Way To Make Access Be Able To Store Software Versions And Product Keys Automatically?
Dec 4, 2014
Is there a way to make access be able to store software versions and product keys automatically? Programs I am most interested in is like Microsoft Office suites and Adobe Acrobat and Photoshop and whatnot like that. I am not sure if this is even possible but I am trying to get my database fully functional with all the data and efficiency I can for at least 5 people so that I can try to sell access as a better tool than the service they are using now.
Hi guys I am trying despereatly to fulfill this function with a macro any help will be appreciated I know this may be easy but the help files isnt helpful- so what else is new ;)
Database- C:sports.mbd table - tblbasketball current primary key - ID
new primary key needed- ID, EMPNO
The following codes dont work :(
i need a method to store an expiry date. i have a column prepared in my table but i do not know how to reach the desired result.
the date will always be different depending on certain criteria
the course length. some courses we have are valid for a month. some for 6 months. some for a year and some for only 14 days.
i can use the date add to add the date period to the purchase date but i do not know where or how to store course length to be able to use it.
i have approached this before and i had a column in my courses table as below
i pland on haveing this type for each course and varying it as applicable but this did not work and apparantley i was breaching the fundamental rules of relational data.
Hi all, I have created a database for work in Access2003. I have two questions. The first is, many people at the work place use AC97 and some use AC2000. In order for everyone to use the database, i have saved it in AC97 format. It seems to open fine in Ver2000 and 2003, but i get this nag screen on load up with these versions saying "do you wish to convert the database". As I'm working off a shared drive, i don't really want anyone converting the dbase. Is there a way to disable this nag screen when loading in AC2000 and AC2003??
Second question, is it possible to have more than one instance of the database open at anytime? . If I've got the database open, my colleague can't open it. Its a simple database that writes records directly to a table. Thanks for any advice.
I have two questions related to deplying an Access project I have been working on.
1. I started developing the project in Access 2000, but midway upgraded to Office 2003 and so the remainder of the project has been developed in Access 2003. Things seem to be fine, except that in the top most title bar, after the project name, there appears the following text:
xxxxx: Database (Access 2000 file format)
where xxxx is the name of the .mdb file.
Why is this appearing and should I have done something or do something to make it a Access 2003 format?
2. I am at the point of deplying the db to a small group of users (about 5). Some of them may have Access 2000 or Access 2002. Should I be doing something in particular to make sure things work in their machines. Any pointers to what may be problems or what I should do will be much appreciated.
Hello, Is it possible to install two versions of MS Access on the same O.S. I already have Access97 installed. Now I want to install access 2003 without it up removing my previous access 97. If it removes/upgardes access 97 to access 2003 I will not be able to open my access 97 database. Is this possible? and if so how?
My office has updated to Microsoft Access 2007, but one of the third party softwares used requires a previous version of Access. A result of switching between the 3rd party software and Access 2007, is that 2007 installs every time.
Is there any work around to over come this problem?
Hello, Is it possible to install two versions of MS Access on the same O.S. I already have Access97 installed. Now I want to install access 2003 without it up removing my previous access 97. If it removes/upgardes access 97 to access 2003 I will not be able to open my access 97 database. Is this possible? and if so how?
I've been hired to clean up and convert a flat filemaker database into access 2003 and I've spent the last two weeks learning the ins and outs of access and doing preparations. Well, today some high up database guy in another department told me not to use access because in the future when a new version of access comes out we will have to recreate the database from scratch because there are lots of problems converting between versions. I'm aware there might be some hiccups but I don't really agree with him. Plus once the database is up and functioning I don't see why we'd even have to upgrade it to a new version. It's just a small health centre patient database with info about patients and their treatments. Does anyone have any opinions about this. Thanks.
Hi, this problem came out of nowhere but looks like it's here to stay.
Our Access app generates various Access Reports. Recently we installed a new version of our access app and since that version onwards, all pc's with Office XP/2003 print reports in black & white. Printing to PDF works fine though.
We can't find the reason for this. Which mean we had to go to all our clients to downgrade them from office XP/2003 to 2000!
I had used a form to come up as a popup, and on that popup, the person can chose a report to go to (button). Is there a way that once they chose the button they want, to make the popup to go away automatically?
I'd sure like to drag fields from the field list onto a report without a label automatically showing with it. I have so many fields to deal with the time just to click it gone adds up.
I have for some time now been fooling around with a database to keep track of several clinical trials Basicallly I have made 4 tables..2 which defines the project ( Project and visist), 1 that populates the projects ( patients) and 1 that bind the patients visits to specific dates ( appointment)
The trouble is that im Lazy :D and therfore dont want to enter the appointment data for all patients one at a time each time we get a new guniea pig since all thats diffferent is the dates he/she has to show up. Im hoping for some way to fill up my appointment table based on patientID and projectID alone.
SO this is my 4 tables... ( some unimportant fields left out)
The idea is to create a project and then add a set amount of visits to the project ( days when they have to come and get a blood sample taken) All patients involved in the project is likewise added in the Patients table and joined to a project.
Since the patients all have to come to a fixed amount of visits ( determined by the project) I was thinking I could make a form where I pick a patient from a combobox (select projectID,PatientID,PatientName) and then automatically generate a record for each visit in my Visit table where Visits.ProjectID = cboPickPatient.ProjectID and show them in a subform so I can enter the date they have to come. I hope that makes sense. ( preferably I would like to add the date also by just entering the first Visit date and the using the DaysToNextVisit to make the other visit dates or each patient, but thats a whole other problem :o )
My instinct tells me I have to do some sort of loop code but I havent figured out the details.
Can any of you guys lead me in the right direction before I loose all my hair in frustation??
This seems to me to be a pretty simple problem-making a recordset based on a projectID and the visits involved in that project but im just out of ideas:confused:
Is it possible to make it so that whatever the dimensions of the image i paste the OLE object's frame will also be the same? I'm having a problem, not necessarily a problem more like a preference, I'm inserting pictures of each individual inside a database and whomever last took these pictures didn't make sure there was a standard size So all the images are different sizes and when they're put inside the OLE frame you can see the image inside it but the frame itself also shows its white background because the image isn't the full dimensions of the frame. I was thinking if it's possible to make the frame automatically adjust to the image's width & height.
I need a basic Product database that allows you to have a drop down menu to select a product from a table. In turn this puts the unit price in for you, you then put the quantity in and it calculates the total.
I also have a stock control. When one is bought it takes the quantity down. Very simple I know but I can’t get it to work….
If there are any good basic database templates i could use let me know
my post at www.thescripts.com was deleted. It seems they don't really want a true deployment solution help to all ms access developer.
Ms access is a true king RAD DB frontend dev't. tool but the deployment of the finish apps are very unstable.
Sagekey is almost there, but I want to make a single EXE on my Access Apps that run even on the usb flash disk.
I have already found the solution, perfectly done! using one of the tools available in the web. but I will not post it again, I'm afraid this post will be deleted again... I hope this forum truly helps.
creating a product catalog over a range of products.
I want to create a catalog where each page of the catalog contains a product, describing; Performance data, pictures of the product, technical drawings, and documents on the product e.g.
Also it should be possible to search in the performance data, so that one or more parameter from all products can be compared used for benchmarking the products to each other.
I am using the 2007 version, because it's the one that I have available at the current time. My questions are mostly related to the possibilities of creating such a product in Access 2007, or if I need to upgraded to a newer version or even use another software program?
I'm trying to export my queries into an Excel product color coded to one simple field. for example if a aircraft in maintenance will only be available for four months from oct-Jan in the Pacific i want it colored blue. I want it keying off the region EX: (Pacific) So far It shoots out the product with one color, and I have to manually change the colors in Excel.
How do I make quotes and invoices submittable with no product and service details? We use sale book tags and have a few tags that are voided. I want to keep them in our records as voided. I've create new quotes for these tags, labelled them as void through products and services, but I can not submit the quote. I think I can not submit the quotes because there is no Total Price amount. How do I submit quotes and then invoices for my records with no Total Price amounts?
I have to create a database for work and for my sins I have to use Access. We are running 2007 but I'm having some difficulty in creating foreign keys in my linking table. I've searched their help guide and looked on the net but I can't seem to see how I physically create foreign keys.
My structure looks like this:
Customer CustID (autonumber) Cust Name Cust contact Cust email cust version no of users other info
Modules ModID (autonumber) Module name licensed module? (tick box)
MiscSoftware MiscID (autonumber) Software Installed on live
I've built a system with around 20 tables in it. All of these use the standard ID field offered by default by Access as the primary key. A friend with a background in database design and development for large corporates using Oracle has reviewed the database (he is going to do some VBA programming for me) and suggested that we use more appropriate primary keys based on data attributes.
He has read "somewhere" that there are problems with the standard ID fields and that occasionally the fields are renumbered/reindexed and that this can cause problems. There are a fair number of queries and some complex forms which will need to be updated for these changes but it would be a shame to go through all this work if it isn't really.
Should we use the standard Access IDs and is it worth a chunk of effort to change from where we are now?
I work at a wine store and right now we use access to create shelf talkers. Visually however they are a bit stale and ive been trying to come up with a new design for them. My problem is figuring out how to use the data from the database in a more design oriented context. here is a image of what id like the shelf talkers to look like... http://hotimg14.fotki.com/a/72_43/193_67/forhelp.jpg (http://hotimg14.fotki.com/p/a/72_43/193_67/forhelp.jpg)
any recommendations or tips on how i can go about this? thanks Brendan