"exporting"? SQL Data To An Excel Spreadsheet
Aug 7, 2002
I am new to SQL and can do queries OK on SQLTalk. I need to know if there is a script to retrieve data and then export to an Excel spreadsheet for internal company use. Is there such a beast and is this the right place to look???
INSERT INTO RCSAdvantage VALUES('123','Mike','Bhatt','12/12/2003','123','RCSA')
INSERT INTO RCSAdvantage VALUES('TM123','Mike','Bhatt','12/12/2003','456','TRIMICRO')
INSERT INTO RCSAdvantage VALUES('INR234','Mike','Bhatt','12/12/2003','890','INSIGHT')
INSERT INTO RCSAdvantage VALUES('INR234','John','Bhatt','12/12/2003','890','INSIGHT')
I needed to run following cursor and get the result exported to excel file. But Cursor retrives two resultset and while exporting to excel spreadsheet , it is the only first resultset without second resultset. How can it be exported to excel as a single resultset combined of first and second one.
I created a report using visual studio 2005. Everything works fine except when users export it to excel. I have a column that links the user to another report but when they try to access it from the spreadsheet it is using localhost instead of the report server. Is there an easy way to fix this instead of updating each cell? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
I created a report using visual studio 2005. Everything works fine except when users export it to excel. I have a column (ID) that links the user to different reports depending on what type of ID it is. I'm using the "Jump to Report" option and have created a custom function. When they export the report to an excel spreadsheet and click on the link, it's using localhost instead of the report server name. Is there an easy way to fix this instead of updating each cell with the report server? Thanks.
I am looking for a way to import data from a CSV or Excel spread sheet and add the data directly into an Extended field instead of a regular field in the table. for example: let's say I have a comma delimited field with the following info:
The first column is the table name Second Column is the Column name in the table The third column contains the description that I would like to store in the Value in the Extended Property Name "MS_Description"
BTW,I did find the following T-SQL which returns the Extended description for a specific Extended Property
Here it is:
SELECT [Table Name] = i_s.TABLE_NAME, [Column Name] = i_s.COLUMN_NAME, [Description] = s.value FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS i_s LEFT OUTER JOIN
I am using the import wizard in SQL Server 2008 R to import data from an Excel spreadsheet into a table I have created.
The spreadsheet contains 3 columns that SQL recognises as DOUBLE and they contain a 1 or 0. What data type do the corresponding fields in SQL table need to be? I have tried BIT, INT and FLOAT but keep getting an error (can't view details of the error because I get chucked out every time the error pops up). I know the problem is with the DOUBLE data because when I 'ignore' those columns the import works fine.
Im using this query to select ,calculate and format data like Refer here for more understanding:-
Select DateAdd(Hour, DateDiff(Hour, 0, RowDateTime), 0) As RowDateTime, Avg(Meter1) As Meter1, Avg(Meter2) As Meter2, Avg(Meter3) As Meter3 From TableName Group By DateAdd(Hour, DateDiff(Hour, 0, RowDateTime), 0)
I want the output of the query to be written in the excel Sheet.
Firstly, i'm new to integration services and have only done a little with DTS jobs.
I'm trying to create an integration services project which will import data from an two worksheets in an Excel spreadsheet to two different tables in a database. I'm looking at only one table at present to make things a little more understandable.
One stipulation i have is that i need to be able to specify a variable value and insert that as an additional column in the database. I have and Excel source and a SQL destination both of which have been set up with there specific connection managers. I also have a variable which i add in using the derived column task.
When i try to debug this i am getting a few problems. I think these may be to do with the fact that although the worksheet in Excel has 20 rows (1st column shows these numbers) i only want those rows with data in them. If i preview the excel table it shows all the rows including those with null columns. Is there some sort of way that i can only get the rows that have data in the columns after the row number. I.e. can i select rows that do not have a second column value = to NULL.
I hope this makes sense and that someone can help me out with this problem.
All help is greatly appreciated.
Apologies. I have this resolved now. I didn't see the option to use a SQL command as apposed to a table or view when setting up the Excel source.
I am still however getting the following errors which i'd appreciate some help on:
Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task, Excel Source [1]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. Error: 0xC0208265 at Data Flow Task, Excel Source [1]: Failed to retrieve long data for column "Rework Entry Information (BE SPECIFIC)". Error: 0xC020901C at Data Flow Task, Excel Source [1]: There was an error with output column "Rework Entry Information" (170) on output "Excel Source Output" (9). The column status returned was: "DBSTATUS_UNAVAILABLE". Error: 0xC0209029 at Data Flow Task, Excel Source [1]: The "output column "Rework Entry Information" (170)" failed because error code 0xC0209071 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "Rework Entry Information" (170)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. Error: 0xC0047038 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: The PrimeOutput method on component "Excel Source" (1) returned error code 0xC0209029. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. Error: 0xC0047021 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038. Error: 0xC0047039 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown. Error: 0xC0047021 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.
I get the following error when I use SQL Server 2005 Import/Export wizard to extract more than 255 columns from an excel file;
TITLE: SQL Server Import and Export Wizard ------------------------------ The preview data could not be retrieved. ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Too many fields defined. (Microsoft JET Database Engine) ------------------------------ BUTTONS: OK ------------------------------
I am new to SSIS. I am interested in using SSIS to import an excel spreadsheet into a SQL server database. My biggest concern is how to handle/manage errors that might occur when the import process occurs. Can anyone give me any guidance on this? I could write some C# code to do the import and to create a custom .txt file listing errors that occur on import. Using C# code to do the import seems like I would just be reinvinting the wheel so to speak.
I've created an excel spreadsheet with a data connection. This data connection uses a query that runs against a read-only database.
The issue I'm having is that the query never seems to finish running against the database, whether I open the Excel spreadsheet to view the data or run the query in SSMS.
I created the connection on the Data ribbon by going to From Other Sources --> From SQL Server and using the Data Connection Wizard.
Is there some kind of setting or property I'm missing that would allow this query to finish running?
Every month a client sends a spreadsheet with data which we use to update matching rows in a table in the database. I want to automate this using a DTS package but am having quite a bit of trouble accomplishing what I think should be trivial task. I've been attempting to use a Transform Data Task with a modification lookup but I just keep inserting the rows from the source excel spreadsheet in to the existing destination table without ever modifying the existing data.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated as to a best practice approach.
Hi, I'm a Student, and since a few months ago I'm learning JAVA. I'm creating an application to call and compare times. For this I create in Excel a time table which is quite big and it would be a lot of typing work to input one by one the data in each cell in SQL Server, considering that I have to create 8 more tables. I was able to retreive the data from excel usin the JXL API of JAVA but it doesn't give all the funtions to perform math operations as JDBC. That's why I need to move the tables from Excel to SQL. I found this site http://davidhayden.com/blog/dave/archive/2006/05/31/2976.aspx which gives a code to do so, but I guess that some heathers are missing or maybe I don't know which compiler to use to run that code, I would like you help to identify which compiler use to run that code or if there is some vital piece of code missing.// Connection String to Excel Workbook string excelConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft .Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=Book1.xls;Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;""";
// Create Connection to Excel Workbook using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(excelConnectionString)) { OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand ("Select ID,Data FROM [Data$]", connection);
// Create DbDataReader to Data Worksheet using (DbDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { // SQL Server Connection String string sqlConnectionString = "Data Source=.; Initial Catalog=Test;Integrated Security=True";
// Bulk Copy to SQL Server using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(sqlConnectionString)) { bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "ExcelData"; bulkCopy.WriteToServer(dr); } } } On the other hand in this forum I that someelse use that link but implements a totally different code which I'm not able to compile also http://forums.asp.net/p/1110412/2057095.aspx#2057095. It seems this code works as I was able to read, but I do not know which language is used. Dim excelConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft .Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=Book1.xls;Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;"""
' Using
Dim connection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(excelConnectionString)
Dim command As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("Select ID,Data FROM [Data$]", connection) connection.Open()
' Using
Dim dr As DbDataReader = command.ExecuteReader
Dim sqlConnectionString As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("CampaignEnterpriseConnectionString").ConnectionString
' Using
Dim bulkCopy As SqlBulkCopy = New SqlBulkCopy(sqlConnectionString)
End Try The Compilers I have are: Eclipse, Netbeans, MS Visual C++ Express Edition and MS Visual C# Express Edition. In MS Visual C++ Thanks for your help. Regads, Robert.
I need to get this data into an SQL table in the following form so I can use it to further manipulate the data and update several other tables. I am thinking that UNPIVOT or CROSS APPLY might be the way to go, but am not sure how to code it.
I'm trying to use Excel in SSIS to import the data from spreadsheet to a staging table. The package runs well from the web server using SSMS. But when I deploy and try to execute the package, I'm getting the below error. I've a question, whether I've to install the AccessDatabaseEngine driver in SQL database server or the web server where I'm executing the SSIS?
Error: The requested OLE DB provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 is not registered. If the 64-bit driver is not installed, run the package in 32-bit mode.
I am trying to export data to excel and it is giving an error. Here is the query and error:
INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=C:SQL ServerEmp_Personal_Data.xls;', 'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]') SELECT * FROM Emp_Info
error is: Cannot get the column information from OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)"
Can anybody please help me what is this error about & how to fix this.
Hi all,I've seen this noted in many posts, but nothing I've checked out givesme any clue on how to do this.Basically as my topic says, I have a DTS and I simply need to exportsome data from a table in MS SQL 2000 to an Excel spreadsheet. I alsoneed to automate this process so it can run nightly and each new day anew spreadsheet will be on a network share for us to pick-up.Can someone point me to the right direction? This needs to be donetotally through the DTS script, so no ImportExport wizard or anythingmanual.Thanks --Sam
Hi all. I have a few Excel sheets with a large amount of data, and i wish to export them into the SQL database. I have already made some tables, but currently all i can do is copy and paste into one individual cell, and thats not the best way of doing it. Any ideas? thanks.
I have started just using SSIS. I needed to transfer result set from SQL statements like SELECT * FROM Employee to excel spreadsheet. One way of getting this is using import and export wizard from management studio.
As my sql statement is complex joining many tables. I am wondering wheteher there are other best ways to deal such type of transformations.
I am sure this is very simple question but yours feedback will be much appreciated.
Hi everybody, i'm new to SSIS, so it's possible that mine is a very stupid question
I have to develop a simple ETL package that reads data from a csv file and writes them to an xls file; the problem is that when the number of rows exceeds the maximum number of rows allowed for an xls file i get an error.
There is a way to solve this problem? for example adding a new sheet or creating a new file?
I have an OLEDB source that i would want to ideally take in Excel with a dynamic file name. Right now, i am exporting the data successfully in a flat file (csv) destination. I checked the integrity and it seems like when i try opening the file with Excel ,one of the columns is not fitting in one cell, instead, its taking two cell space ?
With Excel , i was getting the error message saying "Field Name ABC cannot convert between unicode and non unicode string data types".
Hi Im using the SQL SERVER MANAGEMENT STUDIO. and when I try try to export the data to excel using the import/export wizard, I get an error saying 'external table is not in the expected format (MICROSOFT JET database engine)' can someone tell me what is this error due to?? Also, please let me know where I can find details about the MS JET database..I hv no idea on that one.
i have to export the data from excel sheet to database table. for that i created linked server in sql 2000. after creating i get the SQLOLEDB error when i expand the linked server in enterprise manager.Can anyone help me in solving this issue.
I would like to create a stored procedure that opens a data connection for an excel file that I have saved. I would then like to export the excel data into an existing SQL table. Can anyone tell me the best way to go about this?
I have managed to add the DTS wizard as a tool and saved the routine. However, I do not know how to schedule my PC to automatically run this DTS procedure. I have tried to use scheduled tasks, but it does not seem to want to start.
i have designed a rdl form which contains 3 tables .. i gave page break for each table. when exporting the file to excel it generates 3 sheets .. three sheets name comes like sheet 1, sheet2 ,sheet3.. i dont want it to be like these.. instead of that i have to give my own name while generating reports from rdl form like this (s1,s2,s3)...
I currently have a export that takes data from my SQL Server 2005 DB and exports it into Excel. This process works correctly. My excel template has the first row headers and the data is dumped in the row after the header. I would like to know if it is possible for me to add borders around my data without doing it within the template? I don't know how much data is going to be exported so I can't put borders within the template. I put borders around the headers to see if it will copy the formatting down to the data and it didn't. Thank You for any help.
The basic question What is the best way to export data from an excel spreadsheet into a sql server table? My Application Getting data indicating hours worked from employee timesheets into a centralised DB, then running analysis reports on it. The columns and datatypes in the excel sheet are as follows: Week (int) | EmployeeID (int) | JobNum (int) | ActivityNum (int) | Hours (int)
There will be a new excel file each week that, once the employee has filled out the data, would need to be saved and exported to the sql table. The columns in the sql table are exactly the same as the excel table with the addition of a RecordID primary key column.
Can I create a macro button that they can push when they have completed their timesheet OR would it be better to tell the employees to save copies of their timesheets in a certain folder on the company network and then run a batch on all the files in the folder at the end of the day?
Or is there another more efficient solution? Would I use SSIS for this or something else?
I've never used SSIS before and am a newbie at SQL Server too.
i have designed a rdl form which contains 3 tables .. i gave page break for each table. when exporting the file to excel it generates 3 sheets .. three sheets name comes like sheet 1, sheet2 ,sheet3.. i dont want it to be like these.. instead of that i have to give my own name while generating reports from rdl form like this (s1,s2,s3)...
I thought this should be easy... but, so far it has not been. I want to export data from SQL Server using a query to an Excel spreadsheet. I'm using SQL Server ODBC for the source connection and a Connection To Excel as my destination source. The spreadsheet exists and has the first row with column names. My mappings and query work fine. I don't have any warnings before trying to execute. BUT it will not insert the data into the spreadsheet. Here are the errors I'm getting: [Destination - TEST$ [28]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. [Destination - TEST$ [28]] Error: Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid. [DTS.Pipeline] Error: component "Destination - TEST$" (28) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202025.
TEST$ is the sheet that I am trying to add the data to and I'm using Excel 2003.
My query is simple: SELECT OrderDate AS Date, VendorName AS Vendor, Item AS Product, TotalCost AS Amount FROM osv_Ordercaldwecs319 All fields have been converted to varchar although I started with not trying to convert them so I have tried both ways.
What is causing the errors? Where can I look to find the problem? I'm guessing it's a data conversion problem but I made everything varchar and no formating on the spreadsheet (although I've tried that as well)
We have a requirement where in we need to sort the data after exporting to excel .But when we are trying to apply the filter on the excel and trying to sort we are getting an error ..