
Nov 10, 2006

If anybody can explain why for one of my SQL Server2000 servers the statement select @@servername returns NULL instead of name?

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Why @@servername Is Not Showing The Servername?

Feb 27, 2008


I have explicitly used
Exec SP_dropserver and
Exec SP_Addsserver SP's to drop and add a SQL server.

After that i restarted the sql server service. After that, when i used the query

select @@servername, it is returning NULL.
But, when I used Select Serverproprty('servername'), it is returning me the correct servername.
Can i know as why this behavior is exhibited for the same property of finding servername?


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Jul 26, 2001

Folks !!

Select @@Servername results in 'NULL' !
For some reason, i can't get the name of the server !!1

Any Thoughts


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Jul 13, 1998

I am getting a null value when i am query the Global variable @@servername.

Please help !!

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Apr 9, 2002

hi!i can't find out the name of the sql2000-server witch is running not local.i know the username,password and i hear that "System-stored Procedure
" are the right one's. but i don't know how i do this. anyone else? thx robert

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Get The Old SQL Servername

Oct 11, 2007

I recall a method to get the old servername of a SQL server but old age has gotten to me.
I suspect a particular server has been renamed at one point. Obviously it wasn't me and the person before me is not around for me to ask.
So, can someone help an old guy out?

The results of print @@servername is NULL.


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Servername Weirdness

Mar 30, 2001

Hey folks,
Today's been way too much fun...
Someone changed the name of a machine in our department and now Win2k thinks the machine's name is (for example) "Fred", but if I do a select @@servername, SQL returns (again, for example) "Barney".

The machine's name started out as "Barney".

The last time this happened, it was on an NT4 box, and we just reinstalled sql and away we went.

This time, they reinstalled sql and released the box to the team, only to find out later that reinstalling sql didn't do squat this time.

Which brings me to the question: How do I convince SQL that it's really, truly supposed to be named "Fred"?
Besides that, what do I tell Wilma, Betty, Pebbles and Bamm Bamm?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

: )



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Problem With @@SERVERNAME!!!!

Nov 13, 2000

I want create replication through Create Publication Wizard . But I have
got error , that variable @@SERVERNAME is NULL!!!!!But I have my server
with NF5500 name! I query SELECT @@SERVERNAME. But I get NULL. I tried to use
SP_ADDSERVERNAME procedure to add server name, but I have got message that server with this name already exist. Please help me!!
Thanx in advance!!

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Sep 27, 1999

Hello sir,

I have a probleme with a replication.
I have two servers (serv1 and serv2); when i want to install a replication from serv1 to serv2, i receive this message:
1->2:Replication cannot be installed as @@SERVERNAME is NULL.

from serv2 to serv1; I receive this message:
2->1:If Replication is uninstalled, all publications will be
eliminated and the distribution database[if it exist]will be
dropped. After the process has completed, this session will be
disconnected from the SQL Server. Do you want to unistall

Please advice me..

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@@servername Is NULL

Oct 19, 1998

On one of my SQL Servers I have noticed the @@servername to be NULL.

Any Idea how to give it back the original value. Simple
>> SELECT @@servername = `MY_SERVER_NAME` will not work since I can not update the global variable

This prevents from instaling publishing on that server, among other concerns for the overall stability of the server.

Help appreciated,


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Getting Servername Inside XP

Jan 28, 2005

Hi :

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to get information like : servername/databasename inside an extended stored procedure ?

I checked the "srv_pfield" function but it only returns user/password information.


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Instance Name Vs Servername

Dec 29, 2007

Someone renamed a server from 2A to A.When I do @@servername I get 2A.The server/machine name is 2.Should my triggers say 2A or 2? Does it matter?Thanks

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Servername Missing, Please Help!

Dec 3, 2007

Please help:
when I want to create new data source from Data > Add New Data Source > Database > New Connection > Choose data sourse: MS Sql Server > Continue > Server name ----------> here in server name field i can see a lot of server names but not mine... so I'd like you to help me to find my server name...

thanks in advance!

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@@servername Returns NULL

Jul 23, 2005

I am trying to script out the creation of database scripts. I am tryingto use @@servername in the statement. I found out the select@@servername returns NULL. I used sp_dropserver to drop any servernamesfirst, restarted SQL, ran sp_addserver 'servername' to add theservername, restarted SQL. select @@servername still returns NULL...Any ideas why this may be happening?Thanks,TGru*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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ServerName/Database Name Parameterization

May 24, 2006

I would like to parameterize the server name and database name in a query inside a stored procedure. I would like to avoid using the exec(@SqlCmd) technique if possible. HELP?

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Can Connect To 'ServerName' But Not To Its IP Address

Aug 4, 2006

I'm using SQL Manager from my Enterprise server to connect to my SQL Express server that will act as a witness to a db mirroring system. If I try to connect to the SQL Express server using its IP address, I get a "named pipes error 53." If I connect by browsing the network and connect to the Name of the Server "MachinenameSQLExpress", I am successful. I would like to be able to connect to the IP directly as it's not dependant upon certain services to be started or configured a certain way.

Thank you,


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Dynamically Change The Servername

May 10, 2006

Hi all,

I've created 1 solution and added all my packages in different projects (like DIMENSIONS, SOURCES_SAP, ...).

For each project I have a Data Source that connects to the server. The problem is that when I want to deploy a package to the server that I always need to change the Data Source before deployment.

Before SQL Server 2005 we used a connection file (which was located as well on the server as on the development pc's in the same locations) within our DTS packages. This way we didn't had to change the connections when deploying to the server.

My intention was to use the current configuration from the configuration manager(development / production) to select the servername. Unfortunately, I didn't succeed to retrieve it's value from a variable script.

I need to have a solution that dynamically changes the datasources for multiple packages depending on a specific action.

How can I achieve this the easiest way ?

Thanks in advance !


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@@servername Returns NULL Value

Mar 9, 2006

I have a SQL 2005 clustered server which is returning a Null value for @@servername. I find the server entry in sysservers. I have replication configured on this so i am not able to do a Sp_dropserver & sp_addserver as this acts as a publisher. The configured merge repication stopped working because of this issue and I am not able to delete replication as the the delete option uses @@servername which returns a null value. So I am struck in a loop.

Any advice is appreciated.


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@@servername Returning NULL

Mar 9, 2006

I have a SQL 2005 clustered server which is returning a Null value for @@servername. I find the server entry in sysservers. I have replication configured on this so i am not able to do a Sp_dropserver & sp_addserver as this acts as a publisher. The configured merge repication stopped working because of this issue and I am not able to delete replication as the the delete option uses @@servername which returns a null value. So I am struck in a loop.

Any advice is appreciated.


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Login Failed For 'servername/aspnet'

Jun 16, 2006

I am very new to asp.net..I am creating a webform which connects to sqlserver and  display table contents  to a grid control.When i run this form,i get error message as follows
Login failed for user 'SERVERNAME/ASPNET'.
I have read in one page of this forum that we should create aspnet user in sqlserver..i tried to create user,i can see 2 user Guest and public...I don't know what to do ?
If  someone replies my question,i would appreciate..I have struggling with this for the past 1 week..i couldn't find a solution.
My code  is as follows:
Dim MyConnection As SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim MyCommand As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
Response.Write("hello world")
MyConnection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection("server=Localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;uid=sa;password=;database=sample")
MyCommand = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("select * from emp", MyConnection)
Dim ds = New DataSet
MyCommand.Fill(ds, "emp")
Response.Write("data set has been created")
DataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables("emp").DefaultView

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Log In Failed For User '[servername]ASPNET'

Nov 14, 2003

can anyone help me with this error message, i follow the instruction of someone in other forum, but i cant find where the SQL Server Enterprise manager is, i am using MSDE.

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Upgrade Wizard @@servername = Null

Nov 22, 1999

Attempting Upgrade Wizard on PDC, SERVER1 NT4.0 sp5 SQLS6.5 sp5a

Master.db Syservers has 2 entries
1 SERVER1 SERVER1 ###s ###s - the PDC
2 SERVER2 SERVER2 null null - the SDC

when use sp_addserver, local get duplicate warning
when use sp_addserver, local, duplicates_ok completes (but no changes)

Is problem index associated with SERVER1 should be 0 not 1 ?
If so, would simply UPDATEing index from 1 to 0 fix problem ?

Thanks in advance

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How Do U Fix @@servername = NULL Without Restart SQL Server ?

Apr 27, 2004

@@servername sometimes returns NULL depending on how you have been messing around with replication and various other settings.

The simple solution offered to fix this is to delete the entries in the system tables and sp_addserver 'servername','local' and then restart the SQL service.

This is fine but what do you do in the situation where the SQL server is a 24/7 production box ? Does anyone know of a method / hack to fix this without stopping the service ?



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Pass Linked ServerName To A Cursor Issue...

Jun 18, 2002

Need to loop through a Cursor to linked server:
Declare Cursor_Loop_serverName Cursor for
select cast(name as varchar(30)) name, cast(dbID as varchar(5)) dbID,
cast(crdate as varchar(25)) crdate
from ServerName_A.master.dbo.sysdatabases

***How could I pass @serverName to change the from to
from @RemoteServer.master.dbo.sysdatabases?
I have tried dynamic sql, it did not work after the Declare Cursor for...

thanks for the help

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Error: Unable To Connect To Server 'servername'

Apr 29, 2008


I am trying to connect to SQL Server through Query Analyzer but getting following error: (SQL Server is at remote web server where i have my website hosted.)

Unable to connect to server [server IP]:

Server: Msg 6, Level 16, State 1
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][dbnetlib] Specified SQL server not found.

I have searched this forum for this error and performed following workaround as suggested in some threads-

1. checked and set "TcpPort" registry setting.
2. TCP/IP is enabled in Network Utility.
3. "start SQL server if it is stoped" checkbox is unchecked while connecting.

But, I am still getting the above error. Should i re-installed SQL Server 2000? Any help?


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Unable To Create SERVERNAME/ASPNET Login

Jul 4, 2007

My system config is VISTA Ultimate, Visual Studio 2005 SP1, SQL SEVER 2005 SP2. Using 2005 SQL Server Management Studio I am unable to create a servername/aspnet login account.
I right click logins and get the new login form; key ASPNET Login Name; select Windows Authentication; click search; I get the Select User or Group form; under object type I select all three; location I select my server name; if I enter SERVERNAME/ASPNET and click Check Names I get an error; if I click Advanced and Find Now; ASPNET is not listed in Name(RDN) list.
I tried aspnet_sql.exe -E -A all; that did not work.
Where can I find information on creating an ASPNET Login after experiencing the above problems?

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Unable To Start T-SQL Debugging. Could Not Connect To Computer 'servername'.

Nov 9, 2007

I thought I would post how I got remote t-sql debugging working in my environment. Hope it might help someone.
I have two domains, DomainA and DomainB. DomainB has a one way external trust to DomainA. Dev Vista machine running VS 2005 is in DomainA logged in as user DomainAauser. SQL 2005 running on test Windows Server 2003 DC machine in DomainB under user DomainBuser. When trying to 'step into stored procedure' in VS, whether my data connection used windows authentication or sql server authentication, I would get the 'Unable to start T-SQL degbuggin...'. I could debug t-sql when I logged into the domain controller (console or rdp) and running VS on the server. I changed the SQL Server service to run under the DomainAauser account and I can now remote t-sql debug using both window authentication and sql server authentication. Hope this may help anyone that might run into this.


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Proper Procedure To Change Servername Of Replicated Environemnts?

Jul 22, 2005

Hi There

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How To Change Configured Value For The ServerName Property Of A Connection Via DTEXEC

Feb 1, 2007

I am launching a package the following way:

DTEXEC.EXE /SQL "ProcessReportingDatabase" /SERVER RTG23SQLDB01 /REPORTING V /SET "Package.Variables[User::RunID].Value";35 /SET "Package.Connections[RSAnalytics].Properties[InitialCatalog]";"Fnd Prj 1 Dec29" /SET "Package.Connections[RSAnalytics].Properties[ServerName]";"RTG23SQLDB01UAT1PROD"

The problem does not happen with the [User::RunID] variable or the [Initial Catalog] property of my [RSAnalytics] connection object. But I am not successful in setting the [ServerName] property.

What happens when executed is that the package retains the ServerName property of the deployed package (Value="RTG23SQLDB01UAT1QA"), instead of what I pass in via DTEXEC???

Is ServerName read-only or something? I've tried configuring the package connection to RTG23SQLDB01UAT1PROD and creating a package configuration that I specify in place of the /SET - but to no avail as well!

This package has to work against 10 instances. I really don't want to have to create a separate package for each instance, and then a hack to figure out which one to call.

TIA - Dave

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Disable Directory Browsing In Http://&&<serverName&&>/reportServer

Aug 16, 2007


How do I disable Directory Browsing in http://<serverName>/reportServer.


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SSIS - How To Set ServerName And DatabaseName At Run Time Inside FOREACH LOOP?

Jan 14, 2006

I am new to SSIS world, so my question is very basic.


In a company I work for we have 12 SQL servers each running between 1 and 3 databases with anywhere between 10 to 20 tables. I need to query some of these tables and merge results to the destination database.

The list of all these tables is stored in the separate table <SOURCES> of the following format [ServerName,DatabaseName,TableName]. Tables of my interest have identical structure (same columns) accross servers and databases.


How can I loop over servers and databases specified in <SOURCES> to run otherwise identical query against these tables?

I can easily retrieve [ServerName,DatabaseName,TableName] from <SOURCES> as string variables using FOREACH loop. The problem is now - how do I use string variables to set up Server, Database and Table name at run-time?

Thank you







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Emailed Subscription Not Including Port Number In Servername URL Link For Report

Aug 14, 2007

I hope someone can help as I have searched for a solution but been unable to find one as yet.

My problem is that after installing SharePoint V3.0 and amending the Report Server to <ServerName>:8080, as I don't yet wish to use integrated mode, everything works fine except email delivered subscriptions. The URL in the email body referencing the report only puts in <ServerName> etc. omitting the port number :8080. I have tried to find where this URL link is built-up from but have had no luck in the report manager, report services configuration and the config files, does anyone know where I need to look and if possible what I need to amend to have the link include :8080 after the servername portion of the URL. I can copy the URL and manually insert the port address and it works but this defeats the object of automated subscriptions.

Sorry if this is a dumb question but it is giving me a headache at the moment.

All answers gratefully received,


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Cannot Create An Instance Of OLE DB Provider SQLNCLI For Linked Server SERVERNAME, Error: 7302

Mar 2, 2008

I just installed a SQL Server 2005 Express SP2 instance on a server with an existing SQL Server 2000 SP3 installation. (I need SQL Server 2005's INSERT from an EXEC capability). It's working great now except for one thing: I can't link any other SQL servers! I've already successfully added and queried a linked Oracle server, but attempting to add a linked SQL server gives me the following error, no matter which SQL provider I try to use:

Code Snippet
"The linked server has been created but failed a connection test. Do you want to keep the linked server?"
Additional information:
--> An exception occured while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)
--> Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "SERVERNAME". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7302)

The technical details reveal the error source as "sp_testlinkedserver".

I've scoured the net and premier support for advice on this problem, but the little I found wasn't helpful. I've tried reinstalling the SQL Native Client, but it didn't help. I've tried uninstalling SQL Server 2005 Express completely (including management studio and native client), rebooting, and reinstalling everything, with no luck. The server (obviously) does not have a firewall enabled. I've tried stopping the SQL 2000 Server installed on the system, no help. If I create a test .UDL file on the system, pointing to any of the SQL servers I'm trying to link, clicking the "Test Connection" button returns successful. I'm also able to connect to and query the servers directly from the SQL 2005 Express Management Studio. I just can't add them as linked servers.

The server is running Windows 2003 SP1, SQL Server 2000 SP3, and SQL Server 2005 Express SP2 (the default "SQLExpress" named instance). I've tried setting up SQL 2005 Express to run under the network service account and under a domain account used by the other SQL 2000 servers.

From other SQL 2000 servers, I can connect and link to the SQL Server 2005 Express instance successfully. I can also successfully add linked SQL servers in SQL Server 2000 instance installed on the same server. Only adding linked SQL servers in 2005 Express seems to be broken.

Anyone have any other suggestions? I'm totally baffled. Thank you so much for any helpful advice.

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