(different) Error Logging Onto Sql Server / Database Help

May 26, 2004

When trying to connect to my sql server I get the following error :

Connection Failed :


SQL Server Error : 17

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(Connect))(.[SQL Server Does not exist or access denied]

im not sure how to give a user access or give the user the right password

I get the same error when trying to create a database and connect to the server.

Im working on xp pro, and using VS.net. also theres a red x next to the cylinder of the sql server, so im assuming im doing something wrong.

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Logging To Event Viewer Fails But SQL Server Logging Works OK - Why?

Jun 18, 2007


I am developing a package on my local workstation. I have defined two logging service providers. One is for SQL Server and the other is for the Windows Event Log. I am using the Dts.Log method in a script task to write log entries.

Logging is working properly with the SQL Server provider and rows are being inserted into the sysdtslog90 table. However, the only events that are being logged in the Windows Event Log are the package start and end events which I believe SSIS is doing automatically anyway.

Is there something I need to do to enable WIndows Event Log logging other than defining a log provider and making sure it is checked active? Won't SSIS write to two different logs with one Dts.Log call? Any ideas on what might be going wrong with my approach?



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Error When Logging On To Sql Server Proper

May 16, 2006

I am getting the following error.
“The user instance login flag is not supported on this version of SQL Server. The connection will be closed.�
Background  i created a site on my development machine, and every thing worked,  this computer is running sql EX.  I uploaded the site to the production server (running sql 2005 standard) and changed the connection string (i have used this connection string with other dB’s to display data only, and it works) but i tried it with the ASPNETDB.mdf in the AppData folder and i get the above message.
Do i have to set some special permissions in the db for it to work.  I need to be able to insert, update, and delete in this app.

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Making Database Changes Without Logging In To The Server.

May 1, 2008

Hi All,

I am a bit new to using MS-SQL, up till now my main adminstration was in Oracle.

I have a question, my developers make changes to my MS-SQL databases, however, they always login as a local admin or use their domain WIndows accounts - with the given privileges. Then they amend the database.
My idea is to avoid logging into an MS-SQL server without using a Remote Desktop. So they will need some kind of a client.

What is your experience and what would be the best way to do this? Meaning, what software can I use that does not require a license fee?

With Oracle I can install the Oracle client which has an SQLPLUS to login remotely. Does MS-SQL have something similar?

Thanks in advance.

I did use Google to search, I also have an MS-SQL Developer Edition, but this seems to come with another server itself.


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SQL Server Error Logs: What Events Is It Logging? Can We Edit And Include DDL Events?

Jun 20, 2007

Hello experts. I have been searching for anything about this but found very little. What are the events logged in SQL Server Error Logs aside from Successful/Failed Login, Backup/Restore/Recover database and, start/init sql server? Can we configure this to log other events, like CREATE or DBCC events for example? If so, how? Thanks a lot.

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Error With Default SSIS Error Logging

Nov 21, 2007

I click on menu item SSIS and enable logging to my SQL Database (SSIS log provider for SQL Server). When I run the package it runs fine for the first time. Upon subsequent runs I get the following error.

[Log provider "SSIS log provider for SQL Server"] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "There is already an object named 'sysdtslog90' in the database.".

It seems like I need to drop the table every time to avoid this error. Is there a way I can log all package logs to single table historically? Any weblink or tip is appreciated.


Palak Mody

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Error While Logging

Apr 15, 2008

Hi all,

I am getting the following error when I log into SQL server using MS SQL Server Management Studio.

"An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - No such host is known.) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)".

I tried to allow remote connections using Surface Area Configuration, but it is not allowing me to do so.

I am not sure what I need to do. Anybody, please advice.

Thanks & Regards

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Error Logging

Jun 18, 2007

Hey all

I'm using the Execute SQL Task to import error messages into a table. I'm using the following:

"INSERT INTO SSISLog (EventDescription)
VALUES (" +@[System::ErrorDescription]+")"

I've got an import task with deliberate errors in the file to be imported to test the error logging task. When I execute it, I get the following messages:

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "INSERT INTO SSISLog (EventDescription) VALUES (An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Invalid character value for cast specification". )" failed with the following error: "The name 'An' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "INSERT INTO SSISLog (EventDescription) VALUES (There was an error with input column "IssueNo" (94) on input "Destination Input" (68). The column status returned was: "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.". )" failed with the following error: "The name 'There' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "INSERT INTO SSISLog (EventDescription) VALUES (The "input "Destination Input" (68)" failed because error code 0xC0209077 occurred, and the error row disposition on "input "Destination Input" (68)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. )" failed with the following error: "The name 'The' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "INSERT INTO SSISLog (EventDescription) VALUES (The ProcessInput method on component "Destination - tbl_clients" (55) failed with error code 0xC0209029. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. )" failed with the following error: "The name 'The' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "INSERT INTO SSISLog (EventDescription) VALUES (Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0209029. )" failed with the following error: "The name 'Thread' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance


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Logging Package Name For Any Event In Sysdtslog90 Logging Table

Oct 17, 2007

I decided to use the SQL Server log provider to store logging data of all my Integration Services packages. I also created some reports about this data for operating purposes.
I have a problem occurs the name of the executing package is not always written to the log,but the name of the single task which failed. But that is not very useful information for operating, because I do not see any chance to get the name of the package by the information which is logged in the sysdtslog90 table in the database which I defined for SSIS Logging.

How do I configure the package to always log the package information into the table, too?

Best regards,

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Logging Error Messages

May 7, 2002


How can I avoid certain messages from SQL Server being recorded into the Event viewer ?
For example, every time I truncate the transaction log with 'Backup log with truncate_only', It is being recorded into the Event viewer as an Error. But, I know that it is not an error.
How can I avoid this ?


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DBCC Error Logging

Feb 15, 2007


I am running some DBCC checks as a routine maintenance task on my sql server 2000 servers. I am running DBCC CHECKDB, DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS and DBCC CHECKCATALOG. I have established a set of procedures and tables to capture the output from the error log after running these DBCC commands. After running all three, it appears the same info captured for CHECKDB is not logged for these two: CHECKCONSTRAINTS and CHECKCATALOG. Does anyone know why these are not logged and if it is even necessary for me to run these 2 extra DBCC checks? If not, can anyone recommend what database consistency checks should be executed on a daily basis for a production database server?

DBCC CHECKDB (DBNAME) executed by lshores found 0 errors and repaired 0 errors. Elapsed time: 0 hours 20 minutes 32 seconds.

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Custom Error Logging

Dec 22, 2007


I have a small requirement in SSIS Error Logging Mechanism.
Presently in my SSIS package i am using a File Connection Manager for creating a Log file.
I have a problem on this regard. Every time when i am executing my DTS package, the error log messages are getting appended to my error log at OS level (say D:error_messg.log). And for this reason whenever my DTS package is getting executed the size of the file is keep on increasing and there by killing my disk space.

I have a requirement for this error logging mechanism. At any time my log file should not exceed more than 20MB.
Or can we remove the log events a week ago or say more than 2 days or say. Just ensuring the log file do not fill up the disk space eventually.

How can we do this?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards

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Error Message Logging In (aspnetDB)

May 17, 2008

© Webster's
I am programing a site in aspnet 2005
I contructed space from my host for my Database.
In the web.config I added a connection string with username and password <configuration>
<appSettings/><connectionStrings><add name="oseriConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=sql2005.digiweb.com.br;
Initial Catalog=zzz;
User Id=xxx;Password=yyy"
and I have access to this database when I work on my station as well when I am working on line.
Unfortunately I also gained for free the ASPNETDB.mdf file...
The ASPNETDB is automaticaly created in the ~/app_data together with a web.config.
I use the following connectionstring:<add name="aspNetDBConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=sql2005.digiweb.com.br;
initial Cataloge=htdocsapp_DataASPNETDB.MDF;
Integrated Security=True"/>
Working on my station I have access to the aspnetDB file, I can add users roles etc..
notice that I use ConnectionString to my provider!
My first question is whether I really load the information also to the file in my site Because on my station I can find the changes.
If the answer is no then do I load the file simply through the FTP ?
and how can I open the file in the provider side?
In any case when I run the site on line, trying to log in, I get an error message 26
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
If I insert a wrong password I get the same error message. Which means that I don’t have access to the file.
I definitely could use some help since from my provider I get none.
Thank you
Dov Kruman

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Error Logging In CLR Stored Procedures

Jun 14, 2005

Hello,I was wondering if there were any built-in objects to handle error handling, in any of the SQL Server objects, or just to use event log or trace or debug or something like that.  Or is it not recommended at all to use try.. catch, for whatever reason.Thanks a lot.

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How Can I Turn Off SQL Executive Error Logging?

Jun 29, 1998

I presently have Error Logging turned on for the SQL Executive, but I no longer want it. When I
open up the "Configure SQL Executive" window under the Server menu, the
"Error Log File" field is dimmed and there is no option to turn it off.

How do I turn off logging for SQL Executive?

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How To Add Error Logging File In SSIS

Jun 6, 2008

Just like in DTS where we can add error file so that if the DTS package fails we can see what caused the DTS to fail, likewise do we have anything like error logging file in SSIS. I greatly appreciate your help on this. thanks!!

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Change Error Logging For Sys.sp_MSrepl_raiseerror

Mar 16, 2007

I have merge replication setup to a bunch of mobile subscribers. I want everything managed from the server and I want everything to run continuously. The reason we want this is that we want subscribers to automatically synchronize data within 60 seconds of plugging into the network from any location. We do not want to write anything to have to detect connectivity and initiate it. We do not want it initiated from a subscriber either. This creates a SEVERE logging issue and has halted a roll out at 2 different customers. We can't get beyond about 60 subscribers on a system that was running 3700 subscribers in SQL Server 2000. The server quite literally freezes and becomes non-responsive 1 - 2 times per day. We've tracked this back to the volume of logging into the Windows event log that is being caused by the replication engine.

When subscribers are disconnected, they throw constant errors, to the tune of 1 error every 2 minutes into the SQL Server error log as well as the Windows event log. This is because someone decided that these should be level 18 errors. There is no error. The publisher could not contact the subscriber, so I want it to simply log an error, shut up, go back to sleep, and then try again. I do NOT want a message in my SQL Server error log and I do NOT want a message in my Windows event log.

We are currently logging over 60,000 messages per day into both the Windows event log and the SQL Server error logs for something that we KNOW is a NORMAL operational state of the system. The merge agent doesn't have a parameter that I can feed it to ignore 14151 errors.

The culprit is in sys.sp_MSrepl_raiseerror. Since it is a system object, I can't override it and change the severity level of the error. So, right now we are stuck and the SQL Server error log as well as Windows event logs are being rendered quite useless on the system.

The offending code is:

raiserror (14151, 18, -1, @agent, @agent_name, @message)

Does anyone have any idea how I can forcefully change sys.sp_MSrepl_raiseerror or in some other way suppress the logging of 14151 errors from the Windows and SQL Server logs?

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Error Messages Logging And Copying.

Jul 26, 2006


How can I copy the error messages when I execute a SSIS package?. The Progress tab or the Execution results tab both dont have the means to copy the results. I would like the errors to be output to a text file under a directory on my drive system (some thing like C:SSISExecResults.txt). Is this possible?. If so how do I configure my package to output the package execution results to a text file?.

Any help/suggestions/comments highly appreciated.



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Dbbc Not Logging Db Name In Error Log Correctly?

May 2, 2007

In the SQL error log it is not showing the actual database that was checked. Below is the entries for user databases. What gives?

2007-05-01 18:20:36.28 spid99 DBCC CHECKDB (master) WITH no_infomsgs executed by

2007-05-01 18:20:37.64 spid99 DBCC CHECKDB (mssqlsystemresource) WITH no_infomsgs executed by

2007-05-01 18:20:38.20 spid99 DBCC CHECKDB (master) WITH no_infomsgs executed .
2007-05-01 18:20:39.54 spid99 DBCC CHECKDB (mssqlsystemresource) WITH no_infomsgs executed by

2007-05-01 18:20:40.21 spid99 DBCC CHECKDB (master) WITH no_infomsgs executed by

2007-05-01 18:20:41.56 spid99 DBCC CHECKDB (mssqlsystemresource) WITH no_infomsgs executed by

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Logging Changes To The Database Structure

Dec 27, 2000

Hi all!

I have a friend who is a contract developer working remotely for a company on a SQL Server + VB project. He is having difficulty because someone at the company is making changes to the database tables without informing him, and of course then there are numerous application errors. This has happened far too many times for him to dismiss it. Examples of these changes are changing field names, deleting fields, changing datatypes, even changing the server name. My question is does SQL Server automatically log changes to the database, and if so, how can this log be read?



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Embedding A DTS Package And Logging/error Reporting

Jan 25, 2007

Hi All,

When the embedded DTS package fails at runtime, and logging has been enabled for the package (and all log events selected for reporting on for the package and the task), the DTS error (i.e. any meaningful errors) are not thrown up to/caught by the SSIS/outer level. All you get is something like:

COMException - error returned from a call to a COM component.

Does anyone have any comments &/or know to get errors thrown from within an embedded DTS package, thrown up to the wrapping SSIS package?



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Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11 When Logging In

Sep 15, 2007

I just installed SQL Server 2005 with SP2 on Vista. When I try to login from SQL Server Management Studio, I get the following error message in the log:
2007-09-15 18:58:02.23 Logon Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11.
2007-09-15 18:58:02.23 Logon Login failed for user '<computer name><user account>'.[CLIENT: <local machine>]

Since I can't login, I can't try some of the stuff I have seen here, such as creating new logins etc.

I installed Analysis Server and Integration Services at the same time. Logging in to them both works fine.

I use windows authentication. I don't know if changing that helps, as I don't know how to change it without logging in in the first place...

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Multiple Users Logging Into A Database

Apr 27, 2004

I'm developing an application in ASP.Net that uses SQLServer. The database person in the team wants to have each user have a seperate login to the database so he can tell who has done what changes in the database. Is this a good practice? Or are their performancesecurity issues with this model?

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Copy Table In A Database Without Transaction Logging.

Mar 18, 2008

Hi y'all, I am doing some searching in the archived threads, but I have a need to copy a table in a database to a new table in the same database, but the new table will be just a table with test data. There are several million rows in the table and I want to do the copy without logging the new inserts in the transaction log.

Is there an easy way to do this? I found this in my search efforts so far, but am just wondering if there is an easier/better way to accomplish what I want to do.

BTW, I normally wouldn't care, but the boss is complaining that it is taking too long to do the copy for a different team, so asked if I knew a way to copy data to a new table without logging. I don't, so here I am ;)

Here is what I found so far:Following 3 things need to be done
1) create table as not logged initially
2) set autocommit=off
3) and activate the not logged initially option
Now the inserts happen without the use of transaction logs

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How To Check How Many Users Are Logging In A Database And Table?

May 21, 2004

Hello, everyone:

I want to check how many users are using a special database and table. How to do that? Thanks.


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Logging With Another System User Cannot Access My Database

Mar 3, 2008


I am using SQL Server Express Edition 2005 as a backend database working with Visual Basic 2005.

I am using Vista and having two users to access to my computer. User-1 and User-2.

I created a database in User-1 and works fine Visual Basic 2005.

Now the problem is when i login to my computer system with User-2. I cannot able to access the database with encountering error like "User-1/SQLExpress". I know that i cannot able to access to database which was created in User-1.

Do you any solution to this problem. when i login with user-1 and user-2 it should able to access database.


Kashif Chotu

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SQL 2000 Transactional Replication-skiperrors Parameter With Error Logging

Mar 15, 2007

I have used skiperrors parameter for 2601,2627 and 20598 errors in my Transaction replication setup. When transactions with above error are encountered, its skipped but I€™m not getting sql command that is skipped in MSrepl_errors table. Since SQL server 2000 is not saving transaction sequence number in the MSrepl_errors we are not getting the command, which have the errors.

Is there any way to track the commands those are skipped in transactional replication.

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Analysis Services Processing Task: Logging And Error Handling

Mar 5, 2007

I have an Analysis Services Processing Task in my SSIS package. I run the SSIS package using SQL Server job, the running of the package is a job step.

When I process manually the analysis services objects (in practise cubes) using dtexec utility I get a lot of log. In case the processing fails I get error messages that quite well describe the error. But when I run the job the only information I get in the job log is that the job step failed. I know the failure happens in the Analysis Services Processing Task.

Is there any way in SSIS to get a) the log of the Analysis Services processing or b) the error messages of the Analysis Services processing? Or should the processing be done some other way than I've been doing?

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Why Is SQL 2000 Constantly Logging Starting Up Database Messages?

Nov 21, 2001

The log for our SQL 2000 database shows constant "starting up database dbname" entires. Is there a option that causes the databases to constantly be starting or is this a new feature of SQL 2000.

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Tie Together Custom Logging And SSIS Logging?

Sep 12, 2005

I recently read the project real ETL design best practices whitepaper. I too, want to do custom logging as I do today, and also use SSIS logging. The paper recommended using the variable system::PackageExecutionId to tie the 2 logging methods together.

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Flat File Loading Problem -&&> Messed Up Delimiters And Error Logging Issue

Aug 31, 2007

Hey Everyone,

I have a Data-Flow task embedded in a Sequence Container (does not fail component on error) on the Control Flow panel of the SSIS designer. This data flow task contains a connection to a Flat File Source -> A Data Transformation -> Into an OLE Db Destination.

The problem is that the Flat File isn't always delimited properly -> the client cannot be relied on to do this.

My question is when the delimiters are messed up, how can I capture the offending error row(s) from the Flat File Source?

What I've tried:
1) Set every column in the source flat file on error to: Redirect Row
2) Added a Script Transformation to pull the description and the record id out of the offending row
3) Added an Error file flat file destination to the end of the flow.

The package always fails on the Flat File Source and never Redirects the offending Row to the error output - I never see my onError Script Transformation go Green, Red, or Yellow - SSIS doesn't let it get there.

I'm really new to SSIS so sorry if this is a super basic question.

Here is the Error Text:

[Source - InventTable_csv [1]] Error: The column delimiter for column "RECID" was not found.
[Source - InventTable_csv [1]] Error: An error occurred while processing file "C:------InventTable.csv" on data row 15228.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The PrimeOutput method on component "Source - InventTable_csv" (1) returned error code 0xC0202092. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.

I do have the MaxErrorCount set to 1 on the Data Flow Task but still think I should see my script task execute and a log entry be generated.

Any Ideas?


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Logging Server

Apr 24, 2007

Hi Guys hope someone can help with this one, I am working on SQL 2000 and having problem with logging a new server instance to be run in query analyzer let me explain,

I have the default sql server and then also an instance called sqlone on the same machine for study reasons.

However after loading the new instance on and then registering it in enterprise manager it appears fine on there, but I am having problem only in query analyzer the sqlone instance does not appear in the drop down menu so that I can select too work on that server

Only reason I need this is as I am practicing adding linked servers and without the second instance being visible it won't work correctly.

For other infomation the instance ok in the enterprise manager, server manager and then in the computer management in the administrative tools in the control panel.

Any advice please people

Neil G

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Server Level Trigger To Log Activity And Rollback After Logging Information

Sep 8, 2015

I use following trigger to stop user "smith" if he try to connect through SSMS to My Server:

create TRIGGER [trg_connection_MyServer]
if exists (SELECT 1 FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
WHERE (program_name like 'Microsoft SQL Server%' and original_login_name = 'Smith') )

I want to log this information or send emal incase, this user try to connect through SSMS, so that I can catch it. How can I do this, if I use insert command it rollsback everything and I can't do any activity.

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