0xC02020C1 Metadata Does Not Match... On Merge

Aug 8, 2007

I have a dataflow with a bunch of conditional splits.

Following this, a column is added to indicate the path taken by the data on each of the new split paths. (DT_WSTR length=50)

The data is then merged.

Or not.

I am now getting the following error on three of the Merges with seemingly no way of solving it:

Error: 0xC02020C1 at DF Data Cleansing and Deal Inserts and DealRole, MRG 3 [55818]: The metadata for "input column "Flowchart Path Status" (55961)" does not match the metadata for the associated output column.

Google reveals nothing, BOL reveals nothing.

Any takers?

I have been in to each of the tasks, opened, closed to try and get round any dodgy caching.

I can see the column in the metadata of the previous tasks.

I don't understand how it is possible to set the metadata of the output column on a merge.

There is no advanced editor, it just seems to take the datatype of each of the merge1, merge2 columns. (Am assuming it errors if these are not the same for a given column) I have rechecked the datatype of the column being added.

It shows up fine in the Merge editor as a selectable column.

How can I fix this?

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Merge Altering Metadata

Aug 8, 2007

I have a column going into a merge DT_WSTR length 50 on both(left/right) sides, yet when viewing the resulting output metadata, the length is 16. (I am viewing the metadata by clicking on the arrows)

This is obviously wrong.

NB originally the length was not set to this. As an attempt to try and fix the problem, I have added a placeholder column before all of my conditional splits of str50 type.

Why is it doing this?

This is causing my 0xC02020C1 error, I am convinced of it.

One of the errors has now gone away but the other two merges still have the error.

SSIS seems to assume that you will make no mistakes and will never want to go back and change anything, woe betide you if you have to go back and alter it later.

I have also noticed that certain (other) errors go away merely by opening and closing the tasks. Shocking.

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Merge Replication / Metadata Cleanup / Help!

Jan 8, 2007

At a client site we just had a customer away on holidays, came back and went to replicate and received the error. I understand why this would happen after the default 14 days, and the obvious fix to prevent it from happening in the future is to extend the period, however I am hoping someone can offer me assistance on the best way to correct the issue now

Error is:

The Merge Agent failed after detecting that retention-based metadata cleanup has deleted metadata at the Publisher for changes not yet sent to the Subscriber. You must reinitialize the subscription (without upload).

The problem is we cannot lose the data that has been entered on this machine since the last replication. Writing scripts to manually save and pump this data will take days if not weeks (complex database). Is there any way to issue a command to cause a manual upload of the new information that is at the subscriber. Then I could just delete and recreate replication?

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

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Cleaning Up Merge Metadata Manually Is Not Working

Mar 4, 2007

Hi all,

I'm trying delete metadata of a sql 2005 sp1 subscriber from a sql 2005 sp1 merge publication, but is not working, the "retention" parameter for the publication is 999 and this is the code I'm using:

declare @num_genhistory_rows int,

@num_contents_rows int,

@num_tombstone_rows int

declare @retcode smallint

--select count(*) from msmerge_contents

-- records before 2,633,848

exec @retcode = sys.sp_mergemetadataretentioncleanup @num_genhistory_rows OUTPUT , @num_contents_rows OUTPUT , @num_tombstone_rows OUTPUT

select retcode =@retcode

select num_genhistory_rows =@num_genhistory_rows

select num_contents_rows=@num_contents_rows

select num_tombstone_rows=@num_tombstone_rows

--select count(*) from msmerge_contents

-- records after 2,633,8

Results :









Has omebody any idea why this is not working ?

I did check "sp_mergemetadataretentioncleanup " and I note that is using a function to calculate the limit date, but I could not testing because it give me the below error :

declare @curdate datetime, @cutoffdate datetime

select @curdate = getdate()

select @cutoffdate = null

-- find max retention of all pubs the article belongs to.

-- add some safety margin to compensate for different clock speeds

select @cutoffdate = min(sys.fn_subtract_units_from_date(isnull(retention,0), retention_period_unit, @curdate))

from dbo.sysmergepublications where

pubid in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = 5088000)

select @cutoffdate

and this is the message error:

Msg 4121, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

Cannot find either column "sys" or the user-defined function or aggregate "sys.fn_subtract_units_from_date", or the name is ambiguous.

I looked this function but I didn't find it.

any help will be appreciated !

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Merge Repliction - Run Stored Procedure When Merge Agent Starts

Jul 23, 2005

I have database on SQL Server 2000 set up with a merge publication.This publication is configured with a number of dynamic filters toreduce the amount of data sent to each client. Each client has ananonymous pull subscription. The merge process can be triggered by thewindows sync manager and my application.To improve performance I have created some helper tables to hold themapping between user login and primary keys of selected entities.For the replicated data to be correct the contents of the helper tablesneeds to be up to date.I need to fire off a stored procedure on the publisher beforereplication starts to verify that this data is up to date. I can notsee any documented way of doing this however I have been experimentingwith some unorthodox systems.Firstly has anyone any ideas?I have been considering adding a trigger to some of the tables used bythe Microsoft replication code - yes I know this is very nasty.My problems arise because executing this stored procedure will causesome data to be updated. In updating data we could create a newgeneration in the database. I must therefore run my stored procedurebefore any the Microsoft code makes any generation checks / updates.Anyone done anything similar, Anyone have any better ideas?Any comments would be gratefully received.

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Change A Merge Subscriber To Become A Merge Publisher

Aug 16, 2004


I'm using merge replication to maintain a backup copy of my main (publisher)MSDE database. A push subscription periodically (1 per minute) updates the backup DB.
It's intended that if the main db goes down then the backup (subscription) db can be configured as a publisher. This must all be performed via scripting.
The initial configuration of the main publisher and subscription is controlled via scripting, which works fine.
The problems occur when I try to configure the subsciber to become a publisher. A script is executed on the subscriber but fails at the point when it's configuring the publisher detail. The error is something like "unable to configure a publication for a database setup as an anonymous subscription".
I'm guessing that there are subscritpion artifacts added to the database which need to be removed before it can be configured as a new publisher.

Please help,
Jez W

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Jul 20, 2005

What is "MetaData" in "Data Transormation service" and what is"MetaData services" ?and in which field I can use them?Thanks

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Insconsistant Metadata

Aug 22, 2001

Hi All!

I recently added a column to an existing table with a getdate default. When doing a query from that server everything works fine. When a query is ran from a remote server I get an SQLOLEDB error message saying 'inconsistant metadata'. I've tried dropping the remote server and reconnecting but that didn't seem to resolve the problem. Can anyone tell me how to resolve this error. I believe the error number is 7353.

Any suggestions appreciated!

Thanks Jeff!

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Retrieving Metadata

Jul 29, 2005

Hi,Is it possible to get metadata (i.e. descriptions of tables etc.) insql-server? In Oracle you can retrieve this information with tables likeall_objects, user_tables, user_views etc. For example, this query selectsthe owner of the table 'ret_ods_test' (in Oracle!):select ownerfrom all_objectswhere object_name = 'ret_ods_test'What's the equivalent in sql server?Thanks a lot.

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SSIS Metadata...

Mar 18, 2007


Is there a way to find out which user defined procs/child packages etc are been called in SSIS packages using some metadata. The idea is to have a document which lists the number of packages called, whats sprocs and child packages are executed by those pkgs..

I have checked the SSIS metadata whitepaper but that is too generic.

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Metadata Refresh?

May 15, 2006

What do you do to address this:

[OLE DB Source [1]] Warning: The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The column "objectName1" needs to be updated in the external metadata column collection.

A corollary question: what does right-clicking a package in Solution Explorer and clicking "Reload with Upgrade" do?

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SSIS Metadata

Feb 26, 2008

I'm working on capturing metadata from my SSIS packages. I have found multiple postings and a white paper that

reference a download toolkit for just this purpose. The link is dead and a search renders no results - can anyone help?

SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence Metadata Whitepaper

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Metadata Refresh

Feb 26, 2007

-We are using SSIS packages for various kind of data load from excel source.
-If there are any change in the data type or format of excel, the package cries for the Metadata mismatch.
-During design time if you accept the metadata changes, all things work fine.

But in our case we have deployed the packages on Production Server, now the excel file format/data has changed. The packages are expecting a different metadata so they are not working at all.

Do you have any suggestions for the above problem?
Thanks, Vijay.

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Metadata Question

Apr 4, 2008

i am using icolumnsrowset interface to get some metadata about the columns in a rowset, but i never got unique and primary key columns in the columnsrowset, they always return null, when using sqlcedataadapter i simply add addwithkey option to the adapter to determine it, but i dont know how to do it by using ole db interfaces, i have tried to set DBCOLUMN_KEYCOLUMN flag to true on ccommand<cynamicaccessor, crowset> but it seems it rejects it, generating an unknown error, error object says almost nothing except that 'errors occured[,,,,,]' text

can someone tell me, how can i retrieve columnsrowset with that unique and primary key sections filled?

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Metadata Definition ?

Apr 5, 2006

Hello, i would like to know if it's possible to generate automatically a word document or an excel document that will contain all the metadata definition, for example containing the source columns names, their datatype, and the destination with their datatypes, so that it would easy to create a data dictionnary .

Thank you in advance.

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Nov 9, 2007

Hello everybody,

It's now quite some time that one particular behaviour of SSIS is really frustrating me and I would like to know if I'm the only one experiencing this problem or if other people have the same problem.
The issue I'm talking about is SSIS 'dependency on what is written in the XML files describing the flows.
Particularly with the Data Types of columns.
I'm explaining myself: Imagine your are developping a flow containing several numeric(18,0) columns...
During the flow you have to perform a lookup on an Integer Field.... Of course this operation is not allowed as a numeric is not mappable with an Integer... (This is, in my opinion, a nonsense as an implicit conversion has to be possible).
as a result of this behaviour, I decide to change the datatype (numeric) from my source query to an integer and use it in the Lookup which of course succeeds but now I have a second problem: each lookup in my flow has an error handling branch which I'm joining back using a Union transform. and there we have the second irritation: the Union transform doesn't replicate the Data Type changes that occured upwards in the flow... worse: it even has no interface to let you modify the data types like the advanced editor of some transforms or data sources. (I've just lost a complete dataflow while trying to modify it manually in the xml file directly :-( for those who are considering modifying directly the XML, don't!! You are asking for trouble and a lot of frustration when you'll switch back to the designer to see the effects )
My question is now: Am I misusing SSIS?? Is there somewhere an option to activate in order to get this behaviour fixed??
Has anyone else experienced this problem?? How are you solving this??
Are there any plans in the future to loose this dependency on the datatypes or at least add some implicit conversions??

Thanks in advance for your replies, suggestions,questions and other thaughts about this subject :-)


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MetaData Backup

Feb 12, 2008


I have a question regarding my metadata information. I finally setup my fixed width file which took some time. Is there a way that I can backup my metadata so I wont have to recreate these setting again. I'm thinking the format of the file is stored in the metadata so if I have a user running the SSIS package from the Business Intell Studio they wont reset all of my columns. Is there a file I can restore or backup if this should happen


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Metadata Application

Sep 26, 2007

Hi all of you,

I'm focused on writing a SSIS metadata application. I'm trying to get all the metadata for all the DTSX packages from a concrete server.

I'm loading successfully tasks as Execute Sql Task, ForEach task and so on but how could I do the same for
Data Flow Task and its components. ?żż

For a Data Flow I don't know how to begin...

If TypeOf tmpTaskHost.InnerObject Is ????????????????? Then

My central code is the following:

sServer = "TEST1"

pkgIn = app.GetPackageInfos(carpetaraiz, sServer, Nothing, Nothing)

'''''''''''''''Para cada carpeta creada a partir de MSDB

For Each pkgCarpeta In pkgIn

If pkgIn.Item(y).PackageDataSize <= 0 Then

pkgCarpetaSSIS = app.GetPackageInfos(pkgCarpeta.Name, sServer, Nothing, Nothing)


pkgCarpetaSSIS = app.GetPackageInfos(carpetaraiz, sServer, Nothing, Nothing)

End If

If pkgCarpetaSSIS.Count >= 1 Then

While i < pkgCarpetaSSIS.Count

'cargar en memoria el SSIS en el objeto PAQUETE

pkg = app.LoadFromSqlServer(pkgCarpetaSSIS.Item(i).Folder & "" & pkgCarpetaSSIS.Item(i).Name, _

sServer, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)

Dim task As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ExecuteSQLTask.ExecuteSQLTask

Dim task2 As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.ForEachLoop

Dim exe As Executable

Dim tmpTaskLoop As ForEachLoop = CType(exe, ForEachLoop)

Dim tmpTaskHost As TaskHost = CType(exe, TaskHost)

For Each exe In pkg.Executables

Select Case exe.ToString

Case "Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.ForEachLoop"

tmpTaskLoop = CType(exe, ForEachLoop)

Case "Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.TaskHost"

tmpTaskHost = CType(exe, TaskHost)

End Select

issue raises here.

If TypeOf tmpTaskHost.InnerObject Is ExecuteSQLTask.ExecuteSQLTask Then

n1 = tmpTaskHost.Properties.Item(33).GetValue(tmpTaskHost)

For y = 0 To 42



End If


'contador de paquetes

i += 1

End While

y += 1

End If



Thanks a lot for ideas and thoughts!!!!

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How To Get The Metadata Of A Table

May 11, 2007

As title, such as the PK, data type of each column, etc.



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Metadata Visibility

Feb 25, 2008


I'm running the following query in SQL Server 2005:
select name from master..syslogins;
It is being executed from within a stored procedure.

For user 'sa' - I get the complete list of users.
For a user (say 'user1') with NO sysadmin privilege - I get only two names: 'sa' and 'user1'

Is there a way for me to retrieve the complete list of users even for 'user1' without making any changes to his profile (or making very MINIMAL changes to profile)?

I don't want to give sysadmin profile to this user.
I know 'GRANT VIEW ANY DEFINITION TO public' works, but don't want to do that either.


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Metadata/Report KB

Jun 26, 2007

I wanted to see if anyone has explored posting a Report KB based on metadata in the RS portal? If so, have you found a way to post the information on the RS portal?

I really am looking to add additional properties to a report. Other than author and description. I would like to add 2 to 3 more fields that would feed over to the catelog table on the report server. Then write a few reports that will allow for definitions, metadata, and links to the reports.

Does anyone have any ideas for something like this?

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Metadata Update

Dec 28, 2006

hi, I try to post a new question about metadata refresh...even if i see other thread that work on a similar problem.

I have a ssis package that import an xml huge file (500 mb); These are the main step:

1) generate a XSD file against xml using xsd.exe utility

2) using xml task, make a diff between the old xsd and the new

3) if there are no difference, I start the data flow task that import xml in sql server; otherwise I stop all the task, edit the data flow task, change the xsd reference in advanced editor and then make many "double clik / OK" on every single flow....

The underling idea is that xml file change because some columns are added but these columns are not interesting for my elaboration, so i can ignore this new column and work without mapping it.

What I'm looking for is a way for make, via SSIS, the "double clik / OK" steps....in other words, to update the metadata.

Could anybody suggest me a way? it's a sort of macro, or keyboard recorder...I'm trying to study xml package configuration; is this a good way ?

another way is to give to the end user the task to update metadata; for making this I need to open the package editor (visual studio..:!) in a more confortable environment....For example, is possible to edit the ssis package in ms access? probably i know the answer...

please, help me!

thank tou in advance


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Where Is &#34;description&#34; Col In Repository Metadata

Apr 20, 2000

I'm trying to create a Data Dictionary view from system table info like tablename, fieldname, datatype etc. I can find all that I need except for the "description" field which is displayed in Enterprise Manager/ Repository metadata pane.

How can I locate this field so I can reference it in a view? Isn't it stored in a system table? Master, model? Where is it?

Thank in advance,


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Metadata - Order By Information

Jun 14, 2006

Hey there,Im wondering if there is a way to determine which views in my database use the "order by" statement. The reason I need this is because we need to migrate over to MS SQL 2005 where the order by statements are ignored within the views themselves. Now(in mssql 2005) you need to explicityly state the order by now when calling a view ie. select * from [viewname] order by column x, y desc, z instead of ie. select * from [viewname] where the view already had the applicable sorting done within the view.If those order by statements are ignored, some production software which rely on the ordered data will corrupt.Please let me know if there's a way to query the actual database and determine which views have 'order by' statements in them.thx

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Adding Comments To Metadata

Mar 15, 2008

Did some searching and didn't seem to find what I'm looking for. I'm pretty new to SQL Server (most of my experience is on DB2 for z/OS).I'm building some new tables, and want to find a way to add comments to the metadata for the column. In DB2 the syntax is:COMMENT ON COLUMN TB_CREATOR.TB_NAME.COLUMN_NAME IS 'comments here';ORCOMMENT ON TB_CREATOR.TB_NAME (COLUMN1 IS ' comment here',COLUMN2 IS ' comment here', );Is there anything like this in SQL Server?Thanks!

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Metadata Wont Go Away(sql Server2005)

Dec 12, 2006

I'm new to dba'ing so go easy on me. I'm looking after a brand new
installation of sql server 2005. I've created a simple db with 1 table but when I go to MSAccess ( as a newly created user) and create a linked table to sql database all the metadata is showing and I can't stop it.

I've tried going through securables but its still visible no matter how much I try to deny. From what I've read this shouldn't be possible as making metadata invisible should be standard.Can anyone throw any light on this?

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SQL Server Views' Metadata

Jul 20, 2005

Be careful when implementing views (from SQL Server 97/2K). SQL Serverstores the metadata on the view at creation (or the last time it wassaved). This means if you have:SELECT * FROM table1it will put all the fields of table1 in the view's metadata. If youthen change table1 and add (for example) another field, this fieldwill not be visible in the view until you open it in design view andclick save (to update it).

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Help Files / Metadata On Reports

Aug 29, 2007

I had a pervious thread on a metadata KB but didn't get a response. So I was wondering if anyone has added on a web based help file app to SSRS? Something that you could assign additional metadata to each report. Something that would be searchable.

At this point SSRS doesn't provide enough fields for metadata. I am looking to assign some thing like:

1. Owner/Requestor of report
2. Fields in report
3. Description (other than the one provided)
4. etc..

Does anyone have any ideas of a add on, utility, or software?


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How To Get Column Description From MetaData?

Mar 25, 2008

I've tried looking in sys.syscolums and sys.syscomments, but I can't seem to find where the Description information is retain for a Field in the system tables -- any hints?

Thanks, Rob.

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Incorrect UnPivot Metadata

Jul 27, 2006


When using unpivot transformation, what exactly this error denote

"Incorrect UnPivot metadata. In an UnPivot transform, all input columns with a PivotKeyValue that is set, and are pointing to the same DestinationColumn, must have metadata that exactly matches "

data on which i was trying unpivoting is -






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Errors In The Metadata Manager

Feb 27, 2007

Good afternoon,

I'm having the following error when I run my mining model.

Errors in the metadata manager. The dimension with the ID of 'TMP ~MC-ID' cannot be found in the '' database.

I think the error is in caseprocessor.cpp at the ProcessCase method. There's a code snippet below:

The intention of the following code snippet is to run over the attributes of a case and put them on a vector that holds all the cases.

for (UINT iAttribute = 0; iAttribute < _cAttribute; iAttribute++) {

if(iAttribute == 0)


if(iAttribute == 1)


if(iAttribute == 2)


if(iAttribute == 3) {



if(iAttribute == 4)


DBL dblValue = 0;

if (_vbCategorical[iAttribute]) {

dblValue = (_bMissingAtRandom)

? ::DblCategoricalMAR(rgdmstatevalue[iAttribute])

: ::DblCategorical(rgdmstatevalue[iAttribute]);


if (_viewtype == CASEREADER::viewtypeSparse) {

if (dblValue != dblMissing) {





else {

_vdblValue[iAttribute] = dblValue;


The attributes of the table are like following:

Index (iAttribute) == 0 -> This is an auto-incremental ID and is the primary key. Integer.

Index (iAttribute) == 1 -> Another ID. Non-key on this table. It is Integer.

Index (iAttribute) == 2 -> Another ID. Non-key on this table. It is integer.

Index (iAttribute) == 3 -> A term. It's a word. This is non-key and the type is varchar.

Index (iAttribute) == 4 -> Weight of the word. Non-key and type double.

As you can notice I also changed the union DM_STATE_VALUE definition on dmalgo.h to accept the reading of a string (if (iAttribute == 3)) :

typedef /* [public][public][public][public][public][public][public] */ union __MIDL___MIDL_itf_dmalgo_0000_0002 {



char* ch;


So... Does anyone can help me with the error I discribed on the metadata manager ? I would be very pleased with any help.

Thanks a lot for your attention.

-Renan Souza

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Runtime Metadata Capture

Feb 1, 2006

Hi All,

Is it possible to capture the runtime metadata relating to the number of rows processed by a graph, the number of rows inserted/updated in the target blah blah using SSIS.

I have only seen metadata extensions for starttime, machine name etc. but not for this



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Failover Clustering Metadata

May 24, 2007

Does anyone know how to obtain the physical server name that a SQL failover cluster instance is running on through the system tables or other database commands? Thanks in advance.

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