tbListing.HighSchool, tbImport.HSD = tbListing.HighSchoolDistrict, tbImport.TRM1 = tbListing.[MortgageTerms], tbImport.MISC = tbListing.Misc, tbImport.PROP = tbListing.PropertyDescription, tbImport.APSF = tbListing.SqFtRange, tbImport.OWNS = [tbListing].[Ownership], tbImport.[ON] = [tbListing].[OwnerName], tbImport.OT = [tbListing].[OwnerPhone], tbImport.TY = [tbListing].[TaxYr], tbImport.SHOW = [tbListing].[Show], tbImport.RM1 = [tbListing].[Remarks], tbImport.RM7 = [tbListing].[RealtorRemarks], tbImport.TX = [tbListing].[Taxes], tbImport.CB = [tbListing].[CoBroke], tbImport.LD = [tbListing].[ListDate], tbImport.PND = [tbListing].[PendDate], tbImport.MARKETDATE = [tbListing].[OffMarketDate], tbImport.SD = [tbListing].[ChangeDate], tbImport.CD = [tbListing].[ContractDate], tbImport.ATEDISPLAY = [tbListing].[ExpirationDate], tbImport.CDOM = [tbListing].[CDOM], tbImport.ADOM = [tbListing].[ADOM], tbImport.DOM = [tbListing].[DOM];

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New At Access: Update Simlar Text Fields In One Form Based On Another Form

Jun 13, 2006

I am very new at Microsoft Access. I have two forms, A and B, that are filled out by two different users. Form A gets filled out first than form B gets filled out. Each has a name box as well as a birthdate box and a few other similar text fields. However, each form also has a few distinctive fields. I was wondering how I could input the common information in Form A to Form B so the user of Form B does not have to spend time retyping the name and birthdates again. In other words, I want to synchronize the similar records between the two forms. I would like the values to appear in a table as well. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me with the visual basic code. Thank You.

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Update Fields In One To Many Query

May 1, 2008

I have a one-to-many query with two tables. I'm using the query as a record source for a subform.

The subform displays the correct data I'm after however I can't update any fields on the it due to the underlying query having a one to many relationship. I understand that and thats fine.

Problem is I need users to be able to update one field on this subform as required. Is there a way to allow this while keeping the underlying query the same?

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Update Query-multiple Fields,1 With Data, 1 Without

Apr 10, 2008

Access2007- Building a query to handle future input...

I run an update query that does what it is supposed to do and gives the proper values.

THEN I add a one more field to the source with the builder using + that has no data in it yet, the query fails and gives blanks, even though one of the fields in the source has data in it.

I would think that the "no data" field would be considered 0.00 value and be added together to the field that has values giving at least the value of the field with values as a result of the query.

Is there a setting somewhere that I need to change so that the no value and the value would be combined? I am using the builder to combine the values in the query.


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How Do I Update A Subform Fields From A Single Query?

Feb 20, 2005

I have a subform with two fields whose record source is a Query ("subquery")

Code in the query is as follows:

"SELECT Sum(capital) AS cq1
FROM capital_act WHERE (((capital_act.month)='jan' Or (capital_act.month)='feb' Or (capital_act.month)='mar') And ((capital_act.projectid)=forms!frmplan!projectid)) ;"

This query updates the field cq1 in my subform. I want to add 3 other fields for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters. For instance the second quarter field cq2 field would have the capital_act.month as 'apr' or 'may' or 'jun' and so on...

cq1 value gets updated fine. I dont know how to add the fields cq2, cq3, and cq4 on the same subform whose record source would be the same query ("subquery").

I added a second SQL statement in the same query ("subquery") for cq2 but access does not let me add it.

Can somone point me in the right direction please?


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Queries :: Update Several Fields All At Once In One Single Query

May 23, 2014

I am trying to update several fields all at once in one single query. Also, I can only use the Design View (No SQL)

The weirdest thing keeps happening though: The more fields I enter to get updated, the less rows get updated.

For example,

When I have only one field that gets updated and I click "run" the window pops up saying I'm about to update 9 rows. It asks me if I'm sure I want to update those records so I say "no".....

Then, I add in another field and click "run" and the window pops up daying I'm about to update 8 rows. When it asks me if I'm sure I want to update those records, again I say "no"......

Then, I add in another field and this time it says 7 rows..... and the trend goes on and on until it says I'm going to update 0 rows.

I have about 15 fields I need to update all at once. I don't get why its not letting me update them simultaneously.

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ControlTip Text Does Not Work

Sep 19, 2006

Access 2003:

Mouse hover over control will not pop up the standard yellow window
with tips entered in the control's ControTip text property.

I tried to bring the control to the front but that doesn't work either.

At one time I disabled all bars and menus to have control over which
ones appear for this application. However, I removed the registry
entries for all preferences for the current user and the popups still
dont appear.

Is there a way to disable/enable this functionality either by some
configuration change in tools/options or programatically using

Any suggestions whould be appreciated.


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Rs Fields(0).value Didnt Work

Feb 1, 2005

hi lagbolt,

tried doing rs fields(0).value in the code but i didnt work.
one more thing i earlier had following code in a command button when it worked properly but now i added the code mentioned in last post, it was not working. please throw some light.

Dim x As String
x = "select RESOURCEINFO from tbl_control where CONTROLNAME='" + Combo4.Text + "'"
If (cn.State <> 1) Then
cn.Open "dsn=ABC", "", ""
End If
rs.Open x, cn
If (rs.EOF = False) Then
RESOURCEINFO.Value = rs(0)
End If

this was working fine till i copied this code with some modifications in the earlier code.

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Queries :: Update Query To Replace Number With Text

Apr 15, 2014

I've made a simple form to Login/Logout with radio buttons but the buttons only allow me to push a number as a value, in my case 1 or 2 for Login or Logout.

How would I make an update query to change those numbers to the equivalent text? Or is that not possible in the same field because that is 2 different data types?

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Export To Excel, Update Two Fields In A Query Question

Jun 10, 2005

We have a report that is generated monthly to management on Excel. We Export the data from an Access query to Excel and at that time the user has to update the Month Reported and Year Reported fields on each record within that query.

Can I set up something to where the user can click a button or something and Access do all of this automatically?

Example: May 2005 was just sent out and we exported the data from the query to Excel and went back into the query and chose update query and had Access fill in May (in the month reported field) and 2005 (in the year reported field) on all of the records.

Any help is appreciated, thanks...

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Export To Excel, Update Two Fields In A Query Question

Jun 10, 2005

We have a report that is generated monthly to management on Excel. We Export the data from an Access query to Excel and at that time the user has to update the Month Reported and Year Reported fields on each record within that query.

Can I set up something to where the user can click a button or something and Access do all of this automatically?

Example: May 2005 was just sent out and we exported the data from the query to Excel and went back into the query and chose update query and had Access fill in May (in the month reported field) and 2005 (in the year reported field) on all of the records.

Any help is appreciated, thanks...

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Queries :: Update Query Peculiarity - Not All Fields Updated

Nov 18, 2013

I'm mid build on a commitments tracking (pseudo Purchase Order system) project, but seem to have run into an issue with a loop I'm building to allow users to edit commitments. The idea is that an edit form is launched, values amended and the submit button is clicked. A VB subroutine then validates the entries to ensure that the mandatory entries are included. It then writes a copy of the original values to the Archive table, before attempting to update the existing commitment with the new values..

This is working perfectly, apart from the fact that 3 fields that are "updated" are being updated to a blank value..

Private Sub CommitSubmit_Click()
Dim SQLStr, LastID, DOwner, DHeading As String
Dim ErrState, Dtype, DProperty, DTCA, DITD, DSD, DED, DSP, DRetention, DRA, DRPD, DSupplier, DDOW, DStatus, DUser, DShD As String
Dim Authcheck, Complete, ErrMsg As Boolean
Dim QDF1, QDF2 As QueryDef


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Queries :: Update Query That Ignores Missing Fields?

Jul 28, 2015

I'm trying to create a single, Update Query in Access 2007 that does all of these 3 things:

Update (skipping zero-length values)
Automatically handle missing Fields without showing any "Enter Parameter Value" prompts.

I've managed to accomplish the 1st & 2nd items on my own, but I'm stumped on the 3rd. In essence, what I'm looking for is a way of telling Access to automatically use a zero-length/null value for any missing Field(s) the Query encounters, so long as it does not involve manually modifying the Table beforehand. Automation is key. And that's where you guys come in.

Attached, is a diagram of the desired results applied to a set of sample Tables. And here's the SQL code for the Update Query adjusted to work with those sample Tables:

UPDATE Table_1 RIGHT JOIN Table_2 ON Table_1.ID = Table_2.ID SET Table_1.ID = NZ([Table_2].[ID],[Table_1].[ID]), Table_1.Company = NZ([Table_2].[Company],[Table_1].[Company]), Table_1.Address = NZ([Table_2].[Address],[Table_1].[Address]), Table_1.Phone = NZ([Table_2].[Phone],[Table_1].[Phone]);

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Update Query Is Updating Multiple Fields With Duplicate Data

Nov 1, 2012

I'm running an update query that's based on a select query (that runs some calculations). The update query is updating ALL the rows that should be updated with the information in the select query with data from the final row in the select query, and not on a per ID basis as I think I have it set-up to do. The data looks correct in the update query, but again it's not coming out right.

Here's the SQL for what I've written so far:

UPDATE [Customer_Data Query], Customer_Data INNER JOIN Baseline ON Customer_Data.ID = Baseline.ID SET Baseline.[Unit Hours] = [Customer_Data]![Dur_Days]*[Customer_Data]![Dur_Hours]*[Customer_Data]![Number_Units], Baseline.Availability = [Customer_Data]![Perceived_Avail], Baseline.[Hours Available] = [Customer_Data]![Dur_Days]*[Customer_Data]![Dur_Hours]*[Customer_Data]![Number_Units]*[Customer_Data]![Perceived_Avail],
[Code] ....

I've also tried to force the update to the proper row by adding a criteria based on ID.

Select query, here it is:

SELECT Customer_Data.ID, Customer_Data.Data_Set_Version, Customer_Data.Number_Units, Customer_Data.Perceived_Avail, Customer_Data.MTTR_MTBF, Customer_Data.MT_TR_OR_BF_Hours, Customer_Data.Utilization, Customer_Data.Percent_Scheduled, Customer_Data.Sched_Percent_of_PM, Customer_Data.Sched_PM_Duration, Customer_Data.Sched_CBM_Duration, Customer_Data.Sched_CBM_From_PM, Customer_Data.React_Detect, Customer_Data.React_Rework, Customer_Data.React_False_Alarms,

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Summarize Three Fields By Work Week

Jul 17, 2013

I've got three fields - date_time, # of issues, issue reasons

I want to summarize these by work week.


WW....... # of issues ...............................issue reasons
1 ..........<sum of all issues for the week>..list of all reasons entered
2 ..........<sum of all issues for the week>..list of all reasons entered
3 ..........<sum of all issues for the week>..list of all reasons entered
4 ..........<sum of all issues for the week>..list of all reasons entered
5 ..........<sum of all issues for the week>..list of all reasons entered

I know how to get the WW part - I do the datepart("ww",[Date_Time] for the expression. But how to write the query to do the other 2 parts, I'm lost.

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Elapsed Time Query In Text Fields

Mar 24, 2007

I have a database with two fields [RECEIVED] and [DISPATCHED] which unfortunately are text fields which I can't change (linked via ODBC). Time is entered in these fields as military time.

I created a query with [DISPATCHED]-[RECEIVED] which works unless the time spans different hours. Example 1605-1555 returns 50 instead of the correct 10.

Any idea how I can use a query to calculate this accurately. I am an intermediate user. Any help appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Generating Text Fields From Query

May 17, 2015

I've come across a problem that doesn't make sense to me. I have a form with a combo box on it. Each time the combo box is used or the form is moved to another record it triggers an event to update the text boxes.

I get the information for the text boxes from a query. Everything was working smoothly until I decided to add a text box to the form to be filled in. My thought was I add the column from the query to the code and it will update. No dice. It doesn't recognize any information in the query. But when I run the query as a standalone it sees the text. When i open the table that holds the text, it is still there.


Private Sub cboDoctor_AfterUpdate()
'update doctor fields on the update of the combo box
If Len(Me.cboDoctor) > 0 Then
Call DoctorName_Change


When i step through the code it shows values for each of the columns except for column 11. It reports as 'null.' Things I've tried:

-Updating the combo box by reselecting the value for the record.
-Restarting DB.
-Changing from one record in the combo box back to the original record.

Is there a limit of columns that can be used? Column 10 works just fine...

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