-W In OSQL And Create Table From View
Jan 31, 2008
I read that the there's no equivalent command of sqlcmd's -W in osql - we only have to resort to LTRIM(RTRIM(). However, just wondering if anyone has a better solution?
I also would like to create a table from a select statement that has UNION in it. For instance, in Oracle, it would be like:
Code Snippet
create table mytable as
select a,b,c from table1
select a,b,c from table2
How do i do this in SQLServer?
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Aug 4, 2004
Hi All,
I'm trying to create a proc for granting permission for developer, but I tried many times, still couldn't get successful, someone can help me? The original statement is:
Create PROC dbo.GrantPermission
@user1 varchar(50)
Grant create table to @user1
Grant create view to @user1
Grant create Procedure to @user1
Thanks Guys.
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Oct 6, 2014
I want to create a view from table j25_teamlist2014 with the 7 columns shown below. But I only want the rows which don't have a Status of 'Not Available'.This sql works fine apart from the Team Name and Team Captain columns display the team which is an interger ie Row 1 shows 1 in the Team Name and Team Captain columns instead of 'My Team' and 'Jo Bloggs'.Also when viewing the original table and the new view the structures are slightly different.
CREATE VIEW j25_availableteamlist2014 AS
SELECT Team, Day, Time, Lane, Team Name, Team Captain, Status
FROM j25_teamlist2014
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Nov 7, 2006
Dear all,
Can I create a table from a view like Oracle? The syntax is something like as the below.
create table table1 as select * from view1;
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May 8, 2006
I would like to create a view for two tables which have a one-to-many relationship.
Table: Supplier
How can i create a view that has columns like below:
Supp_ID, Stock
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 23, 2013
I have a view which works fine but I cannot display the data in the Report tool because its
CCSID is HEX. If I could create it to temp table
I think then there would be an easy way to get around this problem.
This is the code:
CREATE VIEW astlib.acbalmpk AS (
'' as IEPRT#, '.00' as IEQOH#, '' as IELOC1, '' as IELOC2, '' as
IELOC3, '' as IERIDC, '' as IEWHS#
[Code] ....
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Mar 16, 2008
I have two tables. OrderDetails and StockTransactions
OrderDetails contains:
Item, Description, QtyOrdered
StockTransactions contains:
OrderDetailID, ActionType, Qty, Date
I would like to create a view as follows:
Item, Description, QtyOrdered, InStock, ToShip, TotalShipped, Backordered
the first three columns come directly from the OrderDetails table, InStock is computed by finding the sum of Qty of all of the lines in the StockTransactions table for this item. ToShip is a field for the user to enter a value they'd like to ship currently. TotalShipped is the sum of what is in the ToShip box and all previous entries in the StockTransactions table related to the current OrderDetail record. Backordered is computed by taking ToShip and subtracting InStock (if the value is a negative number, then display zero).
The objective is to create a user friendly way to enter lines into the OrderDetailsTable. the values place by the user in the Qty field for the items listed in front of them should be saved as entried in the StockTransactions table with ActionType = 1.
I'm not sure if a view is the best way to go about this.
Any comments or suggestions?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have to create database usign OSQL. i am usin a command like thisC:> osql -E -i db1.sqlBut it doesnt create database and returns error saying user loginfailed for administrator whereas I have no user for SQL server n ituses by default . I also tried with sa username by entering it with -Uswitch in command but still it gaves same error. Can anyone help me
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Jul 14, 2015
I have a table that houses fully qualified table names, roughly 15. How can I iterate that table and create a view ? For example, something like this
Create Table tocreateviewfrom (dbname varchar(100))
Insert Into tocreateviewfrom Values (foxfire.dbo.abcd), (foxfire.dbo.abcde), (foxfire.dbo.abcdf), (foxfire.dbo.abcdg), (foxfire.dbo.abcde), (foxfire.dbo.abcdl)
--Then somehow iterate each value in the field dbname to create a view something like
Create View viewcreatedfromtable As
Select * from foxfire.dbo.abcd
Union All
Select * from foxfire.dbo.abcde
[Code] ....
I tried this, but it is only printing the last result returned not the entire result set
Declare @database varchar(max), @sql varchar(max)
Declare c1 Cursor For
Select Program
from tocreateviewfrom
Open c1
[Code] .....
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Mar 20, 2008
I have a huge problem to solve.
1) Need to create an Indexed View that joins multiple tables.I know how to create a regular View, but How do I create an Indexed View ?
2)Need be able to replicate the Indexed View [above] across to another server B into a table.
I have to get this done and seriously don't know where to start.
Do HELP me out .Thank You.
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Jan 4, 2008
I have 2 tables:
Customer Table: ID, OrderID (composite key)
100, 1
100, 2
200, 3
200, 1
Order Table: OrderID, Detail
1, Orange
2, Apple
3, Pineaple
Assuming each customer always orders 2 items. I need to create a SQL query that shows as following (a view or a temp table is OK). How do I do that?
CustomerID, Order Detail1, Order Detail2
100, Orange, Apple
200, Pineaple, Orange
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Apr 16, 2014
I have view something like
Create view All_employee
SELECT Emp_Name, Emp_code FROM dbo.Employee
SELECT Emp_Name, Emp_code FROM Emp_201402.Employee
But we have a different "Schema" for same table because we have archive table with same table name but with different schema name. Now we have req to make view which contain data of all table. But I can't seem to figure out how to do it in a view.
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SCHEMA_ID), Name FROM sys.schemas where name like '%emloyee%' ORDER BY schema_id ASC
[Code] ....
Don' think that works.
Is this possible with a view or it other way to do it?
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May 27, 2015
We have two databases with same schema and tables (same table names, basically main DB and a copy of the main DB). following is example of table names from 2 DBs.
CREATE TABLE #SourceDatabase (SourceColumn1 VARCHAR(50))
INSERT INTO #SourceDatabase VALUES('TABLE1') , ('TABLE2'),('TABLE3') , ('TABLE4'),('TABLE5') , ('TABLE6')
SELECT * FROM #SourceDatabase
DROP TABLE #SourceDatabase
CREATE TABLE #ArchiveDatabase (SourceColumn2 VARCHAR(50))
INSERT INTO #ArchiveDatabase VALUES('TABLE1') , ('TABLE2'),('TABLE3') , ('TABLE4'),('TABLE5') , ('TABLE6')
SELECT * FROM #ArchiveDatabase
DROP TABLE #ArchiveDatabase
We need a T_SQL statement that can create one view for each table from both the databases(assuming both databases have same number of tables and same table names). so that we can run the T_SQL on a thrid database and the third DB has all the views (one view for each table from the 2 DBs). and the name of the view should be same as the tables name. and all 3 DBs are on the same server.
the 2 temp tables are just examples, DBs have around 1700 tables each. so we ned something like following for each table.
CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE1 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE1] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE1]
CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE2 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE2] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE2]
CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE3 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE3] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE3]
CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE4 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE4] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE4]
CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE5 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE5] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE5]
CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE6 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE6] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE6]
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Jun 8, 2006
Can anyone tell me how can I create a table in (SQL Server 2000) direct from a stored procedure execution or from a SELECT result?
I need something like this: CREATE TABLE < t > FROM <sp_name p1, p2, ...>or like this:
CREATE TABLE < t > FROM SELECT id, name FROM < w > ...
Thank you!
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May 6, 2014
I have 2 identical tables one contains current settings, the other contains all historical settings.I could create a union view to display the current values from table A and all historical values from table B, butthat would also require a Variable to hold the tblid for both select statements.
Q. Can this be done with one joined or conditional select statement?
DECLARE @tblid int = 501
SELECT 1,2,3,4,'CurrentSetting'
FROM TableA ta
WHERE tblid = @tblid
SELECT 1,2,3,4,'PreviosSetting'
FROM Tableb tb
WHERE tblid = @tblid
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Jul 24, 2012
Write a CREATE VIEW statement that defines a view named Invoice Basic that returns three columns: VendorName, InvoiceNumber, and InvoiceTotal. Then, write a SELECT statement that returns all of the columns in the view, sorted by VendorName, where the first letter of the vendor name is N, O, or P.
This is what I have so far,
SELECT VendorName, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceTotal
From Vendors JOIN Invoices
ON Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID
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Apr 12, 2006
I have currently a problem with setting up the permissions for some developers. My configuration looks like this.
DB A is the productive database.
DB B is a kind of "development" database.
Now we have a couple of users call them BOB, DAVID, ...
who are members of the db role db_reader and db_writer for the productive db a but they should be allowed to do nearly everything on db b.
Therefor I added them to the db role db_owner for db b.
For testing purposes I tried to "CREATE" a view TEST as BOB in database B but I received the error message
'Msg 262, Level 14, State 1, Procedure Test, Line 3
CREATE VIEW permission denied in database 'b'.'
I cross checked the permissions on db level and I even granted all available permissions on db level but nevertheless I receive this error message.
What's my mistake?
Of course it worked fine when I give them sysadmin rights but then they have far too much permissions.
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Aug 14, 2000
I had given one of our developers create view permissions, but he wants to also modify views that are not owned by him, they are owned by dbo.
I ran a profiler trace and determined that when he tries to modify a view using query designer in SQLem or right clicks in SQLem on the view and goes to properties, it is performing a ALTER VIEW. It does the same for dbo in a trace (an ALTER View). He gets a call failed and a permission error that he doesn't have create view permissions, object is owned by dbo, using both methods.
If it is doing an alter view how can I set permissions for that and why does it give a create view error when its really doing an alter view? Very confusing.
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Jan 8, 2001
When I use following command it works fine.
CREATE VIEW dbo.[ikw_custom]
SELECT * FROM rns_keyword.dbo.ikw_custom
but if I use following command with condition it gives me an error.
if not exists(select * from sysobjects where name ='ikw_custom' and type='V')
CREATE VIEW dbo.[ikw_custom]
SELECT * FROM rns_keyword.dbo.ikw_custom
help will be appriciated.
Thanks in advance
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Apr 15, 2006
I am learning how to work with MSSQL
here is what I like to do
I have a table with URLs like this "www.urls.com" I need to create a view that will insert this "http://" before "www.urls.com" can some please let me know what I need to do
Thank you
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Sep 25, 2005
Hello All;
I'm new to SQL, and developing my first application using SQL 2000 as the back end for my data.
Can anyone tell me if I can create an SQL View from VBA?
I'm trying to create a data view that access various records from a single table, and it has to distribute that data 2 14 different subforms, representing different days in a 2 week period, which is distingiushed by a field called "Day", that is numbered from 1 to 14.
I also have a summary subform that has the weekly summary (days 1 to 7 and 8 to 14) on seperate subforms. In total I have 16 subforms, which actually source from a single table, just split depending on the day in the period.
As I see it now, creating views iis the best way for me to go, but I also have to be able to change the period id on the fly, so I'm think I have to use VBA to generate these views.
Does any of this make sense, and am I on the right track??
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Mar 18, 2006
hi,if the below query
select DISTINCT group_module_menu_info.menulink FROM
user_group_role_info,group_role_module_info,group_ module_menu_info
where user_group_role_info.userid=user_table.userid and
((group_module_menu_info.moduleid = user_group_role_info.moduleid)OR
(user_group_role_info.roleid=group_role_module_inf o.roleid and
group_module_menu_info.moduleid = group_role_module_info.moduleid))
if i want to create a view
how ?
thank you!
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Jan 26, 2006
Create a view showing every order that was shipped to Spain. Name the destination column "DestinationSpain". Include code that checks if the view already exists. If it does, it should be dropped and re-created.
Use Northwind
DROP VIEW Spain_Orders
CREATE VIEW Spain_Orders
FROM Orders
WHERE ShipCountry = 'Spain'
this is what I get.
server: Msg 3701, Level 11, State 5, Line 1
Cannot drop the view 'Spain_Orders', because it does not exist in the system catalog.
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Nov 29, 2007
I know IIf doesn't exist in SQL. However, I am creating a view and want to check the value of a field and if it is 1 the field returns 'This value' if it is 2 then 'That value' , if 3 then 'Another value'.
How can I do this ?
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi Gurus,I'm a beginner. Would you please tell me if it's possible to create a viewhaving a calcuated column based on the condition of the column on the sqltable.create view vwImaging ASselectEmpID, LastName, FirstName, EmpTag = 'Act' ifFROM tblPerPayI have a table EMP:SSN (char 9)A view giving a formatted SSN (XXX-XX-XXXX,) a--Message posted via http://www.sqlmonster.com
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi.I created a simple view with the following statements:CREATE VIEW dbo.VIEW1ASSELECT dbo.VIEW_ALL.ID,dbo.VIEW_ALL.Code,Another.dbo.OTHER_VIEW.Label as SpecialCodeFROM dbo.VIEW_ALL LEFT OUTER JOINAnother.dbo.OTHER_VIEW ON(dbo.VIEW_ALL.Code + '_0') = Another.dbo.OTHER_VIEW.LabelWhen I run :select * from VIEW1 where code = 'abcde',I would get all 10 rows that are of the same data where the code is'abcde'. But what I thought it should return is really just one rowsince the rest of the 9 rows are exactly the same! I know that I canget my result if I useselect DISTINCT * from VIEW1 where code = 'abcde'But, is there any way I could change my SQL statements(CREATE VIEW)above so that I automatically get 1 row instead of 10 rows of exactlythe same value without using DISTINCT?Thank you for any help.
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Jan 8, 2008
I have a table in my program which going all the invoices,and I want to create a view where I can see the quantity of the products as many times by 1 as the quantity in the invoice:
Product name quantity
woods 3
at the view
woods 1
woods 1
woods 1
Thank you.
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Aug 2, 2006
how to create view in sql server 2005 that recognize Identity And Primary key of base table
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Aug 14, 2007
Good afternoon,
I have a user that needs read only access to all tables in a particular database - Which is working fine.
He also needs to create views, as well as the above, but nothing else.
Is this possible?
Many thanks.
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Mar 29, 2006
its working with oracle
how to chenge in t-sql
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Jul 8, 2006
Hey guys, im really new ASP.net. I just upsized my access database to SQL Server Express and I'm trying to mimic some view functionalitty I had in access. I think they call it the expression builder.So bassically Im trying to make a column that does some calculations on other columns. Like:if columnA-columnB > 100 then columnC='YES' else columnC='NO'Does anyone know how to do this? I want to add this column in a view. Can i perhaps just do it in the datagrid? I'm so frusterated at the moment, ive been trying for about 3 hours!Thanks in advance for your help.
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Sep 17, 2007
I need to create view from the results of executing dynamic SQL.Query like this have incorrect syntax: CREATE VIEW vModuleCatalogObjectValues AS EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql, @paramDefinition, @moduleId; ENDWhat i need to do to get it work?!
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Jul 16, 2001
Is there a way you can give a user a permission to "Create View" only but not to create other objects like tables or SP's in a database.
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