0x80040E37 Table Does Not Exist At The Source - Transferring 2000 To 2005

Nov 28, 2007

Hi All, I've got a problem transferring objects between SQL Databases.
The source database is an SQL 2000 dbase, and the destination is a local SQL2005 instance. When trying to transfer I get the error:
0x80040E37 (table) does not exist at the source - but it does.

I am guessing its a schema related issue, I've tried setting the copyschema setting to true, but no joy.
The copyallschemas function doesn't work with an SQL 2000 box so its set to false.


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Transferring Data From One Table Where Doesn't Exist In One

Jul 10, 2014

I have TABLE1 and TABLE2



If TABLE2 has a data in resource 01-05 that isn't in resource01-05 of TABLE1 then I want to added it to the next free slot where ref is the unique key.

Note TABLE2 doesnt have to have all of TABLE1

eg if





I would like TABLE1 to be updated to appear like



Where do I even start here?

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Transferring Source Data From JDEdwards ERP System To SQL Server 2005 Using SSIS

Sep 19, 2007

I have to transfer data from JDEdwards source system to SQL Server 2005 using SSIS. Is it possible for me to connect to JDEdwards directly from ODBC Connection Manager provided by SSIS. If not then what is the way to implement this


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Transferring Objects From 2000 To 2005

Dec 1, 2006

I am having immense difficulties trying to transfer tables, sprocs, udfs, etc, from a production SqlServer2000 server to a testing SqlServer2005 server.

Under SS2000 this was easy, using the DTS wizard. Apparently that's no longer an option.

I've tried the Transfer Database, Transfer Sql Server Objects tasks and the wizard in BIDS, and they all fail (for different reasons).


- Mark

p.s. -- As a side question, why in the world did you guys get rid of the one workhorse tool in Enterprise Manager that made synchronizing databases easy?

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[Transfer SQL Server Objects Task] Error: Table Does Not Exist At The Source.

Sep 23, 2007

I am running a package that used to transfers data from one SQL2005 to another SQL2005. There are multiple schemas associated with the database. Until recently, this pacakage would work. Now I am getting the following error for all the tables not owned by dbo:

Any help on this would be appreciated.

Thanks, sck10

[Transfer SQL Server Objects Task] Error: Table "tblAudiocast" does not exist at the source.

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.3042.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.3042.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2000.085.1117.00 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
Microsoft MSXML 2.6 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.11
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.832
Operating System 5.1.2600

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[Transfer SQL Server Objects Task] Error: Table XXXXXXX Does Not Exist At The Source.

Jan 17, 2006

Does anyone know what could be causing the error on Transfer SQL Server Objects Task?  I tried to develope a SSIS project in the Business Intelligence studio to transfer table between databases on the same server.  However, I have been getting the following error:

[Transfer SQL Server Objects Task] Error: Table "XXXXXX" does not exist at the source.

Is there a setting that I need to change to make this work?  Thank you for your help.


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Co-exist Of SQL 2000 And 2005

May 12, 2006

Dear all,

I have SQL 2000 Enterprise mgr and Query Analyzer in my desktop, and I install SQL2005 Express Edition + Mgm Studio today, however, my SQL 2000 Enterprise mgr disappear and all my registered servers disappear too when I open up the SQL 2005 Mgm Studio. Is it mean that I no longer able to use SQL 2000?? How can I rollback the installation of SQL 2005 because I still have to use Enterprise mgr to manage my existing database and clients. (Yes, I give up SQL 2005 now)


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Can Sql 2000 And Sql 2005 Exist On Same Server?

Jun 14, 2007

My instructions are to install Sql 2005 on server BIGPETE2. I found that there was already an installation of Sql 2000, with databases that I was quite sure should remain as SQL 2000.

According to info I found on the internet, it should be possible to have separate instances of 2000 and 2005, so I went ahead and tried to install, giving the 2005 version a different name, BIGPETE2005. It didn't hit me with any error messages, but neither did it install a different database server. When I was finished, I was able to open Management Studio, but the only database server it could find to open was BIGPETE2, which is not what I wanted.

Enterprise Manager still works, and the mdf dates haven't updated, so I'm guessing the data is still safe, but I need both servers up and running.

Okay, I just read through the installation report, and I saw this:

Service pack requirement check:

Your upgrade is blocked because of service pack requirements. To proceed, apply the required service pack and then rerun SQL Server Setup. For more information about upgrade support, see the Version and Edition Upgrades topic in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

1. What service pack is it asking for?

2. And doesn't that imply that it's upgrading my Sql 2000 installation instead of installing a new instance of Sql 2005?

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Copying Table Data From SQL Server 2005 To SQL Server 2000 - Very Slow When Using OLEDB Source And Destination Sources?

May 8, 2006

An SSIS package to transfer data from a DB instance on SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000 is extremely slow. The package uses an OLEDB Source to OLEDB Destination for data transfer which is basically one table from sql server 2005 to sql server 2000. The job takes 5 minutes to transfer about 400 rows at night when there is very little activity on the server. During the day the job almost always times out.

On SQL Server 200 instances the job ran in minutes in the old 2000 package.

Is there an alternative to this. Tranfer Objects task does not work as there is apparently a defect according to Microsoft. Please let me know if there is any other option other than using a Execute 2000 package task or using an ActiveX Script to read records from one source and to insert them into the destination source, which I am not certain how long it might take and how viable will that be?

Any inputs will be much appreciated.



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Import And Export Wizard: Transferring Multiple Tables From SQL Server 2005 To SQL Server 2000

Jun 15, 2007


I just used the SSIS Import and Export Wizard to copy 50+ tables from SS05 to SS2K.

I found that the wizard created a package that I could not figure out how to edit, e.g., to change whether or not it had to CREATE a table, or just use an existing one. (I created some problems by manually editing the receiving table names to be ones that already existed -- but the original names it had did not exist, so it knew it had to create them. What I should have done, and eventually ended up doing, was scroll through my list of tables in the "receiving" box; I just figured editing the name would be faster, not realizing what problems I would create for myself.)

Anyhow, now that I see the complex package that the wizard creates, with a LOOP over the 50+ tables, I would like to know how/where in the package it is storing the information about the tables to copy.

Basically the wizard creates the following Control Flow tab entries (in processing sequence order):

an Execute SQL Task: NonTransactableSql
a Sequence Container: Transaction Scoping Sequence, which contains
an Execute SQL Task: AllowedToFailPrologueSql
an Execute SQL Task: PrologueSql
a Foreach Loop Container, which contains
a Transfer Task with an icon I did not notice in the Toolbox
an Execute Package Task: Execute Inner Package
an Execute SQL Task: EpilogueSql
an "on success" arrow to
an Execute SQL Task: PostTransaction Sql
an "on failure" arrow to
an Execute SQL Task: CompensatingSql

Where, and how, can I look within this package to see the details about the tables I am transferring? I see that one of the Connection Managers is "TableSchema.XML" -- but it points to a temporary file on my hard drive, that I presume is populated by the package. Where does it get its information?

This is certainly much more complex than the package I would have written, based on my limited knowledge of SSIS. I would have been inclined to create 50+ Data Flow tasks, one for each table.

So now I'm trying to understand why the Wizard created this more-complex package.

Any help will be appreciated, including references to non-Microsoft books/websites/etc.

Thanks in advance.


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Transferring Data Between External Source And SQL-server

Dec 9, 1999

How can I move data from an external source to SQL-server 6.5.

If you for example has an oracle database on a UNIX or VMS-system and want
to move table data from a table in the oracle database to the SQL-server database.

There must be plenty of tools to do that via ODBC.

Any suggestions ?

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Transferring Data From Read-only Source To Destination.

Oct 17, 2006


I have read only permission in the source (OLTP) database. The source database is running in SQL Server 2000 and the size is more than 200 GB. I need to pull data from source and load target which is running in SQL server 2005.

Following are the objectives I want to achieve.

Data should be loaded on incremental basis.

Whatever changes take place (Update/Delete) in source, that should be replicated to already uploaded data.

Here I want to mention that, the source database does not have any identification key or timestamp column like Updated_Date by which I can filter the data which are recently inserted or updated into the source and upload the same. The source does not maintain any history data also. So I do not have any track of deleted record also.

I don��t have any scope to change the schema in the source. In this scenario can anybody suggest me the best approach to achieve the above mentioned objectives?

Can I retrieve only the recent updated or inserted date form transaction log back up. Can log shipping solve the give the solution?

One more question. Say I have a table and I am exporting/importing all the data from/to my target table using SSIS or DTS. In this scenario does using query or using directly the table affects the performance?


Sudripta Rakshit

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Transferring Databases From MSDE 2000 To SQL 2000

Jan 28, 2007

Trying to transfer databases from MSDE to SQL. When I use SQLEnterprise Manager - DTS - import or export, it works for the firstdatabase, but then fails for the others. I select the to and fromdatabases using DTS - Import - 'MS OLE DB Provider for SQL Server',then select 'Copy objects and data between SQL Servers'. It failswith the generic error message: 'Copy objects failed', nothingfurther. I tried to just copy data, and it doesn't work totally. Ontwo databases, it said that it copied everything, but when I go inunder Enterprise manager, some of the tables are incomplete, i.e. nodata, table shows up in the list, but if you try to look at it, itsays that it is missing or empty. Also, one table was not evencopied. In the other two cases, I get errors, does not copy alltables. I get errors, like insert fails, but the column it referencesfor the table does not even exist in that table. Any suggestionswould be appreciated.

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Error 0x80040E37

May 10, 2007

Has anyone ever run into this error? I have an SSIS package that works fine on our test server, but when I move it to production it's giving this error. The error is on the step that is using a variable/expression to connect to a "dynamic" database and server. It's a execute SQL command returning xml. I watched the variables in the locals and was lucky enough to find the the xml was getting this error. The exact error is:

<ROOT><?MSSQLError HResult="0x80040e37" Source="Microsoft SQL Native Client" Description="Invalid object name 'exp_a_client_vw'."?></ROOT>



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Transferring From SQL 6.5 To SQL 2000

Jul 20, 2005

HiI am a novice with SQL server as i have experience with access. I needto do some front end development in access for a client who runs SQL6.5 or so he tells me... (i have been told that data files under 6.5are .dat and under 7.0 they are .mdf? is this correct?)I have taken a copy of the data file which is an mdf file with theintention of running it on my machine which has SQL 2000 Developer Edinstalled on windows XP pro.I cannot attach the database as i do not have the log files, i cannotuse DTS as the database is not registered with sql server.do i need to get a copy of the log .ldf files before i can progress?Is there any other files i need?

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Upgrading Source Database From 2000 To 2005

Apr 17, 2007

I have one 32-bit SQL 2000 server that is our enterprise-wide reporting server (we'll call it RS) and another 32-bit SQL 2000 server that serves as a stored proc data source for certain reports on that server (we'll call it DS). I am about to go through an upgrade/migration of DS to 64-bit SQL 2005 and was wondering if:

it is possible to just change the data source location on RS and point the old reports against the new DS server?
there are any necessary steps to take within RS to make the data source (DS reference on RS) compatible with the destination (report on RS)?
it is possible/easy to bulk-migrate all the RDL's for a particular data source from RS to DS?

Does anyone know any of the answers to these questions?

Thanks in advance!

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Using SSRS 2005 With AS 2000 Cubes As A Data Source

Oct 25, 2007


I'm am writing a report in SSRS 2005 on a local PC that uses cubes in AS 2000 on another server as a datasource. I am using the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Extension (OLAP9) to connect to the cubes using windows authentication. I can save and preview the report in visual studio and publish the reports on IIS on my local PC with no problems but when I go to view the report in IE, I get the following error:

An error has occurred during report processing.
Query execution failed for data set 'dataset'.
Unable to recognize the requested property ID 'ReturnCellProperties'.

Have read various articles on the net with no conclusive explanation.

I have seen another post on this forum that suggests using OLEDB for Analysis Services instead but if I do this it doesn't allow me to use the MDX visual query designer. Creating the report using OLAP9 then changing to OLEDB and pasting in the query code doesn't work so well either.

I went and read http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms159219.aspx about data sources supported by SSRS 2005 and it should be ok.

I am using sql server 2005 with the latest service pack 2.

Any ideas?

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SSIS 2005: Dynamically Create Data Flow Dest Table If It Does Not Exist?

Sep 20, 2007

Hi all,

I am looking for a way to leave a Data Flow Task destination table name as-is, and have SSIS auto-create the table if it doesn't exist already.

I searched on this in the forums but based on the question it's difficult to kow if it has been answered or not.


I am writing some SSIS packages that need to be executable on another server. Many of the Data Flow Tasks copy data (such as from a Fuzzy Grouping transformation, and lots of other stuff) into a new table. But the other server will not have these tables set up for the first run.

My current solution is to check information_schema.tables and drop IF EXISTS. But, then the Data Flow Task will not work (becase table does not exist). So, I script to new window a create table statement based on the existing table that I use in my dev environment. This is a hack and I want to find a better method.

It is quite possible (although unlikely) that the source columns could be changed in the future, or some query used to pull the data might be modified. If this happens, then I would need to change the CREATE TABLE Execute SQL task. I want my package to accommodate without having to modify it.

When I use the Import/Export Wizard, I can select a table name from the drop down list OR type in a new name. When I type in the new name, it assumes I want to create the table. NOW, is there a way to mimic this in BI Developer Studio? Yep, I saved the Wizard version of the SSIS package and all it does is run a CREATE TABLE statement first.

I am looking for a way to leave a Data Flow Task destination table name as-is, and have SSIS auto-create the table if it doesn't exist already.

Any ideas?

Brian Pulliam

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SQL Server 2000 As Data Source For SSRS 2005 Express

Feb 20, 2008


We are in the process of upgrading a SQL Server 2000 database to 2005. For the mean time, we're trying it out on SQL Server Express 2005. My question is, can reports in SSRS 2005 pull data from SQL Server 2000 in case both are installed side by side in the same machine and the 2000 version is the default instance while the 2005 express edition is the named instance?

Thanks a lot!

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Linked Server 2000 To 2005: Error 17 Sql Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denined.

Aug 30, 2006

I'm trying to link SQL Server 2000 sp3 to SQL 2005 64 bit. I keep getting Error 17 sql server does not exist or access denined. I tried adding remote user mapping and chaning the linked server properties to "Be made using this security context" without any success.
Any help is appreciated.

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MsAccess/ADP - Record Source Doesn't Exist

Nov 11, 2006

Hello,few users have problems with our application(ADP/MsAcces2000+SqlServer2000). Whenthey want to open a report which source is a stored procedure, they getmessage that "record source specified..... do not exist" - of course,it's not true.More details:- other users don't have this problem- they have WinXP- all users have the same permissions to SQL objects- I've checked Microsoft KB(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/243532/en-us) and they write about"dbo." before source name - I use that, so it's not a solution. Whatmore, in application there are lists which have SP as row source andwithout "dbo." and it works. (In lists a row source is defined as:"exec <sp_name>", in reports as: "dbo.<sp_name>").- computers have all service packs, new version of MDAC, etc.- I asked another user, who doesn't have this problem on his machine,to login on "bad" machine and he couldn't open reports too.Maybe someone could help? because I don't have more ideas.

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Analysis :: Getting blank Value / If This Value Does Not Exist In Source?

Aug 5, 2015

I have a policy dimension with 100k rows. This dimension has an attribute called "Region". When I query source, I get 4 distinct values however when I drag this region attribute in excel pivot, I get an additional "blank" value in the result set.why am I getting this blank value, if this value does not exist in source? I do not see any property to hide this blank. I know you can do this in hierarchy using BIDS Helper but not for an individual attribute.

Sometimes, after cube processing this "blank" disappears automatically while next time (or sometimes) it comes back. At any point in time, there is only 4 distinct values for this attribute at source.When I remove all relationship that exist with this policy table in the model, this blank value disappears from excel pivot.

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Transferring Data From One Table To Another But Add One More Value

Feb 27, 2007

- what i want is i
  (add one more value exp: Username)

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Transferring One Table To Another Server ?

Jan 6, 2005


I have a table on one server that I would like to copy over to another server. I have done the full backup and restore, however that seems to overwrite the formatting on all of my existing tables. As there are some differences in the tables between servers, I would prefer to not have to do the full restore. I have been able to use the SQL export utility to copy a table from one database to another on the same server, but I was wondering how that can be done between different servers with different Windows logins.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

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Transferring Data From One Table To Another

Jul 19, 2007

i have got these tables

first table emp

empid empname city country

second table emp1

empid empname language

i need to transfer data from emp1 to emp table..the column city and country are mandatory in emp.

i need a query to transfer values from emp1 to emp and set the city and country field to value 1

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Transferring DB From SQL Express To SQL Server 2005

Jan 21, 2008

Hi,I have an asp.net (C#) project running perfectly on 2 machines running SQL Express.I need to transfer it to a machine running SQL Server 2005 (I don't believe it has SQL Express installed). I've setup the database on the new machine by right clicking 'Data Connections', Selecting my machine as the server name and attaching the database file from the other machine in the App_Data folder. My connection string is as follows:    Data Source=My Machine Name;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Initial Catalog=ASPNETDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True It compiles fine, but when I try to access the profile object from C# (e.g. Profile.County), it fails with the following error:    "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.
 When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that
under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
(provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance
Specified)"Line 19: public virtual string County {Line 20: get {Line 21: return ((string)(this.GetPropertyValue("County")));Line 22: }Line 23: set { N.B: This only seems to occur when I try to access Profile properties. I can access and update the tables I've created just fine, and I can access the user details tables created by Visual Studio just fine too (e.g. aspnet_Users).I understand the profile properties are stored in the database, am I missing a setting somewhere?Hope you can help.James Dimmock 

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Transferring Database From Access 97 To Sql 2005

Nov 23, 2006

Can anyone give me some ideas on how can i transfer data from access database to sql 2005. It is bit complicated any help will be highly appreciated.

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Unable To Create A New File Data Source: SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied

Jun 22, 2004

Hi ,

I have just downloaded an evaluation version of SQL server from the microsoft website and installed it in my PC.

Now I want to create file data source.

I followed these steps:
-From the control panel, ODBC datasource admin
-click the DSN tab
-click the add button
-select the sql server driver, enter the data source file name
-enter "local" in the server text box as I installed the sql server in my standalone PC.
-click next
After that I had this error.
"Connection failed. SQL server does not exist or access denied."

But The sql server service is running.

Can anyone help me where did my configuration go wrong??


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DTS - Transferring Data From Excel To SQL Table

Nov 13, 2001

Hi I'm new to SQL server.
What I'm trying to do is to automate the import of data from an Excel spreadsheet to a table within SQL Server.
The index of the table has a seed set to increment by 1 and I assume that this is the same as the Autonum datatype in Access.
When I import data I miss out this field as it is autogenerated, but the DTS package fails as it is trying to put a NULL in to this field.
Where am I going wrong....is there something that I should change on the DTS import?

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Transferring Rows From One Table To 2 Tables

Oct 19, 2007


I have a table in Sql 2005 called

I have to transfer the records into 2 tables



I have to pick up a row from Customers and transfer it to CustomerMaster and CustomerDetails. CustomerId of CustomerMaster will be the CustomerId of CustomerDetails while transfer.

How to do this?


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Transferring ACCESS DataBase(ABC.mdb) To SQL Table Using C#

Feb 14, 2008

I want to transfer ACCESS DataBase(ABC.mdb) to SQL Table Using c#.(SSIS Programming)
i need to use this query on access database

which will when run create 4 fileds




And sorce database

I m very new in this stuff. so please please any one have any sample code for this then send me !
please i realy need it
My email id is ripal.parikh@softwaresolutionsindia.com
Thanks lot!!!!

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Transferring Schema From SQL SVR 2005 To Compact Edition?

Mar 4, 2007

I'm building my app in the full blown MS SQL 2005 Standard Edition as our new app will have a enterprise version using SQL 2005 and a desktop version using either SQL Compact Edition 2005, VistaDB3, or maybe even (uggh) SQL Express 2005. I would prefer SQL Express 2005 but the install size of my app + DB would kill sales.

Back to my question. I'm building out the schema in the full SQL 2005, how do I take this schema and get the schema applied to a SQL Compact Edition DB?

Does SQL Compact Edition support DDL?


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Varchar While Transferring Server Table To CSV File

Feb 17, 2012

I am currently woking on transfering the table contents in sql server in an csv file i have created a stored procedure which would do same but the prob i am facing is the data in the table is not clean it contains tab,newline etc so i had to clean the data i had applied the folowing procedure

declare @columns varchar(8000), @sql varchar(8000), @sql1 varchar(8000),@data_file varchar(100)

set @columns=''
--'@columns+''replace(replace(replace(''+column_name +'',Char(10),''''''''),Char(13),''''''''),Char(19) ,'''''''')'''
--print @sql
@columns=@columns+'replace(replace(replace('+colum n_name+',Char(10),''''),Char(13),''''),Char(19),'' '') as '+column_name+ ', '


the table_name contains around 300 columns with the column_name of min 20 characters .When i run the above query i get only few columns instead of all the columns so i tried to find the length which gives me the result as 4000.I had declared @columns as Varchar(8000) i dont know why this issue is coming up?? is there any other way i can clean the data an the transfer it into the file

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