Viewing Page That Have *mdb File On PC Without Microsoft Access Installed

Nov 5, 2007

if let say i create a page that have database (*.mdb file) and for my client side, the PC don't have Microsoft Access, can they view the page that have *mdb file?

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Viewing A Report From An Access Page (web)

Dec 4, 2006

Viewing a report from an Access Webpage... I can not, unlike from a form, create a button to view a report. Is there anyway around this? Is there no functionality to display the report as an html page or so?

Sam W.

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Viewing Database Info In A Data Access Page

Oct 18, 2004

I am very new to access and have a question which I think is very easy to answer. What I have is an access file with a listing of companies, their contacts and what services we provide for them. (each company/client/service is listed in a row with each new set of information on the row below it).

What I am looking to do it to create a data access page that anyone in our office can view. I want the access page to have a text box where they can type in the name of the company, then click a 'search' button. That will then display the results in a box below everything. The results would be the contact and the services (there are other columns in the datasource as well, but I didn't list them).

If anyone can shed some light onto my problem it would be most appreciated!


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Microsoft Access 2013 - Web Control To Display A Page

Nov 8, 2013

I'm using a web control to display a page. I want to have a code that can copy to a field in that same form, the html source of that page that is displayed in the web control. How I can do that?

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Microsoft Access Cannot Open This File

Nov 15, 2006

I am trying to open an access database (Access2002) from my computer ( C: est )
and I receive the error :
Microsoft Access cannot open this file.
This file is located outside your intranet or on an untrusted site.

how can I fix this problem ?


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Microsoft Access Cannot Open This File

Feb 14, 2007

We have a database on our network server which I cannot open. I get the following error everytime I try to access it.

This file is located outside your or on an untrusted site. Microsoft Access will not open the file due to potential security problems. To open the file, copy it to your machine or an accessible network location.

I think it has to do with a Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8 security update. However, I cannot find the update to uninstall. Others can access the database located on the network, but some get a pop-up that allows them to say "no" and access the file. The pop-up has the following message:

Security Warning: Unsafe expressions are not blocked. Do you want to block unsafe expressions?

Can anyone help with this?

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Microsoft Access Can't Find The Database File

Dec 4, 2006

We migrated on DB to a shared network drive. But the users cannot open the DB. It keep give an error message that microsoft access can't find the database file. Please advise.

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Microsoft Access Has Detected Corruption In This File.

Nov 22, 2004

This error message appears when trying to open an Access XP database:

"Microsoft Access has detected corruption in this file. To try to repair the
corruption first make a backup copy of the file. Then, on the Tools menu, point
to Database Utilities and click Compact and Repair Database..."

But when you try to do what it suggests, it does not work. Even if you hold down the shift key when opening it, the message appears. Anybody have any ideas?

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Opening Doc File Through Microsoft Access Ribbons

Feb 17, 2012

Any module that would open a word document. Also, If that module could be linked to a ribbons menu item...

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Adding FTP Upload File Capability To Sweep Function In Microsoft Access

Oct 31, 2007

Hi Folks,

I have created a file sweeping program in Microsoft Access via VBA in a few modules. The program simply reads certain files in certain directories, and determines if, when, and where to copy those files based on certain user inputs.

One of the features I would like to add would be to upload the files that meet that criteria to a conventional FTP server requiring a username and password. However, the last few days of research all tells me that it is not possible to perform FTP functions in Microsoft Access or in VBA.

I am just wondering if that statement is really true? I figure the worse case is that windows has its own version of FTP.exe that you can execute in a DOS window ... would one be able to perhaps create a command line execution via VBA? Any simple ideas or is it not worth the trouble trying to FTP upload some files via Microsoft Access with VBA?

Thank you very much,


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General :: Microsoft Access Database Engine Cannot Open Or Write To The File

Jul 2, 2013

I am currently using Access 2010, and have successfully split a database, using the Access wizard.However, whenever a second or third user opens the database - with their front-end database file - they encounter the following message;The Microsoft Access Database engine cannot open or write to the file ". It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view and write its data.

I have researched the internet and see that it has something to do with network permissions. I have worked with my IT department and this appears to be resolved!

Is there a setting I need to check in the front-end and/or back-end copies of the databases?Why is there no file name in the error message?

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Reports :: Viewing Different Records Under Different Columns Of Dates But On Same Page?

Apr 5, 2014

I deal with different blood test reports for same patient on different dates. Because tests are so many, so i have arranged them on different pages of the same main report. But the problem is, that access shows different records of the same tests for different dates one under the other as a set...while i want it to show in parallel columns with test label on left side and column heads as different dates.

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HELP!!! Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid SQL Statement Expect

Mar 27, 2007

My main experience is with MySQL and PHP so I'm kindof stumbling around in the dark here. Heres my story:

We recieved a new server and migrating from (Windows Server 2000, IIS 5.0, Access 2000) to (Windows Server 2003, IIS 6.0, Access 2003) has been nothing but problems.

I have setup IIS to work with ASP, I've also setup a system DSN. The access file was copied over from the previous server. We're running Access 2003 and now I can't seem to get this ASP script to work.

When I try to upload a file to the script I get this error:

Line: 42
Char: 7
Error: HELP!!! Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid SQL statement expected 'DELETE','INSERT','PROCEDURE','SELECT', OR 'UPDATE'.
Code: 0
Url: (URL address blocked: See forum rules)

Here is the part of Connect.asp that errors:

Code:<script LANGUAGE="javascript"><!--var DSNString, TheDF, TheRS;//DSNString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C: hedata estdisbo.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;";//DSNString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=C: hedata estdisbo.mdb;Uid=Admin;Pw d=;"DSNString = "DSN=testweb; UID=; PWD=";function public_ConToDB(){ TheDF = DP.CreateObject("RDSServer.DataFactory",this.text1.value);DC.DataSpace=DP;DC.Server = this.text1.value;DC.Connect = DSNString;//DC.Connect="d: hedatadisboweb.udl";}function public_GetRS(SQLCommand){ TheRS = TheDF.Query(DSNString,SQLCommand);DC.SourceRecordset=TheRS;return (TheRS);}function public_GetDC(){ return (DC);}//--></script>

Its included in a file called FileRead.htm here is the part that refers to the error lines:
Code: var TheFile, FileStrm;// Retrieved field namesvar M_ssn, M_inits, M_Lname, M_Fname, M_DSSN, M_ruc, M_paycode;var M_normamt, M_payamt, M_pgrp, M_poe, M_pltcd, Payrollnum, Payrolldate;// var Trash, FieldData, FieldNames;var TrashLineNum = 1;// Create the file Stream Object (ReadOnly)TheFile = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");FileStrm = TheFile.OpenTextFile(FName,1,false);// Setup the Database Connectionvar SQLCommand, TheRS, TheConnection, DSNString, Commands, MyDC;FieldNames = new Array("ssn","inits","lname","fname","dssn","ruc","cco", "payamt","normamt","notsureone","pgrp","poe", "pltcode","recstatus","paychgflg","paystatuscode", "payrollnum","payrolldate");// Connect the the DatabaseDataLib.ConToDB();MyDC = DataLib.GetDC();// Get Payroll NumberPString = prompt("Enter Payroll Number","025");Payrollnum = parseInt(PString,10);// Get Payroll DateDString = prompt("Enter Payroll Date","20000101");Payrolldate = DateLib.FromMil(DString);// Setup the Database Connectionvar NumRecs = 0;//MyTest = DataLib.GetRS("PaydayUpdate1");alert("About to cross into the CurExtract!!!");MyRS = DataLib.GetRS("SELECT * FROM CurExtract");

I set an alert after this line but it doesn't pop up.

ANY HELP WOULD BE VERY GREATLY APPRECIATED. I'll be checking this very frequently.

Joseph Russell

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Just Installed Access 2007 - Ick!

Feb 17, 2008

Ok, I know change isn't always easy, I remember going to 2003 and I didn't think I'd stick with it.
I'm now using 2007 and it's quite different in it's layout. I'm having trouble finding many things that I'm used to having "at my fingertips" but I'm muddling through it. The one thing that I'm totally lost on, has to do with form display.

Have a simple DB that a main form opens on start up. It's relatively small, auto centered, no resize and set to dialog. However, in 2007 it opens up occupying all available workspace space and I have to click the "Size to fit form" button. Then it's not centered.

Where the heck is the flag or setting to tell it to stop doing this?

Secondly, what's everyone else's thoughts on 2007?

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Question: Opening Access Form Without Access Installed.

Mar 28, 2007


I have a database (.mdb file) which includes a table, forms and VB code. I intend on putting it onto a CD and then opening the form on another computer which may not have Access. Is this possible? Can I convert the file or can I attach some type of reader to the disk?
I have seen some software for download on the internet which allows you to open the tables however the Form is the most important thing in this case (but I take it whatever I use, it will need to be able to view the VB, subforms and tables as well since the Form depends on them?).

...also can I install an auto-run to the file for when the disk is inserted? (this is not a major issue though).


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Converting From Microsoft Access 2.0 To Microsoft Access 2003

Jul 10, 2006

Hello everyone,

I would like to convert a database, which was made for me, in order to enable it to be used on my current system.

I get the error message below when trying to open the database in Microsoft Access 2003.

The database was made using Microsoft Access 2.0.

Will I need Microsoft Access 2.0 to update/delete the database all the time?

Or can I convert this to be used with Microsoft Access 2003?

I have tried opening the file exclusively and I get the same error.

I have selected Show Help and it advises me to import all the objects from the database into a new database. This can`t be achieved as I can`t open the file to retrieve the contents.

Thank you very much for your help and all responses are appreciated,

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Converting From Microsoft Access 2.0 To Microsoft Access 2003

Jul 10, 2006

Hello everyone,

I would like to convert a database, which was made for me, in order to enable it to be used on my current system.

I get the error message below when trying to open the database in Microsoft Access 2003.

The database was made using Microsoft Access 2.0.

Will I need Microsoft Access 2.0 to update/delete the database all the time?

Or can I convert this to be used with Microsoft Access 2003?

I have tried opening the file exclusively and I get the same error.

I have selected Show Help and it advises me to import all the objects from the database into a new database. This can`t be achieved as I can`t open the file to retrieve the contents.

Thank you very much for your help and all responses are appreciated,

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Data Access Pages Without Office Installed

Oct 2, 2006

I am building a database for users to input escalations in. The users that are actually keying the information in, do not have MS office. When they try to access the DAP html file, a message appears at the top of the page that states "The page requires the Microsoft Office Web Components.
See the Microsoft Office Web site for more information."
Can data access pages be used without office being installed? I have heard that it could also be the users internet explorer security settings.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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General :: Can Users Without Access Installed Update

Nov 22, 2013

We have an access database stored in a shared location. One of the tables in the database is used to record transactions made in an excel spreadsheet-this is done programatically using VBA and SQL.

So here is my silly question; If users don't have access installed locally will the code be able to write to the shared access database?

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General :: ACCDE To Open / Need To Have MS Access Installed

Sep 24, 2013

do I need to have MS Access installed, in order to open an ACCDE file.there is no need, as I see ACCDE as an exe file.

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General :: Reports Not Formatting After Access Installed On New Laptop?

Mar 24, 2014

My new and previous laptops are both 64 bit and installed MA 2010 on both of the computers running win 8.

When I run reports on my new laptop the reports are not formatting. They are reflecting on 4 pages and not on 1 page like on my previous laptop running the same programs.

On my new laptop I installed Office 2013 and old one office 2010 but I used the same Access 2010 on both laptops which is a separate disk as office was not the professional one.

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Reports :: Open Report As A Microsoft Word File

Jun 26, 2014

I want to open a simple report (restricted to the current record) but I need it as a editable MS Word file, (not printed or pdf, etc.)


Private Sub MyReport_Click()
Dim stDocName As String
Dim strWhere As String


I've tried several combinations of vba..I'm using Microsoft Access 2007

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Microsoft Access & Microsoft SQL.

Aug 7, 2006

Questions / Help :

What I would like to know about Microsoft SQL Server & Access 2003 :
I am a novice at creating my own database.
I would like to use Microsoft SQL Server & Access 2003 .
I have in the last 3 months read all I can about creating a database in Microsoft Access 2003 .
Now I need to learn about Microsoft SQL Server, and it is very different from Access 2003.
I have purchase many bussiness applications over the last 5 years, and fount that over software are to rigid, as I need something very specifil to my bussness.
If you intend to reply, please be very specific & in plain English.

Can someone help me ?

1Can Microsoft SQL Server 2000 work with Microsoft access 2003.
a.Is this do-able .

2Can Mysql also work with Microsoft access 2003

3What is the difference between Microsoft SQL Server & Mysql.

4And any other information that may help me.

Thank You For Your Time.
John Calcitrai.

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Data Access Page Filter Refresh The Page

Dec 30, 2007

Hi All,

I have a data access page needs a filter by a dropdownlist, the dropdownlist used is a html control and I use javascript to filter the data programmaticlly in the onchanged event of the control.

MSODSC.DataPages(0).Recordset.Filter="AppID = 3";

My problem is, when this statement runs, the page refreshes. But I don't need the page refreshes, it set the dropdownlist text to the default text, not the value user select. The browser is IE7.

How can I stop the page refresh itself?

Thanks and Happy New Year!!

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Viewing PDF Files From Within Access

Jun 30, 2005

I've been reading everywhere on this site trying to find out how
to do this, but just can't seem to grasp it. I see people saying it can
be done, but can't find more specific details on how to go about it. I
just want to view a pdf file from within the access environment. I need
to be able to view contracts from my app, and joy oh joy they are all
in PDF form.

Any help is greatly appreciated to get me started on this. I've
tried using the Active X Adobe Acrobate Control but to no avail.

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Pictures Viewing In Access?

Nov 25, 2011

we are traders of metal scrap. we have lots of material pictures on the basis of container numbers. We want make a user form where on entering the container number the relevant picture will be shown.

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