A Rewrite Of The Sp_help_revlogin Procedure (use At Own Risk)
Mar 21, 2006
Use the view master.sys.sql_logins (new in 2005) to get at the varbinary passwords like you did in your Sql Server 2000 scripts (instead of using passwords from master.dbo.sysxlogins).
I have altered the sp_help_revlogin (from Microsoft article # 246133 )
PLEASE TEST/FIX before you use this:
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[sp_help_revlogin_2005]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[sp_help_revlogin_2005]
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_help_revlogin_2005 @login_name sysname = NULL AS
DECLARE @name sysname
DECLARE @logintype char(1)
DECLARE @logindisabled int
DECLARE @binpwd varbinary (256)
DECLARE @txtpwd sysname
DECLARE @tmpstr varchar (256)
DECLARE @SID_varbinary varbinary(85)
DECLARE @SID_string varchar(256)
IF (@login_name IS NULL)
SELECT sid, name, type, is_disabled FROM master.sys.server_principals
WHERE name <> 'sa' and type in ('S','U','G')
SELECT sid, name, type, is_disabled FROM master.sys.server_principals
WHERE name = @login_name
OPEN login_curs
FETCH NEXT FROM login_curs INTO @SID_varbinary, @name, @logintype, @logindisabled
I am in the process of migrating side-by-side from 7 to 2005 and I am wondering if the same sp_help_revlogin will work from 7 to 2005. I want to keep the same pwd, sid etc or do I need to use SSIS (Integration Services).
Hi, I want to take a copy of all my SQL users on a weekly basis and save the results of the query to a txt file with the date the query was executed as part of the filename. I know I can use sp_help_Revlogin ot backup my users but I can't figure out how to do the rest.
I am trying to figure how to run the above stored procedure as a daily job and have the output sent to a file, so that I can copy the file and later run it on another server. How do I have the output saved as a file ? Can anyone help with this??
We have an old ASP application that authenticates to a SQL Server 2000 database using the IUSER account.
We are exploring the possibility of moving it to a DMZ so users can access from home. The IUSER account is being used for all database activity for this application. Is there any reason to be concerned about using IUSER as opposed to sql authentication for this tool, or any other security risks I should be wary of. Mind you there may be some sensitive information contained in the database. Thanks in advance.
I just read this article. The kind of select is called dirty read. So select with nolock might have inaccurate result...? PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS. I am using it to count some huge tables, and has problem on the result..
NOLOCK Using NOLOCK politely asks SQL Server to ignore locks and read directly from the tables. This means you completely circumvent the lock system, which is a major performance and scalability improvement. However, you also completely circumvent the lock system, which means your code is living dangerously. You might read the not-necessarily-valid uncommitted modifications of a running transaction. This is a calculated risk.
For financial code and denormalized aggregates (those little counters of related data that you stash away and try desperately to keep accurate), you should play it safe and not use this technique.
I am sertainly no SQL expert so I am looking for a bit of help(actually quite desperate).The extra CPU and 1GB of RAM to be added to a server (Compaq DL380 G2:1.4 GHz PIII with a Gig of RAM) have not come in and we are scheduledto go live tomorrow with a MS SQL Server web app. Will potentiallyinsufficient hardware resources endanger the data of other appsrunning on the SQL Server or will the system simply be slow foreveryone?Basically, I need to know whether SQl Server bogs down gracefully(under 2x-3x an acceptable load) or will we be corrupting the databasewith a crash.Thanks a million,Bert
I've read a bunch of articles saying you should always remove the guest user from the user databases and model. It seems to me that if a user only has public access then the user can't do anything on the database. If the guest user only has public access to a user database how is it a security threat? I must be missing something.
We are developing an application that requires change tracking.We tested it in development and test environments and we are preparing our production deployment.The very first thing that needs to be done is an
We are holding on this first step because this statement alone executed for a good 4min on the development server. The production environment is many times larger and busier, and we can’t afford service disruption, so we are at the point where we need to understand what’s involved in running this ALTER DATABASE statement.Is there any documentation on what is happening behind the scene when this statement executes such that we can assess the risks of running it in production?
SELECT Loan.loan_No AS Loan_No, Loan.customer_No AS Customer_No, Customer.first_name AS First_name, Customer.second_name AS Second_name, Customer.surname AS Surname, Customer.initials AS Initials, Bank.Bank_name AS Bank_name, Branch.Branch_name AS Branch_name, Branch.branch_code AS Branch_code , Bank_detail.bank_acc_type AS Bank_acc_type, Transaction_Record.transaction_Amount AS Transaction_Amount, Transaction_Record.transaction_Date AS Transaction_Date, Loan.product AS Product, Product.product_Type AS Product_Type, Product_Type.loan_Type AS Loan_Type
FROM Transaction_Record INNER JOIN Loan ON Transaction_Record.loan_No = Loan.loan_No INNER JOIN Product ON Loan.product = Product.product INNER JOIN Customer ON Loan.customer_No = Customer.customer_no INNER JOIN Bank_detail ON Customer.customer_no = Bank_detail.customer_no INNER JOIN Branch ON Bank_detail.Branch = Branch.Branch INNER JOIN Bank ON Branch.Bank = Bank.Bank INNER JOIN Product_Type ON Product.product_Type = Product_Type.product_Type
Here's the code I'd like to update, and below it a set of sample data:
Declare @StartDate DateTime Declare @EndDate DateTime Set @StartDate = '20-mar-2008' Set @EndDate = '25-mar-2008'
COUNT (iqs.childid) as Cnt ,CASE
--Search Categories and Create Initial Groupings-- WHEN Category LIKE '%Jewel%' THEN 'Accessories' WHEN Category LIKE '%Beauty%' THEN 'Accessories' WHEN Category LIKE '%Accs%' THEN 'Accessories' WHEN Category LIKE '%Gift%' THEN 'Accessories' WHEN Category LIKE '%Grooming%' THEN 'Accessories' WHEN Category LIKE '%Female%Prem%Brands%' THEN 'WomensPremiumOutsideBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Female%Prem%OB%' THEN 'WomensPremiumOwnBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Female%Brand%' THEN 'WomensOutsideBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Female%OB%%' THEN 'WomensOwnBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Female%' THEN 'Womenswear' WHEN Category LIKE '%Male%Prem%Brands%' THEN 'MensPremiumOutsideBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Male%Prem%OB%' THEN 'MensPremiumOwnBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Male%Brand%' THEN 'MensOutsideBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Male%OB%' THEN 'MensOwnBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Male%' THEN 'MensOwnBrand' END AS CategoryGroup ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), iqs.StatusDate, 103) AS StatusDate
FROM InventoryQueryStatus iqs JOIN InventoryStatus [is] ON [is].StatusID = iqs.StatusID JOIN Inventory i ON i.InventoryID = iqs.InventoryID JOIN InventoryCategory ic ON ic.CategoryID = i.CategoryID WHERE iqs.StatusID = 31000 and Category NOT LIKE 'Force%' --AND iqs.StatusDate >=GETDATE()-1 AND iqs.StatusDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate GROUP BY CASE
--Search Categories and Create Initial Groupings-- WHEN Category LIKE '%Jewel%' THEN 'Accessories' WHEN Category LIKE '%Beauty%' THEN 'Accessories' WHEN Category LIKE '%Accs%' THEN 'Accessories' WHEN Category LIKE '%Gift%' THEN 'Accessories' WHEN Category LIKE '%Grooming%' THEN 'Accessories' WHEN Category LIKE '%Female%Prem%Brands%' THEN 'WomensPremiumOutsideBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Female%Prem%OB%' THEN 'WomensPremiumOwnBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Female%Brand%' THEN 'WomensOutsideBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Female%OB%%' THEN 'WomensOwnBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Female%' THEN 'Womenswear' WHEN Category LIKE '%Male%Prem%Brands%' THEN 'MensPremiumOutsideBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Male%Prem%OB%' THEN 'MensPremiumOwnBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Male%Brand%' THEN 'MensOutsideBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Male%OB%' THEN 'MensOwnBrand' WHEN Category LIKE '%Male%' THEN 'MensOwnBrand' END ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), iqs.StatusDate, 103)
I have a WHERE clause that could be an "=" or a "LIKE" depending uponif the passed variable is populated or not. I would like to know thebest way to write the WHERE clause to make it dynamically switchbetween the 2 and make best use of the indexes.CREATE TABLE myTable(ID INT PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, COUNTY VARCHAR(50))CREATE INDEX IDX_myTable_County ON myTable(COUNTY)DECLARE @COUNTY VARCHAR(50)SET @COUNTY = 'SANTA CLARA' -- Could also be SET @COUNTY = NULLSELECT ID FROM myTableWHERE COUNTY LIKE (CASE WHEN @COUNTY IS NOT NULL THEN @COUNTY ELSE '%'END)This does not seem like best practice to me because I am forced to use"LIKE" even when @COUNTY is populated with data. Ultimately I'd like:WHERE (CASE WHEN @COUNTY IS NOT NULL COUNTY = @COUNTY ELSE COUNTY LIKE'%' END)but that is incorrect syntax on "=".Also, I do not want to use a dynamically built statement. Is there away around this?Thanks,Josh
SELECT CASE WHEN Population BETWEEN 0 AND 100 THEN '0-100' WHEN Population BETWEEN 101 AND 1000 THEN '101-1000' ELSE 'Greater than 1000' END AS Population_Range, COUNT(CASE WHEN Population BETWEEN 0 AND 100 THEN '0-100' WHEN Population BETWEEN 101 AND 1000 THEN '101-1000' ELSE 'Greater than 1000' END) AS [No. Of Countries] FROM Country GROUP BY CASE WHEN Population BETWEEN 0 AND 100 THEN '0-100' WHEN Population BETWEEN 101 AND 1000 THEN '101-1000' ELSE 'Greater than 1000' END
We are load testing SQL 2005 and I need to re-write the index scripts that we have from 2000. Is there an easier way to rewrite the scripts without having to go to each job, then each step and modify it?
Our current index script template is:
Create NonClustered Index [IdxABCDE] On dbo.blahblah(blahID) With FillFactor = 90, Statistics_NoRecompute On [Index2] Go
and I need to rewrite it as:
I am thinking I would have to rewrite the scripts from scratch. We have hundreds of index scripts. So before I brace myself to lot of typing, just wanted to find out if there is any easier way..
Dinakar Nethi ************************ Life is short. Enjoy it. ************************ http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/dinakar/
I have a complex stored procedure that utilises inner joins, and in the WHERE clause there is defined a subquery. This subquery has now cause a performance hit to the ponit where the server is returning a timeout. Need to find an alternate fast solution.....
FROM vw_BlogEntry BE
INNER JOIN @BlogView BC ON BC.CommonID = BE.BlogCommonID
INNER JOIN vw_Blog B ON B.BlogID = BC.BlogID
... ) AND (
.... )
-- GET ENTRIES WHERE COMMENT COUNT IS AT LEAST @CommentCount (..or @CommentCount = 0)
@CommentCount <= 0
OR BE.CommonID IN (SELECT bc.EntryCommonID FROM vw_BlogComment_Current bc
INNER JOIN tblVersionDetails vd ON bc.VersionID = vd.VersionID
IsNull(@CommentStatus,'') = ''
OR vd.Status IN (SELECT * FROM fn_CsvToString(@CommentStatus))
This works, but it's highly unefficient and generates a lot of IO. Is there another way to do it without the use of temp tables?
Code Block select eh.* from Equipment_History eh where Equipment_History_ID in (select top 2 Equipment_History_ID from Equipment_History eh1 where Equipment_ID in (select Equipment_ID from Equipment_History eh2 where Equipment_History_ID in (select min(Equipment_History_ID) from Equipment_History eh3 where eh2.Equipment_ID = eh3.Equipment_ID and eh2.Equipment_Status_Type in (1,2,3))) and eh1.Equipment_ID = eh.Equipment_ID order by Equipment_History_ID)
Equipment_History_ID is PK
Let me know what other information would be useful, I can barely understand my logic from looking at the code but it does in fact work.
I have to modify a stored procedure that is written by someone else.Basically the stored prcoedure uses a cursor to fetch the data from the table and then insert that data in another table. While fetching the code form another table, it also gets some distinct columns from another table Below is my code:
Declare data_cursor cursor for Select emp_no, emp_name, event_date, Test_no, Code, Test_result From test_table1 order by emp_no
The reason, I have to modify the above stored proc because now because of application changes, I am getting around 50 distinct userID from test_table1 so the above subquery(SELECT @ProcessName = (select distinct userID from test_table1) won't work. How can I loop through the above stored proc so that each @ProcessName can get inserted in table TESTTable2 so in other words
I want to pass each userId one at a time and insert it in table test_table1 and other subsequent tables. I can declare another cursor to accomplish this, but I was wondering if there is any better way to rewrite this stored proc and not use the cursor at all.because of my application changes all these three statements above are throwing the error:
I have a query with 11 left joins. Some hits against tables with small amounts of reference data, whereas others are not so small. Should I rewrite this in another way, as performance is a requirement on this one? Or, should I do it another way?
I have a query which spends a lot of time calculating my CASE WHEN -statements.
My query looks like this
(someCol*0.4+someOtherCol*0.3) > 99 THEN 99 ELSE
(someCol*0.4+someOtherCol*0.3) END FROM
CASE WHEN @myparam > 50 THEN
CASE WHEN Col5+@myincrease > 99 THEN 99 ELSE Col5+@myincrease END ELSE
CASE WHEN Col6+@myincrease > 99 THEN 99 ELSE Col6+@myincrease ENDEND as someCol, CASE WHEN Col8+@myincrease3 > 99 THEN 99 ELSE Col8+@myincrease3 END as SomeOtherCol FROM
SomeTable ) t1
This is just a little bit of the full query. I cannot write the whole query since it contains alot of different views and calculations, but I have traced it down to that all these case when-statements is taking a lot of time to do. So I hope that this example will be enough for you to understand my problem.
I know about some tricks that can replace a CASE WHEN, for example using COALESCE or BETWEEN but that does not seem to work in my case.
I have a activeX script like below in DTS and I am trying to rewrite it in SSIS. What is the best way to do this? Can I do this using a look up table? or other transformers in SSIS '********************************************************************** ' Visual Basic Transformation Script '************************************************************************
' Copy each source column to the destination column Function Main() if DTSSource("RACE_AMERICAN_INDIAN_YN") = "1" then DTSDestination("RACE_NATIVE_AM_IND") = "Y" else if DTSSource("RACE_AMERICAN_INDIAN_YN") = "2" then DTSDestination("RACE_NATIVE_AM_IND") = "N" end if end if
if DTSSource("RACE_ASIAN_YN") = "1" then DTSDestination("RACE_ASIAN_IND") = "Y" else if DTSSource("RACE_ASIAN_YN") = "2" then DTSDestination("RACE_ASIAN_IND") = "N" end if end if
if DTSSource("RACE_AFRICAN_AMERICAN_YN") = "1" then DTSDestination("RACE_BLACK_IND") = "Y" else if DTSSource("RACE_AFRICAN_AMERICAN_YN") = "2" then DTSDestination("RACE_BLACK_IND") = "N" end if end if
if DTSSource("RACE_NATIVE_HAWAIIAN_YN") = "1" then DTSDestination("RACE_HAWAIIAN_IND") = "Y" else if DTSSource("RACE_NATIVE_HAWAIIAN_YN") = "2" then DTSDestination("RACE_HAWAIIAN_IND") = "N" end if end if
if DTSSource("RACE_CAUCASIAN_YN") = "1" then DTSDestination("RACE_WHITE_IND") = "Y" else if DTSSource("RACE_CAUCASIAN_YN") = "2" then DTSDestination("RACE_WHITE_IND") = "N" end if end if
if CInt (DTSSource("RACE_AMERICAN_INDIAN_YN")) + CInt (DTSSource("RACE_ASIAN_YN")) + CInt (DTSSource("RACE_AFRICAN_AMERICAN_YN")) + CInt (DTSSource("RACE_NATIVE_HAWAIIAN_YN")) + CInt (DTSSource("RACE_CAUCASIAN_YN")) = 9 then if DTSSource("RACE_AMERICAN_INDIAN_YN") = "1" then DTSDestination ("RACE_CD") = 40 DTSDestination ("RACE_MULT_IND") = "N" DTSDestination ("RACE_OTH_IND") = "N" else if DTSSource ("RACE_ASIAN_YN") = "1" then DTSDestination ("RACE_CD") = 16 DTSDestination ("RACE_MULT_IND") = "N" DTSDestination ("RACE_OTH_IND") = "N" else if DTSSource ("RACE_AFRICAN_AMERICAN_YN") = "1" then DTSDestination ("RACE_CD") = 32 DTSDestination ("RACE_MULT_IND") = "N" DTSDestination ("RACE_OTH_IND") = "N" else if DTSSource("RACE_NATIVE_HAWAIIAN_YN") = "1" then DTSDestination ("RACE_CD") = 51 DTSDestination ("RACE_MULT_IND") = "N" DTSDestination ("RACE_OTH_IND") = "N" else if DTSSource("RACE_CAUCASIAN_YN") = "1" then DTSDestination("RACE_CD") = 31 DTSDestination("RACE_MULT_IND") = "N" DTSDestination("RACE_OTH_IND") = "N" end if end if end if end if end if else if CInt (DTSSource("RACE_AMERICAN_INDIAN_YN")) + CInt (DTSSource("RACE_ASIAN_YN")) + CInt (DTSSource("RACE_AFRICAN_AMERICAN_YN")) + CInt (DTSSource("RACE_NATIVE_HAWAIIAN_YN")) + CInt (DTSSource("RACE_CAUCASIAN_YN")) = 10 then DTSDestination("RACE_CD") = 99 DTSDestination("RACE_MULT_IND") = "N" DTSDestination("RACE_OTH_IND") = "N" else if CInt (DTSSource("RACE_AMERICAN_INDIAN_YN")) + CInt (DTSSource("RACE_ASIAN_YN")) + CInt (DTSSource("RACE_AFRICAN_AMERICAN_YN")) + CInt (DTSSource("RACE_NATIVE_HAWAIIAN_YN")) + CInt (DTSSource("RACE_CAUCASIAN_YN")) < 9 then DTSDestination("RACE_CD") = 52 DTSDestination("RACE_MULT_IND") = "Y" DTSDestination("RACE_OTH_IND") = "N" end if end if end if
Suposse that some models are deployed in Report Server for a while, and users have developed some ad-hoc reports on them using Report Builder, (some of the models are SSAS Cubes).
Modifications are required for a Model, what is the procedure to deploy this modifications? What happens with ad-hoc reports of this Model? Rewrite all the reports is a VERY BAD option, I agree that some reports must be rewrote, but only if they reference objects no longer valids in new model.
I suposse that the procedure for SSAS Cube Models will be different for a Relational Database Source because metods of generating models are so different. (I am particularly curious about Cubes, I can't figure out how I can do it)
Keep in mind this is my first compiled SQL program Stored Procedure(SP), copied from a book by Frasier Visual C++.NET in Visual Studio2005 (Chap12). So far, so theory, except for one bug (feature?)below. At some point I'm sure I'll be able to laugh about this, akinto forgeting a semi-colon in C/C++, but right now it's frustrating(time to sleep on it for a while).Problem--For some reason I get the error when trying to save files where twotables (called Author and Content), linked by a single key, form arelationship.By simple comparison of the source code in the textbook and my program(below) I found the difference: instead of, like in the textbook, theStored Procedure (SP) starting with "CREATE PROCEDURE", it*automatically* is (was somehow) given the name of 'ALTER PROCEDURE'and I cannot change this to "CREATE PROCEDURE" (you get an error in MSVisual Studio 2005 Pro edition of "There is already an object namedXXX in the database", see *|* below). No matter what I do, the SP isalways changed by Visual Studio 2005 to 'ALTER PROCEDURE'!!!(otherwise it simply will not save)Anybody else have this happen? (See below, others have had this happenover the years but it's not clear what the workaround is)Keep in mind this is my first attempt and I have ordered somespecialized books on SQL, but if this is a common problem (and Isuspect it's some sort of bug or quirk in VS2005), please let me know.Frankly I think SQL as done by VS2005 is messed up.Here are two Usenet threads on this problem:(1) http://tinyurl.com/2o956m or,http://groups.google.com/group/micr...1454182ae77d409(2) http://tinyurl.com/2ovybv or,http://groups.google.com/group/micr...9e5428bf0525889The second thread implies this is a bug--any fix?Also this bug might be relate to the fact I've switched (and notrebooted) from Administrator to PowerUser after successfully changingthe permissions in the SQL Server Management Studio Express (see thisthread: http://tinyurl.com/2o5yqa )Regarding this problem I might try again tommorrow to see if rebootinghelps.BTW, in the event I can't get this to work, what other SQL editor/compiler should I use besides MS Visual Studio 2005 for ADO.NET andSQL dB development?RL// source files// error message:'Authors' table saved successfully'Content' table- Unable to create relationship 'FK_Content_Authors'.The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint"FK_Content_Authors". The conflict occurred in database "DCV_DB",table "dbo.Authors", column 'AuthorID'.// due to the below no doubt!--CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.InsertAuthor /* THIS IS CORRECT (what I want)'CREATE PROCEDURE' not 'ALTER PROCEDURE'*/(@LastName NVARCHAR(32) = NULL,@FirstName NVARCHAR(32) = NULL)AS/* SET NOCOUNT ON */INSERT INTO Authors (LastName, FirstName)VALUES(@LastName, @FirstName)RETURN--ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.InsertAuthor /* WRONG! I want 'CREATE PROCEDURE'not 'ALTER PROCEDURE' but VS2005 won't save it as such!!!*/(@LastName NVARCHAR(32) = NULL,@FirstName NVARCHAR(32) = NULL)AS/* SET NOCOUNT ON */INSERT INTO Authors (LastName, FirstName)VALUES(@LastName, @FirstName)RETURN--*|* Error message given: when trying to save CREATE PROCEDURE StoredProcedure: "There is already an object named 'InsertAuthor' in the dB
Hi everybody, I am having trouble how to fixed this code. I am trying to supply the parameterinside a stored procedure with a value, and displays error message shown below. If I did not supply the parameter with a value, it works. How to fix this?Error Message:Procedure or function <stored proc name> has too many arguments specified.Thanks,den2005 Stored procedure:
Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetIdeaByCategory] @CatId <span class="kwd">int</span> = 0 AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON;
Select I.*, C.*, U.* From Idea I inner join IdeaCategory C on I.CategoryID = C.IdeaCategoryID inner join Users U on I.UserID = U.UserID Where I.CategoryID = @CatId Order By LastModifiedDate Desc End
Can someone help me with this issue? I am trying to update a record using a sp. The db table has an identity column. I seem to have set up everything correctly for Gridview and SqlDataSource but have no clue where my additional, phanton arguments are being generated. If I specify a custom statement rather than the stored procedure in the Data Source configuration wizard I have no problem. But if I use a stored procedure I keep getting the error "Procedure or function <sp name> has too many arguments specified." But thing is, I didn't specify too many parameters, I specified exactly the number of parameters there are. I read through some posts and saw that the gridview datakey fields are automatically passed as parameters, but when I eliminate the ID parameter from the sp, from the SqlDataSource parameters list, or from both (ID is the datakey field for the gridview) and pray that .net somehow knows which record to update -- I still get the error. I'd like a simple solution, please, as I'm really new to this. What is wrong with this picture? Thank you very much for any light you can shed on this.
On SQL 2012 (64bit) I have a CLR stored procedure that calls another, T-SQL stored procedure.
The CLR procedure passes a sizeable amount of data via a user defined table type resp.table values parameter. It passes about 12,000 rows with 3 columns each.
For some reason the call of the procedure is verz very slow. I mean just the call, not the procedure.
I changed the procdure to do nothing (return 1 in first line).
So with all parameters set from
command.ExecuteNonQuery()to create proc usp_Proc1 @myTable myTable read only begin return 1 end
it takes 8 seconds.I measured all other steps (creating the data table in CLR, creating the SQL Param, adding it to the command, executing the stored procedure) and all of them work fine and very fast.
When I trace the procedure call in SQL Profiler I get a line like this for each line of the data table (12,000)
SP:StmtCompleted -- Encrypted Text.
As I said, not the procedure or the creation of the data table takes so long, really only the passing of the data table to the procedure.
I am building a stored procedure that changes based on the data that is available to the query. See below. The query fails on line 24, I have the line highlighted like this. Can anyone point out any problems with the sql?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the error...
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure sp_SearchCandidatesAdvanced, Line 24
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the exec point...
EXEC [dbo].[sp_SearchCandidatesAdvanced]
@LicenseType = 4,
@PositionType = 4,
@BeginAvailableDate = '10/10/2006',
@EndAvailableDate = '10/31/2007',
@EmployerLatitude = 29.346675,
@EmployerLongitude = -89.42251,
@Radius = 50
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the STORED PROCEDURE...
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_SearchCandidatesAdvanced]
Has anyone encountered this before? Procedure or Function 'stored procedure name' expects parameter '@parameter', which was not supplied. It seems that my code is not passing the parameter to the stored procedure. When I click this hyperlink: <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" Runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%# "../Division.aspx?CountryID=" + Eval("CountryID")%>' Text='<%# Eval("Name") %>' ToolTip='<%# Eval("Description") %>' CssClass='<%# Eval("CountryID").ToString() == Request.QueryString["CountryID"] ? "CountrySelected" : "CountryUnselected" %>'> </asp:HyperLink> it is suppose to get the country name and description, based on the country id. I am passing the country id like this. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PopulateControls(); } private void PopulateControls() { string countryId = Request.QueryString["CountryID"]; if (countryId != null) { CountryDetails cd = DivisionAccess.GetCountryDetails(countryId); divisionNameLabel.Text = cd.Name; divisionDescriptionLabel.Text = cd.Description; } } To my app code like this: public struct CountryDetails { public string Name; public string Description; } public static class DivisionAccess { static DivisionAccess() public static DataTable GetCountry() { DbCommand comm = GenericDataAccess.CreateCommand(); comm.CommandText = "GetCountry"; return GenericDataAccess.ExecuteSelectCommand(comm); } public static CountryDetails GetCountryDetails(string cId) { DbCommand comm = GenericDataAccess.CreateCommand(); comm.CommandText = "GetCountryDetails"; DbParameter param = comm.CreateParameter(); param.ParameterName = "@CountryID"; param.Value = 2; param.DbType = DbType.Int32; comm.Parameters.Add(param); DataTable table = GenericDataAccess.ExecuteSelectCommand(comm); CountryDetails details = new CountryDetails(); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { details.Name = table.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); details.Description = table.Rows[0]["Description"].ToString(); } return details; }
As you can see I have two stored procedures I am calling, one does not have a parameter and the other does. The getcountry stored procedure returns the list of countries in a menu that I can click to see the details of that country. That is where my problem is when I click the country name I get Procedure or Function 'GetCountryDetails' expects parameter '@CountryID', which was not supplied Someone please help!
Hi,I'm tring to call a stored procedure i'v made from a DNN module, via .net control.When I try to execute this sql statement: EXEC my_proc_name 'prm_1', 'prm_2', ... the system displays this error: Could not find stored procedure ''. (including the trailings [".] chars :)I've tried to run the EXEC statement from SqlServerManagement Studio, and seems to works fine, but sometimes it displays the same error. So i've added the dbname and dbowner as prefix to my procedure name in the exec statement and then in SqlSrv ManStudio ALWAYS works, but in dnn it NEVER worked... Why? I think it could be a db permission problem but i'm not able to fix this trouble, since i'm not a db specialist and i don't know which contraint could give this problem. Also i've set to the ASPNET user the execute permissions for my procedure... nothing changes :( Shoud someone could help me? Note that I'm using a SqlDataSource object running the statement with the select() method (and by setting the appropriate SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure ) and I'm using the 2005 sql server express Thank in advance,(/d