Youngest Child Of Parents With More Than One

Nov 9, 2006

Parents can have one or more children. I want to return the youngest child of those parents with more than one child.

I have [QryParent&children] that returns all the parents and all the children. I have used this as a sub query in [QryParents>1child].

This uses "In (SELECT [ParentsId] FROM [QryParent&children] As Tmp GROUP BY [ParentsId] HAVING Count(*)>1 )" as the criteria in the ParentId. This returns all parents with more than one child and gives the name and DOB of the child.

I now want to return just the youngest child for each parent.

An ideas?

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Queries :: Child Records With Multiple Parents

Aug 3, 2014

I have modules and procedures. A module can consist of one or more procedures. A procedure can belong to one or more modules.



ModID (FK)
ProcID (FK)

In a listbox I have a one or more modules selected and will construct the SQL in the AfterUpdate, presumably.

How to get a query to list only those procedures that belong to all the selected modules? To get into the result list a procedure must belong to all the modules that were selected. The code below gives me all the procedures that belong to at least one of the modules selected. I need ALL.


strIN = Left(strIN, Len(strIN) - 1) ' list of ModID's of selected in listbox
strSQL = SELECT tblModuleProcs.ProcID
FROM (tblModules INNER JOIN tblModuleProcs
ON tblModules.ModID = tblModuleProcs.ModID)
INNER JOIN tblProcedures ON tblModuleProcs.ProcID = tblProcedures.ProcID
WHERE (((tblModules.ModID) IN(" & strIN & "))) "
ORDER BY tblProcedures.ProcedureTag;

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Tables :: Multiple Parents Table Linked To Child Table - Primary Keys

May 28, 2015

I have a table for a multiple parents linked to a child table. I need to figure out a way to only allow 1 parent to be coded as primary, 1 as secondary, and then the rest as other... I thought about making Primary/Secondary/Other a primary key. But then I can only have 1 other. I would have to make a finite number of parents that could be entered and I want an infinite number.... My end goal is to have a report that only has a primary and second parent on it, but the rest of the parents still exist in the table...


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My Parents

Oct 22, 2006

Hello all,

It is my first post :) (

I want your thoughts on this:
Do you feel that because your parents may have supported you when you were younger, that you "owe" it to them to support them now?

(Pay the bills they run up etc, just because they did it for you when you were younger and unable to work)

Thanks. :) (

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Change Colour Of Entry To Differentiate Between Students And Parents Results?

Oct 7, 2011

I have a large database of students and parents which charts their weight, waist circ., lifestyle etc. When I then create reports, is it possible to change the colour of the entry so that I can differentiate between students and parents results? In other words, can I have all student entries in red and all parents in black, for example? At the moment, when I try to change the colour of one of these, the entire column changes to that colour and I don't know how to amend my reports to do this. Please see attached.

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Switchboard To Child Forms

Aug 13, 2006

Hello All,

I am trying to make a small database that just help users to enter there data. I am using a switchboard here. User should click on his name (Captions)and the switchboard should close and automatically user name should appear in a text box in child form.
I hope I will get an amicable responce.

With Best Regards

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Parent/child Relationships

Oct 12, 2006

Hi all

I seem to be having a problem with acess 2003 in that when ever I set the parent/child relationships and go back to the front end the simple disappear?

any thoughts would be grate



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Child/Master Problem

Feb 10, 2005

HI everyone, I have a Sales Invoice form with a Receipts subform showing what receipts have been lodged against that invoice. It works fine as long as there is one receipt or more.

The problem is when no receipts have been lodged and there are no receipts to show in the subform. When I open the Sales invoice form I get a "you entered an expression with no value" error, then the Sales invoice form opens. I tried suppressing the warning with DoCmd.SetWarning False, but that hasn't worked.

Anyone know a workaround?

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Opinions On Master/Child Relationships

May 3, 2005


We all know we're not supposed to duplicate data right? So was wondering how people deal with the deletion of Master records.

For instance let's say I have 3 tables.

tblSales - lists the sales summary - stuff like SaleId, SaleDate, SaleTotal
tblSalesSub - lists the products contained within the sale.
tblProducts - is the Master list of products storing the product specifics

Now to prevent duplication of data I should just store the productId in tblSalesSub then reference that to tblProducts with an innner JOIN of some kind.
But what if the Master record gets deleted? The reference is broken and NULL values are returned.

How do you deal with this?
Don't allow deletion of these records?But just hide them when deleted?
Duplicate data by storing the product title and description within tblSalesSub?
Tell the user - tough cheese you shouldn't have deleted it should you?
Any other ideas?


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Parent-Child Cascading Deletes

Nov 4, 2007

I have a simple Family table:


where, in the case of a child, its ParentID contains the PersonID of its parent.
In the Relataionships window I put two such tables, Family and Family_1 and I joined Family.ParentID to Family_1.PersonID. I set referential integrity, cascading updates and cascade deletes.
I made a Parents form (by setting the ParentID criteria to Is Null), and added a Children subform (linking the ParentID of the subform to the PersonID of the main form).

The cascading updates works when I add a new child but when I try to delete a parent I get the error: Could not update; currently locked.
Why doesn't the cascade delete work?

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Update Subforms - No Parent/Child

Dec 24, 2005

I have a main form with 2 subforms. Subform 1 shows the results of query 1, subform 2 shows the results of query 2.

Query 2 uses query 1 as a starting point. Query 1 is updated with an option group on the main form. In other words, when I select an option on the main form, qdef for query 1 is updated and query 2 will also be affected.

If I select an option the subforms don’t update. If I close and reopen the main form, the subforms show the correct information so the queries are being updated but the subforms are not showing the updated information.

I’ve been trying to requery the subforms using the following code in the OptionGroup_Click() event:


By the way, I don’t have any parent/child relationships.

Am I missing something simple.

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Child Form Loads Before Parent?

Jan 26, 2006


I've got a parent/sub-form set up, both of which derive their data from linked tables connecting to a central database. As a result I've had to add coding to the NewRecord events to fetch the next primary keys from the database.

Unfortunately I'm finding that one loading the new record, the child form seems to be loading before the parent, ie the child form_Current event occurs before the parent form_Current event. Is this how it should be? It seems intuitive that the parent should load first.

I'm sure I can develop some cunning logic to get around this problem but I'm sure there must be a better way. Has anyone any experience of this parent/child set-up with linked, central database tables?



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Display Field From Child Table

Oct 21, 2006

I hv a relationship as follows:

Person 1 ------- N Assignment

(PersonID, lastName, firstName...)

(AssignmentID, PersonID, AssignmentDate, Score)

I would like to show the Score of the latest assignment in the Person Form, how can I do it?

Thx in advance!!

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Modules & VBA :: Cannot Instantiate Child Recordset

Jun 17, 2013

I am trying to open a child recordset but keep getting Error 424 "Object required".

Dim rstEmails As DAO.Recordset2, DBS As DAO.Database, rstFile As DAO.Recordset2
Set DBS = CurrentDb
Set rstEmails = DBS.OpenRecordset("Beldenemails")
Set rstFile = rstEmails.Fields("email").Value 'Error 424 here
End Sub

I've tried everything I can think of.

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Forms :: Different Child Fields Within Same Subform

Dec 16, 2013

I have done this by linking the relationship between a person and a company (company-personID) with the table "alternates". In a subform for the information about the company itself, it shows the people associated with the company, as well as their alternates (assuming they're a director). It works just fine when I view a director's alternate, as John Tong here has his alternate as the person with relationship number 7. However, the whole thing is made useless when I view it from an alternate director's point of view, like Peter Chan, where he's displayed as the director, and the alternate is null. After poking around for a bit, it turns out that the child field is ALWAYS director.

What I want is for it to show the alternate or director based on who's being shown in the subform, i.e. Peter Chan is filled as alternate with the director being shown as "1". I've tried setting up expressions and putting up multiple master and child fields, but they just mess up I could display the names instead of the company-personID in the "alternates" subform,.

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Deleting Child Table Record?

Jul 7, 2015

I have two tables in my access database with Parent Child relationship.Then i have below query based on which i have a datasheet form.


When i delete a record in this form, my parent table record (in MOC_DATA table) is automatically deleted.

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Enter Or Update Child Record?

May 30, 2012

I have a Parent Record "Events" which has data already entered into it. I now want to assign workers to work the "event". The child table is "Assigned Officer". They have a one (event) to many(employees) relationship. Both the parent and the child have the key "Event ID". Of course Event ID is a subkey in the employee's table.

Every time I enter an employee it creates a new blank event.

My query looks like:

UPDATE Event INNER JOIN [Assigned Officer] ON Event.[Event ID] = [Assigned Officer].[Event ID] SET [Assigned Officer].[Name Assigned] = [Assigned Officer].[forms]![Assigned Officer Subform].[name assigned], [Assigned Officer].[Employee ID] = [Assigned Officer].[forms]![Assigned Officer Subform].[Employee ID];

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Delete Record Only If Child Records Don't Exist

Aug 6, 2005


I'm trying to have a button on a form that would delete a record from a table only if there are no child records linked to it.

If there are child records for the selected record, the button would be disabled.

Is there a simple way of doing this?


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Limiting Number Of Child Fields Per Parent

Sep 23, 2005

I have a field in the parent table which indicates how many child tables there should be at the most. I'm uncertain about how to enforce this. I"m using access as the database to a app. Should I do it in access or or both.

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Does Referential Integrity Auto Add To Child Table?

Jan 17, 2008

NEw to access. I have a parent child relationship. I thought that referential integrity automatically added new records to the child table. Am I wrong? Is there a workaround solution to add new records?

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Query On Parent-Child Based Table

Oct 16, 2007

I have a parent-child base table (accounts) with the following fields:
- id
- parentid
- name
every record's parentid is either 0 ( which means it is in the most upper level) or another record's id (which means it is the other record's child)
different levels of records are being used. I mean some accounts are used in the most 1st level with no childs, some in the second level, ....

I need a query to list the accounts which are not parent to any othe records, regardless of what level they are defined.

Thanks again for the help.

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Duplicating Parent And Related Child Records

Dec 18, 2006

I am creating a purchase request form for my company. The main form contains the PO Request # (autonumber) and general vendor and shipping information. The subform contains the item numbers on the order, the quantity and costs. What I am trying to do is make it so that users can click a "duplicate" button on the main form of an existing PO Request and have all the data replicated into a new PO Request. A lot of what we order is repetitious and it would time saving if users could just duplicate an order and modify as necessary. Can anyone help me with this one...

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General :: Passing Values From Child To Parent?

Nov 13, 2013

I have a variable tempnum on a subform which I want to pass into a textbox on the main parent form. I cant seem to get it right. Here's my code

Me.Parent.Parent![List num].Value = tempnum

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Queries :: Merge Two Child Fields As String

Jan 14, 2014

I am currently creating a database for lift inspections. The output is a mail-merge report. What I am trying to do is get the multiple Lift Name (child) and Floors Served (child) combined into a string so that each Lift Group (parent) inspection has only one row. This then means that each lift group inspection will be shown as one record in mail merge.


Lift Group ID - Date of Inspection - Lift Name - Floors Served
34 - 14/01/14 - Lift 1 - G-1
34 - 14/01/14 - Lift 2 - 1-3
35 - 14/01/14 - Lift 3 - G-8
34 - 14/01/13 - Lift 1 - G-1
34 - 10/10/13 - Lift 2 - 1-3


Lift Group ID - Date of Inspection - Floors Served
34 - 14/01/14 - Lift 1 G-13; Lift 2 1-3
35 - 14/01/14 - Lift 3 G-8
34 - 10/10/13 - Lift 1 G-13; Lift 2 1-3

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Forms :: Subforms Master / Child Link

Apr 9, 2015

I am building a user creation form. I have built it with 3 subforms

Subform 1 is voor general information about the user.
Subform 2 is some more specific information about the user
Subform 3 is more info about the same user.

Now when I create a user (record) in subform 1 it gets the primary key lets say 14. Then when i add information in subform 2. I want it to grab the Primary key 14 from subform 1. So that the information which is inputted in subform 2 will be related to information from subform 1. I get it working if I make a Main form and then put subform 2 and 3 in a subform and then let them grab the primary key from the main form. But how does this work with 3 subforms and no mainform.

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How To Add New Record From A Form To All Parent And Child Tables

Jul 27, 2015

I have one parent table with 6 child tables (all child tables are linked to the parent table in the relationship through the BoardID autonumber field, and they are all one-to-one relationships). All of the tables feed into one form. I have added the "add new record" button to the form, but when I click on it, it only adds a record to the parent table. The only way I have found to solve this is to go into each individual table and add a new record. Is it possible to have a new record added to every table when I click the "add new record" button on the form?

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