-1 Rows Affected

Dec 20, 2006

I'm doing an executenonquery() and the value I'm getting back is -1
 This is confusing me, as sometimes the row has updated when I look at it in sql manager and then I look at it again and it seems to have reverted.
Would it be possible to point me in the right direction for the cause and how to rectify / debug this issue. I'm using a stored procedure and I'm slightly uncertain how to check exactly what sql server has been told to insert ;)

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Get # Of Rows Affected

Dec 5, 2006

I use business logic layer,  TableAdapter(middle tier) and StoredProcedure(backend).  In my stored procedure,I set as follows:set nocount offWhat and where should I do in order to get the rows affected count in the business logic layer(C#/VB code)?Thank you.

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Rows Affected? Where Are They From?

May 6, 2008

After executing a restore command. I got the following result.
Anyone know why is displaying rows affected. I saw the executiong plan and it shows several execution plans? Its the first time i see it. Can anyone explain what is going on?

restore database test_GG_ATRECORDING_QAT2
from disk = 'f:a.bak'
with move 'a' to 'f:MSSQL$INAQATdataa2.mdf',
move 'a_log' to 'f:MSSQL$INAQATdataa2_log.LDF'

Processed 11016 pages for database 'test_GG_ATRECORDING_QAT2', file 'a' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'test_GG_ATRECORDING_QAT2', file 'a_log' on file 1.

(1 row(s) affected)

(7 row(s) affected)

(5 row(s) affected)

(5 row(s) affected)

(5 row(s) affected)

(11 row(s) affected)

(7 row(s) affected)

(5 row(s) affected)

(5 row(s) affected)

(5 row(s) affected)

(5 row(s) affected)

(5 row(s) affected)

(5 row(s) affected)

(5 row(s) affected)

RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 11017 pages in 2.330 seconds (38.732 MB/sec).

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Rows Affected By Delete

May 28, 2004

Hello all,

Is there someway to tell how many rows were affected by a delete statement? A variable perhaps?

Any help would be appreciated!


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ExecuteNonQuery Not Returning Rows Affected

Mar 13, 2006

I was racking my brains trying to figure out why SomeCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() was not returning any rows...
SQL Server 2005 likes to put the SET NOCOUNT ON statement in every stored procedure you write.  By hiding the count of records touched by your query, you also disable the results to be consumed by your application.
So I don't recommend using this statement for your stored procedures and ASP.NET applications, as this functionality is fairly critical for error trapping.

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Rows Deletion Affected By Cursor

Dec 29, 2004


I am using a cursor to navigate on data...of a table....
inside the while @@fetch_status = 0 command
I want to delete some rows from the table(temporary table)
in order to not be processed...
The problem is that I want this deletion to affect the rows the cursor has.

I declared a dynamic cursor but it does not work.

Does anyone know how I can do this??

Thanks :)

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Execute SQL Task With No Rows Affected

May 20, 2007


I used with Execute SQL Task for update a table in Oracle DB.

I saw that when the command has no rows for updeting, the task fails.

Here is my command:

update tableName set fieldA=sysdate where fieldB is Null

and again, when there are some rows that fieldB is Null then the command succeed, but when the fieldB in all the rows is not null the command fails.

I tried to play with the ResultSet with no success.

Please your advice.

Thank you in advance


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Transact SQL :: How To Retrieve Affected Rows

Aug 31, 2015

I have a database table where upon inserting a new record, I get 1 row(s) affected twice. But when deleting the record, I only get one instance of that message. I'm not really an expert, neither have I designed the database, but how can I retrieve the actual affected rows or determine what table does the other row pertain to?

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ExecuteNonQuery() Not Giving Correct Affected Rows

Jul 23, 2007

 When I use ExecuteNonQuery() with the stored procedure below it returns -1. However, when i tried to get rid of the if/else statements and just leave one insert statement for testing purposes, ExecuteNonQuery() returns the correct affected rows which is 1. So it seems like ExecuteNonQuery() doesn't work when the INSERT statement is inside the IF..ELSE. Can anybody help me with this problem? I haven't tried using @@RowCount because I really want to use ExecuteNonQuery() to do this because I don't want to rewrite my DAL. Thanks in advance -- With if/else ExecuteNonQuery returns -1ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_AddObjectContribution]  @ObjectId int,  @FanId int,  @DateContributed DateTime,  @Notes nvarchar(512),  @ObjectType intASBEGIN  BEGIN TRAN    IF @ObjectType = 2    BEGIN      INSERT INTO FighterContributions        (FighterId, FanId, DateContributed, Notes) VALUES        (@ObjectId, @FanId, @DateContributed, @Notes)    END    ELSE IF @ObjectType = 3    BEGIN      INSERT INTO FighterPhotoContributions        (FighterPhotoId, FanId, DateContributed, Notes) VALUES        (@ObjectId, @FanId, @DateContributed, @Notes)    END    ELSE IF @ObjectType = 4    BEGIN      INSERT INTO OrganizationContributions        (OrganizationId, FanId, DateContributed, Notes) VALUES        (@ObjectId, @FanId, @DateContributed, @Notes)    END    ELSE IF @ObjectType = 5    BEGIN      INSERT INTO EventContributions        (EventId, FanId, DateContributed, Notes) VALUES        (@ObjectId, @FanId, @DateContributed, @Notes)    END    ELSE IF @ObjectType = 6    BEGIN      INSERT INTO FightContributions        (FightId, FanId, DateContributed, Notes) VALUES        (@ObjectId, @FanId, @DateContributed, @Notes)    END    ELSE IF @ObjectType = 7    BEGIN      INSERT INTO FightPhotoContributions        (FightPhotoId, FanId, DateContributed, Notes) VALUES        (@ObjectId, @FanId, @DateContributed, @Notes)    END    IF @@ERROR <> 0    BEGIN      ROLLBACK RETURN    END  COMMIT TRANEND -- Without if/else ExecuteNonQuery returns 1ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_AddObjectContribution]
  @ObjectId int,
  @FanId int,
  @DateContributed DateTime,
  @Notes nvarchar(512),
  @ObjectType int


      INSERT INTO FighterContributions
        (FighterId, FanId, DateContributed, Notes) VALUES
        (@ObjectId, @FanId, @DateContributed, @Notes)
    IF @@ERROR <> 0



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Rows Affected- But Update Not Physically Occurring

Mar 15, 2004

I have a mixed mode account setup with exec permissions granted on my stored procedures. I am running an sp that is editing a member, and if i run it using my query analyzer with the same login, my sp writes to the db. however, if i'm calling it through my web app (asp.net) it doesn't. here is my sp code:

--DROP PROC sp_EditMember

--Create the stored procedure
@member_id smallint,
@last_name nvarchar(50), --not nullable
@first_name nvarchar(50),
@spouse_name nvarchar(50),
@street_address nvarchar(50),
@city nvarchar(35),
@state nvarchar(5),
@zip_code nvarchar(15),
@zip_4 nvarchar(4),
@area_code nvarchar(10),
@phone_number nvarchar(20),
@email nvarchar(50),
@child_1 nvarchar(30),
@child_2 nvarchar(30),
@child_3 nvarchar(30),
@child_4 nvarchar(30),
@child_5 nvarchar(30),
@member_status nvarchar(20),
@member_exp nvarchar(10),
@plaques_st nvarchar(10)

UPDATE Members
SET last_name = @last_name, first_name = @first_name,
spouse_name = @spouse_name, street_address = @street_address,
city = @city, state = @state, zip_code = @zip_code, zip_4 = @zip_4,
area_code = @area_code, phone_number = @phone_number, email = @email,
child_1 = @child_1, child_2 = @child_2, child_3 = @child_3,
child_4 = @child_4, child_5 = @child_5,
member_status = @member_status, member_exp = @member_exp,
plaques_st = @plaques_st

WHERE member_id = @member_id

IF @@ERROR <> 0

on my app side- i've already ensured the datatypes match up and the sizes are all ok (except for member_id, the variable is an int and i pass it as a small_int- the number is ranging from 1000-10000).

any troubleshooting on this?

thanks in advance,


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Can't Delete Records From DB .. Says : Too Many Rows Were Affected By Update.

Jun 1, 2004


I've added multiple records with same info during practice. Now I"m trying to delete those records from SQL Server DB. but it says

"Key column information is insufficient or incorrect. To many rows were affected by update."

What to do, to delete these records?


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Transact SQL :: Bulk Insert 0 Rows Affected

May 15, 2015

I have a file which has some wind data that i am trying to import into a sql data base through bulk insert. if the script works as it supposed i should see 144 rows impacted but i see 0 rows affected. 

BULK INSERT TOWER.RAWINTERFACE_1058 FROM 'C:Temp900020150427583.txt' 

The code works if the file is large but if its small 0 rows are affected. and also if i remove the header rows then the file works again. want to understand what is going on here. i am including the screen shot of the file in notepad++. I have tried changing the row terminator to ' ' , ' ' and also tried to change the codepage but nothing seems to work. No error file is being generated either, if i give a error file option. 

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LinqDataSource && GridView: Update Fails (no Rows Affected)

Nov 7, 2007

Using VS.NET 2008 Beta2, and SQL Server 2005.
I have a gridview bound to a linq data source, and when trying to update a row, I get an exception that no rows were modified.
The query generated is:
 UPDATE [dbo].[package]
SET [owner_id] = @p5
WHERE ([package_id] = @p0) AND ([title] = @p1) AND ([directory] = @p2) AND ([owner_id] = @p3) AND ([creation_date] = @p4)
-- @p0: Input Int32 (Size = 0; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [20006]
-- @p1: Input String (Size = 22; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Visual Studio.NET 2005]
-- @p2: Input String (Size = 26; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [MSI_Visual_Studio.NET_2005]
-- @p3: Input Int32 (Size = 0; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [10000]
-- @p4: Input DateTime (Size = 0; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [11/07/2007 12:00:00 a.m.]
-- @p5: Input Int32 (Size = 0; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [10001]
-- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2005) Model: AttributedMetaModel Build: 3.5.20706.1

If I run it manually on sql server, it fails until the directory column is removed. The type is varchar(50), with a uniqueness constraint. However, this is same type as the title column, which doesn't have this problem.

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Rows Affected From Insert,update,delete Using SQLDMO

Feb 8, 2000

I am using SQLDMO to implement a tool to do basic management/script running for a MSDE database. The problem i am having is getting the number of rows affected from insert,update,delete statements. Help and MSDN seem to imply that this info is returned in a QueryResults object, but it is always empty unless the query is a select statement. I tried using ExecuteImmediate, ExecuteWithResults, and ExecuteWithResultsAndMessages methods and the info is not in any resultset, message, or property.


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How To Get Return Value For The Number Of Rows Affected By Update Command

Apr 11, 2004


i read from help files that "For UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements, the return value is the number of rows affected by the command. " Anyone know how to get the return value from the query below?

Below is the normal way i did in vb.net, but how to check for the return value. Please help.

Public Sub CreateMySqlCommand(myExecuteQuery As String, myConnection As SqlConnection)
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(myExecuteQuery, myConnection)
End Sub 'CreateMySqlCommand

Thank you.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Import XML Returns 0 Rows Affected Failing

Nov 29, 2013

I am trying to do a bulk import of data from XML into sQL.

My query returns no errors but no data gets imported.

Here is my XML

?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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SQL Server 2008 :: Remove Rows Affected From Query In Send Mail

May 6, 2015

I need to remove "rows affected" text from results as shown below from posted Sp. I am using set nocount on but its not working as expected.

Create Procedure DailyCheckList
Declare @EmailSub varchar(500),@dt varchar(100),@Msg varchar(max),@M varchar(max)
set @dt= convert(varchar(20),GETDATE(),107)


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Can Profiler Show Table Rows Affected By I/U/D Action From Within Stored Procs?

Jun 13, 2007

Hello. I was using the new sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats function which is nice for seeing counts of insert/update/delete actions per table index, bla bla bla... Anyways, question, can I do the same thing with Profiler? meaning, can I trace stored procs and sopmehow see the proc exec WITH each table it does actions against? Not talking about filtering on table names in the text, talking I just want to run an application, which uses all stored procs, and see every table used by that execution of the proc, and also the number of rows inserted,updated,deleted.... If so, which Profiler events/columns must I flick on to gather that? Thanks, Bruce

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Records Affected

Oct 25, 2000


How I return Records Affected from a Stored Procedure
with Select to VB ?

example in my Stored Procedure I have

select * from mytable

I have 10 register , how I know that has 10 registers
in the VB ?, but I do not want use count(*)

thank you in advance

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Record Affected

Nov 5, 2007

I am using Nested Sp's
I need to get the Records Affected [Row Count] by the nested SP.


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Local DB Affected By VPN

Nov 27, 2007

I work on a local copy of a database (Access 2000 MDB with ODBC linkedtables to a SQL 7 database). The SQL Server db I'm working with is on my Cdrive (MSDE). Occasionally I'll connect to a VPN to do something on a remotecomputer, using PC Anywhere to perform the task. Doesn't involve my front orback end at all, except that the computer I'm VPNing to has a SQL databaserunning.OK, so I'm using my db; I connect to the VPN, and do my thing. Everything'sfine. However, if I then disconnect from the VPN (or if the VPN connectiontimes out and disconnects itself), I then can no longer access my local SQLServer database. My Access application still works fine, as long as itdoesn't have to look at any data. When it does have to look at data, I getODBC call failed. I have to close and reopen my Access database, and theneverything is fine.So, it seems that, for some reason, when I connect to the VPN, my local SQLServer or the ODBC driver or something in the mix is looking at that remotedatabase as part of what I'm using. Then, when the VPN connection is closed,it won't access my local database for some reason.Oh, and my local database and the remote database both have the same name.So that may be part of the problem.Any ideas as to what's going on?Thanks!Neil

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Number Of Affected Records

Feb 12, 2007

Okay..i have this problem ...i am using SQL server 2005 standard ,C#,VS2005
--i am inserting some record in DB .. using ExecuteNonQuery...i want to know how many records are getting inserted..so in my DB class i did something like this : numRecords = commandObject.ExecuteNonQuery() ,assuming  that ExecuteNonQuery returns the number of affected records.i am retriving this numOfRecords in my code behind and printing it but it always prints 1,even though more then one records are inserted.What is wrong here?
-i also have returnValue defiend like this.Could this tell me anything about how many records are inserted or affected during update,select ?if so,how?
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@returnVal", SqlDbType.Int));
cmd.Parameters["@returnVal"].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
Please help me out with this.Thanks

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Finding Affected Tables

Jul 20, 2005

I am attempting to document a sql server 2000 based accounting system.Is there any way to see what tables a stored procedure affectswithout diving into the code?Regards,Ty

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Row Height Affected When Adding New Row

Jan 15, 2007

I am attempting to add a new row to a table. Every time I add the new row (doens't matter where) it has an effect on the height of the other rows in the table when displayed on screen (makes them taller). However the rows retain the required height when printed. I haven't any idea what might be causing this behaviour. The only explanation I can think of is that this is a bug.

I know it's a bit obscure but has anyone else come across this or have any idea what might be causing it?

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Performance Affected For Selected Users

Jan 24, 2005

I have 400 mb db with simple recovery
and 1 mb log file running on sql 2000 sp3

database reorgenazed with shrink db option once a day at 6 PM as part of maintance plan

db used with Powerbuilder application
application and db structure was not changed for last 6 month.

Some users complaining about performance.
When I run trace I don't see any query running more then 0.5 sec, while users complain it takes 3-5 sec to open a window or application freeze.
When I ask user reconnect and repeat the task ,everthing is fine.

How to identify is it db or application problem?


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Retrieve Records Affected Count From ADO?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,If I run an action SP from MS Access using ADO:...cmd.executewhere the SP is something like Create...Update tbl1 set fld1 = 'something' where...how can I retrive the count of records affected like from Queryanalyzer?Thanks,Rich*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Stored Procedure + Return Total Row Affected

Jul 7, 2004


I have a stored procedure which is used to remove record from database.
Is there anyway to get the total row deleted for each table?

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_company_delete
@Company_Id int,
@Sched int Output,
@Users int Output,
@Asset int Output,
@Fleet int Output

Begin Transaction delete_company
Select @Sched = COUNT(*) from Scheduler Where Company_id=@Company_Id
Delete From Scheduler Where Company_id=@Company_Id

Select @Users = COUNT(*) From Users Where Company_Id=@Company_Id
Delete From Users Where Company_Id=@Company_Id

Select @Asset = COUNT(*) From Asset Where Company_Id=@Company_Id
Delete From Asset Where Company_Id=@Company_Id
Delete From Fleet Where Company_Id=@Company_Id
Delete From Company Where Company_Id=@Company_Id
Commit Transaction delete_company

Basically I want to get the total row deleted for each table and put it inside output parameters.

I am doing a double job here, first I get the count, put into output parameter, then only I delete the record.

Is there any other way which is more efficient to do this?

I tried using
SET @Sched = Delete From Scheduler Where Company_id=@Company_Id
SET @Users = Delete From Users Where Company_Id=@Company_Id
But doesn't work.

Any suggestion is welcomed.
Thank you in advanced.

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Trigger Question (accessing Affected Records)

May 13, 2004

I'm sure this is a simple question, but I haven't had any luck finding an answer.

With a trigger, how do I access the modified/updated/deleted rows? The point of all this is I need to a database that maintains lockout procedures to email certain people when one of these procedures gets updated/added. I want to be able to build a link that points to our webserver (the interface for the lockout db) and to do this, I need certain fields of the affected records.

Let me know if I need to clarify anything. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Tim C

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Indirectly Config The Package But It Didn't Affected

May 6, 2006

Dear all,
I have built an SSIS package by using the BI Dev Studio and enabled its configuration xml file.
The package have a variable called TranDate and I want to put it dynamically from a Calendar on my website (just like assigning a variable).
I have successfully change the value of that variable in the configuration files (affected to the xml file).
Then I loaded the package and executed it (through my web). It's still get the old value (which I have assigned while creating the package).
I didn't understand that where else can the package get the value of that variable so it still get the old value (that value have never appeared in the xml configuration file anymore when I changed it).

Thanks for reading this, and I am looking forward to seeing any helps from you guys.

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Ado Sql Authentication Connections Affected By Loss Of Domain Controller

Jul 20, 2005

I have observed that a temporary loss of a domain controller can causeproblems creating new ado connections between a client machine runningado and a separate sql server machine that are members of the domain.I understand why this happens when creating connections with windowsauthentication. What is a mystery is that it also sometimes effectsnew connections that use "sql authentication". Below is a descriptionof my test scenario.a. Setup 3 machines.i. one domain controller machine. windows 2000 based. I have triedboth a regular domain setup and a domain setup in compatibility mode.ii. one sql server machine that is a member of the domain. windows2000.iii. one client machine running an ado test program that communicateswith the sql server machine. I have tried both 2000 and xp.b. Start your test ado program and create a connection.c. Fire a query.d. It should work.e. Unplug the network cord on the domain controller.f. Create a new connection and fire a new connection about a minute orso after.g. It should work. Apparently the client caches account informationfrom the domain controller for a certain amount of time. The timeseems to be shorter by default in xp than 2000.h. Wait 20 minutes or more.i. Create another new connection. You will notice a timeout error.If your using windows authentication the timeout will happen 100% ofthe time. That is to be expected. If your using sql authenticationthe timeout seems to happen about 50% of the time. I can't explain itother than some strange Microsoft bug. I speculate that it may besome bug with the way ado caches connections. Perhaps a previouslysetup windows authentication connection gets reused by a request for asql authentication connection. However I haven't been able to proveit.Any insight you can offer would be appreciated. I also have a testprogram you can use to reproduce this behavior if you are interested.Thanks,Frank

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ADO - Connection::Execute() Returning Zero Records Affected After Successful Insertion Of Data In SQL Server 2005

Apr 11, 2008


For the following ADO Connection::Execute() function the "recAffected" is zero, after a successful insertion of data, in SQL Server 2005. In SQL Server Express I am getting the the number of records affected value correctly.

_variant_t recAffected;
connectionObject->Execute(SQL, &recAffected, adCmdText );

The SQL string is

DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE Column_1 IN ('abc', 'def' )
INSERT INTO MyTable (Column_1, Column_2, Cloumn_3 )
SELECT 'abc', 'data11', 'data12'
SELECT 'def', 'data21', 'data22'

But see this, for SQL Server 2005 "recAffected" has the correct value of 2 when I have just the insert statement.

INSERT INTO MyTable (Column_1, Column_2, Cloumn_3 )
SELECT 'abc', 'data11', 'data12'
SELECT 'def', 'data21', 'data22'

For SQL Server 2005 in both cases the table got successfully inserted two rows and the HRESULT of Execute() function returns S_OK.

Does the Execute function has any problem with a statement like the first one (with delete and insert) on a SQL Server 2005 DB?

Why the "recAffected" has a value zero for the first SQL (with delete and insert) on a SQL Server 2005 DB? Do I need to pass any options to Execute() function for a SQL Server 2005 DB?

When connecting to SQL Server Express the "recAffected" has the correct values for any type of SQL statements.

Thank you for your time. Any help greatly appreciated.


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ADO - Connection::Execute() Returning Zero Records Affected After Successful Insertion Of Data In SQL Server 2005

Apr 5, 2008


For the following ADO Connection::Execute() function the "recAffected" is zero, after a successful insertion of data, in SQL Server 2005. In SQL Server Express I am getting the the number of records affected value correctly.

_variant_t recAffected;
connectionObject->Execute(SQL, &recAffected, adCmdText );

The SQL string is

DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE Column_1 IN ('abc', 'def' )
INSERT INTO MyTable (Column_1, Column_2, Cloumn_3 )
SELECT 'abc', 'data11', 'data12'
SELECT 'def', 'data21', 'data22'

But see this, for SQL Server 2005 "recAffected" has the correct value of 2 when I have just the insert statement.

INSERT INTO MyTable (Column_1, Column_2, Cloumn_3 )
SELECT 'abc', 'data11', 'data12'
SELECT 'def', 'data21', 'data22'

For SQL Server 2005 in both cases the table got successfully inserted two rows and the HRESULT of Execute() function returns S_OK.

Does the Execute function has any problem with a statement like the first one (with delete and insert) on a SQL Server 2005 DB?

Why the "recAffected" has a value zero for the first SQL (with delete and insert) on a SQL Server 2005 DB? Do I need to pass any options to Execute() function for a SQL Server 2005 DB?

When connecting to SQL Server Express the "recAffected" has the correct values for any type of SQL statements.

Thank you for your time. Any help greatly appreciated.


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SELECT-Using Correlated Subqueries: Just Name In Results &&amp; 0 Row Affected In One Of MSDN2 SELECT Examples

Jan 11, 2008

Hi all,
I copied and executed the following sql code in my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE):
--SELECTeg8.sql from SELECT-Using correlated subqueries of MSDN2 SELECT Examples--

USE AdventureWorks ;



FROM Production.Product p



FROM Production.ProductModel pm

WHERE p.ProductModelID = pm.ProductModelID

AND pm.Name = 'Long-sleeve logo jersey') ;


-- OR

USE AdventureWorks ;



FROM Production.Product

WHERE ProductModelID IN

(SELECT ProductModelID

FROM Production.ProductModel

WHERE Name = 'Long-sleeve logo jersey') ;


I got:
Results Messages
Name o row affected
I think I did not get a complete output from this job. Please help and advise whether I should search somewhere in the SSMSE for the complete results or I should correct some code statements in my SELECTeg8.sql for obtaining the complete results.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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