VbCrLf Or Chr$(13)?

Jun 14, 2005

I have a Send button on my Access form, and in its Event Procedure i have the following:

stText = "You have a new Task" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _
"Number: " & stCOFNumber & Chr$(13) & _
"ID: " & stCompanyID & Chr$(13) & _
"Name: " & stCompanyName & Chr$(13) & _
"Name: " & stContactName & Chr$(13) & _
"Address: " & stAddress & Chr$(13) & _
"Terms: " & stTRDW & Chr$(13) & _
"Pre-Requisites: " & stPreReq & Chr$(13) & _
"Location of Work: " & stWorkLoc & Chr$(13) & _
"Activities: " & stDelivActiv & Chr$(13) & _
"Start Date: " & stStartDate & Chr$(13) & _
"End Date: " & stEndDate & Chr$(13) & _
"Please reply to confirm Task"

This is supposed to be the text part of the SendObject command.

Now in my outlook textbox, im getting:

You have a new taskNumber: 123456ID:Name: Commercial Bank Name: john johnAddress: Damascudffdfd
Yousef El Azmi
Commercial Bannk Terms: iiiiiiiiiiiiiPre-Requisites: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiLocation: iiiiiiiiiiiActivities: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiStart Date: 12/12/2004End Date: 14/12/2004Please reply to confirm Task.

Buttom line is, im not getting them on a new line like im supposed to. VBCrLf is giving me errors whenever i use it instead of chr$(13).

What do you think?
How can i have a text formatted, with each info on a line?

Thank you for your help.

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Replace Vbcrlf

Dec 5, 2005

How do I replace vbcrlf in a string with "NN"

I have tried putting vbcrlf and "NN" as parameters into this but it doesn't work (maybe it can't see vbcrlf as a separate word!)

Function ReplaceWord(strText As String, _
strFind As String, _
strReplace As String) As String

' This function searches a string for a word and replaces it.
' You can use a wildcard mask to specify the search string.

Dim astrText() As String
Dim lngCount As Long

' Split the string at specified delimiter.
astrText = Split(strText)

' Loop through array, performing comparison
' against wildcard mask.
For lngCount = LBound(astrText) To UBound(astrText)
If astrText(lngCount) Like strFind Then
' If array element satisfies wildcard search,
' replace it.
astrText(lngCount) = strReplace
End If
' Join string, using same delimiter.
ReplaceWord = Join(astrText)
End Function

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Public Function For Vbcrlf

Apr 5, 2008

I'm new to VB and am learing slowly with all your great help in this forum.

I'm wondering if its possible to write a Public Function for vbCRLF. I have a field in multiple forms that are all named 'Note'. If I have the following code:

Public Function PubNoteLF()
On Error GoTo PubNoteLF_Err

My!Note = My!Note & vbCrLf

Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
Resume PubNoteLF_Exit

End Function

When I run the code I get Compile Error: 'Sub or function not defined.'

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Its problably something real basic, but I'm stumped. Thanks.

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