the ids are something like this
now, i am trying to group by and count all of the ids that end with '01',
i was thinking of something like
select count(id)
group by id
where id= ???
and the second query i need to make is one that counts not one but all the ids that end with the same last 2 digits but in one single query, how can i do that? as a possible hint, is that the only thing i KNOW that the last 2 digits can only be 01,02,03,04 and 05 but still im a bit stuck in here the result should look something like this
id total
01 4
02 3
03 1
04 1
or what suggestions can you give me for this query? even if you just help me with the first query, that would be great, thanks!!
I have a varchar that contains a comma-delimited list of integers, such as "12,34,56,78,123,1,123455".
I need a way to count the number of numbers in the string (or, perhaps, better stated as "I need a count of substrings") ;)
I'm thinking there must be a number of ways to calculate the number of numbers in my list of numbers, but I can only seem to come up with looping through the string/varchar and counting the number of commas, and then adding one to that final count.
Anybody know of a "cooler" way to do this? Everything I can think of involves stepping through a character at a time...
where # is the seperator between different data in the filename, in .NET i achieved to save the different data in the filename to seperate variables like this
Dim siebelId, accountNumber, docType As String
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim sites As String() = Nothing
sites = extension2.Split("#")
Dim s As String
For Each s In sites
If counter = 0 Then
siebelId = s
End If
If counter = 1 Then
accountNumber = s
End If
If counter = 2 Then
docType = s
End If
counter = counter + 1
Next s
How can i achieve this in SSIS where i can save these to variables for later use in an Execute SQL Task ?
Update [table] Set collumnName = Substring(collumnName, 1, 2) = '11' AND Substring(collumnName, 3, 5) = '00000' Where (conditional statement)
SQL is not letting me perform the update because of the AND statement between the two Substring's. Is there anyway around there anything else I can do to acomplish what I'm trying to do.
Table A(Value), which contains some strings in the column "Value"
Table B(Key,Text), which also contains strings (in the column "Text")
Now I want to find all rows in B which contain at least one string of A and create a result table X with all found rows in B. B should contain the found keys and all found substrings for this key (separated with a comma)
The solution I am looking for may not use a Cursor and may not use the CONTAIN-Statement (fulltextsearch feature)..
I have an SSRS 2012 table report with groups; each group is broken ie. one group for one page, and there are multiple groups in multiple pages.
'GroupName' column has multiple values - X,Y,Z,......
I need to group 'GroupName' with X,Y,Z,..... ie value X in page 1,value Y in page 2, value Z in page 3...
Now, I need to display another column (ABC) in this table report (outside the group column 'GroupName'); this outside column itself is another column header (not a group header) in the table (report) and it derives its name partly from the 'GroupName' Â values:
Value X for GroupName in page 1 will mean, in page 1, column Name of ABC column must be ABC-X Value Y for GroupName in page 2 will mean, in page 2, column Name of ABC column must be ABC-Y Value Z for GroupName in page 3 will mean, in page 3, column Name of ABC column must be ABC-Z
ie the column name of ABC (Clm ABC) Â must be dynamic as per the GroupName values (X,Y,Z....)
GroupName          Clm ABC-X
GroupName          Clm ABC-Y
GroupName          Clm ABC-Z
I have been able to use First(ReportItems!GroupName.Value) in the Page Header to get GroupNames displayed in each page; I get X in page 1, Y in page 2, Z in page 3.....
However, when I use ReportItems (that refers to a group name) in the Report Body outside the group,
I get the following error:
Report item expressions can only refer to other report items within the same grouping scope or a containing grouping scope
I need to get the X, Y, Z ... in each page for the column ABC.
I have been able to use this - First(Fields!GroupName.Value); however, I get ABC-X, ABC-X, ABC-X in each of the pages for the ABC column, instead of ABC-X in page 1, ABC-Y in page 2, ABC-Z in page 3, ...
I am back and need some help with Group By query. I am using SQL Server 2000. I have table in a database from which I have to SELECT some records. The first field is callingPartyNumber. I am trying to SELECT a few fields including callingPartyNumber, and SUM(duration). Is it possible to group the results according to the callingPartyNumber field only (knowing the fact that I have other fields also in the SELECT part of the query)? The type of output I want is that all the records are grouped by the callingPartyNumber field and the sum of duration field for each groups is also returned. SELECT callingPartyNumber, originalCalledPartyNumber, finalCalledPartyNumber, dateadd(ss, (dateTimeConnect + (60 * 60 * -5))+3600 , '01-01-1970 00:00:00') AS dateTimeConnect, dateadd(ss, (dateTimeDisconnect + (60 * 60 * -5))+3600, '01-01-1970 00:00:00') AS dateTimeDisconnect, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(second, duration, '0:00:00'), 108) AS duration, SUM(duration)
FROM Calls
GROUP BY callingPartyNumber
I cannot normalize the tables (implies that I have to work on one and only one table).Anyone...
I have the following sql statement below;DECLARE @val intSET @val = 1WHILE (@val <= 7 )BEGIN SELECT TOP(1) id, queueFROM itn_articles WHERE asection = @valORDER BY queue DESCSET @val = @val + 1END Essential it just loops through a select statement 7 times, now the problem is how would I do this and group my results together so I could ORDER them; instead them coming out in a different query output and, which makes the order unrankable
Hi Guys,I have the following select sql (sql server) select statement SELECT dbo.AlternativesAssessment.AlternativeNumber, dbo.AlternativesAssessment.UserID, dbo.AlternativesAssessment.MembershipValue, dbo.AlternativesAssessment.CriteriaID, dbo.CriteriaDefinition.CriteriaName, dbo.CriteriaDefinition.DecisionSessionID
FROM dbo.AlternativesAssessment INNER JOIN dbo.CriteriaDefinition ON dbo.AlternativesAssessment.CriteriaID = dbo.CriteriaDefinition.CriteriaID
WHERE (dbo.CriteriaDefinition.SessionID = @SessionID)
ORDER BY dbo.AlternativesAssessment.UserID, dbo.AlternativesAssessment.AlternativeNumber and it produces a result like this:In this case there are 4 alternatives all evaluated through 3 criteria "c1_Cost", "c2_Durability" and "c3_Reputation".My objective is to sum up all the MembershipValue's for each shoud look like this:AlternativeNumber|CriteriaName|MembershipValue| 1 Cost 2314 1 Durability 214 1 Reputation 981 2 Cost 814 2 Durability 914 2 Reputation 381.etcDo you guys have an idea how I could achieve that?I played around with SUM's and GROUP By's for hours now but it does not seem to work.Many thanks,polynaux
I have a vendor table with vendor codes of six characters. The same vendor could have two codes (I'm new to this accounting system so I don't know why this is the case). If a vendor has two codes, the first character for one vendor code would be an "H", then the first character for the other code would be a "P", with the other 5 characters being the same (i.e. HCAMER and PCAMER).
We want to print only one 1099 for the vendor. So, if the vendor has two codes, I need to get a total for that vendor. Can this be done in a query?
I have a table in which column are id, date, lname, fname, add In this table there are duplicate records but have different date for each duplicate record. I am trying to get just max(date) for each record.
when i try like these it works. select id, max(date) from table group by id
but when i try something like these it does not work select id, fname, lname, max(date) from table group by id, fname, lname
I get all the record. I am writing these query from perl script. any help.
Please help in writing a SQL query. I have a table with EmpId,DirectSales,TeamLeaderId,TeamMemSales as some of the columns.The situation is a Team Manager as sell directly, which comes under directsales and the overriding value of his team member comes under teammemsales.
Now I want get sum of both for a particular manager on a daily basis. Like
SaleDate sum(Directsales) sum(TeammemSales)
if the given id is empid then the it is directsales and if it is in teamleaderid then it is teammemsales.
What I need is one row per site, and I can get that when I exclude the completiondate field, but I need to sort on that field. How can I use the GROUP BY to return only one row with the team_id, avgduration, site, model, duration, and teamtype. I do not need to display the completiondate, I just need it for sorting. The avgduration column is supposed to be an average of the duration of each of the records.
This is a fairly compliacted query and I just can't seem to figure it out. I will try to psuedocode it to see if anyone can figure out how to do it with sql.
Table Descriptions: I have to join two tables. Houses and Inpsections. A house can have many inspections. A single inspection can only be done on 1 house. Houses: HouseID, HouseDescription Inspections: InspectionID, Inspection_date, House_Id, pass_inspection ("yes"/"no"),
What I need: I need to have only 1 result per House. For each house, I need the results for the LATEST INSPECTION. That is pass_inspection, houseID, inspection_date for the last time the house was inspected ONLY (that is if its been inspected at all - if not i still need the house listed and say "not inspected yet").
A query would be greatly appreciated.
If you want to go further (which I will need to do) I need actually do this for each pair of House + problem. Houses and problems have a many to many relationship.
Can you group by a value returned by a UDF? Example:SELECT Col1, SUM(Col2), MyFunc(Col3, Col4) AS 'MyResult'GROUP BY Col1, MyResultI've had no luck. Can this be done?
I'm having some problem with this DMX prediction query. This is the first time I'm trying out the GROUP BY statement in the DMX query and I keep getting "Parse: the statement dialect could not be resolved due to ambiguity." message.
Is Group By supported by the DMX? What am I missing? If not supported, could I insert the result into a temporary table using SELECT ... INTO.. FROM and run a group by on a temporary table?
This is what the DMX query looks like...
SELECT t.[AgeGroupName], t.[ChildrenStatusName], t.[EducationName], Sum(t.[Profit]) as Profit From [Revenue Estimate DT] PREDICTION JOIN OPENQUERY([DM Reports DM], 'SELECT [AgeGroupName], [ChildrenStatusName], [EducationName], [Profit], [IncomeName], [HomeOwnerName], [SexName], [Country], [ProductTypeCode], [ProductName], [MailCount], [OrderAmount], [SalesAmount], [MailCost] FROM (SELECT AgeGroupName, ChildrenStatusName, EducationName, IncomeName, HomeOwnerName, MaritalStatusName, SexName, JobName, JobTypeCode, CompanyTypeCode, Country, ProductTypeCode, ProductName, SUM(MailCount) AS MailCount, SUM(OrderAmount) AS OrderAmount, SUM(SalesAmount) AS SalesAmount, SUM(MailCost) AS MailCost, SUM(Profit) AS Profit, MIN(RevenueEstimateID) AS ReKey FROM [DataMining.RevenueEstimate.Predict] GROUP BY AgeGroupName, ChildrenStatusName, EducationName, IncomeName, HomeOwnerName, MaritalStatusName, SexName, JobName, JobTypeCode, CompanyTypeCode, Country, ProductTypeCode, ProductName, ClientID HAVING (ClientID = 1)) as [Prediction] ') AS t ON [Revenue Estimate DT].[Age Group Name] = t.[AgeGroupName] AND [Revenue Estimate DT].[Education Name] = t.[EducationName] AND [Revenue Estimate DT].[Income Name] = t.[IncomeName] AND [Revenue Estimate DT].[Home Owner Name] = t.[HomeOwnerName] AND [Revenue Estimate DT].[Sex Name] = t.[SexName] AND [Revenue Estimate DT].[Country] = t.[Country] AND [Revenue Estimate DT].[Product Type Code] = t.[ProductTypeCode] AND [Revenue Estimate DT].[Product Name] = t.[ProductName] AND [Revenue Estimate DT].[Mail Count] = t.[MailCount] AND [Revenue Estimate DT].[Order Amount] = t.[OrderAmount] AND [Revenue Estimate DT].[Sales Amount] = t.[SalesAmount] AND [Revenue Estimate DT].[Mail Cost] = t.[MailCost] AND [Revenue Estimate DT].[Profit] = t.[Profit] AND [Revenue Estimate DT].[Children Status Name] = t.[ChildrenStatusName] GROUP BY t.[AgeGroupName], t.[ChildrenStatusName], t.[EducationName]
I am trying to return a result set that gives me the top 20 results for EACH group (PERILNAME in this case), not the top 20 results of the whole result set.
I have been able to create the resluts I want using UNION, but this is not practical when there is more than a few groups. Below is the code the returns the results I am after, any ideas how to achieve this another way?
SELECT TOP 20 LookupPeril.PERILNAME, accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, SUM(loccvg.VALUEAMT) AS [Total Value], COUNT(loc.LOCID) AS [Num Locs],loccvg.VALUECUR FROM loc INNER JOIN loccvg ON loc.LOCID = loccvg.LOCID INNER JOIN accgrp ON loc.ACCGRPID = accgrp.ACCGRPID INNER JOIN RMS_Reports.dbo.LookupPeril LookupPeril ON loccvg.PERIL = LookupPeril.PERILCODE WHERE LookupPeril.PERILNAME = 'Earthquake' GROUP BY accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, LookupPeril.PERILNAME, loccvg.VALUECUR UNION SELECT TOP 20 LookupPeril.PERILNAME, accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, SUM(loccvg.VALUEAMT), COUNT(loc.LOCID) ,loccvg.VALUECUR FROM loc INNER JOIN loccvg ON loc.LOCID = loccvg.LOCID INNER JOIN accgrp ON loc.ACCGRPID = accgrp.ACCGRPID INNER JOIN RMS_Reports.dbo.LookupPeril LookupPeril ON loccvg.PERIL = LookupPeril.PERILCODE WHERE LookupPeril.PERILNAME = 'Windstorm' GROUP BY accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, LookupPeril.PERILNAME, loccvg.VALUECUR UNION SELECT TOP 20 LookupPeril.PERILNAME, accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, SUM(loccvg.VALUEAMT), COUNT(loc.LOCID) ,loccvg.VALUECUR FROM loc INNER JOIN loccvg ON loc.LOCID = loccvg.LOCID INNER JOIN accgrp ON loc.ACCGRPID = accgrp.ACCGRPID INNER JOIN RMS_Reports.dbo.LookupPeril LookupPeril ON loccvg.PERIL = LookupPeril.PERILCODE WHERE LookupPeril.PERILNAME = 'Tornado/Hail' GROUP BY accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, LookupPeril.PERILNAME, loccvg.VALUECUR UNION SELECT TOP 20 LookupPeril.PERILNAME, accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, SUM(loccvg.VALUEAMT), COUNT(loc.LOCID) ,loccvg.VALUECUR FROM loc INNER JOIN loccvg ON loc.LOCID = loccvg.LOCID INNER JOIN accgrp ON loc.ACCGRPID = accgrp.ACCGRPID INNER JOIN RMS_Reports.dbo.LookupPeril LookupPeril ON loccvg.PERIL = LookupPeril.PERILCODE WHERE LookupPeril.PERILNAME = 'Flood' GROUP BY accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, LookupPeril.PERILNAME, loccvg.VALUECUR ORDER BY LookupPeril.PERILNAME, [Total Value]
I am trying to return a result set that gives me the top 20 results for EACH group (PERILNAME in this case), not the top 20 results of the whole result set.
I have been able to create the results I want using UNION, but this is not practical when there is more than a few groups. I think it should be possible using a derived table, but I am not sure how to do it! Below is the code the returns the results I am after, any ideas how to achieve this another way?
SELECT TOP 20 LookupPeril.PERILNAME, accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, SUM(loccvg.VALUEAMT) AS [Total Value], COUNT(loc.LOCID) AS [Num Locs],loccvg.VALUECUR FROM loc INNER JOIN loccvg ON loc.LOCID = loccvg.LOCID INNER JOIN accgrp ON loc.ACCGRPID = accgrp.ACCGRPID INNER JOIN RMS_Reports.dbo.LookupPeril LookupPeril ON loccvg.PERIL = LookupPeril.PERILCODE WHERE LookupPeril.PERILNAME = 'Earthquake' GROUP BY accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, LookupPeril.PERILNAME, loccvg.VALUECUR UNION SELECT TOP 20 LookupPeril.PERILNAME, accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, SUM(loccvg.VALUEAMT), COUNT(loc.LOCID) ,loccvg.VALUECUR FROM loc INNER JOIN loccvg ON loc.LOCID = loccvg.LOCID INNER JOIN accgrp ON loc.ACCGRPID = accgrp.ACCGRPID INNER JOIN RMS_Reports.dbo.LookupPeril LookupPeril ON loccvg.PERIL = LookupPeril.PERILCODE WHERE LookupPeril.PERILNAME = 'Windstorm' GROUP BY accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, LookupPeril.PERILNAME, loccvg.VALUECUR UNION SELECT TOP 20 LookupPeril.PERILNAME, accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, SUM(loccvg.VALUEAMT), COUNT(loc.LOCID) ,loccvg.VALUECUR FROM loc INNER JOIN loccvg ON loc.LOCID = loccvg.LOCID INNER JOIN accgrp ON loc.ACCGRPID = accgrp.ACCGRPID INNER JOIN RMS_Reports.dbo.LookupPeril LookupPeril ON loccvg.PERIL = LookupPeril.PERILCODE WHERE LookupPeril.PERILNAME = 'Tornado/Hail' GROUP BY accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, LookupPeril.PERILNAME, loccvg.VALUECUR UNION SELECT TOP 20 LookupPeril.PERILNAME, accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, SUM(loccvg.VALUEAMT), COUNT(loc.LOCID) ,loccvg.VALUECUR FROM loc INNER JOIN loccvg ON loc.LOCID = loccvg.LOCID INNER JOIN accgrp ON loc.ACCGRPID = accgrp.ACCGRPID INNER JOIN RMS_Reports.dbo.LookupPeril LookupPeril ON loccvg.PERIL = LookupPeril.PERILCODE WHERE LookupPeril.PERILNAME = 'Flood' GROUP BY accgrp.ACCGRPNUM, accgrp.ACCGRPNAME, LookupPeril.PERILNAME, loccvg.VALUECUR ORDER BY LookupPeril.PERILNAME, [Total Value]
Hi, I am not a newbie to general SQL queries but i do get confused with the complicated ones. I have a table of applicants. I want to be able to count applications over the course of a month but group them by week. does that make sense? So essentially i would have 4 records for the query: week 1's total, week 2's total. etc.. Is this possible in one query? or do I need to create a query for each week with the date range i need?
ok, so i have this table "SOLD_PRODUCTS" with this columns: idProduct (int), quantitySold (int)
so i want to know how many products i have sold.
i have this query
SELECT idProduct, COUNT(idProduct) AS Total FROM SOLD_PRODUCTS GROUP BY idProduct
and get this 74 5 75 2 79 1 etc etc etc
this works correctly, but it doesnt counts the quantity sold, so i changed the query to
SELECT idProduct, quantitySold, COUNT(idProduct) AS Total FROM SOLD_PRODUCTS GROUP BY idProduct
but it crashes, mssql says i must add quantitySold to the group by clause.
but if i put the query
SELECT idProduct, quantitySold, COUNT(idProduct) AS Total FROM SOLD_PRODUCTS GROUP BY idProduct,quantitySold
i dont get the expected data, the idProducts appear more than once, they are no longer grouped by, the results in the count(idProduct) are wrong (i am not sure what they are counting now)
so now i dont understand how i can make my query, all i want is a query where in one collumn i have the product id, and in the other the quantity sold (that would be the count of all the product ids found multiplied by the quantity sold)
so now i am completelly lost, now i dont know what to do with my query.
I need some help in returning the top 3 records in each group ie I have a table containing a list of stores with the address details and I need to return the top 3 records in each postcode area. The Postcode field contains the postcode area ie BN1, BN2 etc. Many thanks.
Hi, I have two tables in my DB: tbl_Users: callSign(Char), FirstName(Char), LastName(Char) tbl_Events: CallSign(Char), TotalKM(Char), EventDate(SmallDateTime)... Plenty of others, but they're not relevnt.
The result that I want to see is:
CALL SIGN Last Name First Name Date Number Of Events TotalKM 111 MR. X 01/01/2008 3 40
I know this: The number of events is countable. if you do the following convert "Convert(int, TotalKM) you can sum up the Total KM.
Hendra writes "I'd like to know is there any way or any statement that can help me to get first or last record from the group by query ? I'm using sql Server 2000 Thank's
This is my queryselect ano,max(date),a_subject from MY_TAB where table_name='xyz' andano=877group by a_subject,ano order by a_subjectANOmax(Date)A_Subject8772005-01-20 00:00:00.000Subject_18771900-01-01 00:00:00.000Subject_28772004-12-20 00:00:00.000Subject_38772005-01-19 00:00:00.000Subject_4--------------------------------------------------------------------------When I put the status column in, it fetches all the ano,max(date),a_subject,status from MY_TAB wheretable_name='xyz' and ano=877 group by a_subject,ano,status order bya_subjectANOmax(Date)A_SubjectStatus8772005-01-20 00:00:00.000Subject_1Not Started8771900-01-01 00:00:00.000Subject_2Not Started8772004-12-20 00:00:00.000Subject_3Completed8771900-01-01 00:00:00.000Subject_3Not Started8771900-01-01 00:00:00.000Subject_4Not Started8772005-01-19 00:00:00.000Subject_4Not Started-----------------------------------------------------------------------now what i want isANOmax(Date)A_SubjectStatus8772005-01-20 00:00:00.000Subject_1Not Started8771900-01-01 00:00:00.000Subject_2Not Started8772004-12-20 00:00:00.000Subject_3Completed8772005-01-19 00:00:00.000Subject_4Not StartedThanks a lot for your help.AJ
Say the following are the columns of a tableA B C D E FCan a aggregate function like sum be applied to A like sum(a) and thenorder by b and c similarly aggregate function on d and group by e andf using a single query...Regards,Jai