[effeciency] Specific Result Values

Apr 14, 2006


I had no idea what to name the topic so I hope this is ok.

I feel like I am losing it, even though I am still learning SQL Server - I dont use it much in terms of technical/complex queries and so on but I do use SQL on a regular (almost) basis. I am all about making sure it is secure and effecient and performance and so on - just to give a bit of background about myself.

Say for instance I have an ASP.NET website, which I have developed a discussion board from scratch using SQL Server to store all the information.

Say for instance, we have a topic, and that topic will be "locked".

Would I be correct in saying that on such a table, "Topics", there should be a field which is known as "ActiveStatus" or "IsLocked", and depending on if the thread is locked or not, that value is set on the table field? Am I correct in saying this?

If not - then what is the correct way of stating/retrieving if the topic is locked, in other words, what is the best way to have control over the thread so you can lock the topic?

I cannot think of another way but to store this one value in SQL on this topic table, along with other fields. I would then get the result by calling the procedure from ASP.NET and accordingly, set an image button on the webpage to either "locked" or "post reply"

Sorry for being silly, but I want to confirm if I am about to do this correctly or not. I want to make sure I am doing the best practice all the time, and enjoy doing it naturally. What is the best design/decision on such a scenario/situation?

Many thanks for your input, I greatly appreciate it! :-)

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Transact SQL :: Select Specific Values From All Rows Where Value Of A Specific Column Is (Active)

May 23, 2015

I need to select specific values from all rows where the value of a specific column is "Active"

This part works: SELECT LastName, FirstName, MiddleInit, ClientId FROM dbo.Client

But I want to add: WHERE StatusType = (Active) and how to do this.

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CASE Function Result With Result Expression Values (for IN Keyword)

Aug 2, 2007

I am trying to code a WHERE xxxx IN ('aaa','bbb','ccc') requirement but it the return values for the IN keyword changes according to another column, thus the need for a CASE function.


I kept on getting errors, like

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 44Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'.
which leads me to assume that the CASE ... WHEN ... THEN statement does not allow mutiple values for result expression. Is there a way to get the SQL above to work or code the same logic in a different manner in just one simple SQL, and not a procedure or T-SQL script.

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Working Cursor But Takes So Much Time (effeciency Problem) Any Help

May 2, 2000

I wrote a stored procedure (see below), which within a database create a new column (Ordering)and order rows that have the same OID, DECISION_DATE and give a to column ORDERING value 1 to the highest VOTES_REQUIRED VALUE, VALUE 2 to the second Hignest value and so On.
In Other words I am creating a sort on Index (ORDERING Column) on subsets of the database which have same OID and DECISION_DATE based on the value of VOTES_REQUIRED.

The stored procedure is working and I get the right results, but IT TAKES 3 HOURS 30 MINUTES to go through 38,000 rows. I have to run this stored procedure for a database with 200,000 rows (it may take tens of hours...).
Is there any idea to improve the following code to make it run efficiently.

Thank you in Advance.



declare @oldoid varchar(12)
declare @olddecision_date varchar(75)
declare @oid varchar(12)
declare @decision_date varchar(75)
declare @ordering varchar(1)
declare @ordering_count int
declare @votes_required varchar(12)

set @oldoid = 'space'
set @olddecision_date = 'space'
set @oid = 'space'
set @decision_date = 'space'
set @votes_required='space'
set @Decision_id = 'space'
set @ordering = '0'
set @ordering_count = 0

declare review_test_cursor cursor for
select oid,decision_date,votes_required,ordering,decision _id from MYTABLE

open review_test_cursor
fetch review_test_cursor into @oid,@decision_date,@votes_required,

while (@@fetch_status = 0 )
if @oldoid <> @oid or @olddecision_date <> @decision_date
set @oldoid = @oid
set @olddecision_date = @decision_date
set @ordering_count=0
update MYTABLE

set ordering = CAST ((@ordering_count + 1) as VARCHAR)
where decision_id = @Decision_id
set @ordering_count = @ordering_count + 1

fetch review_test_cursor into @oid,@decision_date,@votes_required, @ordering,@Decision_id


close review_test_cursor
deallocate review_test_cursor


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Writing Result Set On Text File And Export To Specific Location

Jul 8, 2013

Iam trying to crate a job, that writes the result set on text file and export to location like "abcxyz.txt"

job succeeds but i cant see any thing written on the file and i have given the same path in the job path option.

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Save Data Flow Task Result Into Specific Table In Database

Feb 14, 2007


Kindly i need support in this issue, i create task flow import from flat file and store in database but i need to save all result for task into specific table


Like Record count transferred

Destination table name

Time ..........etc


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Getting Specific Values.

Jun 10, 2008

Hi Everyone.

Looong story short. I have a screen with search criteria. Right.

I have table :
intPkCandidateLicenseID (PK)

And Another table
intPkLicenseTypeID (Pk Int)
intRank (just for ranking)
intRankParent (for grouping types of vehicles)

tblLicenseTypeDef data contains:

1 , MotorCycle < 125,0,1,0
2 , MotorCycle > 125,0,2,0
3 , Car 1 ,0,0,1
4 , Car 2 ,0,1,1
5 , Car 3 ,0,2,1
5 , Car 4 ,0,3,1

tblCandidateLicense data contains

1 , 57, 1
2 , 57, 3
3 , 58, 4

I use the intRank to determine which vehicle is bigger and intRankParent to make groups (so motorbikes and cars searched don't bring back the wrong type)

I want to be able to search on License Type .

But now a person can search for car 4 and motorcyle > 125. Then my query needs to find all the people with car type 4 AND Smaller (car-1-2-3-4) (that is group 4), and motorcycle and smaller (1 and 2) (Group 0)

If a person search for car type Car 3 and motorcycle < 125, then car 1-2-3 and MotorCycle 1 must be returned.

I hope it makes sense.

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Rows Which Are Associated With Values Greater Than Specific Value

Jun 5, 2014

I am trying to select all the data which are not associated with values older than a specific value.. For example I have:

paola -- 2
paola -- 3
paola -- 10

jessica -- 3
jessica -- 12

james -- 3
james -- 2
james -- 5

I want to query only those names, that are associated with numbers greater than 3. So, for this example, the result would be only Jessica. the others should be discarded.

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Updating By Default/specific Values

Apr 5, 2007

In my datawarehouse fact table I have a column (revenue) that I want to populate based on the values of number of columns, for simplicity, say just 2 columns, 'productid' and 'affiliateid'.

I have a revenue lookup table, with those same 2 columns and the amount. So far so simple, but rather than have one row for every possible combination, I use 0 to mean default. For instance, all the affiliates have the same revenue value apart from a couple, so instead of 200 rows identical except for the affiliateid, I have one row with a '0' for the affiliateid and 4 rows with specific affiliateIDs where it differs from the default.


AffiliateID, TypeID, Revenue
0, 1, £50
22, 1, £55
33, 1, £57
22, 2, £66
33, 2, £69

To update the values, I join to the revenues table twice, one for both columns matching, and once for the default. I.E.

UPDATE facttable SET revenue = ISNULL(rev1.revenue, ISNULL(rev2.revenue,0))
FROM facttable FT
LEFT OUTER JOIN revenues rev1 ON FT.AffiliateID = rev1.AffilateID and FT.TypeID = rev1.TypeID
LEFT OUTER JOIN revenues rev2 ON rev1.AffilateID = 0 and FT.TypeID = rev1.TypeID
(In fact, this is over-simplified, because in fact there are 3 columns, so I have to have 8 joins like this).

This works very well, and cuts down the management of revenues significantly, there are a few 100 rows instead of the more than 100,000 there would be if I put every possible combination of values in its own row.

However, now there is a requirement to increase the granularity of the revenue allocation up to 5 columns, which makes 36 joins and there could well be more columns added later.

Has anyone come across a situation like this (and found a neater solution).

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Feb 6, 2008

Im Working with stored procedure. How can i compare Columns with specific values. I want to get the greater values of those column and inserted it to other columns. i want something like these
WHEN a> b,c,d THEN a
WHEN b> a,c,d THEN b
WHEN c> a,b,d THEN c
WHEN d> a,d,c THEN d

is there any ways to implement this? i got an error..
thanks please help..

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Extracting Specific Values From One Table And Insert Them Into Another

Jun 3, 2008

Hello. I have a somwhat simple question.
I have a table inside my database where i have some columns. Id like to extract distinct values from one column and inser them into another. My table is named article and id like to slect all the destinct values from the column naned type inside my article table. Then i need to insert my values into a new table called type but i would also like the to have 2 columns inside my type table. 1 called counter witch is an auto increment PK, and another one named type where the results from my query would be inserted.
Iv tried a veriety of querys but none of them have managed to do this.
Could anyone help me construct this query?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Concatenate Specific Values From A Column

May 20, 2014

Give this data set;

declare @BO table (Col1 varchar(50), Col2 varchar(50))
insert into @BO values

[Code] ....

select * from @BO

The 2 digit number that appears on line 1, 7 and 13 (only in this example) i need to have added to the begin of each value below it until the next 2 digit number is encountered. The desired result set would look like:

declare @BOD table (Col1 varchar(50), Col2 varchar(50), col3 varchar(50))
insert into @BOD values

[Code] ....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Search Through Rows With Specific Values

Sep 16, 2015

I've a table that stores operationcode for each jobnumber. The jobnumber can have multiple operationcode. From the below DDL, I need to show all the jobs that have operation codes as 2001 and 2002. In the below DDL Jobnumber 80011 has both the operation codes 2001 and 2002 so this job will display on the report.

On the other hand Job 80021 only has operationcode 2001 and I do not want this job to show up on the report.

I need to show all the operationcodes for a job if it has operationcode 2001 and 2002.

USE tempdb;
, OperationCodeVARCHAR(10) NOT NULL
, EmployeeCode VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL

[Code] ....

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Count Only Specific Comma Separated Values

Jan 5, 2015

I'd like to limit my query results to only items that match any part of a dynamic csv string table but am having some trouble (postgres SQL). Details: I need to calculate how many hours our staff spends seeing clients. Each staff has different appointments that can count toward this. The specified appointments for each staff are listed as comma separated values. My existing query calculates the appointment hours for each staff in a given time period.

However, I need limiting my query to only include specified activities for each staff. My current where clause uses IN to compare the appointment (i.e. activity) listed in the staff's schedule with what is listed an an approved appointment type (i.e. performance target activity). The query runs but it seems to only count one of the activities listed in the csv rather then count all the activities that match with the csv.

select (sum (kept)/60) from (select distinct rpt_scheduled_activities.staff_id as sid,
rpt_scheduled_activities.service_date, rpt_scheduled_activities.client_id,
from rpt_scheduled_activities inner join rpt_staff_performance_target on rpt_scheduled_activities.staff_id = rpt_staff_performance_target.staff_id where


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Transact SQL :: Sequence Of Characters - Extract Some Specific Values

May 13, 2015

I've the following data:


And my goals is to the extract the following example:

11,12, 15, 18

How Can I do That?

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Transact SQL :: How To Convert Row Specific Values Into Columns In Join Query

Aug 18, 2015

I am using stored procedure to load gridview,i want to show row specific values in coloumns , as i an working on daily timetable of college and There are three tables Week_Day,Daily_Timetable & Subject.Daily_Timetable has data which has week_day,class_id,Subject_id,Period_No.

Each day has 6 periods and each period is mapped with subject in daily timetable.From below sql i am getting 6 rows of monday.

But i want to show in a row weekname,period1_subject_id(Period_No=1),period2_subject_id(Period_No=2),period3_subject_id.......upto

Please see my query below:-

SELECT     Week_Day.Week_Day_name, Subject.Subject_Code,  Daily_Timetable.Period_No
FROM         Week_Day LEFT JOIN
                      Daily_Timetable ON Week_Day.Week_Day_Id = Daily_Timetable.Week_Day_Id and Daily_Timetable.Class_Id=6  LEFT JOIN
                      Subject ON Daily_Timetable.Subject_Id = Subject.Subject_Id order by  Week_Day.Week_Day_Id ,Daily_Timetable.Period_No

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Compare Values In Result Set.

Sep 11, 2007

This is my first post and I am probably not using the correct terminology but I will try. I want to compare the value of one of my fields in a result set to the value of the same column/field, but from the previous row in the result set. I am trying to identify the row in the result set when the value in a specified column changes value. I want to identify this row by placing a 1 in the last column. If that value did not change, then place a 0 in the last column.
I am not sure if this will make sense to anyone out there. Please let me know if more clarification is needed and I will try to provide it. Thanks for all your help in advance.


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Reporting Services :: SSRS Group Total To Contain Values Of Specific Groups Only

May 25, 2015

I have a requirement to display the total of a Group after subtracting a specific value from the same Group.

Example: Say the below data is grouped on a particular column 

Group Values Month

Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15

A 10 20 30
B 5 10 25
C 1 2 3
D 5 10 15

Total 11 22 33

Formula is :  Sum(A+C+D)- Sum(B)

What is the best way to Group the above scenario from SSRS level and display the result as shown above. I am able to display all the values except the last total row where am displaying the complete total i.e. 21  42  73.

How do I dynamically subtract the values for row B which is one of the group values.

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Comparing Result Set Values Of 2 Queries ??

Apr 20, 2004

Any assistance would be so helpful !!

We have 2 tables.. lets call them INV and COST

Table INV and COST have 3 related columns, namely ID,AMOUNT and VAT. As shown below...

1 |20.125 |2.896
2 |10.524 |1.425

1 |20.125 |4.821 .... different to ID 1 in INV Table
2 |10.524 |1.425

If you look above, I need to sum the AMOUNT and VAT columns and get a value for each ID, then compare the two tables and get the ID's that have different values...in this case I would need a result saying ID1 as the total of INV TABLE ID1 (23.021) is different to the corresponding ID1 row in COST TABLE (24.946)

Thats it ???

Please could someone out there offer some ideas ?



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Comparing Result Set Values Of 2 Queries ??

Apr 20, 2004

Any assistance would be so helpful !!

We have 2 tables.. lets call them INV and COST

Table INV and COST have 3 related columns, namely ID,AMOUNT and VAT. As shown below...

1 |20.125 |2.896
2 |10.524 |1.425

1 |20.125 |4.821 .... different to ID 1 in INV Table
2 |10.524 |1.425

If you look above, I need to sum the AMOUNT and VAT columns and get a value for each ID, then compare the two tables and get the ID's that have different values...in this case I would need a result saying ID1 as the total of INV TABLE ID1 (23.021) is different to the corresponding ID1 row in COST TABLE (24.946)

Thats it ???

Please could someone out there offer some ideas ?



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Comparing Result Set Values Of 2 Queries ??

Apr 20, 2004

Any assistance would be so helpful !!

We have 2 tables.. lets call them INV and COST

Table INV and COST have 3 related columns, namely ID,AMOUNT and VAT. As shown below...

1 |20.125 |2.896
2 |10.524 |1.425

1 |20.125 |4.821 .... different to ID 1 in INV Table
2 |10.524 |1.425

If you look above, I need to sum the AMOUNT and VAT columns and get a value for each ID, then compare the two tables and get the ID's that have different values...in this case I would need a result saying ID1 as the total of INV TABLE ID1 (23.021) is different to the corresponding ID1 row in COST TABLE (24.946)

Thats it ???

Please could someone out there offer some ideas ?



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Removing Null Values From A Result Set

Jan 9, 2007


I have following query which is returing null values along with other values. Could you please tell me how I can restrict to not to return null values

SELECT [Measures].[Total Hours] ON 0,
[Employee].[Hierarchy].[Employee Key]ON 1
FROM[Labor Metrics]



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Transact SQL :: How To Get Row Values For Result Set In Server

Jun 16, 2015

I have written this query

select name,number,city from student where name='abcd'
now name='abcd' is not there in student table so result is no record.

I need record for this query, all the columns as null or empty. how to do this one? Because am using this query in report so this query as null or empty i will replace as 0 for rows.

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Aggregating Values That Match Aggregate Result

Sep 23, 2015

The actual schema I'm working against is proprietary and also adds more complication to the problem I'm trying to solve. So to solve this problem, I created a mock schema that is hopefully representative. See below for the mock schema, test data, my initial attempts at the query and the expected results.

-- greatly simplified schema that makes as much sense as the real schema
CREATE TABLE main (keyvalue INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, otherdata VARCHAR(10));
CREATE TABLE dates (datekeyvalue INT NOT NULL, keyvalue INT NOT NULL, datevalue DATE NULL, PRIMARY KEY(datekeyvalue, keyvalue));
CREATE TABLE payments (datekeyvalue INT NOT NULL, keyvalue INT NOT NULL, paymentvalue INT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(datekeyvalue, keyvalue));

[Code] ....

Desired results:

SELECT 1 AS keyvalue, 'first row' AS otherdata, '2015-09-25' AS nextdate, 30 AS next_payment
SELECT 2, 'second row', '2015-10-11', 150
SELECT 3, 'third row', NULL, NULL

I know I'm doing something wrong in the last query and I believe another sub-query is needed?

Let me answer a few questions in advance:

Q: This schema looks horrible!
A: You don't know the half of it. I cleaned it up considerably for this question.

Q: Why is this schema designed like this?
A: Because it's a 3rd-party mainframe file dump being passed off as a relational database. And, no, I can't change it.

Q: I hope this isn't a frequently-run query against a large, high-activity database in which performance is mission-critical.
A: Yes, it is, and I left out the part where both the date and the amount are actually characters and have to pass through TRY_CONVERT (because I know how to do that part).

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I Want To Show OpenQuery() Result With Local Table Values

May 12, 2008

Hi, I have two queries as under:QUERY 1:SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(MYSERVER, 'SELECT * FROM SCOPE() WHERE FREETEXT(''Text to Search'')') AS DocsQUERY 2:SELECT MediaID, LawID, LawDate, Agreement, Name, NameSearch, LawType, LawNo, RegID, IssueNo, AttachmentFrom Dept_LegalLawINNER JOIN Dept_LegalMinistries ON Dept_LegalLaw.RegID = Dept_LegalMinistries.RegIDINNER JOIN Dept_LegalLawType ON Dept_LegalLaw.LawID = Dept_LegalLawType.LawIDWHERE 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1both queries are working fine separately and I can generate the desired results separately, but I cannot merge them to get one single result for example, after a FREETEXT search I want to get some values from my local table (Query2) to display as one result. Like in Query1 FREETEXT will search the web page based on the given text and in Query2 will select the remaining data from the local database (Title, ID, Name etc etc).Try many thing but no success yet.Need urgent help.Thanks

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Need Sql To Return The Result Of A Query As Comma Seperated Values.

Jun 28, 2005

Hi,   I need a sql that returns the query result as comma seperated list of values, instead of several rows. Below is the scenario...   Table Name - Customer   Columns - CustomerID, Join DateSay below is the data of Customer table ...CustomerID    JoinDate1                   04/01/20052                   01/03/20033                   06/02/20044                   01/05/20025                   09/07/2005Now i want to retrieve all the customerid's who have joined this year. Below is the query that i use for this case.Select CustomerID from Customer where JoinDate between '01/01/2005' and GetDate()This gives the below result as two rows.CustomerID15But i need to get the result as '1,5' (comma seperated list of resulting values).Any help is highly appreciatedThanks in AdvanceRamesh

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Storing Values Into Variable From A Distributed Query Result

Mar 25, 2002


I am trying to store the column value to a variable from a distributed query.

The query is formed on the fly.

i need to accomplish something like this

declare @id int
declare @columnval varchar(50)
declare @query varchar(1024)
@Query = "select @columnval = Name from server.database.dbo.table where id ="+convert(varchar,@ID)
exec (@query)
print @Columnname


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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Records Where Combination Of Two Values Are In Subquery Result?

Dec 12, 2014

I have some data in the following format;


ABC123 // A // abc123.pdf
ABC123 // B // abc123_2.docx
ABC124 // A // abc124.xlsx
ABC124 // A // -
ABC125 // A // abc125.docx
ABC125 // C // abc125.jpg
ABC125 // C // abc125.docx
ABC125 // C // -
ABC126 // 0 // -
ABC127 // A1 // abc127.xlsx
ABC127 // A1 // abc127.pdf

I'm looking to select all rows where the DOC_NO and REV_NO appear only once.(i.e. the combination of the two values together, not any distinct value in a column)

I have written the sub query to filter the correct results;


I now need to strip out the records which have no file (represented as "-" in the FILE_NAME field) and select the other fields (same table - for example, lets just say "ADD1", "ADD2" and "ADD3")

I was looking to put together a query like;


But of course, DOC_NO alone being in the subquery select is not sufficient, as (ABC125 /A) is a unique combination, but (ABC125 /C) is not, but these results would be pulled in.

I also cannot simply add an additional "AND" clause on its own to make sure the REV_NO value appears in the subquery, because it is highly repetitive and would have to specifically match the DOC_NO)

What is the easiest way of ensuring that I only pull in the records where both the DOC_NO and REV_NO (combination) are unique, or is there a better way of putting this select together altogether?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Query - Get Result As Month And Values For All Months Whether Or Not Data Exists

Jul 27, 2015

I have a table with dates and values and other columns. In a proc i need to get the result as Month and the values for all the months whether or not the data exists for the month.

The Similar table would be-

create table testing(
DepDate datetime,
val int)
insert into testing values ('2014-01-10 00:00:00.000', 1)
insert into testing values ('2014-05-19 00:00:00.000', 10)
insert into testing values ('2014-08-15 00:00:00.000', 20)
insert into testing values ('2014-11-20 00:00:00.000', 30)

But in result i want the table as -

Month Value


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SQL Server 2008 :: Replicate Only Specific Data To Specific Subscriber?

Jun 30, 2015

We have a "main" SQL 2014 server who imports XML files using SSIS in a datacenter. In remote sites (which are warehouses), there is an instance of SQL 2014 Express. A merge replication is setup, as every operations done on each site must be "forwared" to the main database, as some XML files are generated as output for an ERP system.

Now, the merge replication replicate all the data to the server on each sites. But a specific site don't need the data of every other sites, only the data relevant to itself (which is the warehouse code). Is there a way to replicate only the data relevant to each individual sites to the subscribers? Or is there a better way than replication to accomplish this?

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Can Logging Be Turned Off On Inserts To A Specific Temp Table From A Specific Sp?

Oct 10, 2007

I want to ship 500,000 aged transactions each night to an archive table and delete them from their source table in one or more logical units of work (LUW). Each row is approx 60 bytes and there is only one non clustered index on the source table presently.

I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons of 3 alternatives. One of them would basically insert the non-aged rows into tempdb, ship the aged records, truncate the table and then insert the tempdb records back into their source all in the same LUW.

For this alternative, I'd at least like to turn off logging when the records get inserted into tempdb as I dont see any value in logging that part of the activity. Is this possible?

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Command Line Printing To Specific Printers, And Specific Trays

Jan 23, 2007

Hi All,

Could you guys please help me with printing reports invoked thru command line/ URL access to print automatically to specific printers and specific trays and also is it possible to set the specific printer and tray as parameters.

Any suggestions is appreciated

Thanks A lot in advance

e,g :

http://localhost/reportserver?/testreports/employee sales&UserID='ABC'&LName=Lastname='victor'&rs:Command=Render

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How To Select A Specific Value From Dataset To Fill A Specific Cell ?

Mar 27, 2007

Hi there !

Thanks for taking the time to read this thread.

I don't know whether anyone has this problem, but I am definitely not using the right keywords to search for a thread.

My situation is this...

I have a dataset that has values to fill cells to multiple tables in a report.
However, I only want to select specific data from the dataset to fill textboxes and others.
I cannot change the stored procedure, but the sample of the data is shown below:-

Row Stat Val
0 dtRpt1 02/01/2005
1 Value1 1
2 Value2 2000
3 dtMailSent 02/28/2005
4 Value3 0
5 Value4 5
6 Value5 658

I know it looks weird, but the row really represents which "row" or textbox is it to fill with the Val. The Stat Column is just a way to make sure that I am filling the right values.

so my new report would have multiple tables to denote different categories.
In my first table, I tried putting the cells as follows:-
(expressions are highlighted in italics and bold)

TextBox1 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =0, Fields!Val.Value,"")

DetailRow1 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =1, Fields!Val.Value,"")
DetailRow2 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =2, Fields!Val.Value,"")

DetailRow1 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =3, Fields!Val.Value,"")
DetailRow2 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =4, Fields!Val.Value,"")
DetailRow3 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =5, Fields!Val.Value,"")
DetailRow4 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =6, Fields!Val.Value,"")

I only expect this report to print out one page holding the previous values.

However, it ended up printing like this


DetailRow1 1

DetailRow2 2000

DetailRow1 02/28/2005

DetailRow2 0

DetailRow3 5

DetailRow4 658


I tried putting it into the headerrows instead of DetailRows, and it ended up printing the last value.
Is there anyway to do this ? print all the values out in one table ? I tried using textboxes, but I think I got my expression wrong.

Is this the correct expression ?

=IIF((Fields!Row.Value,"Dataset") =1, (Fields!Val.value, "Dataset"), "")

and it give me an error
The value expression for the textbox €˜textbox5€™ contains an error: [BC30455] Argument not specified for parameter 'FalsePart' of 'Public Function IIf(Expression As Boolean, TruePart As Object, FalsePart As Object) As Object'.

Appreciate any advice or suggestion for this scenario !



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