ADOX And Vista

Dec 8, 2006

We€™re calling ADOX::Table::Keys::Append to make a primary key for a table using the SQLOLEDB provider. We€™re passing an ADOX::Key with Name set to a custom name, Type set to ADOX::adKeyPrimary, and a single column added. For the Append call, the 2nd parameter is ADOX::adKeyPrimary, the third is a vtMissing (VT_ERROR with DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND), the last two are empty BSTR€™s.
On XP, this works well (msadox.dll file version 2.81.1117.0). On Vista, this fails with an invalid parameter error (msadox.dll version 6.0.6000.16386).
Has the interface changed in some way, is this functionality not supported, or is it broken?

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ADOX Problem...?

Jan 30, 2007

I need to rename tables in code VB2005 (access database). On the
forum I found post about ADOX and this code to rename the tables:

Private Sub RenameTables(ByVal sTextToRemove As String)
Dim i As Integer
Dim dbRename As Database
Dim Connect As New PrivDBEngine

dbRename = Connect.OpenDatabase(tbDBPath.Text)

For i = 0 To dbRename.TableDefs.Count - 1

If dbRename.TableDefs(i).Name.Length >= sTextToRemove.Length - 1 Then

If dbRename.TableDefs(i).Name.Substring(0, 9) = sTextToRemove Then

dbRename.TableDefs(i).Name = dbRename.TableDefs(i).Name.Substring(9)
End If
End If
Next i

dbRename = Nothing

MessageBox.Show("Tables in " + tbDBPath.Text + " have been renamed.
Rename Access Tables", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)

End Sub

But it doesn't work because i get an error on Dim dbRename As Database Dim Connect As New PrivDBEngine
What I need to do for this to work?

Thank you!

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Add New Column Into The Table Using ADO Not ADOX

Jul 19, 2007

Hi Everybody,

I want to add new column 'firstaname' into the existing table "geo" already two columns namely

'salcode' 'lastname'.I run the following code it runs without error, when i opened the database see the structure of table, i didn't find new column in the table "geo"

here is the snippet of code what i am using.

/* FieldsPtr fields;
FieldPtr field;*/

_bstr_t name("firstname1");


/* pRstTitles->Fields->Append(name, adVarChar , 15, adFldUnspecified);
pRstTitles->CursorLocation = adUseClient ;
pRstTitles->LockType = adLockOptimistic ;
_variant_t((IDispatch *)pConnection,true), adOpenStatic,
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable);*/

pls pls pls help me out .. I need it very urgently.

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Why Adox Can Not Append AdUnsignedBigInt Field ?

Jan 22, 2008

my code:

Code Block

void AppendTableTest()
// Define ADOX object pointers, initialize pointers. These are in ADOX namespace.
_CatalogPtr m_pCatalog = NULL;
_TablePtr m_pTable = NULL;
try {
TESTHR(hr = m_pCatalog.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Catalog)));
// Open the catalog
m_pCatalog->PutActiveConnection("Provider='Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0';data source='c:\new.mdb';");
TESTHR(hr = m_pTable.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Table)));
m_pCatalog->Tables->Append(_variant_t((IDispatch *)m_pTable));
printf("Table 'MyTable' is added.");
// Delete the table as this is a demonstration.
printf("Table 'MyTable' is deleted.");
catch(_com_error &e) {
// Notify the user of errors if any.
_bstr_t bstrSource(e.Source());
_bstr_t bstrDescription(e.Description());
TRACE(" Source : %s description : %s ", (LPCSTR)bstrSource, (LPCSTR)bstrDescription);

but i got a invalid type error. I cannot understand.
why adox can not append adUnsignedBigInt field ?
Somebody can give me a answer? Thanks.

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Multi Column Primary Key's In Access Using ADOX [c#]

Jan 15, 2008

Hi all,

I have been pulling my hair trying to figure out what the guys at microsoft were thinking when creating the ADOX library. I have an access table that is syncronized with a SQL server. The table has a primary key with two columns [User] and [Program]. The SQL Server has both columns in as the primary key columns and I have a syncronization mechanism that is responsible for several things, one of which is to recreate the Access data structure. All works well for all tables except this one. I have tried to create the multi-column key in several ways, none that worked. Let me show you what I am doing:

CatalogClass catDCDLocal;

Column c;

catDCDLocal = new CatalogClass();

catDCDLocal.let_ActiveConnection(dbAccess.buildConnectionString(Settings.CattDCDLocalPath, Settings.SecurityDBPath, s.UserID, s.Password));

foreach (Table tbl in catDCDLocal.Tables) {
if (tbl.Name == "Users") {

/* This is retarded so need to clean up... Users table has a primary key consisting of 2 columns */

for (int i = tbl.Keys.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //remove the keys



for (int i = tbl.Indexes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //remove the indexes



tbl.Keys.Append("PrimaryKey", KeyTypeEnum.adKeyUnique, "User", "", "");
tbl.Keys[0].Columns.Append("Program", DataTypeEnum.adWChar, 6);


I have also tried:

tbl.Keys.Append("PrimaryKey", KeyTypeEnum.adKeyUnique, "User", "", "");

//tbl.Keys[0].Columns.Append("Program", DataTypeEnum.adWChar, 6);

Key k = tbl.Keys[0];

Column col = tbl.Columns["Program"];

//col.ParentCatalog = catDCDLocal;

k.Columns.Append(col, DataTypeEnum.adWChar, 6);

Nothing works for me ;-(

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ADOX - Access Table Creation With Nullable Columns.

Oct 29, 2007

I need to programatically create a mdb file which will contain nullable columns. I am using C++ with ADOX for the table creation and ADO to perform the table update.

Although ADOX seems to create the table ok, Table->Columns->Appends does not set the fields as adColNullable as expected.

When I insert data using ADO::Recordset->AddNew the following error occurs :- "The field 'MyTable.Column 2' cannot contain a Null value because the Required property for this field is set to True. Enter a value in this field."

Am I on the right tracks here or do I need to adopt a different approach?

Code block to illustrate the problem :-

Code Block
ADOX::_CatalogPtr m_pCatalog;
ADOX::_TablePtr m_pTable;
ADOX::_ColumnPtr m_pCol1;
ADOX::_ColumnPtr m_pCol2;
ADODB::_ConnectionPtr m_pConn;
ADODB::_RecordsetPtr m_pRs;
//ADOX - Create Data Source
_bstr_t strcnn(("Provider='Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0';Data source = C:\test.mdb"));
m_pCatalog.CreateInstance(__uuidof (ADOX::Catalog));


m_pCol1->Name = "Column 1";
m_pCol1->Type = ADOX::adVarWChar;
m_pCol1->DefinedSize = 24;
m_pCol1->Attributes = ADOX::adColNullable;
m_pTable->Columns->Append(m_pCol1->Name, ADOX::adVarWChar, 24);

m_pCol2->Name = "Column 2";
m_pCol2->Type = ADOX::adVarWChar;
m_pCol2->DefinedSize = 24;
m_pCol2->Attributes = ADOX::adColNullable;
m_pTable->Columns->Append(m_pCol2->Name, ADOX::adVarWChar, 24);

m_pCatalog->Tables->Append(_variant_t((IDispatch *)m_pTable));

//ADO - Data Access
m_pConn.CreateInstance (__uuidof(ADODB::Connection));
m_pRs->Open("MyTable", _variant_t((IDispatch *)m_pConn,true),ADODB::adOpenKeyset, ADODB::adLockOptimistic, ADODB::adCmdTable);

// Define a SafeArray that contains field names.
SAFEARRAY * psaFields;
aDimFields[0].lLbound = 0;
aDimFields[0].cElements = 1;
psaFields = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 1, aDimFields);

// Create a SafeArray for values.
SAFEARRAY * psaValues;
aDimValues[0].lLbound = 0;
aDimValues[0].cElements = 1;
psaValues = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 1, aDimValues);
long ix[1];
_variant_t var;

//Insert Data
ix[0] = 0;
var = "Column 1";
SafeArrayPutElement(psaFields, ix, (void*) (VARIANT *) (&var));
ix[0] = 0;
var = "test data row 1 col 1 Only";
SafeArrayPutElement(psaValues, ix, (void*)(VARIANT *) &var);
_variant_t vtFields, vtValues;
vtFields.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT;
vtValues.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT;
vtFields.parray = psaFields;
vtValues.parray = psaValues;

m_pRs->AddNew(vtFields, vtValues); //!! Fails Here !!


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Access Database Datatypes, ADOX And VS2005 Question

Jun 28, 2007

I'm using ADOX 2.8 for table creation: The following is an example of a column defintion:

If CreateNewTable Then CreateNewTable = a.CreateColumn("ReferenceCount", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger)

If CreateNewTable Then CreateNewTable = a.CreateColumn("Document", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adLongVarBinary) 'Oleobject

If CreateNewTable Then CreateNewTable = a.CreateColumn("EntityID", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adWChar, 18) 'text

Where CreateColumn looks like this:

Public Function CreateColumn(ByVal ColumnName As String, ByVal Datatype As ADOX.DataTypeEnum, Optional ByVal Size As Integer = 0) As Boolean

'ADOX.CreateColumn - Called by Common.CreateNewTable
'CreateColumn creates a column described in the Table object so it assumes it is set.
'One method of setting it is to call Select Table after opening the database

If Not Me.ConnectionIsOpen Then
MsgBox("CreateColumn - Failed to Create Column : " _
& ColumnName, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, cNoConn)
Return False
End If

Dim col As New ADOX.Column
col.Name = ColumnName
col.Type = Datatype
Catch e As Exception
MsgBox("CreateColumb - Failed to Create Column : " _
& ColumnName, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, e.Message)
col = Nothing
Return False
End Try

If Size <> 0 Then col.DefinedSize = Size

Table.Columns.Append(ColumnName, Datatype)

Catch e As Exception
If Err.Number() <> 0 Then
MsgBox(Err.Source & "-->" & Err.Description, , "Error")
End If
MsgBox("CreateColumb - Failed to Append Column : " _
& ColumnName, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, e.Message)
Return False
End Try
col = Nothing
Return True
End Function

in CreateColumn("EntityID", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adWChar, 18)

the 18 specifies the field width in the database. Yet no matter whether I use adWChar or

adVarWChar, Access always shows the field size to be 255.

Does anyone know why or how to fix that?

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Trouble Using ADOX To Create Linked Tables In Jet Database From An ODBC Datasource

Jun 5, 2007


I am using ADOX to create linked tables in a jet database from an ODBC datasource.
The tables in the ODBC data source does not have a primary key.
so I am only able to create read only linked tables.But I want to update the records also.
I tried adding a primary key column to the linked table while creating the link.
but I am getting an error while adding the table to the catalog.

The error message is "Invalid Argument".

I use the following code for creating the linked table

Sub CreateLinkedTable(ByVal strTargetDB As String, ByVal strProviderString As String, ByVal strSourceTbl As String, ByVal strLinkTblName As String)

Dim catDB As ADOX.Catalog
Dim tblLink As ADOX._Table

Dim ADOConnection As New ADODB.Connection

ADOConnection.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=" & strTargetDB & ";User Id=admin;Password=;")

catDB = New ADOX.Catalog

catDB.ActiveConnection = ADOConnection

tblLink = New ADOX.Table

With tblLink

' Name the new Table and set its ParentCatalog property
' to the open Catalog to allow access to the Properties
' collection.
.Name = strLinkTblName
.ParentCatalog = catDB

' Set the properties to create the link.
Dim adoxPro As ADOX.Property

adoxPro = .Properties("Jet OLEDB:Create Link")
adoxPro.Value = True

adoxPro = .Properties("Jet OLEDB:Link Provider String")
adoxPro.Value = strProviderString

adoxPro = .Properties("Jet OLEDB:Remote Table Name")
adoxPro.Value = strSourceTbl

End With

'Adding primary key,
'***** the source column name is "Code" ******
tblLink.Keys.Append("PrimaryKey", ADOX.KeyTypeEnum.adKeyPrimary, "Code")

'Append the table to the Tables collection.
'******The exception occurs on the following line***********

'Append the primary index to table.
catDB = Nothing

End Sub

If I avoid the line for adding the primary key,everything works fine,but the table ctreated is readonly.

Thanks in advance
Sudeep T S

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Multiple-step OLE DB Operation Generated Errors. Adding Colums Using ADOX

Nov 26, 2007

I'm trying to add columns to an existing table using ADOX. I'm using C++/CLI. My code is as follow

Table->default->Append("new_column", ADOX:: DataTypeEnum::adWChar, 255);
Table->default["prev_instance_id"]->Properties["Jet OLEDB:Compressed UNICODE Strings"]->default = true;

The first line of code works fine but when I try to set the value of the property I get the following excpetion:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in MyDll.dll
Additional information: Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.

Any idea?


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Vista OS

Nov 7, 2007

I have purchased a seperate computer to "learn and play" which has Vista OS on it. What is the best/or most practical way to setup a sql db on this computer for me to play with and learn sql? I realize some of you think this may be simple but I don't have the opportunity to "dig" in the sandbox at work so I have to do this on my own. Thanks for your help.

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Vista 64 Bit

Dec 21, 2006

I am trying to develop using SQL Server Compact Edition on Vista 64-bit and when I try to load the .DLL files for x86 I get 'BadImageFormatException'. Looking at the documentation, I do not see where SQL Server Compact Edition supports Vista 64-bit, is this true? If it is true, when will it support 64-bit?

Luke Mauldin

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SQL &&amp; Vista

Jun 9, 2007

I'm having problems getting SQL Express running with Vista. It says remote connection may not be enabled when launching a program in the IDE. The application interfaces with a SQL database that was previously working in XP.

I have installed:

VS2005 Standard

SQL Express

VS Vista upgrade

VS2005 SP1



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Vista &&amp; SQL

Apr 16, 2007

Hello, I have installed Vista Windows recently in my computer. And when using an application that connects a SQL Server2000 who is in the same dominion, gives the following error me:


The connectivity between both pc's is correct.

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SQL Vista

Dec 20, 2007

I have Vista and Office 2007 installed. It comes with the SQL Configuration tool. I was told by someone at Microsoft that I can't install SQL 2005 server on Vista. I have an application called Goldmine that I want to run under Vista, using SQL.

Should I install SQL 2005 express? Can that work under Vista?

Can I use what comes with office 2007? What else will I need to download? Management Studio?

Thanks a ton,


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More Problems With SQl And Vista

May 15, 2008

I just added all users as Db_owner :) Now I am gettimg this error:
The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'GetCountryByISO', database 'zikbay', schema 'dbo'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'GetCountryByISO', database 'zikbay', schema 'dbo'.

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Vista Search

Feb 9, 2007


I'm trying to use Express to query the Vista Search engine using a linked server as follows:-

sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'myLinkedSvr', @provider = 'Search.CollatorDSO.1', @datasrc = 'SYSTEMINDEX', @srvproduct = '', @provstr='Application=Windows'

but this returns

Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "Search.CollatorDSO.1" for linked server "myLinkedSvr" reported an error. Command was not prepared.
Server: Msg 7350, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot get the column information from OLE DB provider "Search.CollatorDSO.1" for linked server "myLinkedSvr".
OLE DB provider "Search.CollatorDSO.1" for linked server "myLinkedSvr" returned message "Command was not prepared.".

It's obviously "almost" working because it complains if I query a column that does not exist.

Any ideas?


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SQL2005 Between Vista & XP

Aug 4, 2007

I have 2 computers
DESKTOP : runs WinXP and SQL Server 2005
NOTEBOOK : runs Windows Vista and SQL Server 2005

when i try to connect to DESKTOP from NOTEBOOK i get this error

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to DESKTOP.


A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 233)

For help, click:



can anyone help me to fix it?!

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SQL 2005 STD &#043; Vista = Bad!

Nov 7, 2007

Experts... im completely stuck. My laptop was stolen, my replacement arrives with vista on it. Get my SQL Stuff on it and when I try executing a select statement on one of the sql servers I get the error; An error occurred while executing batch. Error message is: Internal connection fatal error. and it simply disconnects. I cant run any queries! Please help.

"Impossible is Nothing"

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Jan 13, 2008


Can i install SQL7 on Windows Vista Home Premium Edition?

Appreciate any help.



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Issue With VB6 ADO On Vista

Jun 1, 2007


I am having a vb6 application with sql server 2005 database. It works fine on windows xp. But when i install the application on windows vista I am getting Adodc error "login failed for user sa". Still the forms are populated with data from the database. But the event handlers dosent seem to work after i get this error. Does someone know what caused that adodc error. I have disabled User account control for the vista installation.


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MSDN On Vista???

Aug 31, 2007


I recently got me a new laptop with Vista preinstalled. All good and well, but when I try to install a program vital for my profession, I get an error (OS not supported for this program). In the install I can configure what components to install, one of them is MSDN 2000. My question is, will SQL Server Express take over what MSDN can't on Vista (and thus running the program needing the MSDN 2000), or will windows XP be the new OS on my brand new laptop in the future. Love Vista, hate the compatibility.

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SqlExpress And Vista

Nov 20, 2007

Hi, Mike, et al,

First of all, I am a self taught programmer, and a Sql Neophyte, and know just enough to get confused (or in trouble). I have a TabletPC app that uses SqlExpress, installing as 'Click Once'. Works great on XP, but my app comes to a screeching halt on Vista, because of the permissions/contact network administrator issue. I read Mike's post (dated a year ago, Oct 06) about using SSMSE to create a new Login with sysadmin rights for the current user. Long story short, completed it successfully, but it didn't work.

I have been browsing posts here on the subject, but I am confused. Does my Vista user need to install SP2? Will that fix the problem? I am sorry, but some of the posts on this subject are over my head.

Could I prevail on one of the moderators to point me in the right direction, or to explain in v-e-r-y b-a-s-i-c terms what I need to do to help my Vista users access my SqlExpress DB?

Many thanks!


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SQL 2005 On Vista

Aug 7, 2006

Has anyone managed to get SQL server 2005 standard edition working on Vista?

If I install from CD I get an error message

Error Message:

sql server setup could not connect to the database service for server confiurgration.The error was[Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Shared Memory Provider:No process is on the other end of pipe.

I have then tried installing SP1 (which i understand is meant to fix some of the vista issues), but then when I then try to re-install from the CD it says the version on my PC is more up-to-date and doesnt install.

All I have in Programs - SQL server 2005 - Are the Configuration tools, not the Management studio etc.

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Sqlexpress And Vista

Mar 3, 2007

I had sql express and microsoft express accounting working fine on xp. When I updated to vista and reinstalled sqlexpress with sp1 and management express sp1, I can not get the server to register. Any command I click gives error message "this type of initializer <module> threw and exception". Also when I tried to install accounting from office 2007 cd, will not install giving same message. Ihave uninstalled and reinstalled sql express w sp1 several times with no success. I can find no reference to this error message anywhere. Anybody got an idea where I can do to get this to work properly? Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server On Vista

Aug 14, 2007

I am trying to install SQL Server Enterprise 2005 on Windows Vista Enterprise.
The installation has finished "successfully", but when I am trying to open the MS SQL manager, I see that the manager has not installed.

How can I fix it?
Thanks, Idan.

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Vista Error 500

Jun 9, 2007


If I go to Http://localhost/reports I get this error

I have followed the tutorial but still get the error as below. If i go to http:// localhost I get the iis7 wecome page , without a problem.

Sorry I,m a bit new at this , I see in the error message that I must type something in a command line window.

Is this the black blackground box with C:windowssystem32>_ already typed in . Must I type this just after and press entre %systemroot%system32inetsrvAPPCMD.EXE migrate config "Default Web Site/Reports"

Server Error in Application "Default Web Site/Reports"

HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

Description: This application is running in an application pool that uses the Integrated .NET mode. This is the preferred mode for running ASP.NET applications on the current and future version of IIS.

In this mode, the application should not specify ASP.NET handler mappings in the <system.web>/<httpHandlers> configuration section. Instead, it should use the <system.webServer>/<handlers> configuration section to configure ASP.NET handler mappings. You have the following options:
1) Migrate the application to work with the Integrated .NET mode (PREFERRED).You can migrate the application configuration, including the contents of the <httpHandlers> configuration section, by using the following from a command line window (the window must be running as Administrator):

%systemroot%system32inetsrvAPPCMD.EXE migrate config "Default Web Site/Reports"

After you migrate your application, it will run in both Classic and Integrated .NET modes, as well as on downlevel platforms.

View 13 Replies View Related

SQL Mobile And Vista

Apr 11, 2006

Are there any plans to support SQL Mobile running on Windows Vista? I have an application that runs SQL Mobile on Tablet PC's. I would like to support Vista the same way.


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Installation On Vista

Feb 26, 2007

Hi, I have a serious issue installing sql server express (advanced edition) on Windows Vista Home Premium. I'm doing the install with elevated priviledges but setup of the sql server always fails at the same point with the following error:

{Microsoft}{SQL Native Client}{SQL Server}Login failed for user 'sa'

I've tried many different combinations, including advanced installation options selecting sql server instance to run as local system or local server but nothing came out of that. I always select add current user to the sql server administrators group.
Any help on this issue is appreciated. Below follows the setup summary log:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.3042.00
OS Version : Home Edition (Build 6000)
Time : Mon Feb 26 22:02:41 2007

Machine : JUPITER
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)
Product Version : 9.00.3042.00
Install : Successful
Log File : c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0007_JUPITER_SQLSupport_1.log
Machine : JUPITER
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
Product Version : 9.00.3042.00
Install : Successful
Log File : c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0007_JUPITER_SQLNCLI_1.log
Machine : JUPITER
Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
Product Version : 9.00.3042.00
Install : Successful
Log File : c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0007_JUPITER_SqlWriter_1.log
Machine : JUPITER
Product : SQL Server Database Services
Error : SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'sa'. Refer to server error logs and setup logs for more information. For details on how to view setup logs, see "How to View Setup Log Files" in SQL Server Books Online.
Machine : JUPITER
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Product Version : 9.2.3042.00
Install : Failed
Log File : c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0007_JUPITER_SQL.log
Last Action : InstallFinalize
Error String : SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: {Microsoft}{SQL Native Client}{SQL Server}Login failed for user 'sa'. Refer to server error logs and setup logs for more information. For details on how to view setup logs, see "How to View Setup Log Files" in SQL Server Books Online.
Error Number : 29515

SQL Server Setup failed. For more information, review the Setup log file in %ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt.

Time : Mon Feb 26 22:30:02 2007

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Maybe It's Just Vista That Has The Problem?!?

Apr 23, 2007

So I installed a second instance of Report Server since the default instance couldn't find any default directories and I got this error message with started my saga Friday. I actually chose to follow MS's advise and do solution 1). That is when Report Server first lost track of it's directories and caused me to reinstall everything.

Does anyone know what this means?
Server Error in Application "Default Web Site/ReportServer$Two"

HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

Description: This application is running in an application pool that uses the Integrated .NET mode. This is the preferred mode for running ASP.NET applications on the current and future version of IIS.

In this mode, the application should not specify ASP.NET handler mappings in the <system.web>/<httpHandlers> configuration section. Instead, it should use the <system.webServer>/<handlers> configuration section to configure ASP.NET handler mappings. You have the following options:
1) Migrate the application to work with the Integrated .NET mode (PREFERRED).You can migrate the application configuration, including the contents of the <httpHandlers> configuration section, by using the following from a command line window (the window must be running as Administrator):

%systemroot%system32inetsrvAPPCMD.EXE migrate config "Default Web Site/ReportServer$Two"

After you migrate your application, it will run in both Classic and Integrated .NET modes, as well as on downlevel platforms.
2) Move this application to an application pool using the Classic .NET mode.You can move the application to an application pool that uses the Classic .NET mode by using the following from a command line window (the window must be running as Administrator):

%systemroot%system32inetsrvAPPCMD.EXE set app "Default Web Site/ReportServer$Two" /applicationPool:"Classic .NET AppPool"

Alternatively, you can use any other application pool on your system that is running in the Classic .NET mode. You can also use the IIS Administration tool to move this application to another application pool.

It is preferred that you migrate this application by using option 1 to take advantage of the benefits provided by the Integrated .NET mode.

Error Code: 0x80070032

Notification: BeginRequest

Module: ConfigurationValidationModule

Requested URL: http://jc:80/ReportServer$Two

Physical Path: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.6Reporting ServicesReportServer

Logon User: Not yet determined

Logon Method: Not yet determined

Handler: AboMapperCustom-43870

Most likely causes:

IIS received the request; however, an internal error occurred during the processing of the request. The root cause of this error depends on which module handles the request and what was happening in the worker process when this error occurred.
IIS was not able to access the web.config file for the Web site or application. This can occur if the NTFS permissions are set incorrectly.
IIS was not able to process configuration for the Web site or application.
The authenticated user does not have permission to use this DLL.
The request is mapped to a managed handler but the .NET Extensibility Feature is not installed.

What you can try:

Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's machine account.
Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged.
Verify the permissions for the DLL.
Install the .NET Extensibility feature if the request is mapped to a managed handler.
Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.

More Information... This error means that there was a problem while processing the request. The request was received by the Web server, but during processing a fatal error occurred, causing the 500 error.

Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles:


Server Version Information: Internet Information Services 7.0.

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Vista Install Help..

Feb 20, 2007

Ok ive tried looking everywhere for a solution but i just cant find one... please help me

I need to install SQL Server 2005 (for reporting services mainly) on Vista, but i have issues.

I have installed IIS and its checked in the pre-installation checklist, and the only thing with an exclamation point is the OS which is to be expected.

The issue im having is that when i get to the screen to select the features/components i want to install, they are all disabled apart from "Workstation components, Books online etc..."

Where am i going wrong with this.. I know i need the services pack to install reporting services, but i cant install anything at this point.

A walkthrough or something would really help...

P.S Im running on Vista Ultimate and trying to install SQL Server 2005 Enterprise.


Robert Macnair

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SqlExpress In Vista

Sep 10, 2007

Hi there,

I just installed a brand new Business Vista and moved my old databases from WinXP to this partition. Everything seemed to be OK for a couple of days but now I am getting some errors I cannot resolve. There is no online help for this topic.

Just a bit of background. I have to establish connections between my Sql Server databases and an MS Visual Management Studio 2005. I think the trouble began after I started doing connections this morning.

Before that did established connections between the two successfully but for various reasons I had to delete them, download the folder with databases anew and start from scratch. I do not quite remember what the trouble was but it was serious. I could not really use the connections in the VS.

When I began setting up connections today the Vista complained that I did not have permissions to access those files. OK, I went to the database folder and individually gave permissions to two groups I previously set up: Debugger & Microsoft Visual Studio. They both have the same users: me and administrator who is myself.

After that act I tried to open connections again (in VS). I got an error that user instances were disabled. It said: use sp_configure to enable user instances.

I went to Sql Server and tried to do just that. Before I could execute queries. Now I am getting errors even when I try to open a new query.

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
Cannot show requested dialog.
Cannot show requested dialog. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.SqlMgmt)
Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.SqlManagerUI)
For help, click:
Failed to connect to server DDMNVT61. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 233)
For help, click:

OK, this thing appeared to have been resolved just a minute ago but I still decided to keep it here perhaps someone will comment on it because the way I resolved it was a total lack of understanding how I did it. Just clicked here and there and that was it.

Now need to resolve the user instances issue. I used sp_configure stored procedure in a query and got the result that the maximum number of user instances is 1. I do not know how I can change this parameter. I tried to use sp_configure with parameters with no good result.

If anyone know how to do it, please help.


P.S. I am sorry, that error has not been resolved. I keep getting it.

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Database Between XP/Vista

Feb 18, 2008

I created a database(about 800MB) on XP, I can open it on XP and WM5 without problem . But when I copy this file to Vista machine, I cannot open the file by my program. If I use SQL Server Management Studio to open it, it spends about 3 minutes+ to open it and the file increases about 150+ MB. Then I copy this file back to XP machine and try to open it, program takes long time to open it, just like it rewrites whole database. Is the database file not compatible between xp/vista? How can I create a file used on XP/Vista/WM5?

Thanks in advance.

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WSS On MSDE For Vista Or Later

Sep 27, 2006


I have come to know that the upcoming OS releases VISTA, and Longhorn are no more going to (Courtesy: Microsoft Directions) support the MSDE version of the SQL. So, all the applications that are to be ported on to VISTA and are dependent on MSDE engine would first have the MSDE content be shifted to other compatible databases such as SQL Express, SQL Server (2k, 2k5).

If this is true, i'm wondering how Microsoft WSS release is going to be positioned from the Vista onwards as the typical install of WSS installs MSDE instance on the machine and add the configuration content on MSDE. That said, do we have to manually move our configuration databases to other compatible ones and let go with the functionality or if Microsoft has any plans of releasing any such tool that does this process automatically.

I appreciate your answers.



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