Is it possible to combine a detailed query with its related count and sum without using any #temp tables at all?
ex. select customerID, customerName,
(select count(orderID) from tblOrder where orderDate > '01/01/2003'
and orderStatus = 'active') as countActive,
(select count(orderID) from tblOrder where orderDate > '01/01/2003'
and orderStatus = 'inactive') as countInActive
from rfCustomers
something like that? I was heard SQL2k has some new feature like this, or a UDF may be required? Currently, I have to use #temp table to get it.
Select COUNT(DATEDIFF(d, DateintoSD, SDCompleted) - DATEDIFF(ww, DateintoSD, SDCompleted) * 2) AS 'Total Jobs Completed' From Project WHERE (SDCompleted > @SDCompleted) AND (SDCompleted < @SDCompleted2) AND (BusinessSector = 34) AND (req_type = 'DBB request ')
I am new to SQL Server development, but I use the automated features in Enterprise Manager a lot.
I have a table with a specific format already existing in a SQL Server 2000 database. This is generated once a day from a flat file received from an outside vendor. I am now receiving a similar flat file from another vendor which is nearly identical, but with two differences.
First, the new flat file is missing two columns (not critical data).
Next, there is one column that is out of order in comparison to the other flat file (aside from the 2 missing columns).
I need a generic example of how to remove specific records from a table and add these new ones (from the new flat file) through the SQL Server. My intention is to have a job run at a specific time through the SQL Server.
Any help is appreciated. If you know of a good tutorial or something out there, I would be more than happy to check it out. Thank you so much for your help!
I have write two query but its only work one at a time need your expertise what i am doing wrong.
[Category].Category AS project_type, [SalesManager].SalesManager As Manager, FROM [Category] INNER JOIN (Projects INNER JOIN [MO/FSC] ON Projects.ProjectID = [MO/FSC].Project) ON [Category].ID = Projects.Category FROM [SalesManager] INNER JOIN (Projects INNER JOIN [MO/FSC] ON Projects.ProjectID = [MO/FSC].Project) ON [SalesManager].ID = Projects.SalesManagerID
I am trying to write a SQL statement query, that will calculate the SUM value in one table for a March period, and update that value to another table, here is what I have so far, but the compile error says Operation must use an updatable query.
UPDATE League_Totals SET League_Totals.March_Total = (SELECT SUM(Result_Value) FROM Result_Details WHERE LEAP_Date = "March_2014");
I'm working on a report where my table is as follows:
WITH SampleData (ID,NAME,[VALUE]) AS ( SELECT 170983,'DateToday','6/04/2014' UNION ALL SELECT 170983,'DateToday','6/04/2014' UNION ALL SELECT 170983,'employee','1010' UNION ALL SELECT 170983,'employee','1010'
[Code] .....
Here is my query against the table above:
FROM SampleData
Here is the result from the above query, I'm not sure how to get the desired results (listed at the end):
I have 2 Columns FirstName and LastName but i need to show it in UI as User Name ,that means i need to combine both First Name and Last name and display both as 1 field namely UserName ,How to query tht ? What shld i use?
I'm trying not to use a temp table, but i may have to do so.. I'm using sql2005 for this case.
i have a derived table that makes the following results:
ID Status Name
2 1 "A"
2 2 "B"
I want to get the following:
ID Name1 Name2
2 "A" "B"
but like I said before, I can't repeat the query that gets the first 2 rows, as it's pretty invovled. a temp table is the best route I see right now, but I just wanted to be sure I'm not missing something. If I've aliased it as 'results', is there a way to alias results again as something else? or maybe a trick with CTEs? I will try that! It seems promising.
I have a query currently that looks like this . @Month and @Year are supplied as parameters
SELECT -- select the sum for each year/month combination using a correlated subquery (each result from the main query causes another data retrieval operation to be run) (SELECT SUM(SalesofProductA) FROM #ABC WHERE [Year]=T.[Year] AND [Month]=T.[Month]) AS [Sum_SalesofProductA]
[Code] ...
Right now I see an output like this : for a particular value of @Month and @Year
SalesofProductA, SalesofProductB, SalesofProductC What I would like to see is :
I am wanting to create a query so that I can combine each of the found duplicates into one entry.
An example of this is:
Name |ID |Tag |Address |carNum ------------------------------------------------------- Bob Barker |2054| 52377 |235 Some road |9874 Bill Gates |5630| 69471 |014 Washington Rd. |3700 Bob Barker |2054| 97011 |235 Some road |9874 Bob Barker |2054| 40019 |235 Some road |9874 Steve Jobs |8501| 73051 |100 Infinity St. |4901 John Doe |7149| 86740 |7105 Bull Rd. |9282 Bill Gates |5630| 55970 |014 Washington Rd. |3700 Tim Boons |6370| 60701 |852 Mnt. Creek Rd. |7059
In the example above, Bob Barker and Bill gates are both in the database more than once so I would like the output to be the following:
Bob Barker |2054|52377/97011/40019|235 Some road |9874 Bill Gates |5630|69471/55970 |014 Washington Rd.|3700 Steve Jobs |8501|73051 |100 Infinity St. |4901 John Doe |7149|86740 |7105 Bull Rd. |9282 Tim Boons |6370|60701 |852 Mnt. Creek Rd. |7059
Notice how Bob Barker & Bill Gates appends the tag row (the duplicated data) into one row instead of having multiple rows. This is because I do not want to have to check the previous ID and see if it matches the current id and append to the data.
I'm trying not to use a temp table, but i may have to do so..
i have a derived table that makes the following results:
ID Status Name 2 1 "A" 2 2 "B"
I want to get the following: ID Name1 Name2 2 "A" "B"
but like I said before, I can't repeat the query that gets the first 2 rows, as it's pretty invovled. a temp table is the best route I see right now, but I just wanted to be sure I'm not missing something.
insert into KPI (SVP, Wk1, Wk2, Wk3, Wk4, Wk5, Y, Q, Wk) Values ('SVP', 1,0,0,0,0,2014,1,1) insert into KPI (SVP, Wk1, Wk2, Wk3, Wk4, Wk5, Y, Q, Wk) Values ('SVP', 0,2,0,0,0,2014,1,2) insert into KPI (SVP, Wk1, Wk2, Wk3, Wk4, Wk5, Y, Q, Wk) Values ('SVP', 0,0,3,0,0,2014,1,3) insert into KPI (SVP, Wk1, Wk2, Wk3, Wk4, Wk5, Y, Q, Wk) Values ('SVP', 0,0,0,4,0,2014,1,4) insert into KPI (SVP, Wk1, Wk2, Wk3, Wk4, Wk5, Y, Q, Wk) Values ('SVP', 0,0,0,0,0,2014,1,5)
[Code] ....
Current result: SVPWk1Wk2Wk3Wk4Wk5YQWk SVP10000201411 SVP02000201412 SVP00300201413 SVP00040201414
The following query returns a value of 0 for the unit percent when I do a count/subquery count. Is there a way to get the percent count using a subquery? Another section of the query using the sum() works.
Here is a test code snippet:
--Test Count/Count subquery
declare @Date datetime
set @date = '8/15/2007'
select -- count returns unit data Count(substring(m.PTNumber,3,3)) as PTCnt, -- count returns total for all units
(select Count(substring(m1.PTNumber,3,3))
from tblVGD1_Master m1
left join tblVGD1_ClassIII v1 on m1.SlotNum_ID = v1.SlotNum_ID
Where left(m1.PTNumber,2) = 'PT' and m1.Denom_ID <> 9
and v1.Act = 1 and m1.Active = 1 and v1.MnyPlyd <> 0
and not (v1.MnyPlyd = v1.MnyWon and v1.ActWin = 0)
and v1.[Date] between DateAdd(dd,-90,@Date) and @Date) as TotalCnt, -- attempting to calculate the percent by PTCnt/TotalCnt returns 0 (Count(substring(m.PTNumber,3,3)) /
(select Count(substring(m1.PTNumber,3,3))
from tblVGD1_Master m1
left join tblVGD1_ClassIII v1 on m1.SlotNum_ID = v1.SlotNum_ID
Where left(m1.PTNumber,2) = 'PT' and m1.Denom_ID <> 9
and v1.Act = 1 and m1.Active = 1 and v1.MnyPlyd <> 0
and not (v1.MnyPlyd = v1.MnyWon and v1.ActWin = 0)
and v1.[Date] between DateAdd(dd,-90,@Date) and @Date)) as AUPct -- main select
from tblVGD1_Master m
left join tblVGD1_ClassIII v on m.SlotNum_ID = v.SlotNum_ID
Where left(m.PTNumber,2) = 'PT' and m.Denom_ID <> 9
and v.Act = 1 and m.Active = 1 and v.MnyPlyd <> 0
and not (v.MnyPlyd = v.MnyWon and v.ActWin = 0)
and v.[Date] between DateAdd(dd,-90,@Date) and @Date
I would like to determine the configuration for a given database in Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000.
If you examine the properties of databases using SQL Server Enterprise Manager, you can see that certain options exist for a database. For example: - ANSI NULL Default - Recursive triggers - Auto Update statistics - Torn page detection - Auto close - Auto shrink - Auto create statistics - Use quoted identifiers
Can this information be obtain via a stored procedure?
What about information regarding the SQL server configuration itself? If I use SQL Server Enterprise Manager, I can get properties for the server. For example: - "Dynamcially configure SQL server memory" vs "Use a fixed memory size"
We just started using SQL Server. I'm new on the SQL side of things. We have SQL setup in a test environment with users connecting and performing job related functions. An in house programmer has developed software for our users which connects to the SQL Server
I'm looking for information pertaining to events that have teken place within SQL. Does SQL give you details on updates and changes made to specific tables. I'm looking for some way of looking up item numbers and the user that entered the data. We have noticed that some of the users may be entering in wrong data within certain tables. And would like to educate them on what they are doing wrong.
I need to know what certain users are logging and entering into our SQL Server.
What are the most detailed logs that SQL Server provides that has information on what the users are doing has far an entering in data.
Hi there, I was wondering if there is a detailed view control (that can be linked to grid view control) in ordinary C# applications as we have in ASP.NET applications? Please if anyone has information regarding that let me know.
I'm a newbe in SQL Server and I have to build "Detailed Technical Design" Document regarding the SQL Server . If anybody knows something or has an example / structure about this document please send me a replay.....
The best I can get out of my detail log is this which is no help. How do I find out what really happened. My windows app log is no help either
Date 5/24/2006 9:51:41 PM Log Job History (DTS_xx)
Step ID 1 Server xx Job Name DTS_xx Step Name DTS_xx Duration 00:00:01 Sql Severity 0 Sql Message ID 0 Operator Emailed Operator Net sent Operator Paged Retries Attempted 0
Message Executed as user: xxadministrator. The package execution failed. The step failed.
I have a master package with 5 Execute Package Task for sub_packages. How to get the detailed logging information as I see in the debug model in the local file system?
I would like to know how to set the grouping lines or the detailed line to get the function like in Excel: group plan Example:
+ Group line GL1 Detailed Line 1 Detailed Line 2
When the grouping function is active, you see the Group line GL1 only. By clicking on the + icone, you will see all the detailed lines (like in Excel document).
I am using the XML Task to validate an XML file against the XSD schema. Everything works fine, but about detailed errors in the case of the failed validation?
1) I specified €śOperationsResult€? Destination property to save the task execution outcome into a file. 2) Also, I turned on all possible events for logging.
Unfortunately, neither option produces a detailed validation error message. Option 1 saves one single word €śtrue€? or €śfalse€? to a file. Logging produces the following message: Task failed to validate "A validation error occurred when validating the instance document.".
As end result, it is impossible to pinpoint the problem with the xml file and, consequently, fix the issue.
The expected behavior should be a detailed error message like the following (produced by StylusStudio): file:///c:/temp/fafa/feed_bad.xml:12824,52: Datatype error: Type:InvalidDatatypeFacetException, Message:Value '244212' must be less than or equal to MaxInclusive '4'.
It shows a precise location of the error in the XML file plus the specific XSD rule which failed.
Any idea what could be done to get the detailed error message for the XML Task Validation?
Hello, I have a code for creating view in T-SQL. I want to ask you guys, i want to make this result set should grouped by DepoAdi column and StokKodu (this is an alias sure you can get it from code). Did i make it on group by line? My second problem is i want to add 2 columns to this query. This 2 column will calculate some values with SUM function and - operator. At CRM.Depolar.DepoBilgileri table i have a column named Miktar (this one stores int type datas) and i have a column named islemturu(this one stores 1 or 0). I want to calculate Miktar values which rows has islemturu column 0 and subtract them from which rows has islemturu column 1 value and this computing action must be based on Grouped columns.
However, as you can see, the original select query is run twice and joined together.What I was hoping for is this to be done in the original query without the need to duplicate the original query.