[DBNETLIP][Connectionopen (Connect ()).]

Jun 3, 2008


i have SQL 2005 Server installed on my Win XP with sp2 laptop
when i try to connect one database on this laptop from another laptop which also in Win XP with SP2, it gives me the error messages as below
"Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. [DBNETLIP][Connectionopen (Connect ()).] SQL Server does not exist or access denied"

both the laptops are in workgroup and i can ping each other too
please tell me what exactly the issue


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[DBNETLIP][Connectionopen (Connect ()).]

Jun 2, 2008

i have SQL 2005 Server installed on my Win XP with sp2 laptop
when i try to connect one database on this laptop from another laptop which also in Win XP with SP2, it gives me the error messages as below
"Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. [DBNETLIP][Connectionopen (Connect ()).] SQL Server does not exist or access denied"

both the laptops are in workgroup and i can ping each other too
please tell me what exactly the issue


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Intermittent “[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).] Error

Apr 23, 2007


I have a classic ASP app that loops through a record set and calls another query based on each record returned. Something like:

sSql = User Query

rsUser = conn.execute(sSql)

do while not rsUser.eof
sSql = Select [Type] From [User Types Display] Where UserId = rsUser(€œUserid€?)
rsType = conn.execute(sSql)
€˜ Put information into HTML table

In general, at around 3575-4000 loops, the system kicks back :

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
UserList.asp Line 300

I get no error message in the SQL Server Logs (according to the server, nothing happened), just this message on my ASP page. This happens about 90% of the time. 5% it runs completely, the other 5% bombs after 1-100 loops.

This only started happening when we took our app from a local Server 2000/SQL 2000 setup to separate Server 2003/SQL 2005 setup.

In SQL Profiler I see the loops hitting with only two reads per batch (TCP/IP). This seems very low compared to named pipes (when in a local server configuration) reads of 15-30 reads per batch.

I know it is not a hardware issue; this behavior is observed in both our test and production environments. All of our other ASP page queries work fine, just the 2 or 3 of hundreds that loop like above. cause the error.

Client Details (as best I could):

Connection String (in .inc file): conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Network=DBMSSOCN;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=€™TestDB';User ID='XXXX';Password='XXXX'"

The Client is Remote to the SQL machine and connects through TCP/IP only.

I force no encryption on the back and forth between the servers.

Server Details:
SQL Server 2005 Standard with SP1

Only Named Pipes and TCP/IP are enabled

I think this is all the info relative to my issue.
Thank you so much for any help,Smith

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LIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied.

Jul 20, 2006

Okay Ive managed to confuse myself pretty good.I have an aspx page that attempts to connect to an SQLEXPRESS instance and add data to a table.Code as follows:beginning of page<%@ page aspcompat=true enablesessionstate=false language=javascript %><!--#include file="adojavas.inc"--><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %>I have a toolfunction that when called upon runs this:if (xco >= -180 && xco <= 180 && yco >= -90 && yco <= 90) {                        status = "Can't connect to database.";                        // create connection to database                        var connection;                        connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");                        connection.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=OutdoorsExp;Data Source=\.pipeMSSQL$SQLEXPRESSsqlquery;");                        status = "Can't access table.";                        // create recordset                        var recordset;                        recordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset");                                        recordset.Open("dbo.FishType", connection, adOpenDynamic);                        status = "Can't append new record, record set does not support AddNew.";                        // append record for clicked location                        if (recordset.Supports(0x01000400)) {                          status = "Can't append new record.";                          recordset.AddNew();                          recordset.Fields("LongitudeI").Value = xco;                          recordset.Fields("LatitudeI").Value = yco;                          recordset.Update();                        }                        recordset.Close();                                            // release the file                        connection.Close();                        status = "Can't propagate changes to drawing.";                        // refresh drawing                        var document = mapserver.Document;                        var componentIndex = document.ComponentSet.ItemByName("FishTable Data Points Drawing");                        if (componentIndex >= 0) {                            document.ComponentSet.Item(componentIndex).Refresh();                        }                        status = xco.toString() + ", " + yco.toString();                                             }Unfortunately this gives me an error instead of transferring the value xco,yco to the SQL Tables LatitudeI/LongitudeI column.Ive tried many different connections strings, and have played myself into a state of confusion now :(.I get this error:[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.[COMException (0x80004005): [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.]Ive tried named pipes and using IP to connect, and Im not 100% sure how to use SQL Server via
"System.Data / System.Data.SqlClient".Any insights would be greatly welcomed!

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Sql Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied ConnectionOpen(connect())

Jul 25, 2005

I am trying to link SQL SE 2000 (Local server at head office) to MSDE 2000 (remote server). After creating the server group in local server, I try to register SQL server Computers (MSDE 2000) to place in it.

But I received this error message.

"SQL server registration failed because of the connect failure displayed below. Do you wish to Register anyway

SQL Server does not exist or access denied connectionOpen(Connect()).'"

I checked the setup for client and server utilities.

Client Utility is TCP/IP
Server Utility is Named pipe

Please, help me. I don't know what went wrong here.

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SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied. ConnectionOpen(Connect())

Aug 24, 2006

The server that needs to be moved: SERVER A.
The databases which need to be moved (present in SERVER A): DB-A, DB-B.
The SERVER A machine is in X domain

The target machines: Could be any of SERVER T1
This machine is in Y domain.

While we are trying to create a new server instance of the Server A in SERVER T1, we are getting an error message as shown below:

Reason: SQL server does not exist or access denied. (ConnectionOpen (Connect())

The server that needs to be moved SERVER A could not be mapped to SERVERT1.

Problem: The tables concerned present in the SERVER A and the production server are same. These could be extracted to SERVERT1 using the SQL Enterprise Manager utility.
Views and Stored Procedures concerned are only present in SERVER A. Problem lies in copying them. Manually doing so could pose great risks.
What is the plausible work around for this?

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Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied ConnectionOpen[Connect]

Nov 26, 2005

Server Does Not Exist or Access Denied  ConnectionOpen[Connect]

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[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied.

Mar 2, 2007

I installed the SQL SERVER , Oracle
client on my computer, and I can connect to remote SQL server,oracle databases using wizards , however when I try to run application iam getting this error.
Server Error in '/shiva/datagrd' Application.

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or
access denied. Description:
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and
where it originated in the code. Exception Details:
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL
Server does not exist or access denied.Source Error:

Line 40: //SqlDataAdapter da=new SqlDataAdapter("select * from sms",con);Line 41: DataSet ds=new DataSet();Line 42: da.Fill(ds,"tab");Line 43: DataGrid1.DataSource=ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;Line 44: DataGrid1.DataBind();Source
File: e:shivadatagrdwebform1.aspx.cs    Line: 42 Stack

[OleDbException (0x80004005): [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.] System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.ProcessResults(Int32 hr) System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.InitializeProvider() System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open() System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.QuietOpen(IDbConnection connection, ConnectionState& originalState) System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillFromCommand(Object data, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable) datagrd.WebForm1.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in e:shivadatagrdwebform1.aspx.cs:42 System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain()

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.573;
ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.573  please provide the solution. 

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[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied

Apr 15, 2005

I hope someone can help me with the problem I am having, I get the following error:
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied

I am trying to connect to my SQL
Server 2000 db via asp.net. The aspx file uses a DataGrid, the aspx.vb
code behind file gets the connection string from the web.config file. I
tested my connection via ODBC, or SQL Query Analyzer just fine so I
know the userid/password is correct.

this is the snipplet code from the aspx.vb code-behind file:

        Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                Handles MyBase.Load
            Dim dbConn As OleDbConnection
            Dim dCmd As OleDbCommand
            Dim dReader As OleDbDataReader
            Dim strConnection As String
            Dim strSQL As String

            If (Not Page.IsPostBack) Then
'get the connection string from web.config and open a connection
'to the database
strConnection = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("dbConnectionString")
dbConn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(strConnection)

'build the query string and get the data from the database
strSQL = "SELECT Title, ISBN, Publisher " & _
"FROM Book " & _
"ORDER BY Title"
dCmd = New OleDbCommand(strSQL, dbConn)
dReader = dCmd.ExecuteReader()

'set the source of the data for the datagrid control and bind it
dgQuick.DataSource = dReader

If (Not IsNothing(dReader)) Then
                    End If

If (Not IsNothing(dbConn)) Then
                    End If
                End Try
            End If
        End Sub  'Page_Load
    End Class 

this is the connection string inside the web.config file:

<!--add key="dbConnectionString"
value="Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=localhost;Initial
Catalog=myDBName;UID=myUserID;PWD=myUserPssd" /-->
key="sqlConnectionString" value="Data Source=localhost;Initial
Catalog=myDBName;UID=myUserID;PWD=myUserPssd;persist security
info=False;" /-->


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[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied - PLEASE HELP!!

Aug 8, 2005

Hi have created an application in asp.net to connect to a sql database. The reason why I am sooooo very confused is because the connection to the database works if i keep the project on my local machine and connect to the database on the server, but as soon as I upload the project to the server, I get the following error when I try to connect to the database: [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access deniedCan anyone tell me why this is happenning? - PLEASE - Any help will be appreciatedThanks, Danielle

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[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(Connect()).] SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied

May 27, 2006

ok im a CS student, installed visual studio .net, and im trying to connect to a ms sql database (Northwind), but I keep getting a error that "[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(Connect()).] SQL Server does not exist or access denied" in visual studio whenever I try creating a new database connection.  How do I know if SQL server is installed on my system? cuz in my systray I see SQL server service manager, is that the same thing as SQL server? or do I need to download the full version or something? also could it be that a certain port on my system is not open that SQL server requires to be open?

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[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied.

Apr 5, 2006

Hi all.

I'm running a large data transaction and get the next error :

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

In this case, I process over many, many records, and then it finally indicated the server doesn't exist. This only occurs sometime.

I have SQLServer 2000 on Windows 2003 Server

Some idea how to solve this.

Thanks advanced


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[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied

Aug 17, 2007

hi all,

this is punya,

and i am having a problem which was encountered by youin the past. My actual proble is " I am having vs.net 2005 along with MS SQL Server 2000 (Server1) in my system. The MS SQL Server is database server for some of my collegues. Whenever i want to connect to my Server1 DBServer it is givng the following error message."

"[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied"

and the other guys are able to connect to the same DBServer. and one thing i am able to connect to other DBServers which are in Lan..

please Help me.

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SHowing Errror [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Ac

Oct 15, 2007

Hi frens

one of my site with the Databse workd fine while the other with the same database shows the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

/Connection.asp, line 6

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[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(Connect()).]SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied

Dec 6, 2006

Hi Folks,

Lets get this out of the way first - I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT SQL SERVER, MSDE or MDAC

Sorry I don't mean to shout but I really don't know anything at all so please make your answers as simple as possible.

I have an application (Webmarshall) that has a SQL database from which certain reports are run. Whenever I try to run the reports it asks me for database details.

According to the application it is using LANCELOTWEBMARSHALLWebmarshall as the database

As this is all happening on one server, I presume it is local and not remote.

When I am presented with the dialogue box for the reporting module it asks for a server and a database, I have tried the following :

Server: local Auth: Windows

Server: local Auth: SQL

Server lancelot (both authorisation methods)

Server: lancelotwebmarshall (both authorisation methods)

Server: \lancelotwebmarshall (both authorisation methods)

Each time, I get the message

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied

and I can't select a database.

Can someone help me please...its a long time since I went fishing in the dark (with no net) but thats how I feel right now!!!!


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Error Message: Cannot Open Database.[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(Connect()).] SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied.

Mar 20, 2008

I installed SQL 2005 including backward compatibility, MSDN libraries and SP2 a new Windows 2003 server (chose mixed mode authentication). Installation was successful and I then installed an off the shelf database with Windows authentication which also installed successfully.
I created a new group in AD, added the database users into the group and gave db-owner rights to the group in SQL as advised by the installation guide. However, when I try to open the database it gives an error message saying "Cannot open database.[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(Connect()).] SQL server does not exist or access denied". I also tested it adding an individual user (myself) as a user to no avail.
When I set up DSN in ODBC on my computer I can successfully test the connection but can't run the application. The connection is via TCP/IP.
Any suggestions?

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Access Denied ConnectionOpen (CreateFile())

Aug 1, 2001

When I try to connect two SQL Server 7 then show me this error:
"access denied ConnectionOpen (CreateFile())"


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SQL 2012 :: Applications Cannot Connect Because Logins Cannot Connect To Their Default Databases

Oct 17, 2014

I designed the AlwaysOn wrong, but every time we fail over from primary server to another server, my applications cannot connect because the sql logins cannot connect to their default databases. Once I run the command to link the login with the user in the default database then the users are able to connect. Did I do something wrong when designing AlwaysOn?

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Connect To Object Explorer But Cannot Connect To Integration Services.

Mar 9, 2006

I try to import my SSIS packages which are created using the Business Intelligent studio into SQL server 2005 but I cannot do that.

I am running SQL server 2005 enterprise edition.

Also when i tried to connect to Integration services using Object explorer, it only prompt me for server name. I cannot change the username and password which is disabled.

Then how am i supposed to connect to Integration services on a server in this case?

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Cannot Connect W/ Java App But Can Connect W/ .Net App - SQL Server Express 2005

Dec 12, 2006

I'm having a problem connecting with a Java application but I CAN connect using my .Net application - the user name and password are the same for both (using the same database on SQL Server Express 2005).

The error I get is: "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Cannot open database "CORNERS" requested by the login. The login failed." An interesing note - I get the same message if the database is not running.

SQL Server Express 2005 is installed in mixed mode.

Here is my connection string in the .Net appplication: <add key="connectString" value="Server=(local);UID=sa;PWD=myPasswd;Database=CORNERS" />.

These are my values in my Java app web.xml -

<param-name>DBURL</param-name> <param-value>jdbc:sqlserver://localhostsqlexpress:1055;databaseName=CORNERS</param-value>

And yes, the port is 1055 - I checked to find it.

I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.0 (sqljdbc_1.0.809.102).

Does anyone have any idea what is wrong so that the login fails in the Java application but works in the .Net application?

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Connect By DSN

Sep 5, 2006

Hi, how can i connect MSSQL through System DSN. i know how to create DSN. but i don't know how to code the connection string. regards, 

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Connect To The DB??

Nov 21, 2007

I am a beginner in asp.net so sorry for my question ..
I want to make the event for the button when clicked , inside this event I will be transfer the value of dropdownlist into the DB by use ( WHERE ) condition ..
My question is :
- how I write the connection to the DB ?? is this a connection statement in the web.config ?? or what ?? because it generate an error by this code.. SqlConnection sqlConnection1 = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=-SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=2C2Mdb;Integrated Security=True");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;cmd.CommandText = "INSERT Meeting (mSessionNO) VALUES (" + DropDownList2.selectedvalue + ") WHERE [HijriYear]=" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue ;
cmd.Connection = sqlConnection1;
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();
What is the proplem ???

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Best Way To Connect Sql

Apr 28, 2008

May i know which is fastest and best way to connect sql with asp.net.I mean web.config appsetting or creat a class.vb throught public shared.
Thanks with best regards,

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Jun 13, 2008

I have atlast installed SQL Server 2005 on Vista. However, when I try to connect using Database Engine as Server type, I get this message:===================================Cannot connect to MY-MACHINE-NAME.===================================Login failed for user 'My-Machine-NameUsername'. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)------------------------------For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=18456&LinkId=20476------------------------------Server Name: MY-MACHINE-NAMEError Number: 18456Severity: 14State: 1Line Number: 65536

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How To Connect?

Jun 21, 2008

I have created DSN connection for sql server database. Now How do I connect to database through code and open the table for retriving and saving records?

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I Don't Know How To Connect With Ms Sql

Jan 2, 2006


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Can&#39;t Connect

Aug 20, 2001

I need help on SQL Server 7.0 on connection to the server. The error message is "General Network error, Check your network documentation, ConnectionOpen(Connect)" when I try to add SQL server registration.

I was able to the server but occasionally I couldn't able to connect to the server. Does anyone knows what I should do to fix the problem?


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Cannot Connect To SQL

Jan 20, 2000

When trying to connect to SQL Ent. Mgr., got an error message:

A connection could not be established to [servername] - cannot open user default database '<ID>'.
Using master database instead.
Please verify SQL Server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties...

I have not seen this message before. There is one server and 4 PCs. All worked fine before.
Now one PC connects, three - don't. Did not see anything unusual with the registration properties;
All users show in [servername]/security/logins. Did not notice anything relevant in the
"DBA survival guide".

Will appreciate any advice

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Connect With Asp

Feb 21, 2008

how to connect ASP with sql server

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Cannot Connect.

Nov 7, 2001

Hi there,
We just upgraded our webserver from NT4 to W2K and I now cannot connect from my desktop SQL Server client to the new SQL Server 200 in order to export data to the new database.
I just get the error "timeout expired".
What things should I be looking at to resolve this problem?

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Can't Connect To DB Using ASP

Oct 19, 2004

I am trying to connect to a SQL Server 2000 database using VBScript on an active server page, but I can't connect. I think my SQL Server may be set up wrong in the security settings.

I have my authenication set to Windows Authenication Only, and I have an "sa" account with a password.

Here is my code:


dim objConn
dim sqlCmd
dim FromWebPage as string
FromWebPage = "FromWebPage"

'create connection
objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

'connect to the SQL Server db (local machine)
objConn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=MSDASQL;DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=(local);DATABASE=SteelBoard;UID=sa;PWD=password;"

sqlCmd = "insert into TestTable (FirstName) values ('" & FromWebPage & "')"

'put data into database

'close the connection
objConn = nothing

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IIS/MS SQL/ASP... Can't Connect

Mar 27, 2004

I have an ASP script with the following code in the global.asa:


But I get the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
/TheResort/i_asputils.asp, line 8


I setup the ODBC portion and it correctly saw the MS SQL server, and the test connection worked fine. Yet when I ever I enter that ODBC name "Test_Server", and the password of the Win XP Pro user I am signed in as, it fails to connect.

How can I be sure what domain,user,password I need to enter?

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Cannot Connect

Apr 7, 2004

Hi Group,
I get the following error when I try to connect to SQL Server 7.0 (Beta Version) from my ASP page. I'm using this for testing purposes.

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80004005)
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
/CheckLogin.asp, line 27

Line 27 in CheckLogin.asp is:objConn.Open strSecurity
Here is my connection string:
strSecurity = "DSN=Operations" This is in an .inc file.

Am I missing something?
I've tested the DSN connection and it is OK. I am using TCP/IP as opposed to named pipes.


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