Using List Box To Open A Form To Matching Record

Oct 21, 2005

I have four similar forms - they each have a list box and an "edit" button.

The user selects the item in the list box and clicks edit.

Another form pops up, open to the record that was selected in the list box.

This works in two forms, it doesn't work in the other two forms. Instead it pops up the first record in the table, regardless of what is selected in the list box.

The code is identical on all four "edit buttons." (with field names changed, of course.)

Code:Dim stDocName As StringDim stLinkCriteria As StringstDocName = "frmCaseTypeEdit"stLinkCriteria = "[Case_Type_ID]="&Me![listCaseTypes]DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
The properties in the listboxes are also the same on all four forms - based on a query, 3 columns, and bound column is the first one (which is the ID field).

Does anyone have any ideas what could cause this?

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Open Form To A Matching Record

Feb 9, 2006

I have two forms in my database. One for equipment and one for the network information.I want to open the frmIP from the frmEquip and be on the coresponding record by matching the NIC Mac address field.Currently, I can do it but it is done by a filter...I don't want a filter...I just want to open to that record but be able to access the rest of the table without turning off the filter.Here is my code:Private Sub cmdOpenIPForm_Click()On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenIPForm_Click Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "frmIP" stLinkCriteria = "[NIC_MAC]=" & "'" & Me![NIC_MAC] & "'" DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria Exit_cmdOpenIPForm_Click: Exit SubHow can I open the form and goto the record with the matching NIC_MAC (without a filter)?Thanks for the assistance, Jeff.

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Forms :: Open Form To First Matching Record?

Nov 2, 2014

I have a bit of code that upon a button click will check to see how many records match (CustomerID); if there are no records returned it goes to another action (works fine), and if there is a record returned, it opens another form to that record (again, works fine).

However, should there be more than one record, how do I get it to open the first one?

The code to open the form is


DoCmd.OpenForm "PublicComplaintsMain", , , "CustomerID='" & varInput & "'"

Once the form is open, what code would I use for a command button to find/goto next matching record (as I haven't used .FindRecord in the first instance, .FindNext won't work - or will it?)

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Forms :: Open Query Based Report On Form With Matching Record

Nov 25, 2013

This is my data:

Table: "Facility Info"
Data in the table: "facility", "city", "date", etc.
Query: "Q Facility"
Report: "R Facility"
Form: "Main Form" is where the data is entered that goes into the "Facility Info" table.

In the "Main Form" there is a dropdown box where I can select the "facility".I would like to add a button to this form that opens my report "R Facility". But this report is a collection of all the facilities and I would like it to just report the ones for the facility that I selected from the dropdown box on my "Main Form".

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Open Form To Matching Record On Another Form

Jun 7, 2007

I have 2 forms.

The first form is called "entry"
the second for is called "play"

I am trying to open the play form on the click of a button so that it displays the records matching the value set for the [playid] field in both forms.

Can anyone help me with the code?

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Queries :: List Of Dates And Records With No Matching Record OR Existing Record With Higher Date

Nov 24, 2014

I've been asked to get some information from my database and I'm a bit stuck.

I have a list of refunds in tbl_main and each one includes a dateReceived. I make a record in either tlk_located, tlk_unableToLocate or tlk_bulk depending on the outcome when we're trying to send the money back to whoever it belongs to. Each table has a time stamp (named locatedTime, unableTime and timestamp respectively) field

My manager wants me to report how many entries were unworked on each day in the year, and what the value of them was. An entry is unworked if there is no entry in either of the 3 tables.

So I need a query that lists a range of dates, and for each date counts the number of entries where tbl_main.dateReceived is <= to that date and either has no record in located,unable or bulk or has a record with a timestamp > than the date. (It has been processed now, but hadn't been on the date we are looking at)

I can manage a query that looks at a certain date that it prompts for on each run:

SELECT Count(tbl_main.trust2PK) AS CountOftrust2PK, Sum(tbl_main.amountRefunded) AS SumOfamountRefunded
FROM ((tbl_main LEFT JOIN tlk_located ON tbl_main.trust2PK = tlk_located.trust2FK) LEFT JOIN tlk_unableToLocate ON tbl_main.trust2PK = tlk_unableToLocate.trust2FK) LEFT JOIN tlk_bulk ON tbl_main.trust2PK = tlk_bulk.trust2FK
WHERE (((tbl_main.dateReceived)<=[cutoffDate]) AND ((tlk_located.locatedTime) Is Null Or (tlk_located.locatedTime)>[cutOffDate]) AND ((tlk_unableToLocate.unableTime) Is Null Or (tlk_unableToLocate.unableTime)>[cutOffDate]) AND ((tlk_bulk.timeStamp) Is Null Or (tlk_bulk.timeStamp)>[cutOffDate]));

I would like a query that lists all dates in a range, and shows the same information for each day listed.

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List Box Open Form New Record With The ID In

Aug 15, 2006

Hello everyone,
i have 2 tables,
table one =client detials
table two = job information
both have field called ClientNumber in them and have Relationships

i have a form with list box in it with ClientNumber(hidden), Surname, First name and i have a button and i want when i choose a name of list box and click button to open a job information form and be on new record and i want the ClientNumber to be put in the ClientNumber textbox on the form

so if u click on eg: David scown and click button want it to open form and be on a new record and put his Client Number in the client number text box

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Open A Record In A Form When Selected From List Box

Jan 19, 2005

Hi folks,

I have created a form, which extracts records from a table and displays them in
a list box. This works, but what I want to do next is highlight a single record in
that list box, click a button and have the record open in another form. This is
the code I have at present:

Private Sub DisplayEnquiry_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_DisplayEnquiry_Click
Dim dispCriteria As String

dispCriteria = "[SupportEnquiriesTable].[EnquiryID]='" & Forms![Search All].[ListSearch].Column(0) & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm "Support Enquiries", , , dispCriteria
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_DisplayEnquiry_Click

End Sub

When I try this I get an error "The OpenForm action was canceled. You used a method of the DoCmd
to carry out an action in Visual Basic, but then clicked Cancel in a dialog box."

I've double-checked that I've typed in the correct names etc. so I am at my wits end!
Can anybody help me out?

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Forms :: Open Form And Show First Record In A List

Oct 20, 2013

On a form I have a listbox that allows me to navigate around my records. The listbox is filtered and I get the redords that I waqnt from the table.My problem is that when I open the form the record that is showing is one from the table but not one that is in my listbox. I want it to show the first record in the listbox...This is the command I have on open:

DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acFirst

which is where the fault lies, but I dont know what I should put in its place. The list is List273 and the form is frm_Profile

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Browse And Open Folder Based On Matching Form Field

Sep 18, 2012

My situation is that the access form field name is "Number" , there is a folder named "member" in

desktop C:UsersTomDesktop

For example If i press the command button (Field name "Number" is 123) in form , then automatic open named "123" folder inside named "member" folder

What is the Command button Code ?

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Command Button To Open Another Form - Matching Specific Data Fields

Aug 25, 2011

I have a subform in which I want to put in a Command Button to open another form.

I used the wizard as per normal, but when you come to matching specific data fields, there is nothing in my left hand column of the sub form. I have checked the record source property and it is bound to the correct table.

I have read that this is an issue with Access 2007? Is this the case or am I missing something obvious here?

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Record ID Not Matching Form ID In System

Dec 17, 2014

I'm wondering why the Record ID in my Form doesn't match the ID of that record in the system. This is consistent across all of my records?

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Open Up A Form From A List Box

Nov 2, 2006

I have a form with a list box on it, I want to be able to open another from with a click on an item in the list box and populate a list box on the second form.

So lets say on the ist forms list box I have Beef, Pork and Lamb, if choose Beef, I want to open the new form and populate the list box with a list of Beef items. Any help is appreciated.

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Compare Data In Different Tables And List Non Matching Values

Nov 2, 2007


I am trying to compare data in two different tables and list the data that does not match. Not sure if this is possible. Details below

Table 1

xyz - A1 - Do not use
ABC - A4 - Use

Table 2

123 - A1

The result of the query should show me

A4 (as this does not appear in table 2

I am not too familiar with Null values as there will be many null values that i want to ignore.

Any help will be appreciated.

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Open A Form Depending On Selection Off List Box

Aug 23, 2006


I have a form, with 2 Combo Box's and a List Box. The Combo Box's provide a search criteria and the results are displayed in the list box [searchList].

I want to be able to double click a record in this List box [searchList] and that will open a from [frm_SearchDisplay] with the selected record from that List Box [searchList]

Can someone please point me in the right direction.

Thanks in Advance


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Modules & VBA :: Database With Thousands Of Records - Open Image Matching A Field

May 6, 2015

I have to create a database with more than ten thousand records. There is a field on which image by clicking the image to be displayed with the default program based on the image on which you clicked.


Private Sub Campo1_Click()
Dim L As Long
L = ShellExecute(0, "Open", """" & "C:UsersNickDesktopDocumentiPicturesDioDiego.jpg" & """", vbNullString, vbNullString, 1)
End Sub

When onClick event happens on the image is displayed the same image regardless of the record on which you clicked. How do I change the code to open the image of the field that was clicked?

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Reports :: Print Only Report Matching Current Record In Form Among Multiple Reports

Oct 2, 2013

I have been an MS Excel man all along my career and I am a novice in MS Access.I have created a table, [Initial Customer Approval] which records data from a Form, [Initial Customer Approval]. Once the data is entered in the Form, I need to do some calculations based on the data entered in some of the fields in the form.I created 6 different queries for the six possible values in those fields. now for each of those queries I created respective reports.I placed a Print command button in the Form.

1. When I press the Print button it should open the report for the current record in the Form. (Currently It Opens all the reports simulatneously, with only one relevant report containing the current record; other opened reports being blank.)

2. If user presses the Print button before pressing Save button then system should prompt user.

Here is the code (Please note [reference number] is the unique ID generated for each record entered in the tabe through form):

Private bSaveClicked As Boolean
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Not bSaveClicked Then
MsgBox "You are trying to navigate away from the active record. Please either save your changes, or press ESC to cancel your changes.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Cancel = True


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Duble Click On List Box To Open Form And Subform

Apr 7, 2008

I have the following code attached to a form:
Private Sub Go_To_Project_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Go_To_Project_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "Project Main"
stLinkCriteria = "[R&D ID#]=" & Me![lstsearch]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Go_To_Project_Click
End Sub

Private Sub txtsearch_AfterUpdate()
Me.lstsearch.RowSource = "Select [R&D ID#], [SKU#], [Project Name], [Construction level], [Manufacturer], [Hobbico Status], [R&D Work By], [Product Manager], [Desktopper]" & _
"From [Project Main]" & _
"Where [Project Name] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [SKU#] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [R&D Work By] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [Product Manager] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [Desktopper] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [R&D ID#] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'"
End Sub

Private Sub Exit_Search_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Exit_Search_Click
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Exit_Search_Click
End Sub

Basically a text string is entered in the txtbox and a list of matching records shows up in lstsearch box. One selects the desired record in the lstsearch and clicks on the "Go to project" button and the appropriate form (aka "Project main") and subform (aka Project History) open up with the desired record and record history.

What would I need to add to lstsearch so the users can double-click on the record to open it instead of selecting it and clicking on the "Go to project" button?



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Forms :: Cannot Open Form By Double Clicking List Box

May 3, 2014

When double click the entries given in the attached database I cannot open the correct form. it gives parameter value.

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Forms :: Search Multiple Fields In Table And Open Matching Records For Editing

Dec 10, 2014

Create form to search multiple fields in table

Return records that match search

Open the record that you want in Form View for editing

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Display A Record Once If Data In Two Fields Have Matching Record

Nov 4, 2005

Hello eveyone . . .

i am attempting to create a VERY complicated query . . . it's sort of confusing:

I recieve data from an outside source and it is up to us to format it for our own analysis . . .
i have fields:

MethodCode..... AccNo .....PatientName.....MR..... TestCode ..... etc, etc

The fields we want to focus on is "AccNo" and "TestCode"

Now i want to filter based on this condition:

If "AccNo" AND "TestCode" BOTH have duplicate data in a record. Show that record only once. Remember. . . "AccNo and TestCode, both these fields have to have duplicate data in a record.

MethodCode..... AccNo .....PatientName.....MR..... TestCode ..... etc, etc
CAPT.....M566679.....John Blue.....123456.....CBCA
CAPT.....M566679.....John Blue.....123456.....CBCA
the example above should only display once because of the repeated AccNo and TestCode

MethodCode..... AccNo .....PatientName.....MR..... TestCode ..... etc, etc
CAPT.....M566679.....John Blue.....123456..... CBCA
CAPT.....M566679.....John Blue.....123456..... LIPID
the example above is just fine because the TestCode is not matching

How do i create a query to accomplish this? someone please help, i've had troube with this for the passed couple weeks . .. .

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Forms :: Open A Form For Adding Child Record Related To Highlighted Record In Subform

Oct 2, 2013

Is it possible to open a form to add a child record related to the highlighted record in the subform?

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General :: List All Open Databases - Referring To Controls On A Form

Jul 17, 2013

Any way to list all currently opened Access databases? It feels like this must be possible by referring to the databases collection, but I just don't know how.

Also, is it possible to refer to controls on a form in one open database from code in another database? (and obviously if so, how?)

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Forms :: Clicking A Record On A Datasheet Form To Open Record In A Pop-up

Apr 23, 2013

I have a form "IntUnderwriterSearchByName" which is based on the query "Search by Name". This form opens with a parameter (please enter name of broker) and is set out like a datasheet with the following fields- "Broker Name", "Domicile", "Broker Code" and a couple of others. I'd like to be able to click on a record and open the form "IntUnderwriterPopUp" so that the details of that specified record are displayed.

Broker Code is what I'd like the form to look for and this Broker Code is unique for every one of the 900 or so records. This code can be numerical e.g. 01233 but also can be a mixture of both e.g. EU2885. It is also worth noting that this code is not the primary key- i have an autonumber (called ID) that does this- but this field does not appear on the form.

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Open Record In Main Form By Clicking Record ID In Subform

Dec 16, 2014

I am creating an events database. In my main form, I have all the details of a single event (billing code, fees, customer, support personnel, etc.). Then, I have a subform (form view) that lists each of the other services which share an event ID (this ID comes from a separate, unrelated events management suite). In the subform, I display the most-commonly-edited fields so that they are editable without navigating to a different record.

However, there will be instances where it becomes necessary to navigate to one of the records listed in the subform. I would like to make this a quick process by just clicking on the primary key in the subform, and have the corresponding record appear in the main form.

In my searches I've found a common suggestion to use a DoCmd.OpenForm method where the form opens to that specific record -- in effect filtering by the primary key number. I don't prefer this method because it disables the ability to navigate to other records using the previous, next, find records, (etc.) buttons without closing and re-opening the form.

Is there a way to make the main form 'jump' to a specific record by clicking on a control in the subform, without limiting the ability to navigate in the main form?

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Selecting Record In List Box And Opening That Record In Another Form

Sep 16, 2011

I created a search form that searches for Customer Number, Part Number, and Revision Number. The results are displayed in a List Box.

I want the user to be able to make a selection on the List Box and click an "Open Selected" button that launches that record in another form. How is this possible?

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