ADS Wizard, Tutorials And Examples - Please Help.

Oct 26, 2006


I'm new to SQL Server Technology and am trying to learn how to create a Mobile Device application and to sync it with a desktop application that uses Access. I have found a lot of information but some of it doesn't seem to make sense.

I found this blog: which is the announcement of Access Database Synchronizer (ADS) CTP. I downloaded it and installed it with all the prerequisites. This is the part i can't understand:

"The CTP setup installs the desktop component required for synchronizing Microsoft Access database with SQL Server Everywhere Edition database on the device."

I cannot seem to find the desktop component to try out! The Readme shows you how to pull and push data but i can't see where the desktop data sync wizard is located. Should there be something installed on my desktop that i can see?

Also, there doesn't seem to be much help or examples around on this component as yet. Can anyone point me in the right direction for examples, help, or tutorials on this.

This paragraph also confuses me:

"Note: As of today only SQL Server Mobile Edition is available for devices. SQL Server Everywhere Edition whould be available for devices at time of SQL Server Everywhere Edition RTW whihc is planned for November 2006".

Does this mean SQL Everywhere won't work on mobile devices until November?

Sorry for all the questions but i'm still trying to learn this stuff so i can write my application for Windows CE. Thanks in advance.

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Advanced SQL Tutorials

Nov 29, 2005

Dear All,

Can you suggest a good book or set of websites which have advanced SQL tutorials for SQL server? Got the basics but looking to build on my knowledge.

...cause knowledge is power...

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How Do You Launch Tutorials?

May 8, 2007

I inherited a computer from a co-worker who left. On it she installed SQL Server 2005. The help system is chock full of references to the various and sundry tutorials that come with the product, but I can't find so much as a syllable about how one actually accesses those tutorials.

When I select Start, Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Documentation and Tutorials, Tutorials, SQL Server Tutorials, it simply launches one of the help screens. That screen, and the ones it contains links to, describe the tutorials topics in great detail, but nowhere is there any explanation of how you actually launch the tutorials.

What am missing here?

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Some Nobish Tutorials

Mar 13, 2006

hi there

Can someone post some very good tutorials about MS SQL 2005 working with c#??


Thanks guys..

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Sql 2005 Tutorials

Mar 20, 2008

Can someone tell me where I can find some SQL 2005 tutorials, e-learning or learnig tool for a kind of beginner. I want something where I can learn by doing. Some of the tutorials I have seen all pertain to .NET.

Thank you

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Online Books / Tutorials

Aug 2, 2002

Hi All...

Can anyone guide me to a place where I can download some Tutorials / Books (Not that new) covering Microsoft SQL 2000 essentials ? I tried to find here, but artices are too advanced for me.. I need something that covers the Basic and that could be used as a small reference/guide while I am learing...

Thanks to ALL

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SQL 2005 Reporting Tutorials

Mar 21, 2008

Could someone point me to some good SQL 2005 Reporting Tutorials? Types of Reporting? Reporting without using .NET?


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Installing SSIS Tutorials

Jun 30, 2006

I feel stupid for asking this but I can't seem to find where to install the SSIS tutorials referenced in msdn.. specifically the "Deploying Packages Tutorial". In the SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition DVD that I have, I've chosen to install all of the samples etc. I have the AdventureWorks and AdventureWorksDW and a whole bunch of samples in "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SamplesIntegration ServicesPackage Samples" but under the directory "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SamplesIntegration ServicesTutorial" I only have sample data for "Creating a Simple ETL Package".

I know... feels like a dumb question but I have run the install wizard on both the dev edition dvd and the msdn library dvd several times and looked at all the options and can't find anything about tutorials under the SQL server installation or the workstation component installation. Please help. Thanks.

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Service Broker Tutorials

Nov 16, 2005

Where can I find tutorials on Service Broker with C#?

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SQL Server 2005 Video Tutorials Please

Aug 14, 2007

Hiii everyone,

Can anyone send me the link of SQL Server 2005 Video tutorial please..
I am waiting for it.....

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New SQL Site For Code Library; Tutorials & FAQ.

Aug 20, 1999

Check out

This site offers a growing code library; tutorials & the full FAQ from Neil Pike SQL Server MVP in an easily readable search/review format.

Also a possible UK user group is being formed, initially information for this will be passed through this site - register there.

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MS SQL Server 2005 Newbie Tutorials Available?

Aug 29, 2006

I am trying to learn MS Sql Server and MS VB, ASP, .Net, etc., have installed SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 on an XP Pro machine. I find fairly good MSDN help with VB & ASP stuff, but not with SQL Server. Can anyone recommend a good place to start, like online tutorials, or training, or even a good basic book that can show me how to create db’s, tables, load data, basic stuff like that?

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SQL Express - Guides/tutorials/intros

Apr 18, 2006

Hi - can anyone recommend tutorials/guides for beginners? The Microsoft documentation seems very poor to me especially in comparison to Oracle Express. I am really struggling to find a good intro/tutorial.
Many thanks

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Anyone Direct Me To Good JOIN Tutorials..

Oct 8, 2007

ok i need to know the difference between inner outer , left , right joins ....

anyone know any good tutorials ?

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SQL Server Mobile Editon Tutorials

Sep 12, 2005

I installed SQL Server 2005 and want to practice the "Creating a Mobile Application with SQL Server Mobile" in SQL Server Mobile Editon Tutorials,but I can't find the file sqlmobile.sql listed in "C:" according to tutorial document.

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Can't Install Sample Databases Plus No Documents Or Tutorials

May 17, 2006

I have downloaded and run all the .msi's for the sample databases. To install them I am suppose to use "SQL Server 2005 Setup, you need to click the Advanced button....". I don't seem to have a "SQL Server 2005 Setup" - did the docs revert back to SQL Server rather than SQL Express or what ???


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Where To Get More In-dept Tutorials For The Data Mining Add-In For Excel?

Jun 13, 2007

Does anyone know where we can get more in-dept tutorials for the Data Mining Add-Ins for Excel? Currently, all we have are the videos from the microsoft web site as well as some white papers.

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Database Filename Error -- Cannot Create Db From MS Online Tutorials

Apr 20, 2006

I am using VB with Visual Studio Express.  I am new to these tools.  I have SQL Server 2005 Express installed on my machine.  I think that I have the right version.  I am just using Express for taking classes and teaching myself on my machine.
When I follow the examples in the book, I keep getting this error when I go to my ASP.NET configuration and click on the security tab to add myself as a user.
"There is a problem with your selected data store. This can be caused by an invalid server name or credentials, or by insufficient permission. It can also be caused by the role manager feature not being enabled. Click the button below to be redirected to a page where you can choose a new data store. The following message may help in diagnosing the problem: The database filename can not contain the following 3 characters: [ (open square brace), ] (close square brace) and ' (single quote) "   -- end of erro msg.
I have an apostrophe in my last name.  Could that be what is causing it?  Is it creating a db based on my name or something?  Or do I have the wrong version of SQL Server Express installed.
Thank you for any help.  I appreciate it.

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SSIS Tutorials: Lesson 1 - Missing Customers.xls File

Nov 28, 2006

I can not seem to locate this file any where on my computer let alone in the specified directory. With out this file, it would be very difficult if not impossible to go through rest of the SSIS tutorials. Could I ftp this file from some locations so I could get started on the tutorials.

I would very much appreciate any help.


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XML And DTS Examples

Feb 18, 2002

Are there any examples of using DTS and XML/XLS? specifically, importing data. I have searched through BOL and cant find any, nor is there any reference to XML in the book "Professional SQL 2000 DTS"

Many thanks

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Jul 20, 2005

I see a lot of example, but where do these example procedures go. Likedeclare (whatever)?below is an example i read. Where do you put this to make it execute, is itthe view screen or the stored procedure screen?I'm using MSDE now to learn, and I can't get nothing working except simpleselect query statements.In the northwind example (northwindcs), how would I do a parameter querylike this:Have a dialog box ask user to enter customerid to bring up. (in a query nownot a form)Also, how would you check if a certain customerid exist? Example, CHOPS isone customerid. If I wanted to use a query to check if it exist, and returnno records, but just do an action (like add a record) if it didn't exist,how?[color=blue]> CPU SQL> (ms)> -- Convert to varchar (implicitly) and compare right two digits> -- (original version -- no I didn't write it)> 4546 select sum(case right(srp,2)> when '99' then 1 when '49' then 1 else 0 end)> from sf>> -- Use LIKE for a single comparison instead of two, much faster> -- Note that the big speedup indicates that> -- CASE expr WHEN y then a WHEN z then b .> -- recalculates expr for each WHEN clause> 2023 select sum(case when srp like '%[49]9' then 1 else 0 end)> from sf[/color]I tried some variations of this, and indeed it seems that there is a costwhen the expression appears with several WITH clauses. I tried a variationof this, where I supplemented the test table with a char(2) column, so Icould factor out that the WITH clauses themselves were not the culprits.CREATE TABLE realthing (realta real NOT NULL,lasttwo char(2) NOT NULL)goINSERT realthing (realta, lasttwo)SELECT r, right(r, 2)FROM (SELECT r = convert(real, checksum(newid()))FROM Northwind..Orders aCROSS JOIN Northwind..Orders b) AS fgoDBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERSgoDECLARE @start datetimeSELECT @start = getdate()SELECT SUM(CASE right(realta, 2)WHEN '99' THEN 1WHEN '49' THEN 1WHEN '39' THEN 1ELSE 0 END)FROM realthingSELECT datediff(ms, @start, getdate()) -- 20766 ms.goDBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERSgoDECLARE @start datetimeSELECT @start = getdate()SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN right(realta, 2) LIKE '[349]9' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)FROM realthingSELECT datediff(ms, @start, getdate()) -- 8406 ms.goDBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERSgoDECLARE @start datetimeSELECT @start = getdate()SELECT SUM(CASE lasttwoWHEN '99' THEN 1WHEN '49' THEN 1WHEN '39' THEN 1ELSE 0 END)FROM realthingSELECT datediff(ms, @start, getdate()) -- 920 ms.goDBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERSgoDECLARE @start datetimeSELECT @start = getdate()SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN lasttwo LIKE '[349]9' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)FROM realthingSELECT datediff(ms, @start, getdate()) -- 1466 ms.Thus, when using the char(2) column LIKE is slower despite that thereis only one WHEN condition. So indeed it seems that right(realta, 2)is computed thrice in the first test.Another funny thing is the actual results from the queries - they aredifferent. When I ran:select count(*) from realthing where lasttwo <> right(realta, 2)The result was about half of the size of realthing! I can't see thatthis difference affects the results though.Now, your article had a lot more tests, but I have to confess thatyou lost me quite early, because you never discussed what is theactual problem. Since you are working with floating-poiont numbersthere is a great risk that different methods not only has differentexecution times, but also gives different results.--Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, Join Bytes!Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at

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MSDE Examples?

Apr 29, 2004

Does MSDE have the PUB database example in it? Just wondering before I download it.

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What Is Purpose Of N In SQL Examples?

Jul 23, 2005

What is the purpose of the "N" preceding the parameter values in theSQL examples?Here is an example copied from Books Online, SP_ATTACH_DB:EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname = N'pubs',@filename1 = N'c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQLServerMSSQLDatapubs.mdf',@filename2 = N'c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQLServerMSSQLDatapubs_log.ldf'I've found that my sp_attach_db routine works without the "N", but Ineed to know what it is that I don't know.Thank you everybody for all your help.

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SQLCE And WPF Examples?

Jan 3, 2007

Hello all,

I want to use SQLCE and WPF.

Can anyone direct me to some example code.

two way binding with a sqlceResultSet would be a great start.

(last inquiry was in Aug of 06)


Mike (still trying to get the latest tech to work together) Greenway

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Where To Find Examples

Jun 30, 2006


Where can i find examples of T-SQL executed by one instance of SQL Server 2000 to communicate to a 2005 SQL Broker instance (both located on the same server)?

thanks for your help!

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Chart Examples - Advanced

Mar 28, 2006

Hello, Can anyone direct me to some sample charts created with 2000 Reporting Services? Looking for the advanced capabilities and quality of the charts.


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Databanks As Test-examples

Nov 21, 2007

hican someone help me. i am looking for free databanks. i could use asexamples for testing the usage of them. just for a start getting intothis field.i appreciate your help. thx ann xx

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WriteBak Reaktime Examples

Jul 20, 2005

Hello there:I am trying to configure an excel worksheet as an Writebackapplication but I want to block some cells in the page and combiningcell protecion does nos alloudm to insert rew rowns

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Report Services Examples.. Please.. VS.NET

Jul 20, 2005

Hi..Im newbie on Report Services with VS.NET... I made a cube on olap.. andI try to lear some mdx for my reports..But, in the report designer... I need a lot of help..Please.. anybody.. can help me¨??Thanks a lot...!Karina Gamez*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Examples For Using DirectRow Method?

Jul 6, 2006


I was just wondering if there are any examples on how to work with the Script Editor, and more specifically how to use the DirectRow method? I've seen some examples that say that the editor automatically creates the methods DirectRowTo<output buffer>, but it doesn't say how that is done. If I just specify Row.DirectRow(output buffer #), it says that the method is protected.

Any help or just pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!


Jeff Tolman
E&M Electric

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SSIS Programming Examples

Mar 28, 2006

I have been creating SSIS packages programmatically and have run into somewhat of a dead end. I have found the examples provided with the SQL 2005 install very helpful, but they only cover setting up three tasks: Sort task, OleDB Source and a Flat File Destination.

Does anyone have any examples or knows of examples of using the Merge Join task and the Conditional Split task?

I'm doing it all programmatically and so far I'm having trouble finding much in the way of documentation or examples.

Any help would be great!



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Where Do I Find The Examples That Come With Sql Server

Apr 3, 2006

books online mentions examples stored on the pc when sql is installed, but the examples are not on my machine. i know they are on the disk somewhere, but i dont have the disk. i have tried going to add remove programs and adding extra sql components but i cant find the examples there either. can anyone tell me where to find them?

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How Do You Set Up And Use Endpoints? Examples Required

Jun 20, 2007

i have posted here a few times on my endpoint issues but i cant find a resolution so im approaching the issue from a different angle. can you guys tell me how you create and consume endpoints, preferably with the endpoint code, the url you use to see the wsdl, and any network/pc settings you may have altered to get endpoints to work. im looking for tips or steps that may not be included in basic endpoint tutorials. I really am stuck and have no idea what else to try. thanks all

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