A, B And C Are The Same But At Least D Or E Are Different (was Noob Question)

Aug 23, 2006


just wanted to ask the most efficient way to query for the following:
say i have a table with the following columns A, B, C, D, E.
i want to find the records whose A, B and C are the same but at least D or E are different and then display all the columns (A to E) for these records.
thank you!


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T-SQL Noob!!!

Dec 21, 2005

In VB, I have this code...

lSQL = "SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(liorder,'SELECT a.KF_ORDER_NO AS OrdNo, f.KU_NAME AS Customer, " & _
Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset
RS.Open lSQL, DB

Do While Not RS.EOF
Select Case RS!Pane
Case "0" Or "1"
"WHERE a.IDNR = b.GLAS1 AND b.AUF_NR = " & RS!OrdNo & " AND b.AUF_POS = " & RS!Pos & "')"
Set glassRS = New ADODB.Recordset
glassRS.Open glassSQL, DB

SQL = "INSERT INTO PendingLamination (OrdNo, Customer, Pos, Code, GlassDesc, Qty, SQM, Val, Done, DoneSQM, DoneVal) " & _
"VALUES ('" & RS!OrdNo & "', '" & Apostrophe(RS!Customer) & "', '" & RS!Pos & "', '" & glassRS!IDNR & "', '" & glassRS!GL_BEZ & _
"', '" & RS!Qty & "', '" & RS!SQM & "', '" & RS!Val & "', '" & RS!Done & "', '" & RS!DoneSQM & "', '" & RS!DoneVal & "')"
DB.Execute SQL
Case "2"
"WHERE a.IDNR = b.GLAS2 AND b.AUF_NR = " & RS!OrdNo & " AND b.AUF_POS = " & RS!Pos & "')"
Set glassRS = New ADODB.Recordset
glassRS.Open glassSQL, DB

SQL = "INSERT INTO PendingLamination (OrdNo, Customer, Pos, Code, GlassDesc, Qty, SQM, Val, Done, DoneSQM, DoneVal) " & _
"VALUES ('" & RS!OrdNo & "', '" & Apostrophe(RS!Customer) & "', '" & RS!Pos & "', '" & glassRS!IDNR & "', '" & glassRS!GL_BEZ & _
"', '" & RS!Qty & "', '" & RS!SQM & "', '" & RS!Val & "', '" & RS!Done & "', '" & RS!DoneSQM & "', '" & RS!DoneVal & "')"
DB.Execute SQL
Case "3"
"WHERE a.IDNR = b.GLAS3 AND b.AUF_NR = " & RS!OrdNo & " AND b.AUF_POS = " & RS!Pos & "')"
Set glassRS = New ADODB.Recordset
glassRS.Open glassSQL, DB

SQL = "INSERT INTO PendingLamination (OrdNo, Customer, Pos, Code, GlassDesc, Qty, SQM, Val, Done, DoneSQM, DoneVal) " & _
"VALUES ('" & RS!OrdNo & "', '" & Apostrophe(RS!Customer) & "', '" & RS!Pos & "', '" & glassRS!IDNR & "', '" & glassRS!GL_BEZ & _
"', '" & RS!Qty & "', '" & RS!SQM & "', '" & RS!Val & "', '" & RS!Done & "', '" & RS!DoneSQM & "', '" & RS!DoneVal & "')"
DB.Execute SQL
End Select

ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 1

If ProgressBar1.Value = 800 Then
ProgressBar1.Value = 0
End If


...and I'm planning to use the same flow of logic in the SQL Server Agent using T-SQL. Is there any way I can do it?

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Noob: How Do I Run Pl/sql On Ms Sql?

Feb 9, 2004

Hi experts,

I'm using MS SQL 2000. The closest i could get to having pl/sql within ms sql was tru its stored procedures feature.

I created a new stored procedure within the built-in Northwind database. I pasted the following inside:


vname Employees.firstname%TYPE;


SELECT firstname INTO vname FROM Employees
WHERE firstname = 'Nancy';

dbms_output.put_line ('Name is ' || vname);


when NO_DATA_FOUND then
dbms_output.put_line ('no data found');

dbms_output.put_line ('too many records');



I checked the syntax and i get some error about the employees table.
Error 155: 'Employees' is not a recognized cursor option

Any idea?


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SQL Noob Needs Help

Aug 25, 2005

Mike writes "I have a string, >!~[99DC# 4.12$2251.% 1.63& 3.58'2150.(-2050.>/~]

and I would like to extract parts of it and send it to a SQL database. here is the layout and data that should be in each column. The Data column will be filled in automatically, but once that happens I would like the other columns to get their data from the Data column.

Data = >!~[99DC# 4.12$2251.% 1.63& 3.58'2150.(-2050.>/~]
Display_Address = 99
CE = 4.12
TPK = 2251
Si= 1.63
C = 3.58
TPL = 2150
TPS = 2050

Can anyone tell me how to do this?"

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Noob Needs Help!

Jun 7, 2007

/* hi people im doing a task and im not sure about some things. could u check if what im doing is good plz.*/

The task is:
Produce a list of all female employees who earn more than the average salary of the male employees in the company. Display employee number, first name and last name.

The table: emp

What i came up with:
selectempno, firstname, lastname
group by sex
havingsex = 'F'

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Noob SQL Help

Aug 7, 2007

Here is my code to connect, any help would be appreciated. I am a total noob at this.

############### Code

$host="localhost"; // Host name
$username=""; // Mysql username
$password=""; // Mysql password
$db_name="orderofb_test"; // Database name
$tbl_name="orderofb_test.members"; // Table name

// Connect to server and select databse.
mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect");
mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");

// username and password sent from signup form

$sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='$myusername' and password='$mypassword'";

// Mysql_num_row is counting table row
// If result matched $myusername and $mypassword, table row must be 1 row

// Register $myusername, $mypassword and redirect to file "login_success.php"
else {
echo "Wrong Username or Password";

This is the error message I receive.

############### Code

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'nobody'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/orderofb/public_html/php/checklogin.php on line 11
cannot connect

I changed all the permissons to 777 and I still receive this error.

$tbl_name="orderofb_test.members"; // Table name

Is this the correct table name? Here is a pic of my phpmyadmin


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SQL Noob Help Required

Sep 26, 2007

I am trying to create a script that will return information from 4 different tables in a database using different where clauses.

This is working correctly, however the primary table the query uses has multiple entries for different people and i only want to return the last row per person.
I have got this to work using a MAX(t.column) statement, but when used in conjunction with all the where clauses things go wrong.

This is what i have


CREATE VIEW Firereport1 AS



and e.EMPLOYEE_ONCLOCK <> 'False'



This returns multiple entries because there are multiple unique entries for t.punch_time.

What i was thinking is i need a where statement on t.time_punch, d.dept2_description, c.clock_name
that says something along the lines of where return t.punch_time where t.punch_id=punch (**substitute correct column names**)

This is a sample of the tm_punch table


141 0 52 2007-07-05 00:00:00 603 -1 0 0 0 0 0 NULL
142 0 52 2007-07-05 00:00:00 909 -1 0 0 0 0 0 NULL
143 0 52 2007-07-05 00:00:00 911 -1 0 0 0 0 0 NULL
144 0 52 2007-07-05 00:00:00 914 -1 0 0 0 0 0 NULL

If the query works correctly what should be returned is just the line with id 144

can anyone point out where i'm going wrong

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Total Sql Noob Help

Nov 19, 2007

Hi Everybody.

So as the subject states, I'm a total sql noob. I have a database in SQL 2k5 that was transfered over from an acces DB. In the sql db there are a few fields using nvarchar(255) but the data held is actually dates and times. I need to convert these over to datetime format but do no know how. Also, not all rows have a full mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format. some hold only the date and can be seen as either m/d/yyyy or full out mm/dd/yyyy format. If anyone can help with this that would be great.


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Noob Question

Dec 14, 2007


I installed sql sever 2005 enterprise edition in my computer.Where is the management studio? Is it a different program? Can I install the express edition of the management studio?Help please.

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Noob SQL Question

Mar 1, 2008

Ok so i have something like this for a simple quary,

select avg(reorderlevel)/ (avg(QOH)/(avg(reorderlevel)*2)) as "Needed qty",ItemCategory from item
group by ItemCategory

What I basicly need to do is to output the quantity needed for QOH to be 2 times the amount of reorderlevel. then grouped by diffrent catagories.

Anyways I have the formula done and it should work except for some reason "(avg(QOH)/(avg(reorderlevel)*2))" gives me 0 when in fact it should give me 0.728383 or w/e. Im wondering if its omiting the decimals or what??

Because if i run that code it tells me i cant divid by zero

Sorry im new at this and might be doing this all wrong so go easy on me =/

Thanks a lot

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Noob On Security But...

Apr 30, 2008

Apologies first up -I dont do security so slapped wrists all round, but I have a little situation that I need to take seriously so I thought I'd try do the job right for a change.
Scenario: I have a stored procedure that I want one, and only one, 'thing' to have access to. The 'thing' will be one and only one SSIS package invoked by external scheduling software so basically a call to the dtexec utility to run the package stored in the file system. At runtime therefore, this package has an ExecuteSQL task which connects to the server and runs the sproc. Given windows authentication how do I ensure that the ONLY user allowed to execute the stored procedure is whatever user happens to invoke the package but that this same user can never log in to sql server and execute the stored procedure. In even simpler terms, I want nothing on earth to run that stored procedure nor select the data from the table other than this package when it runs, regardless of who runs it, it is only internal processing by the package that gets the data.

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Total Noob Can't Get Db Connection......

May 9, 2007

My background is networking with a lot of SQL Server 6.5-2000 dba/sql code thrown in.  I've written some straight ASP pages, some Access DB frontends to SQL etc and I just can't get this .Net stuff.
 I'm trying to work my way thru the getting started vids here and can't get a db connection to the membership db.  I ran the aspnet_regsql.exe to create the db on my sql dev box, and it won't connect.  I've added the code from http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/120705-1.aspx to the web config. 
I erased the connection strings from the web config....I installed SQL 2005 express on my local machine and STILL CAN'T get anything other than can't connect to data store, data store doesn't exit, click here to crash....blah blah blah.
There is a problem with your selected data store. This can be caused by an invalid server name or credentials, or by insufficient permission. It can also be caused by the role manager feature not being enabled. Click the button below to be redirected to a page where you can choose a new data store. The following message may help in diagnosing the problem: Unable to connect to SQL Server database. 
blah blah 
Test  the AspNetSqlProvider and get
Could not establish a connection to the database. If you have not yet created the SQL Server database, exit the Web Site Administration tool, use the aspnet_regsql command-line utility to create and configure the database, and then return to this tool to set the provider.
I know the machine itself is fine.  It built the db on both the local machine and the remote sql server.  I can connect to the local and remote sql servers using sql management studio.
Can someone help a brother out?

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Case Sensitive SQL - Pls Help A Noob

Feb 5, 2005

I just created my first Asp.net app. I had to install it to a corporate server. What I found is that the corporate SQL Server 2000 was case sensitive in the stored procedures while my installation was not!
How can I set my SQL Server 2000 to be case sensitive as well?

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Please Help A Noob Out In Stored Procedure!

Jul 14, 2005

Hi All,
    I'm a newbie in stored procedure programming. I wanted to learn how to perform keyword(s) search with stored procedures.   Take the Pubs database for example.  How can i create a stored procedure which takes in a string of keywords and return the title_id, title and notes column ?  like if i pass in "computer easy" as keywords then the stored procedure should return all the rows with ANY of these keywords in those 3 columns.  Can anyone give me some ideas on how to do this? like do i have to use dynamic sql?, any tutorials or sample codes? Thanks in advance!regards

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Noob Question For Msde2000

Apr 20, 2004

looks like a noob question but how can i manage msde2000...i can see sql is runnin but how can i create database , attach/detach database, write functions and so on...

thanx alot for the reply :)

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Complete Noob Needs A Lot Of Advice

Dec 15, 2005

I was given the task of writing a new website for my boss.
problem being he wants the ability have a custom user signup form and then a picture gallery of service with comments listed off each one.
I was also asked to produce this in .aspx with SQL.
only one small glitch, never worked with either of them....
I have designed most of the database requirements off of examples I found online but have not found how to post data from the users signup form to the database correctly and retrieve it for the customers profile.
any suggestions????
all help on this will be greatly appreciated

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Noob: Why Does This Query Work?

Jul 23, 2005

I'm wondering how/why this query works. Trying to get my head wrappedaround SQL. Basically the Query deletes from the Import table allrecords that are already in FooStrings so that when I do an insert fromthe FooStringsImport table into the FooStrings table, then I won't getprimary key violations.DELETE FROM FooStringsImportWHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM FooStringsWHERE FooStringsImport.FooKey = FooStrings.FooKey)It seems to work fine, but I'm wondering about how the EXISTS keywordworks.(SELECT * FROM FooStringsWHERE FooStringsImport.FooKey = FooStrings.FooKey)This part is going to return only records from FooStrings correct? Ordoes it do a cartesian product since I've specified more than one tablein the WHERE statement?I wonder if it only returns records in FooStrings, then I don't see howa record from FooStringsImport would "EXISTS" in the records returnedfrom FooStrings.The reason I wondered about the cartesian product is because, if onlyFooStrings is specified in the FROM part of the SELECT statement, thenI was thinking it is only going to return FooString records. Theserecords would then be returned by the select statement to the WHEREEXISTS, which would look for FooStringImport records, but would findnone because the select statement only returned FooString records.I'm guessing maybe because it has to do a cartesian product to evaluatethe WHERE Pkey's equal, then the "SELECT *" just goes ahead and getsALL the fields, and not just those in FooStrings.FooStrings and FooStringsImport are identically structured tables,where the FooKey is set as the primary key in each table:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FooStrings] ([FooKey] [bigint] NOT NULL ,[Name] [char] (40) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[StartDate] [datetime] NULL ,[EndDate] [datetime] NULL ,[Code] [char] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOThanks in advance. I'm so appreciative of the help I've gotten here,as I've been able to write several very useful queries on my own nowafter everyones help and plus lots of reading on my own.

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Noob Having Troble With Group By Etc.

Sep 6, 2006

Well i guess it is a bit more than just group by but here we go...

General description :( background info on the problem; may or may not be needed)

I am trying to get a list of active card holders for a particular month.  A card holder is considered active if their status was active any time during that month. I have a card holder status in my  CardHolder table but that will only give me their current status.    I also have a CardHolderHistory table that saves any changes to a card holder including their status.  Using the CardHolderHistory table i can find out who was active for any month in question by using the following algorithm:

A card holder is active if they meet one or both of the following conditions;

1) The last entry before the month in question has them as active in CardHolderHistory or

2) They were set to active any time during the month in question 

The problem:

I create a temporary table and copy the card holders into the table with separate select into statements for each of the above conditions.  For the first condition, I first gather all the CardHolderHistory entries before the month in question with the following select

select EmployerName, cardholderhistory.FirstName, cardholderhistory.Initial, cardholderhistory.LastName, ChangeDate, CardHolderHistory.CardState, FKEmployerID

into #MonthlyCards from cardholderhistory left join Employer on PKEmployerID = cardholderhistory.FKEmployerID

where changedate<@datespecified
This gives me ALL of the CardHolderHistory before the month in question (@dateSpecified).
It would look something like this
EmployerName             First      Initial     Last      Status   ChangeDate                  EmployerID
Some Fake Company    John     P          Doe      A          2006-05-02 11:34:26.360            109
Some Fake Company    John     P          Doe      A          2006-03-28 11:14:10.520            109
Some Fake Company    Jane     T          Doe      S          2006-05-30 15:34:14.900            109
Some Fake Company    Jane     T          Doe      A          2006-03-28 12:20:03.670            109
Some Fake Company    Jane     T          Doe      A          2006-03-01 10:12:45.320            109
.                                 (S = suspended; A = Active)
Now I need to make sure people are only listed once and remove everyone whose status = suspended for their last change date.  That is my problem; I can€™t figure out how to remove these people.  The next step i took was to do a group by with EmployerName, FirstName, Initial, LastName, Status, Max(ChangeDate), FKEmployerID.  This removes everyone listed multiple times except if their status changes.  After the group by the list would be
EmployerName             First      Initial     Last      Status   ChangeDate                  EmployerID
Some Fake Company    John     P          Doe      A          2006-05-02 11:34:26.360            109
Some Fake Company    Jane     T          Doe      S          2006-05-30 15:34:14.900            109
Some Fake Company    Jane     T          Doe      A          2006-03-28 12:20:03.670            109
Now I need to delete Jane completely, since her latest status is S.  I could delete where Status = €˜S€™ but that leaves her as active from 3/28.  I can€™t figure out how to completely remove Jane.  The rest I can figure out I think.  Please help me get rid of Jane for good, I don€™t like her.
Thanks for any help,


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Easy NOOB Question

Jul 22, 2006


I'm trying to pass a parameter into a procedure and not getting the results I want.  There's probably better ways to write the procedure, and if you want to suggest one, that's ok, but I'm most interested in just getting the stupid thing to work.  I'm trying to search a bit field in a table with the bit field being the parameter that isn't working.  In the code I include below, @category is the parameter that isn't working.  For this case, "category" is a bit field in a table and I want to be able to pass in different fields and find out if they're set.  When I use the parameter @category, the result isn't right.  If I hard code the field name (for the case below, "Compensation" is the DB field name), it works.  I'm declareing the calling procedures parameter as a bit field too.  Code follows:



@include int,

@Compensation bit,

@performanceBool bit

-- Find out if this category is included in the Plan Summary


execute @include = dbo.PlanSummary @planId, @version, @Compensation

IF @include = 0




ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[PlanSummary]

(@planId int, @version float, @category bit)


-- Find out if this Category should be included in the Plan Summary



If I hard code "@category" below as the DB field name "Compensation", it works, but using the parameter @category, it doesn't.



FROM ProvisionsPlanSum

WHERE (PlanId = @planID) AND (Version = @version)),

(SELECT Compensation

FROM ProvisionsPlanSum AS pps

WHERE (PlanId = - 99))) AS fred


DECLARE @index as int

DECLARE @planSum as bit

DECLARE @id as int


OPEN planSummary

FETCH NEXT FROM planSummary INTO @planSum

-- If the FETCH_STATUS is 0 a row was retrieved



-- Find out if the Committee bool is set to true

IF @planSum = 'true'









CLOSE planSummary

DEALLOCATE planSummary



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How To Do This In SSIS? Soory If I M A Noob

Sep 12, 2006

Hi all,

Am trying to setup a SSIS package between a sql2000, sql2005 source and a sql2005 destination.

I have 2 concerns, firstly, due to performance reasons (we have 2 huge legacy databases):

After 1st run,

Source table has: 1 - 1000 records

Destination table has: 1 - 1000 records

For 2nd run,

Source table has: 1 - 1500 records

Destination table has: 1 - 1500 records

How I insert only the 1001th record - 1500th record, without touching the 1st to 1000th record?

Secondly, if there are any changes in values in the records 1st to 1000th record, how to I compare and only update the value that has changed? Is there any particular configuration setting in sql that I can use?

Many thanks for any help provided.

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Coding C# Stand Alone App With Db (noob)

Nov 3, 2007

Hi everyone!

I'm currently working on an application that needs to store address information.
I figured a database of some sort would be the perfect thing to use.

The thing is:
The application will work locally, there will be no server running on a network

There shouldn't be any login and password protection for the db
When I later on install the application on a computer, a fresh and clean db should be created within the applications folde

How can I create and access a db like that using c# and MS SQL Server?

Any hints, tips, example code, links...anything?

Many thanks in advance!!!

PS. I've been working some with visual c# express and recently installed SQL Server & Manager. I've previusly made some php web pages using MySQL but I´m a total noob when it comes to working with SQL and c# (= I'm stuck!).

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Complete Noob Question.

Feb 8, 2008

I'm in a db design, implement, and mgmt class this semester and we are teaching ourselves SQL using MS SQL 2005. I downloaded and installed MS SQL Server 05 Std version successfully. However, when I open the Server Mgmt Studio I am prompted to connect to a server??

Server Type: Database Engine
Server Name:?????????
Windows Authentication

To my knowledge we have been given no server info and are only supposed to be learning the language. Can I just cancel this window and continue?

The only help we have been given is a O Reilly: Learning SQL on SQL Server 2005 and they kind of skip all the installation and setup stages.

I should probably mention that I'm using Vista.

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Noob To VWD 2005 - Insert From Textbox Into SQL DB

Feb 9, 2007

I have followed all the tutorials and I think I have a pretty good grasp on how to get info from the SQL database running on my machine in the App Data directory. My question is simple and probably the answer is nested in the 148 pages of this very informative forum. How do I take the 15 textbox fields worth of data and insert them into the SQL db? I am pretty familiar with general sql concepts (mysql, mssql, postgresql), but I have only been in this IDE for about a week now and I need to get my project up and running quickly. I am just unfamiliar with VB in general, but I do understand the object.method concept. I gathered that I need to make the insert statement part of the button click "event". I cannot find any good "starter" documentation on getting this process to work. I understand the grid and form and detail view really well and have tested my 2nd app with success, but it requires the db to be populated by a web front end. I have read a few MSDN links but they are not helping much, they just keep linking me back to grid and detal and form views.  Help? Please? Pretty Please?- Chris 

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Developing A SQL Server DB (noob Question)

Jul 31, 2007

I'm beginning development on a medium/ sized in-house web based system.  Well moving from asp/mysql to asp.net/sql server.  Re-doing DB design as well.My question is does it make sense for me to develop the SQL DB in Visual Studio 2005 pro, and then later move it to a real SQL server?  Or basically what is the best and/or most practical way to do this development.  Any other IDE's out there?Thanks 

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Explain To Noob, Database Uploading

Dec 25, 2007

From my ealier post I learned that a MDF file can be read and written to even if I did not attach the database in the SQL Sever Management Studio.
Is that behavior because of the connection string where is has 
AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|DNN12_24_07.mdf  ,
Is that what "attaches" the database?  This runs on SQL Express2005.
Should I change the connection string  to:
 name="SiteSqlServer"  connectionString="Server=(local);Database=ASPNET;uid=;pwd=;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Is there a statment in the XML of web.config that defines |DataDirectory| of the original connection string  that points to APP_DATA where the mdf file physically resides?
Thanks in advance?

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VB Programaticlly Grab Data From A DB Noob

Mar 6, 2008

  Hi, I am very new to the .net framework, but I have a lot of experince in php/mysql applications. So this is this is proboly going to seem like a nwebie question.
I am trying to pull a single item out of the database programaticlly, take the value of that item and set it to a varible so I can work with it in other areas.
Here is basically what I have this is on the vb page in a sub I have the varible MonthlyPrice Defined earlier in the pageDim connString As String = _ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectioString").ConnectionString'Create a SqlConnection instanceUsing myConnection As New SqlConnection(connString)'Specify the SQL queryConst sql As String = "SELECT Price FROM Plans Where PlainID='" & PlanId & "'"'Create a SqlCommand instanceDim myCommand As New SqlCommand(sql, myConnection)'Get back a DataSetDim myDataSet As New DataSet'Create a SqlDataAdapter instanceDim ReadData As New SqlDataReader(myCommand) 'Bind the DataSet to the GridViewMonthlyPrice = ReadData("Price")'Close the connectionmyConnection.Close()End Using
I just want to get the price of the plan where planID is equal to the value of my varible planID. I want to set that equal to MonthlyPrice which is a decimal so I can add it into some calculations and return a value. I don't really want to bind the data to anything but everytime I search google I can't find anything excpet for binding data to grideview and things like that.
I have tried several diffrent approaches that I have found out there but have gotten errors or and things I am not understanding.
I originally was trying to access a datasource I already have defined that is on the aspx page.<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SQLSelectPlan" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Plans] WHERE ([PlanID] = @PlanID2)">
<asp:FormParameter FormField="grSelectPlan" Name="PlanID2" Type="Int32" />
 Is there a way for me to grab this datasource which works and is tied to a detailed view, take the value in the price collom and stick it in the MonthlyPrice varible on my vb page? That is the approach that seems the most logical to me.
If someone has better way I would really like to know.

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Noob Question On Bit Data Types

Oct 14, 2007

I'm not sure if this is a SQL question or if it is for the programming language but here goes:

I have a BIT column in a table referring to an active record. When the item is checked on the submit form the BIT changes to 1 to make the item active on the page. Is there a way to set up the DB table so that only one record in the table is set to 1? Meaning if Item A is already active (with 1) and then I update Item B to active, can Item A go back to inactive (or 0)?

Hope that makes sense .. T.I.A.

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Noob Here, Dumb, But Quick Question

Oct 25, 2004

Ok, I know a LITTLE about SQL 2000. I am just starting to get my feet wet in the area. I know how to install SQL, backup DB's and Restore them. Can even do them over the network now. YAY ME! Anyway, here is my question. I have a production server with 4 RAID arrays. I have one for my OS, one for the Main SQL DB's (heavy transaction DB's), one for my log files, and one that is supposed to be for my temp DB. Well when I installed SQL it asked me for the default data path, which would be where my main SQL db's go. I dont remember it asking me where I want the temp DB to go. How do I change the location of the tempdb.mdf and tempdb.ldf to the drive arrays I want them to go to, even though I have already installed SQL.

Thanks. And sorry ahead of time for the noobiness of the question. I did do a search first, but didnt really see anything that would help me.

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Noob: StoredProcedure, Null For Parameters?

Jun 27, 2006

I know it's unbelievable, but i didn't ever use SP before. Sorry for this noobish question, don't beat me for this - please ;-)

In my SELECT Query i like to have some (WHERE) paramteters le's say: ID, NAME and AGE. I allways programmicali generate a WHERE statement in relation to which parameters I really get, because not allwasy i get all the parameters together. This is fine for "normal" Tables.

How does this work with SP? If I don't get NAME, do I set the SP-Parameter NAME to null to unconsider it? Or do I have to make some IF statements in the SP to check, if NAME has some value?

Thanks for a short hint!

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2 Noob Questions, Documentation Site And ...

Oct 23, 2007

Hi all,

I'm new to mssql but not new to sql beceause i did (and still do mysql)
But i need to learn mssql for my job. I have some (noob) questions which will help me learning mssql faster. So here they are:

1. What is a good mssql site where all there functions are listed?
(like www.mysql.org for mysql)

2. What is the function to get all the table names from my database?


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Noob 2005 Version Headaches

Dec 12, 2007

Sorry if this is a very simple couple of questions, i've tried searching the docs but I'm not even sure which docs I should be reading!

We run a few dedicated web servers with our web host. A new one of which has sql server 2005 on it until now we've only ever used 2000.

Anyway I wanted to restore a 2000 database into 2005 and so logged into the machine for the first time, there was no management server installed just Sql Server configuration manager, fine I thought i'd be able to use SQL Express built into visual studio (2008) on my own machine. However when trying to connect I realised I didn't know the admin login details so called the host, they said there are no login details because there is no management software installed on the server and they'll install the Express version. Is this correct? Can you install SQL Server without an administrative login and you then can't connect to it until you've installed the management console?

Secondly, As I mentioned I've got SQL Express installed as part of a visual studio 2008 install, we also have a copy of SQL Server 2005 standard for internal use only, I tried to use this to install the necessary client tools and it tells me I can't because I have a higher version already installed?

Begining to wish I'd taken a look at 2005 much earlier than now as it seems like quite a big jump from 2000 in terms of management and setup...

Any pointers much appreciated.


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NooB Scripting Question How To Use Mailto

Jul 20, 2005

I am a noob to sql and asp programming. I am working on a db for thegaming squad I am a member of. One of the pages I created is a rosterlist of all the squad members. Part of this roster is listing eachmember's email address. What several people have asked of me is tomake it so the email addresses can be clicked on to open their emailprograms, just as html allows the mailto function to work.Here is a copy of the coding I am currently using:<td align="center"><font face="Arial"color="#C0C0C0"><%=rst("email")%></font></td>This will list the email address of the person, but how do I make itso the line will function as a mailto command?The page is saved as an .asp.Thanks for any advice!Dave

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Query Question (SQL Noob From MS Access)

Dec 22, 2005


How do you concatinate fields in SQL?  I tried in a SQL query, but did not have any success.  I'm coming from MS Access where it is simple to add fields together.

*** MS Access SQL ***

SELECT Table1.Field1, Table1.Field2, Expr1: Table1.Field1 & " - "& Table1.Field2
FROM Table1

*** END ***

You could add fields and put characters between the two different fields like a space and/or some sort of seperation character (/,-,_,:) in an expression.  Then you could call that expression from whatever you wanted.

Is there a way to do this in SQL Express 2005?  Do I do it in a query?  Can I add seperation characters?


PS.  If you have a good link to the basics of SQL queries, I would look at that as well.

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