i want to retrieve some data from a table i have pieced together a bit of code but get an error to few parameters.
Dim db As dao.Database
Dim Lrs As dao.Recordset
Dim LSQL As String
Dim Lname As String
'Open connection to current Access database
Set db = CurrentDb()
Background I have a query (Q1) that retrives data from a table (Table 1). One of the fields in Table (F1) contains both text and numeric data (ie: 24 eggs). I want to separate these values in Q1.
Questions How can i in Q1 retrive only numeric data from F1 and display that data i a field? How can i in Q1 retrive only text from F1 and display that data i a field?
I create the table1 in SQL Server and then link the table to MS Access using ODBC. But, when I write do this statement Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from table1")
for i = 1 to rs.recordcount msgbox rs.field(0) next i
It only retrieve 1 record only, but the table have 10 records. What's wrong with it? I check rs.recordcount, it only loop one time.
Additionally, it doesn't work this function in the ODBC link table rs.addnew rs.field(0) = "hello" rs.update
And, when we use ODBC link tables, we cannot delete data in the table. currentdb.execute "delete * from table1"
it will give out error message, the table is read-only.
Text0 = Textfield for ID Text2 = Textfield for LName Text3 = Textfield for FName
btnRet = Button for retrieve when ID is entered in Text0 btnUpdate = Button for saving the changes made in the textfields.
How can I search the ID from the Table I made? And when it was matched, get the details of that ID unto the designated text fields. It was like retrieving the data from the table with the ID typed in the text field from the form I made.
Then when it was retrieved, I can edit the fields and when I hit the Update button, the edited fields will replaced the original data.
Also after it was updated, a new record will be added in the history table that the ID was edited. Is is possible?
For now, i want to know how to retrieve the data with the ID and edit and save it after and update the table. Does it applies with the codes with the retrieve button and update button?
It's been some time since I wrote the following, which takes a string made up of "Lastname Firstname Telephone" and writes it at a specific time in Outlook. It uses Late binding so it works across all Oulook versions.
Code: Public Function funOutputAppointmentToOutlook(dtmDate As Date, strSubject As String) Dim olApp As Object Dim mNameSpace As Object Const olFolderCalendar = 9 Const olAppointmentItem = 1
[Code] ....
I would like to first check the specific Outlook time slot whether the string exists already and only if it does not exist to write it.
How to retrieve data from a table (via query) ? I created the below query, but I'm not sure what else is needed to retrieve the value from my SQL query. My query code is below. I'm not getting any errors.
Dim strClient As String strClient = "Jerry Davis" strSQL = " SELECT [Progress Tracking].[Client Name], [Progress Tracking].[Client Start Date], [Progress Tracking].[Start Body Weight], [Progress Tracking].[Tracking Date] FROM [Progress Tracking] WHERE [Progress Tracking].[Client Name])= ' " & strClient & " ' " MsgBox "Weight Box " & " " & strSQL
I'm retrieving all **Basecode** column data starts with only letters other than 'W', 'N' by this query
Code: SELECT tbl1.EID,tbl1.Description,tabl1.Basecode FROM tbl1 WHERE Not IsNumeric(Left(Basecode,1)) AND Left(Basecode,1) Not In ("W","N");
And retrieving all **Basecode** if column data length >6 and with numbers '96', '78','54','15' by this query
Code: SELECT tbl1.EID,tbl1.Description,tabl1.Basecode FROM tbl1 WHERE (((Len([Basecode]))>6)AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='15')) OR (((Len([Basecode]))>6) AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='54')) OR (((Len([Basecode]))>6) AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='78')) OR (((Len([Basecode]))>6) AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='96'));
How do i get other data which won't retrieve based on above queries, other than data mentioned on these queries like this
Code: SELECT tbl1.EID,tbl1.Description,tabl1.Basecode FROM tbl1 WHERE (IsNumeric(Left(Basecode,1)) AND Left(Basecode,1) Not In ("W","N")) AND NOT (((Len([Basecode]))>6)AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='15')) OR (((Len([Basecode]))>6) AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='54')) OR (((Len([Basecode]))>6) AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='78')) OR (((Len([Basecode]))>6) AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='96'));
I am trying to create a Database that will type our orders. I have a table with our customer list that includes both billing and shipping information. The problem is that sometimes one customer will request a "drop shipment" to another customer. Is it possible to retrieve different data from two different customers? Billing info for customer "A" and shipping info for customer "B" without creating seperate tables?
How can i retrive Bulk Data - from Different database into this database table. At the moment i loop through all the records which is not good idea...i want it to be real quick without linking the table...
I heard something like Insert into statement can work but have never used one....
And I want to extract the "Submit Date" data and place them into their corresponding fields on a form:
Basically I want to take the Submit Date column from the table and place them (in the same order) in the form. How can I do so? I'm also confused as to what to select for the Control Source in the Form Design.
*Note: both "Submit Date" columns in the form and table are set to Date/Time.
Current situation is that I have this form with a chart.
Row Source :
Code: SELECT PolyWrongRegInsCount.[INSTITUTION], PolyWrongRegInsCount.[NO_OF_GROUP] FROM PolyWrongRegInsCount;
PolyWrongRegInsCount; <- This table is one of the queries that I created.However, the data is manually added. I want to get the data from excel spreadsheet. And load into my queries
Is it possible to use combo boxes in reports? I have a report built but was wanting to use a look up box to retrieve alternate data while looking at the report.
I've been able to navigate a lot on my own, but there is one issue I cannot seem to resolve. I have 1 form and 1 table. I have the form set up so that you can enter data, and then press a button, and it will "save" and refresh the form for a new entry. However, I want to be able to pull that entry back up in the form, and fill out additional fields later on.The form is set to data entry = yes because I do want the form to open up as brand new each time.
To sum up my question. I want a text box and search button at the top of my form. When you type an ID number in the text box, and then press search, I want access to populate my form with the information in my data table associated with that ID number.
If I type in the number 1234 and hit search. I want my form to autopopulate with the data in the row for ID number 1234 (all the fields I have already populated). So by searching 1234, the name, phone, background info, etc that is populated in the row will appear.
Can I look up and verify data on a "second" form based on a selected record from first (still open) form.
I am trying to allow users to select a User Name from a combo box list and then open "Change Password" form when they select "Change Password" for that selected user name.
My problem is that I can't figure out how to associate and verify the data tied to the user name selected on the previous (Login) form ( I am trying to validate the old password tied to that selected record).
I have the first login form created, and it's working just fine. I also have the change password form created (and it's displaying the user name selected from the first form using:
Code: Private Sub Form_Load() With Forms![frmLogin]![cboUserName] Me.txtPwdChgUserID = .Column(2, .ListIndex) End With EndSub
I also have the code written to validate and confirm old password, new password and validate new password (when the save button is clicked). I have yet to update the password with the new password (still trying to figure that out).
Attached zip file has screen shots of the two forms.
And retrieving all **Basecode** if column data length >6 and with numbers '96', '78','54','15' by this query
Code: SELECT tbl1.EID,tbl1.Description,tabl1.Basecode FROM tbl1 WHERE (((Len([Basecode]))>6)AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='15')) OR (((Len([Basecode]))>6) AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='54')) OR (((Len([Basecode]))>6) AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='78')) OR (((Len([Basecode]))>6) AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='96'));
How do i get other data which won't retrieve based on above queries, other than data mentioned on these queries like this
Code: SELECT tbl1.EID,tbl1.Description,tabl1.Basecode FROM tbl1 WHERE (IsNumeric(Left(Base,1)) AND Left(Base,1) Not In ("W","N")) AND NOT (((Len([Basecode]))>6)AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='15')) OR (((Len([Basecode]))>6) AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='54')) OR (((Len([Basecode]))>6) AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='78')) OR (((Len([Basecode]))>6) AND ((Left([Basecode],2))='96'));
Hi, I have secured my db with password. I want to know the technique/technology so that i can read my password. Access must be storing the password in an encrypted form in any password file. My idea is that if I know the file where its stored and in what form then I hope it can be retrieved. I find so many available sites who claims that they have their product which is able to retrieve access db passowrd. I want to learn on how to do the same. Any idea or suggestions is highly appreciated. Thanks.
Suppose I have sharing drive, let's say "\server1sharefolderDatabasesdb1.mdb"
if I run this CurrentProject.Path inside the database file, it will retreive the current path with drive letter, but how can I retreive the server, and sharefolder information?
I am able to get the user name of the computer using a function. The function returns the user name in this format: first Name.last name. I wish to display only the first name ( the name before the dot. ) in a text box. I think I can use the len function. How to retrieve only the first name. I also wish to capitalize the first letter.
I'm trying to build a form based on a query to use for data editing/entry purposes.
The only way I can think of to do this is to use a query to get data that is particular to my specified customer.
The first problem I have run into is that one query does not contain enough fields to retreive all the fields in my table.
I figure, perhaps I have made a flaw in my design and shouldn't go further with this until I verify it to be true. I don't think I've made a flaw, but the fact that a query has limited maximum number of fields leads me to think I might have.
Each record in the table I'm querying contains several pieces of numerical data that might be recorded during a service visit.
Obviously I could query the table twice but that doesn't feel like the right way to go about it.
i have got a database which consists of table, queries, forms and reports. I have one problem now is that I wan to do a query that will be able to bring the figure from another field to the current one. ok say i have got Ref_No, Event_Date, Balance_BF, Adjustment, Balance.
so if say this is the first event for this particular ref_no (1234) it will bring the amount from another table (Principle_Table) linking the same ref_no (1234) to the Balance_BF fields, If this is not the first event for this particular ref_no (1234) it will then bring the amount from the previous event Balance field to the current event Balance_BF field.
I am very lost how to do this. Is there a way doing this using query?
This is wat i mean Ref No Event Date Balance_BFAdjustment Balance 06/00014 31-May-06 115140-5,757.00 $109,383.00 06/00014 31-Aug-06 109383-5,757.00 $103,626.00 06/00014 30-Nov-06 103626-5,757.00 $97,869.00 06/00014 28-Feb-07 97869-5,757.00 $92,112.00
U can see that the Balance_BF is actually brought down figure from the previous Balance starting from the second events. For the first event, the Balance_BF is actually draw down from another table (Principles_Table)
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong here. I have just added a record to a table. I would now like to get the record number (FamilyID), which as an AutoNumber field, and pass it to another form. My query is giving me an error that says, "A RunSQL action requires an argument consisting of an SQL statement."
Here is the code snippet: DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT FamilyID FROM Families WHERE LastName = '" & _ txtLast.Value & "';"
Thanks, Lisa
P.S. No one ever replies to my posts. Please respond if you can help. :)