A Couple Of, I Hope Basic Questions RE SqlDataSource's And Scripting
Jan 9, 2007
I am writing a proof of concept ASP.net application for my employer and I have run into a couple perplexing issues. First off, In my Page_Load event I have the following code.
txOTHrs.Attributes["onBlur"] = "return calculateTotal(this)";
The onblur event handler is coded as follows
function calculateTotal(tb)
var regHrs = document.getElementById ("txRegHrs").value;
var otHrs = document.getElementById("txOtHrs").value;
var rate = document.getElementById("txRate").value;
var regAmt = rate * regHrs;
var otAmt= rate * ( otHrs * 1.5 );
var total = otAmt + regAmt;
document.getElementById("txTotal").value = total;
Everything seems to work fine. The onBlur event is handled and, as I expect the value in the txTotal text box is updated correctly. The problem occurs when I try to access that value in the codebehind page. When ever I look at txTotal.Text in the debugger it is always blank. This has left me scratching my head as I can clearly see a value on the web page. Have I missed some step where I have to notify the server that a value in the control has changed ?
My second question is, I hope a very easy one to answer. In WinForms when I have a dataset I can access the individual rows ( in an untyped dataset ) by speficying dataset.tables["tableName"].Rows[index]. Is there any similar mechanism for accessing the individual rows, and fields in the SqlDataSource object in ASP.net ?
Any help anyone can provide is greatly appreciated!!
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Dec 4, 2007
Hello all, this is my first post, I have a couple of basic questions regarding the use of SSIS. I have used SSIS for a couple of years for on off table loads but never implemented production jobs with it so please bear with these questions.
1. When making scripts that connect to one or more databases, is there a way to store the userid and password somewhere besides embedded within the package, such as a web.config file, this would make routine password changes much more manageble.
I guess it was only one question but any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Apr 28, 2007
1. Let's say I have a SqlDataSource named Fred. Say I have a string variable, call it Barney. If I call Fred.Insert(Barney) HOW Does the insert command GET the Barney value and pass it to the SQL Insers string? 2. Lets say also in this same insert, I want the user Lets say Batty, who is logged in, to have her username automatically inserted into the table along with her Barney value. What is the method to get a hold of user name that is magically floating around in the session somewhere? All said and done, I'd love for it to work like this: "INSERT INTO [BedRock] ([UserName], [Character] ) VALUES (SomethingThatResolvesToSignedInUserName, SomehtingThatResolvesToStringValueofVariable) Table BedrockUserName CharacterBettyRubble 'Bam-Bam' THANKS inadvance fro ANY HelpDan-Simple and sleepless-Harper
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Nov 23, 2006
Hi everyone,
Running Windows 2003 x64 and Sql25k 64-bit edition
We just have a couple of questions related with our system:
-What is Sql Server VSS Writer service for?
-What sort of implications must we assume when Integration Services service is running as NT AUTHORITYNetworkService
Any link or advice would be welcomed.
Thanks for your time,
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Oct 9, 2006
I need to:
Copy an existing production database to a new database on the same server; this will be used for development.
Copy an existing table for backup purposes in preparation for deleting a couple fields from the table (precautionary process really).
I've been out of the database swing if you will for a while, just now getting the opportunity to get my feet wet so to speak. I can use either Enterprise Manager or connec to the database via ODBC and make the copies/deletes there, but I'm looking to do this via EM or SQL command.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!
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Apr 11, 2006
Hello - I'm about to rebuild my website on a nice new windows 2k3 server. I was previously using SQL server 7 but I'd like to use the 2005 edition.
Here's my first question - is the Express edition 2005 good enough to use on my live web server? Are there limits on the amount of connections at any one time?
My second question is this - what's the best way to connect to SQL Server 2005 Express?
At the moment I would use something like:
Server=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;Database=myDB
And then I would set up a COMPUTERNAMEASPNET account under SQL Server 2005 Express.
Is that an ok way to connect??
Any ideas?
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Jul 20, 2007
I am using Merge Replication for my scenario (POS). I have made the publication (articles are a set of tables in DB ABC) and its subscription (in same DB and diff tables xyz1, xyz2). I have scheduled the push subscription as run continuously between Dates(e.g current date to 3 days ahead, just for testing). Now, Can I change this schedule? How can I edit/remove the artilce from the above publication?
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Mar 14, 2008
A couple questions about SQL Server Reporting Services:
1. Can it be used for other data sources besides SQL Server (Oracle db, XML files, via APIs, etc.)?
2. Can it do ad hoc reporting? I like the "universes" that the SAP Business Objects product allows. Does Reporting Services have something like this, to provide a simplified view that non-technical business users can use to create their own reports? Or is Reporting Services just the equivalent to Crystal Reports?
(I wanted to post this in the general MSDN forum for SQL Server, but I can never log in there for some reason.)
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Jul 12, 2006
I'm trying to build a package programatically.
I've added a variable to my package but how do you specify its datatype? Is it purely determined by the type of the value that you pass in the Variables.Add(...) method?
I've added task and a sequence container to my package - no problem there. My sequence container is referenced in a variable of type DTSContainer but DTSContainer doesn't have an executables collection. So, how do I add a task into my sequence container?
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Nov 23, 2006
I have a SQL Server 2005 database (called BDHSE) in a PC which i call PC1. I have a second PC (PC2) and both are within a network (a WLAN).
What i want is to have access to BDHSE from an application in VB6 (APP1) running in PC2. All the INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE records process is done through APP1.
APP1 ia currently running in PC1 and is to be installed on PC2.
I have these questions:
1. What do i need to install in PC2 since all the INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE is done using APP1? I guess i only have to install the Microsoft SQL Native Client (with all the prerequisites of course) but i am not sure.
2. In the APP1 made in VB6, do i have to change the connectionstring since i am accesing the database which physically is at PC1 and the APP1 will be used in PC2?
3. Any advice you can give me on doing this will be well received.
Thanks in advance,
BSc Fernando Martinez
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May 5, 2004
A quick question:Can we disbale sa account in sql server 2000?
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Apr 11, 2006
I've not touched SQL server programming since 1999. I have very littlememory of it and need some clarifications on some basic questions thatI could even use a book for. Until I get myself a good book, someoneplease help me with the answers:1) What are SQL functions and how are they different from storedprocedures? Do both of the programming objects not achieve the samething? What was the need of having one in addition to the other?2) How do we use an "if construct"/if clause within a SQL statement?Can we use conditional checking with the if construct within a storedprocedure? Can you please post a trivial example of a stored procedurewith an if clause?3) Stored procedures can have input parameters as well as outputparameters. Can they also have in/out parameters that are like "byreference" parameters? What's the syntax on Microsoft's T-SQL version?4) How does one check the return value of a stored procedure?Thanks for helping out.
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Feb 13, 2007
Hi All,I am used to other SQL engines, and have a few basic questions--1)If I wanted to conditionally drop a table, does SQL Server have away to natively do this? Many SQL implementations will allowsomething like:CREATE OR REPLACE tablename ASSELECTx,y,zFROM sourcetable;Does SQL Server have something like this? This syntax, both the"create table as select" syntax and the "create or replace" syntaxseem to cause problems.2) Some of our existing queries have a keyword, "GO" where I wouldotherwise expect a semi-colon. Is there a functional differencebetween the two? I seem to be able to replace the "GO" keywords withsemi-colons without any changes in how the script behaves, but Ithought I would check and see if anyone has advice about thedifferences here.Thanks in advance,Ben
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Oct 18, 2004
Im studying sql server clustering at the moment and have come across many points which confuses me. Can any SQL Clustering Guru clarify some of them for me or point me in the right direction. thanks.
1) Single Instance clustering now replaces Active/Passive clustering? If so, doesn't this mean the you cant run an 'Active/Active Cluster' by installing 2 instances of sql server on each node?
2) Multiple Instance clustering now replaces Active/Active clustering?
3) You can only have 1 instance of SQLSERVER on each node in a single instance cluster (2 nodes). However u have more than 1 sqlserver in a multiple instance cluster?
And last but not least, do u know where i can get the latest resources on sql server clustering? apart from microsoft.com. thanks.
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Dec 14, 2004
I have two questions concerning formatting output in SQL.
I have a processer speed column that I would like to make usable. A sample entry is 2793, which I would like to be returned as '2.8 GHz'. I am using the following successfully, but when I try to append the ' GHz' it gives me a conversion error (I have tried putting both a cast and convert around the round statement).
Secondly, I have a RAM colum that stores values such as 534753280. I would like the results to fallin into 64 Mb buckets. So values between 512000 & 532480 should return '512 Mb'. I realize I can do this using a CASE statement, but is there a better way?
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May 19, 2004
I've done some basic database stuff with Access and ASP, but I have a client who has told me that he is in over his head and wants me to try getting his "mini CMS" site to work. He told me that he set everything up in Dreamweaver using ASP and "MSSQL"
I have never used what he calls: "MSSQL" before. Do I need software to create an "MSSQL" database? or is it all coded?
Also, one other question. The whole purpose of this site is to have Admin users log in to a page where they can edit the content of a page and upload it. If there is a large block of text, does it all reside in a field in the database, or would it be a link to a text file? kind of like linking to an image since images don't actually reside in the database.
Thanks for any direction you might have
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Nov 17, 2005
I have created two tables and inserted the data using insert statements. The two tables that I have created are Automobile and Dealer_Info and have a 1:M relation from Dealer_Info > Automobile.
I am trying to list the Vehicle_Model and the number of times they are repeated, but when I run the code (below) the Count is inserted into an arbitrarily made up attribute (No column name). When that happens I cannot sort in DESC order.
I am using SQL(2000)
Select Vehicle_Model, Count(Vehicle_Model) from Automobile
Group by (Vehicle_Model)
Order by count(*)
Vehicle_Model (No column name)
Escort 1
F150 4
Explorer 6
Taurus 12
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Jan 18, 2008
I have been working with SSIS and find myself stopped on what seem like very basic tasks.
Am I right in thinking that, if you want to import a flat file into a SQL datatable, in most PC based systems, that you have to manually cast EVERY SINGLE COLUMN to unicode string, if you don't want to get the 'cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types'? I mean, this is surely a VERY COMMON task, taking a CR/LF delimited ASCII file and dumping it into a database tables? What if you have 50 fields to import?
Am I the only one who finds it very difficult to cast a string from a textfile to a date format? At this point, I always just dump the date to a 8 character string and save it that way, and use a SQL view to cast it to a date. At least SQL Server can do 'basic date conversions'. Is there any way to freeze execution and find out what data was provided to a derived column, if you're trying to do some substring operations and hodge together a date? I couldn't find any. I usually put a extra column in a datatable and plunk some data there to find out 'what it looked like', how else can you debug an SSIS program?
Is there a planned service pack or update to SSIS that will make this more usable? Does Microsoft ever intend to implement an UPSERT type module? Or a File Move operation that handles directories that fill up with log files, each of which have to be added to a datatable and then moved to an archive directory (surely, another very common task - I figured out how to accomplish this but it is far from intuitive, the way it currently works). Sorry for grumbling, but honestly, I find turnaround time to develop a very simple import program is RIDICULOUS. It's quicker to write a COBOL program to issue a bunch of formatted SQL UPDATE statements than using this application.
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Sep 5, 2006
I am new to SQL 2005, can someone give me some details instructions about how to do below two tasks:
All my developers are in a window domain user group, I need to grant dbo privileges to that domain group so then can do the their development work. The rule is all objects they create need to be owned by dbo not by there ID. ( I can€™t do it because I got €ś The €śDeafult_Schema clause cannot be used with a windows group€?)
Same as above but this time they only need select permission on tables nothing else.
Many thanks.
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Mar 11, 2004
I'm new to using SQL server and have a few setup questions.
I'm setting up a database for the company I work for. Should I setup a different database for each division in our company (e.g. accounting, project management, estimating, etc.), or should I use just one database? It seems like it would be easier to use one database so I only have to use one connection, but is this ideal? I want all the info from the different divisions to be used together, but at this point I'm confused as to how to connect different databases together, if I were to go this way.
Thanks for any input or ideas!
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Dec 13, 2006
Hi. I'm reading about encryption and not totally up-to-speed on what the Service Master Key is all about...
Let me paraphrase this book: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Implementation and Maintenance Training Kit by Microsoft Press, while I ask questions...
The database engine uses the Service Master Key to encrypt...
- Linked server passwords (example?)
- Connection Strings (example?)
- Account credentials (example?)
- All database master keys
You should back up the Service Master Key and store it offsite.
(Even if I never plan to use encryption?)
ALTER SERVICE MASTER KEY REGENERATE regenerates the service master key.
(Is it building a completely different key, or regenerating the original?)
(Why would I want to regenerate it?)
(Does this void all database master keys encrypted by the original Service Master Key?)
(If so, do I regenerate all database master keys voided by the regeneration?)
A database master key is optional.
(So if I have Server A with encrypted database A, that I want to restore to Server B,
I need the following items to perform restore?
- a backup of database A
- the Service Master Key of A at time of backup
- associated password of Service Master Key at time of backup)
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Dec 1, 2006
We have a small Ethernet LAN running SBS 2003 R2. I have installed SQL Server 2005 that came with that release on the server. I did not specify a named instance.
1) What is the name of the default instance?
2) When I go to a client computer I cannot see the SQL server instance.
For example on my PC I have VS2005. If I go to Server Explorer, all I see is the local copy of SQL Server 2005 Express I have installed on my PC. I see nothing for the server. Does the server need configuring within SQL Server to allow this. Do I need to change permisions on the folders where the SQL Server 2005 files are stored.
In short, what basic steps do I need to follow to get acces to SQL Server on my server from a client.
3) If I want to create a new named instance, do I have to do Run the whole setup again? There appears to be no managemnt tool for instances of SQL server.
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Nov 26, 2005
I'm a long time user of SQL Server 2000 but no knowledge of 2005 Express.
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Apr 2, 2008
I really confused , I wanna get an rowid on sql 2000 table so I have created a sproc and it's syntax is OK
How can I check it on sql query analyzer? this sql server 2000
Also How can I use that in select statement?
here is my select statement which I have to use sproc inside
select custid,ordernum,sku,amount,
dbo.get_rownums (custid,ordernum,sku ) ???
from tp_cod cod
here is my sproc:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[get_rownums] @custid as varchar(10),@ordernum as varchar(5),@sku as varchar(10) , @i as int output
DECLARE @SkuID as varchar(10)
--DECLARE @i as int
Select sku from tp_cod where custid=@custid and ordernum=@ordernum
set nocount on
set @i=0
OPEN got_sku
Set @i =@i + 1
if @SkuID=@sku
return @i
begin FETCH NEXT FROM got_sku INTO @SkuID end
CLOSE got_sku
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Jul 2, 2007
I have a table with with some column name includes a space. for example [Product ID] [Product Name] Instead of Product_ID, Product_Name. when I try to create a gridview and enable delete, insert. It just won't work.
I've been trying for several hours without success. When I click on delete. the page postback without any error, but the record doesn't get deleted or updated.
<asp:SqlDataSource id="sourceProducts" runat="server" SelectCommand="SELECT [Product ID], [Product Name] FROM Products" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:mydb %>"DeleteCommand="Delete from Products where [Product ID]=@ProductIDUpdateCommand="UPDATE Products SET [Product Name]=@ProductName WHERE [Product ID]=@ProductID" > <UpdateParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="ProductName" /> <asp:Parameter Name="ProductID" /> </UpdateParameters> <DeleteParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="ProductID" Type="Int32"/> </DeleteParameters></asp:SqlDataSource><asp:GridView ID="GridView2" runat="server" DataSourceID="sourceProducts" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="Product ID" > <Columns> <asp:BoundField DataField="Product ID" HeaderText="ID" ReadOnly="True" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Product Name" HeaderText="Product Name"/> <asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" ShowDeleteButton="True"></asp:GridView>
Another testing I did was to use another table with no space in the Column name, Product_ID, Product_Name. and I can't name my parameter as PID, PNAME. I have to name it as @Product_ID, @Product_Name in order for Delete, update to work. My understanding is if I declare the parameter explicitly(<asp:Parameter Name="PID" />, I can use any name I want. Did I must missed something?
I'm new to ASP.NET, could someone help me?
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Mar 16, 2004
Hi to all
Is there any option in sql server DTS or any other third party tool that can script data. By scripting data i mean that....
if a table "Employee" contains 50 rows, i want the tool to write 50 insert queries for me so that i can run in it anywhere.
Problem is i have to insert data in a remote server where i cannot use DTS. I just have a text area to write my query and press the run button..
Hope u understand my problem. In case of any explanation please reply. Waiting for your response. Thanx in advance.
by to all
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Sep 12, 2005
how to use MSSQL in asp.net?
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Dec 14, 2006
I am doing a system for my project.I have three tables and they are
1. Hote Table which contains the hotelID as the primary key and other attributes of a hotel in the table
2.Room Table which contains the roomType of the hotels.The table conist the rmId as the primary key and the hId asthe foreign key from the hotel table.The table consist of an attribute standard price of the hotel roomType standard price.
3.The third table is the room type priceList table where all the prices of the roomsType is inserted inside.
For e.g
HotelID| RMTypeID | Price | dateStart | dateEnd
1 1 200 28 jan 07 30 jan 07 1 1 300 28 dec 06 30th dec 07 1 2 400 28 jan 07 30 jan 07
How do i get the the current price List of the hotel.I tried various sql statement and i am unable to fix ? If there are not latest price of the room Type i have to display the standard price.Do you have any idea how can i do this ?How can i display them in a dataList/datagrid/repeater as i have to show all the room types in the hotel.
If my database has some ammendments in my database,please do suggest.Thank you for your help.
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Sep 20, 2004
I was looking for a way to "globally" set my FROM database value. Is this possible?, or does the "FROM" syntax always require the database name? I would like to just state my table names in the FROM statement
BEFORE Example:
select T1.id, FROM PT.ptuser.tblRequest T1, where etc....
Can the "PT.ptuser" be declared somehow 1 time so my SQL code could look like...
AFTER Example:
select T1.id, FROM tblRequest T1, where etc....
hope this makes sense.... I'm trying to run SQL via Microsoft Query
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Apr 20, 2007
I have been programming access databases for 8 years.Well today I find out that I need to know SQL.HUH LOLwell I don't have a clue as to how people even enter data intoa sql database or how to manipulate or retrieve data.Can someone please recommend a book to get me started?thank you very much for any and all help with this.
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May 28, 2007
i have an Instrument dimension which consists of the following attributes:
RIC (Key)
I can run the following query:
select {} on 0, [INSTRUMENT].[RIC].Children on 1
from [Itdev1 Hk]
which lists out the members of the RIC attribute hierarchy of the instrument dimension.
How do I modify the mdx to list only those instruments where Expiry date > today?
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Feb 17, 2004
I've bin using MySQL and now trying to convert it on to SQL 2000 and i've got a couple of questions
1. Ive got a SQL Script of a database generated by MySQL, can i run this script stright into SQL 2000 and if so how do i go about it ????
2. In my MySQL i have a Gender field which data type is Enum ('M','F'). How do i recreate this type of field in SQL 2000.
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May 11, 2007
I have made a report in SRS and am not sure of how to do some of the functions I need.
In SQL I can use UPPER to convert to upper case, SRS doesn't seem to like this. The report runs but the line that is to be upper case is missing. If I remove the UPPER word from my query it works fine just displaying in lower case. Am I doing something wrong?
In Excel 2007 (I am converting my report from Excel to SRS) there is a function called NETWORKDAYS (Returns the number of whole working days between start_date and end_date. Working days exclude weekends and any dates identified in holidays. Use NETWORKDAYS to calculate employee benefits that accrue based on the number of days worked during a specific term.) Is there something similar I can use in SRS?
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