Using Fields From A Table On A Form

Apr 25, 2005

i have a field called case number and i have several forms that relate to this number, what im trying to do is bring the case number from my clients form to the other forms with a command button that opens the other forms so the user does not have to enter it in, also after they have entered all the data they need, to the case number needs to be written to the tables of the other forms. i hope this is clear enough thanx in advance


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Creating New Table From Form Data Fields/clreaing Datat Fields.

Apr 13, 2008

I created a form in Access that retrieves data from a table. Inside the form, I am able to access/populate data fields with data from the table. I also have data fields, inside the form, that requires key-in data. I have some how lost the ability send all data field information to a second table and clear existing data fields for new entry.

Questions: What settings, code or buttons can I use to send/store data field information to a new table? What settings, code or buttons can I use to automatically clear all data fields from my form once data has been sent to the new table?

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Forms :: Adding Fields In A Table And Having Output Fill Fields On A Form

Jan 29, 2014

I have a totalquery that runs fine and give me the sum for both fields I'm looking for but I can't get the outputs to fill the fields on the form. I have tried the Dcount query in the control source but that just returns an error and locks up access.

SELECT [Tble-wcDelays].Causedby, Sum([Tble-wcDelays].HoursDelay) AS SumOfHoursDelay
FROM [Tble-wcDelays]
GROUP BY [Tble-wcDelays].Causedby, [Tble-wcDelays].LinkingID
HAVING ((([Tble-wcDelays].LinkingID)=[Forms]![Frm-ePlusCent]![cleanID]));

That is the query.

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Concatenating 2 Table Fields To Form Another

Dec 31, 2004

Hi all,

Ive got a table called tblClientCar, this is its structure:


I want to use an append query to concatenate ClientID and CarID together and putting the concatenated value into ClientCarID. How would i do this?

Ive tried using a form a two combos so when i select the clientID from the 1st combo and then the CarID from the 2nd combo, then run the append query to write the concatenated value into ClientCarID of the table. But it says writing 0 rows to table and the ClientCarID isnt concatenated when i check the table. This is the query sql syntax i was using:

INSERT INTO tblClientCar ( ClientCarID, ClientID, CarID )
SELECT tblClientCar.ClientCarID, tblClientCar.ClientID, tblClientCar.CarID
FROM tblClientCar
WHERE (((tblClientCar.ClientCarID)=[Forms]![frmClientCar].[Combo6] & "" & [Forms]![frmClientCar].[Combo8]));

I also tried another way. The 2 combos add the selected values into ClientID and CarID in the table tblCar. So i made the append query slightly different to concatenate ClientID and CarID to form ClientCarID. This is my query sql syntax:

INSERT INTO tblClientCar ( ClientCarID, ClientID, CarID )
SELECT tblClientCar.ClientCarID, tblClientCar.ClientID, tblClientCar.CarID
FROM tblClientCar
WHERE (((tblClientCar.ClientCarID)=[ClientID] & "" & [CarID]));

I get the same result as the 1st query. What am i doing wrong?
Is there another way of doing what im trying to do? Whats the correct sql syntax for doing this?


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One Table, One Form, Multiple Fields

Feb 9, 2006

Hello everyone,

I was working on a database several months ago and I came across this forum while troubleshooting. I had to abandon the incomplete project for some time now, but I am back and ready to get this thing up and running!

My database used to be comprised of lookup tables and other things for each of the fields in my main table, but I have recently scratched that idea for simply using list boxes.

My main problem, I believe, is with my form. I am trying to have two combo boxes, a beginning date and end date, and a keyword text box, all used as criteria in a query.

Seems pretty simple, and I actually got the keyword text box to work, but the combo boxes and between dates critiria return all records.

Can someone double-check my work? I'm sure it's just a simple error, but I will attach a stripped-down database for anyone to look through.

Thanks ahead of time for anyones help, it is greatly appreciated!

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How To Add Fields To A Table After A Form Has Been Created.

Feb 24, 2006

Anybody able to help me with this. I think there should be a simple solution to it, but it eludes me at the moment. Basically, I have created a form in MsAccess with alot of vb script on it, but
now I realise that I have to add more fields to the source table.
If I insert a new unbound text box onto the form, how do i bind it to
the new field in the source table. is there a formula that I should
use? When I look at the dropdown in the control source property, it
only gives me the fields that were in existense at the time the form
was created?

your help appreciated


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Using A Table To Populate 3 Form Fields

Mar 17, 2006


I have a form with 3 combo boxes part No, Description, Cost. I have created a table with this information in I want to be able to select the information from either one of the three drop down boxes and the other two to automatically collect the information from the other colums of the table. Can anyone help please?

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Set Fields On Form From Table Data

Jul 31, 2006

I have a command button that I want to automatically enter the date into a date field on the same form.

item: [Forms]![FRM_View_Orders]![OrderDate]
expression: Date()

This works in Access 2000 -- but in Access 2003 I get this error message:

"Object or class does not support the set of events"

Please can anyone help me with what I am doing wrong in 2003.


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Fields From 3 Or More Table In 1 Single Form

Oct 13, 2004

I have 3 tables, and I want to enter the data into them using 1 big form.
When I use wizard to create form, i manage to add fields from 2 tables, but once
I get to 3 tables, the form ends up not displaying anything. I am just wondering if
anyone can help me with the above problem, thanks in advance.

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Adding Fields From More Than One Table To A Form

Jan 13, 2005

Probably simple, but I cannot see how I add fields from different tables to a form that has already been designed. I can see how I achieve this when designing from scratch.

Thank you

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Predefined Table Fields Per Tab In A Form

Mar 4, 2015

I am trying to find a simple method to have predefined table fields per Tab in a form
Fill in multiple table fields per control

IE: If I click a check box, option from a drop-box, or Fill in a text-box when that information gets entered into the table the results will be:

Primary Category
Sub Category #1
Sub Category #2



The red will be automatically inserted based on what I chose for the "Sub Category #2" drop-down. The green will be what I typed in.

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Linking Form Fields To Table Data

Jun 14, 2005

Hi Guys,
Haven't done anything with Access since I finished uni and I can't remember much. I'm trying to set up a simple database with customer recording and order taking functionality. Just in the very early stages trying to get basic things working.

I have a form where you enter customer the bottom there is a command button named "Place Order", which will be clicked to go to the order form for that customer. Attachement shows very simplified version of the order form. I need to enter a Product ID, and have the Product Name automatically extracted from the Products table.

How can I do this? I would have done a search...but not even sure what this process is called in Access.
Thanks for any help.

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Use Calculated Fields In Form To Update Table

Nov 29, 2005

I have a form created from a table and I had to use calculations in some of the fields to automate certain processes. Now, if I pull a report based on the fields in the table - I am getting all except for the fields with the calculations. Is there any way to update the main table - since most of the calculations were done with text boxes?

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Using Form Fields To Display Other Table Information

Jan 17, 2006

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me.

I have a simple database, consisting of two tables and one form. I'd like the form to display information mainly from the first table (table 1). For this, I have used the Form Wizard, which works well and displays as it should. My problem comes when trying to display data from table 2, without using the Form Wizard.

I have a simple field called 'Number' in 'Table 2'. I'd like this value displayed in a text box along with table 1's data. I've tried using the expression builder, which gives me something along the lines of:

[tbl_Table 2]![Number]

But this is displayed as:


...when I open the form. Could anyone explain how I do this correctly please? All I'm trying to do is display data from other tables in the form.

Any help is much appreciated.

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Synchronizing Data Between Two Table Fields On A Form

Nov 22, 2004

I have a form with a text box from a table (cus. ID) and when I input that cus.ID into that text box I would like for that data to be stored in the appropriate table (customer) and also in the bridge table (customer purchases). Is there any way to input the data once into a textbox on the form and have it recorded into two different tables? Please let me know. Thanks

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Adding New Fields To Table Bound To A Form

Jan 31, 2005

I have a form which I've spend many hours designing to look and behave as I need it. It is bound to a table (get's it's data from there). I now want to add one or more new fields to the table (which I've done ok), but I can't seem to get the Form to see those fields. I've tried creating new controls on the form and the control source list to select from doesn't include my new fields.
Even if I write VB code embedded in the form to refer to the fields, the debugger trips on the field names saying no such method/object. The only way around it I've discovered is to create a new bound form which will mean re-dooing al the layout work again.

Surely this is a common situation which has an easy solution ?!!

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Auto Populating Fields In A Table/form

May 5, 2008

Sorry for posting into another thread about this, but here's my problem:

Hello All. Finally getting my pride out of the way and asking this. I've searched and this is the closest question pertaining to the problem I'm having. I have created a form to populate a table in Access. I've created Lookup fields for parts of the table that will get data from another table/tables. I want a certain part of the form to auto-populate data based off of the last name I put in the initial Drop-down box. Say, I have a person with a last name (and there are several with the same last names), I want the remainder of that line in the form/report to populate with his/her data needed for the form letter. Unfortunately right now, I have it where we have to select each from a drop down menu, for both last names, first names and other data needed. I've tore my brain up trying to figure out how to link the data in each one of the combo boxes to the first combo box. Any help would be appreciated. These are driving me nuts as I should be able to figure this out and it's just escaping my vision I guess. Thanks in advance for the help.

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Calculated Fields In Form Don't Carry To Table

Aug 5, 2006

Is there a way to make some of the fields from my form that contain calculated values carry to the table? Right now the values calculate correctly in the form but when I look at the table the field is blank...

I was hoping to use one form to calculate a value, insert it in the table, and then use that value in another form.

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Forms :: Disabling Fields From A Different Form / Table

Feb 14, 2014

I am trying to disable a field in a form based on a value in a field on a different table/form. I have been able, through simple VBA code, to disable fields based on a value in the same form. Are queries/sub forms the only way to go?

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Forms :: New Fields Added To Table / Won't Look Up On Form

Sep 8, 2014

I have this table that I built a form from . I added some fields to the table, most of which are look up. I added those fields to the form.When I try to test the form those lookups show nothing.I used the lookup wizzard.I removed those fields and added new ones (same problem).I compared them to the ones that are working - they are identical.I changed the control source to one that is working - didn't work.

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Summing Multiple Fields From One Table In A Form

Apr 1, 2014

[AR&R Hours]+[PTO # of Hours]+[Meeting/Calls # of Hours]+[System Issues # of Hours]+[BAU Training # of Hours]+[Exception Processing Hours]+[AIG Related Activities]+[Admin Work Hours]+[Migration Hours]+[Project Hours]

Need the fastest and easiest way to auto calculate the above in a field on a form. i can get it to calculate in a query but need it to do in the form as well.

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Designing Form But Table/query With Fields Not Enabled

Jun 29, 2005

im creating a form in design view but the icon to show the fields from the table that i want the fields to come from isnt being displayed; how do i get it to show?

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Search Multiple Text Fields In A Table From A Form

Aug 8, 2006

Please bare with me as I am an Absolute Access VB code novice . I have a Form in my Access DB and I found the Following code on this site and placed it behind my search button :

Private Sub SearchButton_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "All users", acViewPreview, , "[AUP].[First Name] = '" & Me.[Text34] & "'"

End Sub

The Search works great but only searches on the 1 Field "First Name" . How would I expand the VB code to include another 2 fields within my table . ( the other 2 fields I want to serach appear on the Form ) .

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Can't Modify Fields In Form With Table INNER JOIN Query

Oct 5, 2004

Hello, exactly how Access 2002 and SQL operate is still a bit fuzzy to me.

In brief:
tableAccounts has fields for Signatory1ID and Signatory2ID, and other stuff
tableSignatories has ID for a primary key and has SignatoryTypeID as a field
tableSignatoryTypes has ID for a primary key and SignatoryType as a field

For each account, on a Form I want to show the Signatory and SignatoryType info for both signatory1 and signatory2. I have tried creating various queries and INNER JOINing the tables and/or queries together, but whenever I manage to get all the information displayed, none of it is editable. Access seems to lock the various text boxes and combo boxes.

Any thoughts?

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Forms :: Clear Fields In Form And From Table With A Button

Mar 10, 2015

I want to be able to clear all the contents in my fields (which are bound to my table) with a click of a button

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Updating Form After Adding Fields To Its Related Table

Apr 25, 2012

I decide to add a new field to its related table. I always wait to create the form until I think my table is complete, but sometimes I just end up needing to add more info. Is there a quick way to update the form to include my new fields?

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