Sep 14, 2007

Hi all

We are still testing SQL 2005. We changed all the CREATE INDEX jobs to ALTER INDEX. we ran the index jobs and noticed a lot of blocking. The jobs eventually completed successfully though. The spids were blocking themselves. And this was on and off. I qould query sysprocesses and see the blocking intermittently. I didnt notice this when we run the same indexing jobs in 2000. Is this the way ALTER INDEX works in 2005 or is this something we need to be concerned about? We have build 3186. I need to mention that the jobs finished rather quicker as compared to 2000. And the spids were blocking themselves not other spids.

Thanks for the help.

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SQL 2012 :: Sleeping Queries Blocking Rebuild Index And Update Statistics Job In AlwaysOn

Feb 3, 2015

At one of your client sides we have configured Always on with synchronous mode.Also we have schedule rebuild index and update statistics job which runs in night every alternate day. the issue is there are more then 100 sleeping queries which is blocking update statistics job.

I have to stop update statistics job manually once i come to office manually.

Once I have killed blocking sleeping query but then other sleeping query blocked it and so on.

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Jan 2, 2007

hey guys for some reason when i run this:

USE WebPageLog;

then i check index fragmentation its still the same 50% why is that?

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Alter Index

Nov 5, 2007

I am getting an error below when trying to use online indexing.
The error returned list a series of datatypes not supported for ONLINE=ON
The problem is the datatype referred in the table is varbinary which is not listed.
Also I created a test table with a varbinary index and all is good in the hood.
Can someone help with the below error.
Thanks in advance.

Database: Adventureworks
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.2047.00 (X64) Apr 14 2006 01:11:53 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)

ON Production.[Document] REBUILD

Msg 2725, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Online index operation cannot be performed for index 'PK_Document_DocumentID' because the index contains column 'Document' of data type text, ntext, image, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max) or xml. For non-clustered index the column could be an include column of the index, for clustered index it could be any column of the table. In case of drop_existing the column could be part of new or old index. The operation must be performed offline.

Thank you,

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Alter Index ... Rebuild

May 1, 2008

If the index to be rebuilt is a clustered index, will all non-clustered indexes be rebuilt also by rebuilding only the clustered index.

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Does Alter Index All Rebuild...

Nov 16, 2007

Does "Alter Index All Rebuild" rebuild just the tree level of the index? Or does it also rebuild the leaf level like reorganize?

Thanks and God Bless,


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Alter Index FillFactor

Dec 5, 2007

If you perform an Alter Index All without the FillFactor (example below) and the previous fill factor for the table and it's index were (80%), will the fillfactor be set to the previous value (80) or the sql server default index fill factor value (0 or 100%)?




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Move Indexes Via ALTER INDEX

Mar 13, 2007

I was checking out an indexes property via SQL 2005 Management Studioand it looks like I can move the index to other filegroups via thedrop down.I checked the BOL ALTER INDEX and I didnt see an argument for thisaction. I see stuff about PARTITION, but I think that is for rowpartitioning??I want to move existing indexes from the PRIMARY filegroup to a newfile group just for indexes, which is called INDEXES.Can this be done via ALTER INDEX or some other way?TIARob

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Alter Index On A Remote Database

Nov 5, 2007

I have created a stored procedure in msdb that will accept a database name and then rebuild non-clustered indexes in that database.

I placed the sp in msdb since msdb is where most job-related information is stored.

The sp identifies non-clustered indexes whose avg fragmentation exceeds a pre-determined threshold, and then runs the following statement for each index in the resulting subset:

SET @str_sql = 'ALTER INDEX ' + @str_index + ' ON ' + @str_object + ' REBUILD '

EXEC sp_executesql @str_sql

where @str_index is the name of the index and @str_object is the name of the object (view, table).

Clearly, I need to revise the statement so that it refers to the appropriate database.

Is there a way to execute 'alter index ... rebuild' so that it points to a database other than the current?


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ALTER INDEX &&<tablename&&> REBUILD

Aug 30, 2007

I have read through BOL but am still confused by the above sql. I think it rebuilds all indexes on a table. Am I correct? (If so, if would seem to be a good thing to run it nightly on all tables in all databases. Or maybe that is too extreme)


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Alter Index For All Tables/indexes In A DB

Oct 22, 2007

In SQL Server 2000 one could DBReindex every index that exists in a given database. You can do the same in SQL Server 2005. But how can this be done with the new Alter Index command? It does not allow me to pass in a variable for the object. Any ideas on how to get this done in with Alter Index in 2005? Thanks!

This I can't get to work:

@TableName nvarchar(100)
SET @TableName = 'Account'

USE database;


DECLARE @TableName varchar(255)


SELECT Name from sys.sysobjects where type = 'U'

OPEN TableCursor

FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName



DBCC DBREINDEX(@TableName,' ',90)

FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName


CLOSE TableCursor


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Using The ONLINE Option The Alter Index Rebuild

Jul 9, 2007

I do a lot of index maintenance and started testing rebuilding my indexes with the ONLINE option, but noticed an increase in record size by 14 bytes. The issue I have is that for each index you build the ONLINE option, you add 14 bytes for row. After the index rebuild is done, normal transaction updates drop the additional 14 bytes.

The act of adding and dropping 14 bytes would cause fragmentation and uncompressed data. Is this correct or do I have something wrong?

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PK Still Shows Fragmentation After ALTER INDEX.. REBUILD

Sep 4, 2007

I am using sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats to identify indexes that need to be rebuilt based on a fragmentation limit. Once identified, I execute and ALTER INDEX... REBUILD on the index. If the index is clustered, only that index gets rebuilt for the table. After all the indexes are complete, I receive a report on the indexes that were rebuilt in the databases and what level of fragmentation the index was at before rebuilt. After checking these indexes, I still see that all the Primary Key indexes are still at the same fragmentation level. I run the process again and it does not change. I updated table usage and also ran update statistics after running the rebuild again, but the fragmentation does not change. Why can€™t these PK Clustered indexes be rebuilt as expected? Do I need to drop and recreate the PK before this fragmentation changes?

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Index Fragmentation LogicalFragmentation -how Bad Is Bad - Silly Question Alter

Mar 10, 2007

I thought I would delve into index fragmentation and I found somegreat sql from many posters (thanks Erland!).My question is how bad is bad? I know this is very subjective.Some scripts I found would reindex if the LogicalFragmenation is over30%.I have some tables that are 98% (I'm guessing really bad). I know itall depends..more as a learning point: I found a table that had over 30%logicalfragmentation, I dropped the indexes, created then ran thescript that used type code segment:'DBCC SHOWCONTIG(' + @TableName + ') WITH TABLERESULTS, ALL_INDEXES,NO_INFOMSGS')In one case, the indexes for the table dropped below 30%, in anothercase the index was still fragmented ever after I dropped and re-created index.SQL Server 2005 x64 SP2This is the script I am running (I found this in another thread thatErland posted):SET NOCOUNT ONUSE ds_v6_sourceDECLARE @TableName VARCHAR(100)-- Create a table to hold the results of DBCC SHOWCONTIGIF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#Contig') IS NOT NULLDROP TABLE #ContigCREATE TABLE #Contig ([ObjectName] VARCHAR(100), [ObjectId] INT,[IndexName]VARCHAR(200),[IndexId] INT, [Level] INT, [Pages] INT , [Rows] INT ,[MinimumRecordSize] INT,[MaximumRecordSize] INT , [AverageRecordSize] INT,[ForwardedRecords] INT ,[Extents] INT, [ExtentSwitches] INT, [AverageFreeBytes]NUMERIC(6,2),[AveragePageDensity] NUMERIC(6,2), [ScanDensity]NUMERIC(6,2) ,[BestCount] INT ,[ActualCount] INT , [LogicalFragmentation] NUMERIC(6,2) ,[ExtentFragmentation] NUMERIC(6,2) )DECLARE curTables CURSOR STATIC LOCALFORSELECT Table_NameFROM Information_Schema.TablesWHERE Table_Type = 'BASE TABLE'OPEN curTablesFETCH NEXT FROM curTables INTO @TableNameSET @TableName = RTRIM(@TableName)WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGININSERT INTO #Contig EXEC('DBCC SHOWCONTIG(' + @TableName + ') WITHTABLERESULTS, ALL_INDEXES, NO_INFOMSGS')FETCH NEXT FROM curTables INTO @TableNameENDCLOSE curTablesDEALLOCATE curTables

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: MASTER And MSDB - Defrag Using Standard Alter Index Command?

Oct 10, 2014

On a 2008r2 server, I ran the frag utility against master and msdb and noticed they were severely fragmented.

Is it ok to defrag them using the standard Alter Index command?

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DB Design :: Re-indexing A Table Using Some Commands From ALTER INDEX REBUILD From Microsoft

May 20, 2015

I'm working on re-indexing a table using some commands from ALTER INDEX REBUILD from Microsoft. The indexes will be tested for threshold fragmentation. my plan is once the reindex is executed, a transaction backup will occur while controlling the size of the log file.  The query impose time limitations or stop reindexing after the specified amount of time has elapsed.

my question,
1. How can I integrate a query which checks if transaction log is getting full and which runs a Tlog backup if over 70%
2. How do I impose time limitation?

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Alter Table Alter Column In MSACCESS. How Can I Do It For A Decimal Field?

Jul 23, 2005

Hi people,I?m trying to alter a integer field to a decimal(12,4) field in MSACCESS 2K.Example:table : item_nota_fiscal_forn_setor_publicofield : qtd_mercadoria integer NOT NULLALTER TABLE item_nota_fiscal_forn_setor_publicoALTER COLUMN qtd_mercadoria decimal(12,4) NOT NULLBut, It doesn't work. A sintax error rises.I need to change that field in a Visual Basic aplication, dinamically.How can I do it? How can I create a decimal(12,4) field via script in MSACCESS?Thanks,Euler Almeida--Message posted via

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Difference Between Index Seek &&amp; Index Scan &&amp; Index Lookup Operations?

Oct 20, 2006

please explain the differences btween this logical & phisicall operations that we can see therir graphical icons in execution plan tab in Management Studio

thank you in advance

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Alter Table Alter Column

Jul 20, 2005

I would like to add an Identity to an existing column in a table using astored procedure then add records to the table and then remove the identityafter the records have been added or something is a rough idea of what the stored procedure should do. (I do not knowthe syntax to accomplish this can anyone help or explain this?Thanks much,CBLCREATE proc dbo.pts_ImportJobsas/* add identity to [BarCode Part#] */alter table dbo.ItemTestalter column [BarCode Part#] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL/* add records from text file here *//* remove identity from BarCode Part#] */alter table dbo.ItemTestalter column [BarCode Part#] [int] NOT NULLreturnGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOhere is the original tableCREATE TABLE [ItemTest] ([BarCode Part#] [int] NOT NULL ,[File Number] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_File Number] DEFAULT (''),[Item Number] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Item Number] DEFAULT (''),[Description] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Description] DEFAULT (''),[Room Number] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Room Number] DEFAULT (''),[Quantity] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Quantity] DEFAULT (0),[Label Printed Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Label Printed Cnt]DEFAULT (0),[Rework] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Rework] DEFAULT (0),[Rework Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Rework Cnt] DEFAULT (0),[Assembly Scan Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Scan Cnt]DEFAULT (0),[BarCode Crate#] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_BarCode Crate#] DEFAULT(0),[Assembly Group#] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Group#] DEFAULT (''),[Assembly Name] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Name] DEFAULT (''),[Import Date] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Import Date] DEFAULT(getdate()),CONSTRAINT [IX_ItemTest] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED([BarCode Part#]) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GO

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Alter Table Alter Column...

Oct 8, 2007

I am using sql server ce.I am changing my tables to use 'alter table alter column...'.for example:I have table 'customers', I delete column 'name' and add column 'age'.Now I drop Table 'customers' and create again.but I read something about 'alter table alter column...'.I use thi command but not work.I thing syntax not true,that I use..plaese help me?

my code:
Alter table customers alter column age

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TSQL - Using ALTER TABLE - ALTER COLUMN To Modify Column Type / Set Identity Column

Sep 7, 2007

Hi guys,
If I have a temporary table called #CTE
With the columns
[RowID Table Level]
[RowID Data Level]
and I need to change the column type for the columns:
[RowID Table Level]
[RowID Data Level]
to integer, and set the column [RowID Table Level] as Identity (index) starting from 1, incrementing 1 each time.
What will be the right syntax using SQL SERVER 2000?

I am trying to solve the question in the link below:

Thanks in advance,

I have tried the code below, but getting syntax error...

[RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
[RowID Data Level] INT;

I have also tried:

[RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
[RowID Data Level] INT;

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Aug 15, 2000

One sql transaction is in rollback state and optimization job is trying to restructure index on the same table that this transaction is using. As a result,
transaction is in 'blocking' state and optimization job is in 'blocked' state. 'Kill process' doesn't do anything. How can this situation be resolved?

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Nov 26, 2001

Is it possible that blocking can occur between a select and update statements running at the same time on the same object??thanks for the reply!

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Self Blocking SP4

Nov 1, 2007

Anyone out there having "self blocking" issues since upgrading to SP4 on SQL 2000? Enabing trace flag 9059 has not helped, is this a parallelism issue ?


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Blocking When Doing Bcp

Jan 6, 2004

Any ideas?

I execute a sproc from QA.
It interogates a folder:

Select @Command_String = 'Dir ' + @FilePath + '*.txt'
Insert Into XLAT_Folder exec master..xp_cmdshell @Command_String

Which I then Parse and get the details...

Set up a CURSOR (Booo hiss....)


SELECT Create_Time
, File_Size
, [File_Name]
FROM XLAT_Folder_Parsed
ORDER BY [File_Name]


Then, based on the methodology that the file name must match the table and format file (I check to make sure everything is out there)

I then bcp the data in using my connection pooling id (I'm logged on as sa in qa)

SET @cmd = 'bcp ' + @db_name + '..' + SUBSTRING(@File_Name,1,CHARINDEX('.',@File_Name)-1) + ' in '
+ @FilePathAndName
+ ' -f' + 'd:DataTax' + SUBSTRING(@File_Name,1,CHARINDEX('.',@File_Name)-1) + '.fmt'
+ ' -S' + @@servername + ' -U -P'

SET @Command_string = 'EXEC master..xp_cmdshell ''' + @cmd + '''' + ', NO_OUTPUT'

INSERT INTO #XLAT_BCP_Results(Col1) Exec(@Command_String)


A spid is launched to do the bcp...I have 4 files...on the last load The connection Pooling lauched spid gets blocked by the sa spid that launched the doesn't happen all the time, just most of the time....

I've put a trace on in Profiler, but I don't see anything...I've picked the event class of deadlocks...but I never see it...

When I do sp_who, it shows the blocking...

I'm so confused....

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Aug 31, 2006

Hi just read an article on the internet that states

"A quick way to resolve a blocking problem is to disconnect the connection blocking the rest of the users. All you have to do is ask your database administrator to execute the KILL statement. Obviously, this is not a permanent solution, and won't really help anything except take care of an immediate need."

Now when i run sp_who ... i see that the spid that is blocking is the same as the spid itself....

Now the above article states that killing the one that is blocking the rest of the other spids is ok ...

But what if its the same SPID that is blocking ...what does it signify & whats the solution


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Nov 13, 2007

Hi Gurus,

I am running a simple SELECT statement on my TempDB

SELECT * FROM TempDB..SysObjects

When I run this , it's getting blocked by some other Process which is not at all relevant to the above Qry. First it gets blocked by one Stored Proc say Proc1 ( The Proc1 is just a SELECT statement on a table which just has four rows ). So I just kill this PROC1 and again its gets blocked by some other stored Proc PROC2 which again is a simple stored Proc and it runs in not time.

Any Suggestions as to where to start.

Thx in Advance


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Jul 23, 2005

hi,I am using SQL SERVER 2000.Problem that i am facing is when ever I check locks in EnterpriseManager I findfollowing blocking - :1) sp_cursoropen;12) sp_cursorclose;13) sp_cursorfetch;1We dont have any control over application(source code).Whateverwe have to do, has to done from database side.can anyone guide me to solve this problem.Thanks

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SQL 2012 :: Full Text Index How To Make It NOT To Index Embedded Or Attached Documents

Sep 30, 2015

I am using Full Text Index to index emails stored in BLOB column in a table. Index process parses stored emails, and, if there is one or more files attached to the email these documents get indexed too. In result when I'm querying the full text index for a word or phrase I am getting reference to the email containing the word of phrase if interest if the word was used in the email body OR if it was used in any document attached to the email.

How to distinguish in a Full Text query that the result came from an embedded document rather than from "main" document? Or if that's not possible how to disable indexing of embedded documents?

My goal is either to give a user an option if he or she wants to search emails (email bodies only) OR emails AND documents attached to them, or at least clearly indicate in the returned result the real source where the word or phrase has been found.

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Sql Blocking Problem

Dec 13, 2007

I have one batch jobs running 4 time a day and web application.
We have hosted the site long time already but this month we are facing the store procedure blocked problem.
The problem is that when user submit the form when during the execution of batch job, two storeprocedure are blocked.
 One store procedure that is using from batch job read the table "A" and another store procedure that is using from web app update the table "A".
Then deadlock is occure. but i don't understand it is hosted long time already. Please let me know if you know how to solve this issue.

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Blocking URGENT!!

Jan 14, 2002

Can a sleeping process block another process sleeping/runnable?It's happening in our SQL server.Can someone expalin??

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SQL Server 7 Blocking

Apr 24, 2002

I have a powerbuilder application that is connecting to SQL Server. We get very frequent DeadLock situations. Is there a way that I can check to see as what SQL is causing the Lock?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions...

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Blocking Processes

May 29, 2001

I have upgraded a MS SQL database from 6.5 to 7.0. The database functioned fine in 6.5, now I have a table that is locking due to a blocking process. If I kill the process all is fine, but am trying to determine what is causing the process to hang. Has anyone experience any similar situations.

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