'Dynamic Time(year,month,date)' Report Template (rdl) Using Report Designer VS2005
Jan 19, 2007
I have three types of specific reports that i have to create with the input parameters (range) either
1: By date (rdl 1)
2.By Month (rdl 2)
3.By Year (rdl 3)
Is it possible ( or how do I ) to create just one report template ( one rdl) with the three sets of parameters ( hiding/invisible which ever two sets base on user selection) and the output of the report will display the desired type( either by year, month or date).
I ask this because its possible to create a drill down report from year down to date etc in report designer (vs 2005). Not sure if I can create one instead of three rdls and with the 'logic' built within that template.
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Jun 29, 2015
How to show the CurrentMonthanddateandyear in my report header in ssrs?
1.How to show the currentdateandMonthyear exmple date format like June 29 2015 on my report header.
2.How to change the report rdl name with the same name like EmpUpdatedreportJune 29 2015.rdl ,it is possible to create and change the rdl file name with the current dateandmonth.
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May 7, 2007
Hi all,
I need to use a multi-table dataset as a datasource for my report items in a SRS2005 report.
But from designer, I can only see the first table.
Can any one tell me if it is possible to use multiple tables in a dataset for SRS report?
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Apr 21, 2008
Hi All,
How do I show only month and year from datetime data type field?
As a example; If the date is 01-10-2008.
I wanna show the date in my report as Jan - 08
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May 28, 2008
Below is the code. It gives 2 errors.
1 @StartDate must be defined (it is a report parameter)
2 I cannot seem to get this to create a 5 character field (yy/mm) so I can group count results by this field (Along with all the other queried field)
Help will be appreciated. DECLARE @t TABLE (Owner nvarchar(5), cdate nvarchar(7), status nvarchar(10), jtype nvarchar(5))
DECLARE @sowners nvarchar(5)
DECLARE @mydate datetime
DECLARE @sstatus nvarchar(10)
DECLARE @sjtype nvarchar(5)
DECLARE @chardate nvarchar(7)
DECLARE @Jmonth Int
DECLARE @Jyear Int
DECLARE @Jcharyear nvarchar(4)
DECLARE @Jcharmonth Nvarchar(2)
DECLARE jobcur CURSOR FAST_FORWARD READ_ONLY FOR SELECT Owners, createdate, UserField2, Jobtype
FROM Requirements
WHERE (((Owners IS NOT NULL) AND (Owners <> 'Par')) AND (CreateDate >= @StartDate))
FETCH NEXT FROM JobCur INTO @sowners, @mydate, @sstatus, @sjtype
SET @Jyear = (Year(@mydate))
SET @Jmonth = (Month(@mydate))
SET @Jcharyear = CAST(@Jyear,4)
SET @Jcharmonth = CAST(@Jmonth,2)
IF Len(Jcharmonth) = 1
SET Jcharmonth = '0' + Jcharmonth
IF @Jmonth >= 10
SET @chardate = @Jyear + '/' + @Jmonth
IF @Jmonth < 10
SET @chardate = @Jyear + '/0' + @Jmonth
INSERT INTO @t (Owner, cdate, status, jtype)
VALUES (@sowners,@chardate,@sstatus,@sjtype)
FETCH NEXT FROM jobcur INTO @sowners, @mydate, @sstatus, @sjtype
CLOSE jobcur
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Feb 26, 2007
I've got this working -- I allow users to have 2 groups, and choose what they want to group by. I'd like to add one extra bit of functionality -- for the inner grouping, I would like my users to have the option "None" -- i.e. don't have an inner group.
I've tried setting the group expression of the second (inner) group to "" when the user chooses the "None" option but the report errors out. Any suggestions as to how to dynamically get rid of the inner group?
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Feb 28, 2007
I have a requirement to add the ability to filter a report by partial last name, at the report level (i.e. not at the database server). In case someone else needs to work out how to do this, here is what I did.
Add a Parameter to the report. In my case it is named LastName, is non-queried, allows Null or Blank, and has a default of null.
Add a filter to the dataset that contains the field to be searched. Set its Expression to:
=IIF(Parameters!LastName.Value = System.DBNull.Value OR Parameters!LastName.Value = "",
Fields!LastName.Value, Nothing) ,
its operator to "="
and its value to =IIF(Parameters!LastName.Value = Nothing OR Parameters!LastName.Value = "", Nothing, Parameters!LastName.Value & "*")
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Jun 30, 2006
After I use the report builder to create a generic report, how do I actually get that report into the report designer so that I can modify it more effectivly?
The issue that I have now is that the file on the report server is not a .rdl file and if I simply save it as one and then bring it into VS to modify it the code file is a html structure rater than a XML file type.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
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Aug 30, 2004
I have three web form controls, a ddl that contains the day, another ddl that contains the month and a textbox that contains the current year. To send the date chosen by the user to the database, I join the three web form control values so that the resultant string is ‘day/month/year’ thus:
CmdInsert.Parameters("@Date").Value = day.SelectedItem.Value + "/" + month.SelectedItem.Value + "/" + year.Text()
And the resultant string is: dd/mm/yyyy, for example 30/08/2004.
But the problem is if the user does not select any day or any day and month, then the resultant string is for example; 00/08/2004 or 00/00/2004, but the problem is the database does not accept this format as datetime. How can I do it?
I want the user has the possibility to chose as well only the month and year, and as well only the year. Is it possible to send to the database the datetime format with only the month and year, or only the year?
Thank you,
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Apr 17, 2008
I'm using Reporting Services to render a text (stored in sql as varchar(max)). The text is all plain text, with some lines having trailing spaces.
Source text file i've imported to SQL via SSIS:
CLIENT: 10055
*Note the trailing spaces on the line before 'STATEMENT 2007'.
I've designed a report using the Report Project in VS2005 to retrieve this text via a stored procedure. When I test the report using the 'Preview' tab in the IDE, it looks good
CLIENT: 10055
But when I deploy the report and run it using URL Access:
CLIENT: 10055
On all lines with trailing spaces, they (the trailing spaces) have been removed. This is affecting my formatting of some reports and statements. We really want to use the report viewer as it has built in paging, print and export capabilities.
Why does it look okay in VS2005 but different in Report Viewer via URL Access and Report Manager?
Note: When I export as PDF, it looks okay.
The stored procedure I use to return the data is a CLR Hosted assembly as below:
Code Snippet
Partial Public Class StoredProcedures
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _
Public Shared Sub GetPagedDocument(ByVal inText As SqlString)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
Dim row As New SqlDataRecord(New SqlMetaData("RowText", SqlDbType.Text))
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select cast(doc as varchar(max)) as 'DOCTEXT' from testdoc WHERE id='" + inText + "'")
Dim cn As New SqlConnection("context connection=true")
cmd.Connection = cn
SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsStart(row) 'initialise the resultset to be returned
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader
'If no records in result set, return.
If Not dr.HasRows Then
row.SetString(0, "There is no document to display or you do not have permission to view the document.")
' SqlContext.Pipe.Send("There is no document to display.")
End If
'Read rows in the result set
'Get the entire text
Dim docText As String = dr.Item("DOCTEXT")
row.SetString(0, docText)
'end debug
End Sub
End Class
Any help will be appreciated.
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Sep 19, 2007
Hi Friends,
Is it possible to give a name at run time to a report when we try to download it in any format.
Do we have any control over the report name for e.g. the report name can be passed at parameter value.
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Mar 18, 2008
Hello everyone,
I created a custom assembly using C# to transform some binary data into text, and in this assembly I used one win32 dll developed by our customer to help me to do the tranformation.
The code I used to call the win32 dll is like below:
[DllImport("tdasuie.dll", EntryPoint = "AlrtLogConditionToText",
ExactSpelling = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern UInt32 AlrtLogConditionToText(Byte[] pbCondition, StringBuilder pszText, UInt32 dwSize);
I defined a C# method to call the above win32 method and return a string. Then in the report, I called this C# method to get the correct string.
In the report designer, the C# method in the custom assembly can return the correct string in the preview window. But after I deployed the report into the report server, the textbox will only display "#error" in the report manager web page.
Can anybody help me on it? Thanks a lot.
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Jun 5, 2007
How to limit number of rows displayed in a report, i' am using report project in Visual studio 2005 to design my reports
How to use page navigation once i deploy the report on to report server..?
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Feb 2, 2004
I am trying to get my db to return a date in the format day/month/year but its returning the american version month/day/year.
I'm using a DatePart function that converts my date:
( @fDate datetime )
RETURNS varchar(10)
RETURN ( CONVERT(varchar(10),@fDate,101) )
This returns te american version, can anyone help me to get this to convert the UK way.
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Aug 14, 2006
Hi All,
I have a question, How to user the Multi value in Visual Studio Report Designer.
My dataset contains the following
Select empno,empname,basicpay,deptcd from employee where deptcd in (substring(@gdept,1,4))
Here variable gdept is the report parameter. I am passing the value.
it works fine with single value.
( the source of gdept is a another dataset to list the deparment code+name,
when I preview, i have a combo box to select the department.
If I choose one deparment, it works fine.
If I choose more than one department or select all I have error message
"substring function requires 3 aruguments."
what is wrong is the query
Please advise.
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Jun 15, 2007
In Report Designer I am able to create a Model data source and see my entities/fields.
But when I run the report I get a "Failed to execute Query" message.
I know in the past this was an issue because Designer doesn't allow you to specify a perspective.
Does anyone know if this has been resolved?
I'm using SP2
Thank you,
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May 25, 2007
I need to pass the out put from a stored procedure as an input parameter to another stored procedure. I created a data set for each stored procedure. Fron the second data set parameter tab, I added a parameter to refer to the field from the first data set.
I get the error Fiels can not be used in query parameter expressions.
I tried two simple queries instead of stored procedures with first query feeding the second query. I get the same error. Is there any other other way to accomplish this?
Thank You.
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Mar 29, 2007
Hi all,
I am trying to use the custom code in the report but I don't think I am understanding how this is being used.
I have a function to get starting months for a report parameter.
The function is below:-
Shared Function GetStartingMonths() as String
dim strDefault as string
dim CurrentMonth as String
Dim SqlString as String
'strDefault = Month(Now) & "/1/" & Year(Now)
CurrentMonth = "5/1/2002"
Do While CDate(CurrentMonth) <= Now
SqlString = SqlString + "Select " & CurrentMonth & " as value, " & MonthName(Month(CurrentMonth)) & " " & Year(CurrentMonth) & " as MonthYear"
CurrentMonth = dateadd("m",1,CDate(CurrentMonth))
if Cdate(CurrentMonth) = Now then
Exit Do
sqlString = SqlString & " Union "
end if
return SqlString
End Function
what i am trying to do here, and hopefully produce a sql string that would fill my dataset of dates and their representation.
In the dataset, I had put the following expression
However, I can't seem to get the parameter to display the dates. shows up as disabled in my report.
Am I doing something wrong here or is there a better way to doing this ?
Additionally, I was wondering whether there is a better SQL code that would achieve the same thing I am doing ?
thanks !
Bernard Ong
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Jul 22, 2015
In SSRS report I have 2 parameters start date and end date, so when somebody is selecting end date more than a month(if today date is 22 then they are selecting aug 23) then it should give error message to user like "Date out of range".
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Oct 18, 2007
I dont know if theres a way to print a section of some report, for example a summary report, where I have several charts and tables, and I want to print just the first 2 charts
Could this be done by mapping the document or separating it in some other way?
I tried using 'SubReports' control, but this way I need to have for example the first two charts in a different report (lets say 2charts.rdl), and then in the summary.rdl, add the control and set the link to 2charts.rdl,.... but I think this is pretty annoying considering the future modifications of the format in the 2charts.rdl...
Thanks for your help...
-Edith Colegio
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Sep 21, 2007
hi i want to compare tow dates in my procedure, comparing all(year, month, day, time).can anyone help me. thanhs.
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Apr 14, 2008
Hello All,
i have three textboxes in a page and i want fill those textboxes with the date, month,year respectively.....
i have a datecreated column in discount table in a mm/dd/yy format ...how to extract the date, month, year from this format and put the value in textboxes..?
Any help..
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Mar 8, 2008
I need to see if a record has been inserted into a table, and the condition is if the record has been inserted for the current year and month and day, if not, I can insert a new row.
SO I need to do:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE Created = @Created)
But it has to be comparing the year,month and day (excluding the time part of the datetime type).
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Sep 11, 2006
Hi all,
I was wondering if there's a way to override the default date parameter of a report to a dynamic value such as Today(), Now(), DateAdd(),... through Report Manager.
I know this can be done in Report Designer, but never been successful when I try to change the date parameter value in Report Manager.
I've tried to change the date parameter value by clicking on the Override Default button in the report's properties page from Report Manager, error like the one below will be shown after I entered Now() in the Default Value field and clicked Apply:
The value provided for the report parameter 'StartDate' is not valid for its type. (rsReportParameterTypeMismatch)
Thanks in advance.
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May 14, 2004
My table contains only the PLAN Year and the PLAN MONTH. What I want is to create a view based on this table which will display a Date as well (despite the fact that date is not stored in the underlying table). The date can be the 1st of the month. I hope the example below will clearly explain my request (I want the 'Derived Date' using the Year and Month)
I'll appreciate your help.
YearMonthDerived Date
and so on ....
Many thanks in advance. I'll appreciate your help
Can someone also help me how to insert TABS in a post. I have tried many spaces but the end result is still not what I wanted... as you can see the 3 columns of my example are kind of overlapping whereas I wanted to clearly separate them
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May 14, 2004
My table contains only the PLAN Year and the PLAN MONTH. What I want is to create a view based on this table which will display a Date as well (despite the fact that date is not stored in the underlying table). The date can be the 1st of the month. I hope the example below will clearly explain my request (I want the 'Derived Date' using the Year and Month)
I'll appreciate your help.
YearMonthDerived Date
and so on ....
Many thanks in advance. I'll appreciate your help
Can someone also help me how to insert TABS in a post. I have tried many spaces but the end result is still not what I wanted... as you can see the 3 columns of my example are kind of overlapping whereas I wanted to clearly separate them
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Feb 16, 2006
I have been spoiled by some report writing tools that have intrinsicfunctions like Last Year Month-to-date. I'm looking for a way to emulatethis in SQL Server now with my fields that are date/time.I'm thinking I need to develop a user defined function to accept a dateinput parameter, but I don't know where to start.Help/Examples appreciated.Thanks,Frank*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
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Jun 3, 2015
I have a query for which in the where clause i use where Year(openDate) = Year(GETDATE()) and Month(OpenDate) = Month(GETDATE())-1 which would give me the data i needed for this year last month. However if i run this query on Jan 2015 or Jan 2016, this query would fail.
how to modify my where clause so that it runs regardless of even if its Jan ?
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Aug 27, 2015
I have the following code block
INSERT INTO #tbl_1 VALUES ('2015-08-27 13:47:24.123','150','abc')
INSERT INTO #tbl_1 VALUES ('2015-09-27 13:47:24.123','149','acb')
INSERT INTO #tbl_1 VALUES ('2015-10-27 13:47:24.123','148','cba')
SELECT * FROM #tbl_1 where ? SELECT * FROM #tbl_2
My requirement is to insert values into #tbl2 that are in current month which are event_time values '2015-08-27'
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Aug 5, 2015
I am attempting to create a subscription that will send a report whose name would have been formatted to the following: ReportName_MMDDYYYY.
I know this can be done by creating a Windows File Share subscription type, but in this case, I would need to use E-Mail.
In this scenario, the user will receive the email and included, the file formatted as described above.
Is there a way to get it done ?
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Dec 2, 2011
In my table I am using varchar to save a date like this 2-dec-2011. Now I have a requirement where i need to select employee who where present in a month so for that I need a query so that i can pull out all the employees who are present in dec like :
select * from emp_attendence where date = 'dec-2011'
But this returns nothing ...
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Feb 6, 2008
i have column in database as account open date
format as:Jan 27,2004 12:00:00:AM
How do i extract month& Year from this column..
all i have to do a calculation
if accountopendate is prior to dec 31 1994 then jan 1995..
and if the account open date is after 2100 then ist jan 2011.
how do i write the calculation
Thanks guys
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Mar 14, 2008
I'm trying to clean up our report server and prune reports that are no longer in use by our users. Is there a way to find out the last time a report was accessed?
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