'unable To Obtain A List Of Tables From The Datasource' Error From Excel
Oct 12, 2007
This is a very detailed question, I hope this is the best forum to address it. It is more related to general ODBC access, and less to SQL Server data access.
Calling all ODBC experts!
I am a developer using an ODBC toolkit to connect to my companies metadata management product, which in turn communicates to SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 and other databases. The ODBC toolkit we are using is very old, and has been very stable in accessing data with clients such as Access, Excel, Visio and others. It is a read-only ODBC driver that does not support a lot of advanced query and data manipulation features, such as catalog.
I'm using Visual Studio 2005 to debug the ODBC calls that Excel is making when attempting to load data through the External Data Wizard. The Excel version I am using is 2003. The method that I am using to attempt to load data is with 'Data | Import External Data | Import Data'. When that dialog appears, I select 'New Source...' then 'ODBC DSN'. I then select my DSN and click Next.
At this point, I get back the error 'unable to obtain a list of tables from the datasource'.
What is frustrating is, if I do 'Data | New Database Query' and use MSQuery to load the data, everything works fine.
As I mentioned I am using VC2005 and debugging, I believe the problem has to do with the capabilities of our driver and the columns that Excel is binding to return data. In this call, Excel is binding two columns - Table Qualifer (
TABLE_QUALIFIER (1)) and Remarks (TABLE_REMARKS(5)). Our driver does not support qualifiers, so we return a NULL for that value:
fSqlTypeIn = SQL_CHAR;
rgbValueIn = NULL;
cbValueIn = SQL_NULL_DATA;
Excel makes the SQLTables() call, which successfully returns the entire list of tables from our server product. It then attempts to SQLBind the two columns I mentioned above. The first call to SQLFetch returns with SQL_SUCCESS but the ODBCGetData call fills the QUALFIER column with a NULL. So obviously, Excel doesn't like this value and then ends up quiting and displaying the message above (I think....) This is confirmed by looking at the ODBC trace calls:
So I began to examine the GetInfo calls. There are probably 100 or so that Excel makes. Anything related to qualifiers or cataloging seems to indicate (according to MSDN) that we do not support it. So my thinking was, if Excel properly identifies that we don't support qualifers, why does it attempt to bind the column? Is this a flaw in Excel, or are there some other GetInfo properties that I am not properly setting?
The attributes I am setting (that seem related) are:
Looking at ODBC trace logs, the only GetInfo values that Excel is quering is SQL_QUALIFIER_LOCATION, SQL_QUALIFIER_TERM and SQL_QUALIFIER_USAGE. According to the MSDN documentation, an application is supposed to query SQL_CATALOG_NAME to determine if catalogs are supported. I know it is not, because I don't see it in the ODBC trace log, or my breakpoints in VC2005 are never hit.
I realize this is a HUGE question. I hope that I came across clear and that my question is understandable. I guess what it comes down to is - (maybe some Excel engineers can answer this one) - is this method of loading data into Excel require a Table Qualifier? If not, how can I configure my settings so that it asks for Table Name (as MsQuery does) instead?
Thank you so much for your time and consideration!
Is there a command at the CLI or in PowerShell that will list the components installed for SQL? I'm looking for something like the Feature List you can get from running the discovery report from Tools in the SQL Server Installation Center program option.
I'm running SQL Server 2012 on the CORE version of Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise.
I upgraded my DB2 client from v8 (32 bit) to v9 (64 bit) and the IBM OLE DB DB2 Driver is not showing up in the data source list in Import and Export Wizard. I need to use the IBM OLE DB Driver because the Microsoft driver doesn't work (db2 login).
Can anyone tell me how to add the IBM OLE DB Driver into the list. Is is a PATH/CLASSPATH issue??
In Reporting Services 2005, is it possible to create a data connection to a sharepoint list? If so, what connection type and connection string do i use for this?
} I have a bulleted list tied to a table, and on click the selectedValue of the bulleted list populates a datagrid. Heres my code: <asp:BulletedList ID="BulletedList1" runat="server" BulletStyle="Disc" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataTextField="LNAME" DataValueField="DEM_ID" DisplayMode="LinkButton" OnClick="BulletedList1_Click"> </asp:BulletedList><asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:csAHECData %>"SelectCommand="SELECT [LNAME], [FNAME], [MNAME], [DEM_ID] FROM [Demog_TOB] ORDER BY [LNAME], [FNAME], [MNAME]"></asp:SqlDataSource> And then for the datagrid: <asp:Panel ID="pnlClientChosen" runat="server"> <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource2"> </asp:GridView> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:csAHECData %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [DEM_ID], [LNAME], [FNAME], [MNAME], [ADDR1], [ADDR2], [CITY], [STATE], [ZIPCODE], [COUNTY], [Gender] FROM [Demog_TOB] WHERE ([DEM_ID] = @DEM_ID)"> <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="BulletedList1" Name="DEM_ID" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int64" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> </asp:Panel>
} I have no idea whats wrong but when I click on the bulleted list , the pnlClientChosen becomes visible (which contains the data gridview); but there is no gridview available. There isn't even column names. One thing that struck me as odd is when I created the datasource and I created the Where statement, when I selected control as ""Where Dem_ID = a control" and I set the control to bulletedlist1, there were three listings for bulletedlist1. In fact, there were three listings for each control on this page. Thanks in advance, I hope I explained this well but I'm in a hurry right now.
I was wondering if it's possible to use a sharepoint list as datasource in reporting services ? If yes, what's your trick ? Is it possible to use a directory as datasource in reporting services ?
I've never used SQL Server before. I installed VB 2005 Express (I've been working with VB since I was 16), and SQL Server 2005 Express.
I installed the server with all the default settings and created a small database to handle customer information (a remake of some Access and Oracle databases I've made before).
I'm told, however, each time I try to connect to the database via VB, that SQL Server isn't accepting remote connections...
Remote? It's on a local computer. So is VB...what is going on here? Is there a setting I've missed?
I've created a SSIS package with a DataReaderDestination and a SSRS report that points to it.
I referenced these links during development and I have everything working as expected locally. **I changed the config files as stated on both my local machine and our server. My config matches the example exactly.
When I attempt to deploy my report project to the server I get this error message: "An attempt has been made to use a data extension 'SSIS' that is not registered for this report server."
In the report manager data source properties page it reads: "The data processing extension used for this report is not available. It has either been uninstalled, or it is not configured correctly."
In SQL Server Management Studio data source properties page SSIS is not a data source type option.
I've tried restarting both the Reporting Services and Integration Services on the server to no avail.
Any suggests? My problem is I can't get the SSIS to be recognized source on the server.
I was wondering if it is possible to use a generic list object to use as the datasource/data for a report? Right now we use these business objects to display information on our website and would be great it we could re-use those objects and create reports based on them. We are doing some calculations etc in the business layer to build these objects, so if we could re-use, that would be best. Thanks!
I have created a linked server that connects to "mpp" file, and it connects and opens successfuly returning a list of tables that exists in the linked server to the mpp file.
But the problem i am facing now that whne i write a select statment to get data from the tables in this linked server
select * from linktompp.testmpp.dbo.tasks
such that linktompp is the linked server name
testmpp is the catalog name
tasks is the table name i need to select data from
it shows an error that says
"Could not obtain a required interface from OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Project.OleDB.11.0'."
"[OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Project.OleDB.11.0' IUnknown::QueryInterface returned 0x80004002: IGetDataSource]"
Please advise which kind of connection should be establish from excel 95 to MS SQL Server.
From my thought, I understand that the connection depends on Windows version rather than excel version. Thus, I just think that there will not be any issue connecting to SQL Server from Excel 5.0a.
Kindly advise if there is any addtional point to concern/consider further. What could be issue connecting to SQL Server 2005 from Excel 5.0a.
I was hoping someone could help out with this issue....I've got a report I created in Reporting Services 2000 SP2 where I am nesting table elements within the row and detail sections of the matrix. This allows me to have multiple items within my "row" data with column headings, and works perfectly fine within the designer, and viewer, and whenever I export it to any format other than Excel. Exporting to excel results in a "Specified cast is not valid" error.
To me this seems to be a bug in the Excel rendering extension, since it seems to be supported in RDL. Has anyone else run into this? Is there a fix to the renderer or a workaround that anyone is aware of?
I'd be happy to post the RDL if anyone is interested.
I have a Sql agent job which will exeute a SSIS package. While, one of my data sources is an excel file. I scriptted the sql agent job and recreate on a test server, it fails with The command line parameters are invalid.. The command line has the following for the excel data source, and that is the place fails the job. /CONNECTION UserDataExcel;"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\myserverUserDataUserData.xls;Extended Properties=""EXCEL 8.0;HDR=YES"";" I guess it has something to do with the double-quote inside, Please advise.
I have an XML datasource that has multiple nodes at the same level. I need to retrieve contents of two nodes in a dataset. If I have an hierarchy, then I am able to get the information from two nodes. In the current data source, both the nodes are at the same level, without any relationship. I tried the following Query but it returns just the first node.
== I asked this question directly to Remus and wanted to share the response to all of those people using this forum == We recently moved our database server from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005. All applications on our intranet development server stay the same [VS.NET 2003], but recently resources in our Dev DB server ran out of space. While doing a thorough investigation, I noticed ERRORLOG file was occupying about 35 Gig of HDD space. I immediately checked SQL Server error log and noticed an entry which says €“ =========================================================================================== Date 7/7/2006 4:45:37 PM Log SQL Server (Current - 7/7/2006 4:45:00 PM)
Source spid77s
Message The activated proc [dbo].[SqlQueryNotificationStoredProcedure-5eaf8465-d0cb-4be7-93b6-44bb979dd41c] running on queue BW_Content.dbo.SqlQueryNotificationService-5eaf8465-d0cb-4be7-93b6-44bb979dd41c output the following: 'Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'BWCINCHoffK', error code 0x534.' ===========================================================================================
What is this SqlQueryNotificationService in my database? Is it a SQL Server 2005 thing? Why the same kind of stored procedure does not exist in other databases, but BW_Content? This error is getting repeated most probably every second and is filling up our server. I believe our corporate IT people removed our domain accounts from BWCINC domain to BWCORP domain and probably some application which is using BWCINCHoffK credential is getting errored out. I tried to locate this application and was not successful. Is there anyway that I can stop this ERRORLOG from growing? How can I delete these log entries so that I can make space on our Hard Drive? Is there an easy way in SQL Server 2005 to locate which application is creating this error? Response from Remus: The 'SqlQueryNotificationService-...' is the service created by SqlDependency when you call SqlDependency.Start (). The problem you describe appears because the 'dbo' user of the database is mapped to the login that originally created this database. The SqlDependency created queue has an EXECUTE AS OWNER clause, owner is 'dbo' and therefore this is equivalent to an EXECUTE AS USER = 'dbo'. The error you see is reported by the domain controller when asked to give information about the original account 'dbo' mapps to (that is, BWCINCHoffK'): Error code: (Win32) 0x534 (1332) - No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.
To solve the issue, change 'dbo' to match a correct login, using either sp_changedbowner or ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::[dbname] TO [somavalidlogin] To find the databases that have this problem, run this query:
select name, suser_sname(owner_sid) from sys.databases The databses that have the problem will show NULL on the second column. A similar problem is described here: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=65711&SiteID=1
To remove the entries, use sp_cycle_errorlog to force a new errorlog file, then delete the huge log file. ---------------------------------------
I got this error in SQL Error Log once and the growth of ERRORLOG was stopped. =============================================================== Date 7/10/2006 1:16:55 PM Log SQL Server (Current - 7/10/2006 1:17:00 PM) Source spid20s
The query notification dialog on conversation handle '{6BDE95F7-0EFB-DA11-9064-000C2921B41B}.' closed due to the following error: '<?xml version="1.0"?><Error xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/ServiceBroker/Error"><Code>-8490</Code><Description>Cannot find the remote service 'SqlQueryNotificationService-c15bb868-ed56-47d2-bf91-ce18b320989a' because it does not exist.</Description></Error>'. ===============================================================
I'm using net2.0 and SQL server express locally and have succeseffully placed my connection string in my sebconfig file and made connection and grids and detail etc, etc. Now I want to publish what I've done. So I got a free account at maximumasp beta 2.0. They give some room on a sql 2000 server and a empty database. Now I want to add the Northwind table to that DB but I don't have Enterprise manager and have no idea how to add the tables.Can someone please help?Thanks!Rich
Does anyone know if this is possible right out of the box in SSRS 2005 against an OLAP data source?
I have several parameters. My second parameter is to be filtered based on the first parameter (kinda like cascading), but how do I do this against an OLAP data source? Lets say I have param1 and param2 in a dataset. I want Param2 to show the locations only based on what I select in Param1. Same but a little different: I have Parameter1 and then my second parameter (Param2) is a boolean (True/False). I want to show Parameter 3/Paramater 4 based on selection of Param2 (So, if true, show Param3, if false, show Param 4) and remember we are doing this in a sequence. Can you do this thru SSRS? Any help would be great. Thanks for your time in advance. Kent
Hi. We are using SQL Server 2005 64-bit on Windows Server 2003 R2 x64Enterprise Edition. I have a really weird problem where I have peopleout there who are placed in the db_owner, db_accessadmin, anddb_securityadmin roles in their database, and yet they are unable toadd new users to their databases, despite the fact that logins existfor these users on the server. The reason is that when attempting toadd a new user in Management Studio, upon using the "Browse" option tolook at the logins, the complete list is not presented to them. Infact, they only see a couple of logins or so (the server has hundredsof logins). Also, if they try to type in the login name directly,they get a "permission denied" error message. Since they cannot addusers to their databases, they have to call me and have me do it forthem.I created a test, non-privileged, SQL-authenticated login to testthings for my own sake, and when logged in under the test account, Isaw the same behavior. I had db_owner role for a single testdatabase, and when I went to add users, the only server logins thatwere displayed were my own (the test login in this case) and that ofsa. Further, when I queried the master.sys.syslogins view, I saw thesame thing, it only came back with the rows for myself and sa.It appears that this is clearly a security problem, but I'm not sureat what level to look. We never had this problem with SQL Server 2000or earlier. Does anyone have any idea what I can do to allow mydb_owners to see all the server logins, and therefore be able to addusers to their databases as they see fit? I really do NOT want toassign them to server-level security roles, for obvious reasons.Thanks,SkyGringo
I recently started using SQL 2000 Analysis Manager. I wanted to try data mining but was unable to get the Mining Model Wizard to load available techniques.
When I select a cube and "New Mining Model" I get the following error:
"Unable to get list of data mining algorithms."
"Object of provider is not capable of performing requested operation"
New to AJAX and ASP .Net. I am trying to follow along with Scott's Todo List video. When I try to add a sql database by right-clicking on App_Data and selecting add new item and then sql database, I get the following message 'Connections to SQL Server Files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly. Please verify the installatio of the component or download from the URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=49251' . I have installed Sql Server Express but still get the message. I would appreciate it if anyone can help me with this issue, thanks.
I am using ADOX to create linked tables in a jet database from an ODBC datasource. The tables in the ODBC data source does not have a primary key. so I am only able to create read only linked tables.But I want to update the records also. I tried adding a primary key column to the linked table while creating the link. but I am getting an error while adding the table to the catalog.
The error message is "Invalid Argument".
I use the following code for creating the linked table
Sub CreateLinkedTable(ByVal strTargetDB As String, ByVal strProviderString As String, ByVal strSourceTbl As String, ByVal strLinkTblName As String)
Dim catDB As ADOX.Catalog Dim tblLink As ADOX._Table
' Name the new Table and set its ParentCatalog property ' to the open Catalog to allow access to the Properties ' collection. .Name = strLinkTblName .ParentCatalog = catDB
' Set the properties to create the link. Dim adoxPro As ADOX.Property
in an SSIS project i am building, i need to open up an excel workbook and execute a macro on that workbook. I have been unable to create the excel workbook object in my script task because i cannot seem to add a COM reference since VSA does not have this capability. in my research on the web i have seen a few solutions to this.
1. Microsoft Knowledge Base states that you can cause assemblies from other locations to be displayed in the .net list in VSA by adding other folder names under the AssemblyFolders registry key. i tried this but it had no effect and further research on the web found that nooneelse had any luck doing this either. 2. the other solution i saw is to add the needed dll to the C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727 directory. since i was unsure as to which dll is actually the one responsible for excel i just added all the dll's under the office11 directory in microsoft office. this too had no effect, as i still do not see the reference i need to microsoft excel in the list of available references.
this seems like this should be a fairly common problem but after several day of research and hair pulling, i have been unable to solve this. any help? anyone?
I asked a similar question like this yesterday but i didnt work the way I wanted it to work. So I will ask in a diffrent way:
I have an Excel list which i want to import into a table in my SQL Server 2005. The ServerTable has one more column (for the the primary key which is created automatically) than the ExcelList. How can i import the ExcelList in a way so that I the first column of my ServerTable is not filled by a column of my ExcelList??
That is how far I came:
select * into SQLServerTable FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=D: esting.xls;HDR=YES', 'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')
I have an issue with connecting Excel to an analysis Services 2005 database. The computer is running Windows XP Sp2 and Office XP. I installed the oledb driver 9.0 but when I tried to connect with the pivot table and I want to create the connection, the dropdown list of the data provider is empty. I tried on another computer with Excel XP and the system is working fine. Is there somebody that could help?
hii,,i am using asp.net 2005 and sql server 2005... i m using sql data source in my form,,i want to insert the details into a table using the insert command thr sqldatasource....one of the column name is service_w/lb, this is where i get an error.i am not able to insert the new data..here is my code:::: ______________________________________ <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:sm123_trackerConnectionString %>"SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Agency_Master]" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Agency_Master] ([Agency_Id], [Agency_Main_Contact], [Agency_Invoice_Contact], [Address], [Email_Address], [Phone], [Mobile], [Fax], [TimeZone_Id], [Agency_Name], [Service_w/LB], [Notes], [Technology_Used], [Status with LB]) VALUES (@Agency_Id, @Agency_Main_Contact, @Agency_Invoice_Contact, @Address, @Email_Address, @Phone, @Mobile, @Fax, @TimeZone_Id, @Agency_Name, @Service_w/LB, @Notes, @Technology_Used, @Status_with_LB)" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" > _____________________________________ even if i put it as @[service_w/Lb] i get an error....here is the error i get __________________________________________ Incorrect syntax near 'nvarchar'.The name "Service_w" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.____________________ pls reply as soon as possible ,,,thnks in advance
have developed a report on a test server which I can access from i./e. http://localhost/reports
DataSourcce is accessed using a sql login
My colleague on his machine can not access. His error is:
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Cannot create a connection to data source 'MarketAnalytics'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection) For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
While pulling data from a progress 10.1B Database, we get the following error (datasource). How do we go about redirectign the erroneous row into a flat file / database so that we can isolate the issue? [DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on component "DataReader Source" (1) returned error code 0xC02090F5. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
I have a SSIS package that pulls fact data from Progress 10.1B database. Midway through the pull (around 10,000 records), it bombs out with the following error. I have'nt a clue as to what it means. Could someone help me out? Thanks in advance.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on component "DataReader Source" (1) returned error code 0xC02090F5. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED. Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.
[DTS.Pipeline] Information: Post Execute phase is beginning.
I have Installed Analysis Services on Windows 2000 Server. There is no Active Directory and no Domain configured. All client PCs and the server are part of Workgroup. I have also installed MS SQL Server on this Server and an instance of MS SQL Express edition on this server. There is no Firewall, no Office and no IIS installed on this server.
When I use Analysis Manager on the server, I am able to connect to the Sample Database and browse/edit the cubes. Similarly I am also able to use the Sample MDX application.
However, when I try to connect to the same database from my Laptop (Vista home premium/Office 2007) - either using Analysis Manager or From EXCEL, I am not able to connec to it.
The Excel gives me following error: "The following system error occurred: No Connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"
And Analysis Manager does not register the server. It gives me a different error: "Errors occurred while connecting to INTRANETNT. Cannot open connection to Analysis server 'INTRANETNT'. Security error [The user could not be authenticated]'' Do you still want to register this server?"
I am able to connect the SQL Server database from EXCEL from my laptop
I checked following: I am able to do a telnet on port 1433 on my server from my PC - and it connects.
Please advise what should I do to sort out the problem. This is my first exposure to Analysis Server
I was just given an excel file with a list of 300 Stores.
I need to find out if these stores are selling our products and if they are , how many products they are selling.
One way of doing this , that I can think of right now is individually querying the Transactions table for each of the store in the excel sheet and then copy the results output back to the excel sheet.
Is there a way I can write a query against all the Store names from the excel file ? I need to get this done in the next few hours.