Visable.... Not Visable...???

Jan 26, 2005

I'm sure this is in this forum someplace but I can't locate it.
I have a form.... With a subform...
I want the subform to be invisable until I click a command button to make it visable.
Tried a macro..... but it must be wrong... opens subform in a new window.. doesn't make it visable where I want it...... :confused:

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Check Box For Visable??

Jan 26, 2005

Well, same question as before..... property on form set to visable = false
I do not see any property for a check box... checked to display subform... uncheck to be invisable....
Quick answer for that one??

Thanks so much

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Updating A Current Form ( Visable Fileds )

Apr 30, 2006

Hi I have a forrm (Orders) , with a subform (Order Details)

Depending on a selection of a list field it makes certain field visible in the subform.

If I go the next record and select the list field it updates fields in the subform ( Visible ( True or False )

But if I go back to the previousl record it doesnt update the fields that are relavent to the option picked in the List Filed ( Which I have set to after update ). It works fine if I re-select the option in the list field

How do I set it to update the subform field automatically as I scroll through records?

I tried OnCurrent property but I dont think this is the correct one.

please help

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Make A Field Visable Dependant On Combo Box

Sep 18, 2006

I am very new to Access and all that it entails but I have really learned a lot viewing everyones posts. I cannot seem to get my current problem solved.
I am trying to have a combo box appear depending on a preivous combo box selection.

1st combo box is "ApplianceCombo"
2nd combo box is "SpeedCombo" Set to Visible = No

1st Combo Box has
Washing Machine etc

If they choose Washing Machine I would like my 2nd combo box to appear which they can then choose

Hope I have explained this well enough.
Thank you in advance for any help

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Combo Box Visable Based On Another Combo Box

Oct 22, 2006

I have 2 combo boxes one called primary which has Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

I also i have combo box called "Is There another insurance" which has yes, no, none,

What i want to do is if user selects primary the combo box called is there another insurance becomes visiable however if user selects Secondary, or Tertiary from the primary combo box the combo box called Is There another insurance becomes invisable.

Any Ideas,


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