Public Function validationValue() As Boolean
If lstTransit.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 And txtDate.Text <> "" And txtHeureDebut.Text <> "" And txtHeureFin.Text <> "" Then
validationValue = True
validationValue = False
End If
End Function
after i check the result
Dim fctReturnn As Boolean
fctReturnn = validationValue
If fctReturnn = True Then
msgbox "erreur..."
when this code run, i get:
Run-time error '2185'
You can't reference a property or method for a control unless the control has the focus
I am designing a nomination form (web database so no vba macros can be used).
The form has 3 combo boxes: cboStaffName, cboLevel, cboNominee.
The form is bound to the tblSubmit table where the submissions are populated.
I used a select statement:SELECT Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List; to populate the combo box for the Staff Name selection.
This is the select statement to populate the job level combobox:
SELECT Staff_List.Level, Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Staff_Name)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboStaffName]));
The select statement to populate the combobox for the nominee combobox:
SELECT Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Level)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboLevel]));
The problem is that the staff_name in the first combobox is still found in the nominee combobox which should not be because a staff cannot nominate self. There is a field in the Staff_List called YesNo that should be activated for each staff that is selected so that the select statement on the nominee combobox can be updated accordingly to remove items with the field "Active"
How to get the checkbox selected for each corresponding staff.
Porbably a stupid queston for most of you, but I am new to the game. Trying to get the selection of one combo box to filter the selections of a second combo box. Have one table called Sections with the colums SectionID and SectionName, a Second Table called SubSection with Colums SubSectionID, SubSectionName, and SectionID. Third Table called Points which has a column for Section, and SubSection, need to have the section combobox selection filter the SubSection combobox selections. Any help would be appreciated!
I have part of a query that checks a string and returns a 2 letter code. the string is 9 characters long and consists of 1's and 0's, but it is picking the wrong 2 letter code
Hi I have a continuous form that has bound checkboxes next to each record. Right now the code below finds the records that are checked and edits them accordingly. I need to find a way to make only one checkbox be able to be checked at a time. Or have the code below find if 2 or more checkboxes are checked, then prompt and exit sub.
Private Sub Command43_Click() Set rs = Me.Recordset Dim user As DAO.Database Set user = DAO.OpenDatabase("c:auser.mdb") Set rs3 = user.OpenRecordset("currentuser", dbOpenDynaset) rs.MoveFirst Do While Not rs.EOF rs.Edit If rs!dispositionchk <> 0 Then rs!status = "Do Not Call" 'change status to to be contacted rs!dnc = "DNC" rs!lastlo = rs!Assignedto rs!Assignedto = " " 'assignedto=current employee name rs!LDdate = Now() rs!LDdisposition = "Do Not Call" rs.Update Set rsmyrs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("internetcalls", dbOpenDynaset) ' open table rsmyrs.Edit rsmyrs.addnew rsmyrs!ActivityDate = Now() rsmyrs!disposition = "Do Not Call" rsmyrs!LeadID = rs!LeadID rsmyrs!Employee = rs3!Username rsmyrs.Update Set rsmyrs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("call log", dbOpenDynaset) ' open table rsmyrs.Edit rsmyrs.addnew rsmyrs![Activity Date] = Now() rsmyrs!disposition = "Do Not Call" rsmyrs![Lead Id] = rs!LeadID rsmyrs!Employee = rs3!Username rsmyrs.Update rsmyrs.Close End If rs.MoveNext Loop Me.Requery End Sub
Only 1 field between INV, MSP and SMS in any record will be >0 What I need to do is that if the value in these 3 fields are > then populate TRIGGER with the correct name
I want to make sure that only one check box can be checked and also to make sure that on is selected, i.e. to display a warning that one is not check if someone is going to save the record. Any ideas guys?
Now, I don't know if this topic should be in forms, queries or reports, so I decided to post it here in general until someone gives me a big bollocking and send this topic elswhere :D
I have a table with loads (50+) of columns which hold information about people in our company. What I want is a form? that allows me to tick the information I want and then displays the result in a report. So, today I want a list with Name, address, town and phonenumber, but tomorrow I might need a list with Name, phonenumber, passport number and expire date. In short, I need to make a 'dynamic'? report that displays the options I ticked out of the 50+ options (does this make sense?). I searched for it but no luck so far. Ta in advance
I have a db of about 10,000 records or so. This is a list that will be used for emailing purposes...and I want to limit the number of records per company that are emailed to.
I need to figure out a way to limit the number of records per company....any suggestions?
I was wondeing if I could get some help! I made a tab control page and within one of the tabs ('Find Cd') there is a drop down menu in which you can select which CD you would like to pick. After picking that CD I would like it to automatically switch to another tab called 'CD Details'
could anyone point me in the right direction? i am trying to create a filter text box where i type in a name and if the name is in the field of my form, it will autofill and then when i press enter, it will select that particular item. for example; i start to type my name ( Nigel ). as i start Ni, it fills in my name and then after pressing enter, loads my information.
another option was to have a pop up form with a combo box offering the names to select and then by pressing go, loads the info onto my main form but not quite sure how feasible that is. any help appreciated.
Hi, I have current yards table with Trailer number as the primary key and which cannot have duplicates. When this trailer leaves the yard we send this record to History table. Now if a trailer comes again and leaves History table is not accepting as it is duplicating. So can anyone help in designing table so that it accepts duplicate trailer numbers only in the history table.
I created a query using a varible to select only the months needed. This variable will change based on the report needed next time. The customer has that option.
When I go to the report, I do not want to enter the variable again (Query has the correct records already), but the report is dependent upon the query.
How do I use the query for my report without entering the same variable again?
This is a very common situation, but I can not eliminate the dependence in the report.
I have a form with 4 text boxes that are populated from a query with an unbound cbo box to make the choice from. There are two fields that show on the dropdown, "Customer" and "New Product Name". I created it all with wizards. Most of the Customers have only one product name but some have several. If I choose a customer that has several products, it always selects the customer with the first product it finds. How can I get it to select the Customer by product? I have looked and seen what looked like what I needed on this forum, but I couldn't make it work. I am not good a VB. Thanks in advance for any help that you can give.
I currently have a query that takes info from an asset support table. I have a Support Contract Start Date in the table (Date time) I have a Support Contract Length In months field in the tabel (numeric)
i am calculating the end date of the query using the following expression.
Support End Date: IIf([Support Start Date] Is Null Or [Support Contract Length] Is Null,"N/A",DateAdd("m",[Support Contract Length],[Support Start Date])
this Works fine and I get a Date however many months in the future that the contract length in months field dictates.
however i am now trying to add criteria to this in order to select certain date spans of when a contract ends.
So i only get records in a query that show records with end dates in 30 days time from now or another query that shows contracts ending in 365 days from now.
Can someone point me in the direction of how to do this effectivly , as i need to generate a report from this query that will show me support contracts expiring in 1 year and in 30 days time.
I have this expression in a query on which a report is based and would like to use Between And to select the date period, but cant get it to work, the table has Feb and March dates in it but the query brings out March dates if I select 01/02/07 and 28/02/07 (UK date format) works if I put for example "01/02/07" in the criteria of the query ie it shows all records dated 01/02/07
MyDate: Format([LogInTime],"dd/mm/yy")
As always any help, advice, pointers would be gratefully appreciated cheers Fi
I've got a query; works great as written; but I need to be able to have users choose which month to pull data for. Right now; I pull the current month data using:
Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),1) And DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())+1,0)
Is there a way I can rewrite this but use a user-selectable date for the month? I'm thinking it could be done w/two queries; but not sure about just one....
I am new to Access(and self taught) so bear this in mind when you view my DB. (Any suggestions are appreciated)I am using Access 2003.
I have included a sample DB. What I need this to do is when you use the Fill Selection Form You can choose mulitple selection in the list box. When you click Done those you selected will show up in the right hand side subform where you can add quantities. I want this info to be stored as one "Fill". It would also be nice if while you are selecting in the list box a calculated field shows you the total weight you have chosen.
I have serached for the answer but can not seem to find it.
I have a combo box that when a value is selected it finds the record.
I have four fields with one hidden. The fourth selects the lookup in another table and only shows the value. I am unsure how to have it show the project name instead of the id.
i have a list box on a form, which from a query provides four columns
the first column is the bound column and is the reference ID, the second column is the reference the third column is the reference type ID the fourth column is the reference type
depending on the reference type, the reference is edited on a different form
how do i / can i code it that when i double click the list box, the correct form opens to edit the reference details with the reference ID as the linkcriteria,
i am okay with the linkcriteria, but not with the code for the correct form to open
So ive tried to follow a few posts for this and look at other peoples code , however i cant seem to find the right info and im sure it really easy.........
I have 2 Tables
tblPO - Contains Multiple Fields - POnumber,VendorName,Address,city,state,Zip and various other fields that dont pertain to the problem.
I have a combo box (cmb1)to allow user to choose rollUp groups, after that, all areas within that group will be shown in a ListBox (Ls2). After user click the area(s), I will run a query to find out all projects in the selection. Then I want to show these projects in another listbox (LS3) for next step.
I have two questions: 1. after I choose area, the select query always pop out to show the results, which I do not want to see. 2. The LS3 does not get updated after LS2 selection. I actually have to run query again to get it updated and shown in LS3.
I attached a pic. to show what I want to do. Any suggestion is appreciated.
Hi all, Okay see i have a form like the one in the picture attached. On load it querys and gathers the info in the two listboxes. the two textboxes are just dependant upon the selection. Now when i click on listbox1 (city) it runs a query and updates listbox2 (precincts). When i click listbox2 (precincts) it runs another query and gets back the city that matches with the precinct. Now what i want it to do is have it select the appropriate city from listbox1 without getting rid of all the other cities in listbox1. How would i go about doing this?
Also i need a button to clear all selections and textboxes on this particular form. How would i do that
I have had some help on this previously but its not working the way i wanted.
I have a form called plan distribution which holds a record of all people who need a copy of a certain plan. There are several hundred contacts held in the database and i want to make this as easy as possible to choose the right ones.
To do this i want to have 3 combo boxes. One each for company, department and contact.
On the plan distribution form i want the user to select which company they want. The department combo box will then automatically show all departments within that company.
Once the user selects the department, the final combo box will hold all contacts within that department.
I have tried several ways of doing this but cant find one that works!
Text is brought into a form field as a result of a combo box selection, is it possible to use the same combo box to select another value that could be appended to the same field as the first selection?
As you have read in my other posts I am creating a Rental database. Now I need to show ages in this database and the certificates they have on films. I have 2 problems
1) I have two fields one called date of birth and one called Age. I am wondering if I enter there date of birth, can I make the age appear automatically.
2) Also when im adding more films to my database I want one combo box saying with the options DVD/VHS/GAME and then the other saying the age certificates because Game and DVD certificates are different so I was wondering if the first combo box makes the other combo boxs options