ALTER LOGIN Syntax Problem

Oct 30, 2007

I typed the following in sqlcmd:

2> GO

And I got this error:
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'LOGIN'.

Can you help me find the problem? Thanks

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Alter Login Fails When Login Changes His Own Password

Apr 11, 2008

I have seen alot of comments posted about an Issue in SQL2005 that no one at microsoft could really answer. If a user would try to alter his own login, it would fail stating a permissions error.

This is what I did to get it to work .

USE my_dataBase

Alter Login [my_login] WITH PASSWORD = 'newpassword' OLD_PASSWORD = 'oldpassword'

In previous examples, people were trying to do an alter login without first narrowing it to the database.
If you do not include the USE statement it will fail.

Another thing to note is that they can only change certain things....they cannot turn off check_policy or check_expiration.

Happy Coding

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Alter Table Syntax

Aug 1, 2001

I keep getting a syntax error when I try to execute the following statement from Query Analyzer:

Alter Table Table1
Alter Column Field1 Int

I am getting the following error:
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Line 2: Incorrect syntax near 'column'.

I am converting Field1 from a varchar to int, is this not allowed?



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Oct 20, 2007

I am trying to create a new column for every file in a folderbut i keep getting an sql exception  - incorrect syntax near ' whatever the value of the file name is'it works if i just type in the value directlymy code look like this
 fsofolder = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        folder = fsofolder.GetFolder("the path to the Files")
        files = folder.Files
        For Each objfile In files
            sname = objfile.Name
            cmd3.CommandText = "ALTER TABLE NEW ADD " & "' " & sname & " ' " & " nvarchar(MAX)"



                cmd3.Connection = DatabaseConnection
            Catch ex As SqlException
            End Try


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Problem With ALTER TABLE Syntax

Jul 1, 2005

I finally found a way to "deploy" my local SqlServerExpress (SSE) database to the remote Sql2K server... In VisualWebDeveloper (VWD) I can create the table definition and then save the creation sql script and use that in SSE Express Manager while connected to my remote DB. I am describing this because I'm so surprised no one has had problems with this as thousands of developers, some very unexperienced (as me maybe!), are trying the same situation now that some are offering 2.0 hosting... Well I thought this was a great idea until the Sql2K server is returning error messages on the script VWD created. So please could you help since I'm not that good at complex sql scripting. It seems the error comes from the ALTER TABLE syntax:BEGIN TRANSACTIONSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONSET ARITHABORT ONSET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFFSET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ONSET ANSI_NULLS ONSET ANSI_PADDING ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS ONCOMMITBEGIN TRANSACTIONCREATE TABLE dbo.Table2 ( prID int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1), DateInserted datetime NOT NULL, Title nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, Description nvarchar(MAX) NULL, CategoryID smallint NOT NULL, DateLastUpdated datetime NULL, Price int NOT NULL, SpecialPrice int NULL, ImgSuffix nvarchar(5) NULL, ImgCustomWidth smallint NULL )  ON [PRIMARY]  TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE dbo.Table2 ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Table2 PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( prID ) WITH( STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY]

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Syntax Error ALTER TABLE

Jul 25, 2006

HiHaving a problem with a ms sql 2000 server. The script below wascreated i SQL manager 2005 lite and gives a syntax error near '('ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Community_ActivityLog]ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Community_Errors]PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([activity_ID])WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF,IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF,STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF,ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON,ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON)ON [PRIMARY]GOAny ideas of what might be wrong?/Michael

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Syntax To Add 2 Constraints Using Alter Table?

Jul 20, 2005

Just started learning SQL recently.But one thing i'm still not clear on is about altering relationships betweentables after they've been created.Instead of creating a foreign key when the table is first created - i createthe table and then run a query to set the foreign key and relationship(one-to-one, one-to-many etc)Anyways, long story short is i want to create a one-to-one relationship witha table but am having problems with adding more than one constraint at atime when altering a table.Understand yet? Easiest thing to do is show you:I have 2 tables: Branch_Table and Employee_TableI want to create a one-to-one relationship between emp_id on theBranch_Table and manager_id on the Employee_Table.The SQL i've written which doesn't seem to work is:ALTER TABLE Branch_TableAdd Constraint Branch_Table_FK1 FOREIGN KEY (manager_id)Add Constraint Branch_Table_UQ1 Unique (manager_id)References Employee_Table (emp_id));Am having trouble with that second Add constraint (UQ1 unique). I know it'ssomething to do with the Add syntax above.So basically, my question is can i create a one-to-one relationship withjust the one SQL Query? And how would i do it?Many thanks in advance.

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Syntax Error With "alter Table" Statement

Mar 27, 2001


What is wrong with my syntax with the following command?:

alter table EmployeeInfo alter column OriginDate smalldatetime not null default getdate()

I'm getting:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'default'

Currently, in my table OriginDate is nullable with no default.
Thanks in advance for your help!


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Alter 'sa' Login

May 22, 2008

In my SQL SERVER 2005, sa login is enabled, despite Windows Authentication mode being set.
When I'm trying to change it to disabled, I get the error "cannot alter 'sa' login. it doesn't exist or you don't have the permission"
 How can I change the status?

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Alter Login For SA??

Dec 4, 2007

The sa (system administrator) login seems to be disabled for my SQL Server 2005.
I don't have the permissions to change it from the "loging properties-tab".

And as mentioned in an earlier thread, my windows authentication doesn't work for 2005...

So, is there a way to enable the login for the sa user when your windows authentication is screwed up?


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Mar 19, 2007

I am trying to create a stored procedure to Call ALTER LOGIN based on the the username passed in. However, the Alter login statement chokes on any parameter. Is there a way I can alter sql logins from a web form ?
 I try the following and it bombs
 But this works
ALTER LOGIN 'TestUser' WITH PASSWORD = '123test'
 I guess the alter login statement does not work with Parameters.
 Any thoughts ?

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Alter SQL Server Login Id

Apr 12, 2001

How can I alter the SQL Server user login id to a new login id globally so that the database objects which related to the old id will be tied to this new login id ?


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Can I Use ALTER LOGIN In A Stored Procedure???

Apr 27, 2006

Can the ALTER USER statement be used (without a hack like using EXEC) in a stored procedure? I know that the sp_password system stored procedure can not be. Additionally, it is being deprecated anyway. I guess what is boggling me about my attempts so far relate to the errors I am getting due to the user being specified not being in quotes in the syntax. All of the searching I have done so far have come up lame so far; the only examples I have found about it were in scripts that create other scripts for transferring users and other administrative tasks that would be run from the query window, but not from an application. To be complete as possible, here is an example of a script the returns errors:

ALTER PROC [dbo].[lbxChangePassword]
@loginid nvarchar(180),
@oldpassword nvarchar(40),
@newpassword nvarchar(40)

IF @oldpassword = (SELECT password FROM contacts WHERE loginid = @loginid)
UPDATE contacts
SET password = @newpassword
WHERE loginid = @loginid

ALTER LOGIN @loginid WITH PASSWORD=@newpassword OLD_PASSWORD=@oldpassword
RAISERROR(N'The password you entered does not match your current password.', 16, 1)

IF @@ERROR <> 0
RAISERROR(N'There was an error creating your new password.', 16, 1)



This returns:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure lbxChangePassword, Line 15
Incorrect syntax near '@loginid'.
Msg 319, Level 15, State 1, Procedure lbxChangePassword, Line 15
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon.

If ALTER LOGIN isn't how to change the password, then please tell me what the correct practice of changing a password is. I want to use the CURRENT_USER keyword in my queries and want I can't finish setting that up until I have this resolved because users will need to change their own passwords through the application I am developing.

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Deny Connect To Sql Permission Or Alter Login Disable

May 7, 2008

Hi All,

I would like to disable a user account from logging to the database. I would like to know the difference between deny connect to sql permission and disabling an account by alter login disable. Please advice. Thanks

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Using 'Alter Login' To Change Password In SQL Server 2005

Sep 26, 2006

Please Help!!

We have an application using SQLOLEDB connection to a SQL Server 2005 database. Per domain policy, the users are required to change their password every 60 days.

The accounts are established to 'Enforce password policy'.

When we try to execute the 'ALTER LOGIN' command to change the password, locks are being established and will not free the account without bouncing the instance.

After issuing the command, any interaction with the server using this UserID results in a "lock request time out" error 1222.

I have tried issuing this command using both the application and through SQLServer Mgmt Studio Express and the results are the same.

Any idea would be greatly appreciated.

Rusty Rickmon

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Incorrect Syntax Near 'LOGIN'.

Feb 15, 2008

ALTER LOGIN username WITH PASSWORD = '123456';

I am Given the Following Results:

Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'LOGIN'.

This is my server version:
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.818 (Intel X86) May 31 2003 16:08:15 Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: )

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Alter Table Syntax Error - Anyone Sees The Error?

Nov 24, 2004


the following alter table statement:

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CalCalendar]

is answered with:

Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'PRIMARY'.

which I consider to be interesting. Anyone has an idea why? I checked documentation but I do not see an error.

Note that:

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CalCalendar]
ALTER COLUMN [OID] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL

DOES get executed, and

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CalCalendar]

produces the same error.

Now, in my understanding this has nothing to do with an index may already exist etc. - the eror indicates a SYNTAX error, before any checking. Makes no sense to me, though, reading the documentation.

So - anyone an idea?

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Alter Column Results In Incorrect Syntax Near &#39;column&#39;

Oct 29, 2001

I ran this query against the pubs database and it runs successfully

ALTER TABLE publishers ALTER COLUMN state CHAR(25)

I change the table & field names for my db as follows:
ALTER TABLE customquery ALTER COLUMN toclause CHAR(25)

and run against my database and I get the following error - Incorrect syntax near 'COLUMN'.

My column name is correct - I don't know why it would run fine against pubs, but not my db. I do not have quoted identifiers turned on. I have tried using [] around my column name [toclause], but that didn't change anything. Any help would be appreciated.

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Theres A Syntax Error When I Click On Login Button After Writng The Codes

Feb 1, 2008

 the line in bold..can sumone tell me how to correct the error , it say syntax error beside "="
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Partial Class Default3
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    End Sub

    Protected Sub btnlogin_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnlogin.Click
        Dim conn As New SqlConnection _
("data source =YOUR-KEGKZI6IFCSQLEXPRESS; integrated security=true;"
& _
"initial catalog=LOGINPAGE")

        Dim cmdLogin As New
SqlCommand("select * from UserName where ='" & txtusername.Text
& "' and Password='" & txtpassword.Text & "'", conn)
        Dim dr As SqlDataReader
        dr =cmdLogin.ExecuteReader()

        If dr.Read() Then


        End If

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Does Security-admin Role Plus Deny Alter Any Login Cancel Each Other Out

Aug 27, 2015

I want to set up a database role so that users can use sp_readerrorlog through SSMS. It does a check on membership in the securityadmin role.

I have tested it and can see you can grant execute on xp_readerrorlog but the SSMS GUI uses sp_readerrorlog.

I thought I could create a user/certificate and add the signature to sp_readerrorlog but it's not permitted (likely because it's not a normal database object).

So the other solution is to add the users to the securityadmin role but then explicitly deny alter any login (best done with a custom server role in 2012+ but otherwise just manually in 2008). I tested this out and it works, I'm not able to alter any logins or increase my own permissions, I also did a check of what's reported from fn_my_permissions(null, null) and it shows minimal permissions like I'd expect.

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Alter Table Alter Column In MSACCESS. How Can I Do It For A Decimal Field?

Jul 23, 2005

Hi people,I?m trying to alter a integer field to a decimal(12,4) field in MSACCESS 2K.Example:table : item_nota_fiscal_forn_setor_publicofield : qtd_mercadoria integer NOT NULLALTER TABLE item_nota_fiscal_forn_setor_publicoALTER COLUMN qtd_mercadoria decimal(12,4) NOT NULLBut, It doesn't work. A sintax error rises.I need to change that field in a Visual Basic aplication, dinamically.How can I do it? How can I create a decimal(12,4) field via script in MSACCESS?Thanks,Euler Almeida--Message posted via

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Error: Cannot Open Database Requested In Login 'projectAllocations'. Login Fails. Login Failed For User 'sa'.

Oct 27, 2004

Im getting this error when attempting to retrieve data from an sql database.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database requested in login 'projectAllocations'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'sa'.

Source Error:

Line 13: objConn = New SqlConnection( "Server=LAB303-066NETSDK; Database=projectAllocations; User ID=sa;Password=mypassword")
Line 14: objCmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM project_descriptions", objConn)
Line 15: objConn.Open()
Line 16: objRdr = objCmd.ExecuteReader()
Line 17: While objRdr.Read()

Source File: C:finalyearproject2sample.aspx Line: 15

Please Help!! Im a beginner to this, so if anyone knows the answer, take baby steps when explaining. Thanks

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Cannot Open Database Requested In Login 'dbName'. Login Fails. Login Failed For User 'machineNameASPNET'

Jul 27, 2005

Been looking through the forums for a solution to this problem.I already tried granting access through statements such as:exec sp_grantloginaccess N1'machineNameASPNET'But they don't seem to work.. i vaguely remember seeing somewhere a DOS command line statement that grants access to the ASPNET_WP and that fixed my problem before on another computer.. but this is a new computer and i forgot to write down the command.Can anyone help explain and propose a solution to my problem. Many thanxs.

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Alter Table Alter Column

Jul 20, 2005

I would like to add an Identity to an existing column in a table using astored procedure then add records to the table and then remove the identityafter the records have been added or something is a rough idea of what the stored procedure should do. (I do not knowthe syntax to accomplish this can anyone help or explain this?Thanks much,CBLCREATE proc dbo.pts_ImportJobsas/* add identity to [BarCode Part#] */alter table dbo.ItemTestalter column [BarCode Part#] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL/* add records from text file here *//* remove identity from BarCode Part#] */alter table dbo.ItemTestalter column [BarCode Part#] [int] NOT NULLreturnGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOhere is the original tableCREATE TABLE [ItemTest] ([BarCode Part#] [int] NOT NULL ,[File Number] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_File Number] DEFAULT (''),[Item Number] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Item Number] DEFAULT (''),[Description] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Description] DEFAULT (''),[Room Number] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Room Number] DEFAULT (''),[Quantity] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Quantity] DEFAULT (0),[Label Printed Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Label Printed Cnt]DEFAULT (0),[Rework] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Rework] DEFAULT (0),[Rework Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Rework Cnt] DEFAULT (0),[Assembly Scan Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Scan Cnt]DEFAULT (0),[BarCode Crate#] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_BarCode Crate#] DEFAULT(0),[Assembly Group#] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Group#] DEFAULT (''),[Assembly Name] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Name] DEFAULT (''),[Import Date] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Import Date] DEFAULT(getdate()),CONSTRAINT [IX_ItemTest] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED([BarCode Part#]) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GO

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Alter Table Alter Column...

Oct 8, 2007

I am using sql server ce.I am changing my tables to use 'alter table alter column...'.for example:I have table 'customers', I delete column 'name' and add column 'age'.Now I drop Table 'customers' and create again.but I read something about 'alter table alter column...'.I use thi command but not work.I thing syntax not true,that I use..plaese help me?

my code:
Alter table customers alter column age

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Cannot Open Database Requested In Login 'sql'. Login Fails. Login Failed For User 'ASPNET'.

Dec 19, 2003

I am using the MSDE to connect to my ASP.NET application. I get this error after clicking the login button of my login page. Anyone know why this would happen?

Thanks for any help,

Cannot open database requested in login 'DataSQL'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'serverASPNET'.

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TSQL - Using ALTER TABLE - ALTER COLUMN To Modify Column Type / Set Identity Column

Sep 7, 2007

Hi guys,
If I have a temporary table called #CTE
With the columns
[RowID Table Level]
[RowID Data Level]
and I need to change the column type for the columns:
[RowID Table Level]
[RowID Data Level]
to integer, and set the column [RowID Table Level] as Identity (index) starting from 1, incrementing 1 each time.
What will be the right syntax using SQL SERVER 2000?

I am trying to solve the question in the link below:

Thanks in advance,

I have tried the code below, but getting syntax error...

[RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
[RowID Data Level] INT;

I have also tried:

[RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
[RowID Data Level] INT;

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Cannot Open Database XXXX Requested By Login. The Login Failed. Login Failed For User 'xxx'

Mar 18, 2007

 so i have a new box and I'm trying to get my websites and SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition working on it, but the pages give me the following error when I try to load them:
"Cannot Open Database "XXXX" requested by login.  The login failed.  Login failed for user 'xxx'"
Everything seems exactly the same settings and user-wise from my old box to my new one, but nevertheless everything I've tried gives me the same error.
I've tried creating new users in SQL Server and giving them appropriate permissions to my database.  I've even tried just using the built in 'sa' account.  Nothing seems to change the error, except when I give it the incorrect password then it just says 'login failed'
This leads me to believe that i'm successfully logging into the SQL Server, but it doesn't want to give me access to the database I'm requesting access too.  But "apparently" the account i'm using should have access to the database.  If nothing else the 'sa' account should, but that didn't work either.
I'm stumped.  Any ideas?

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Incorrect Syntax Near The Keyword CONVERT When The Syntax Is Correct - Why?

May 20, 2008

Why does the following call to a stored procedure get me this error:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CONVERT'.

Code Snippet

EXECUTE OpenInvoiceItemSP_RAM CONVERT(DATETIME,'01-01-2008'), CONVERT(DATETIME,'04/30/2008') , 1,'81350'

The stored procedure accepts two datetime parameters, followed by an INT and a varchar(10) in that order.

I can't find anything wrong in the syntax for CONVERT or any nearby items.

Help me please. Thank you.

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Incorrect Syntax When There Appears To Be No Syntax Errors.

Dec 14, 2003

I keep receiving the following error whenever I try and call this function to update my database.

The code was working before, all I added was an extra field to update.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'

Public Sub MasterList_Update(sender As Object, e As DataListCommandEventArgs)

Dim strProjectName, txtProjectDescription, intProjectID, strProjectState as String
Dim intEstDuration, dtmCreationDate, strCreatedBy, strProjectLead, dtmEstCompletionDate as String

strProjectName = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtProjectName"), TextBox).Text
txtProjectDescription = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtProjDesc"), TextBox).Text
strProjectState = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtStatus"), TextBox).Text
intEstDuration = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtDuration"), TextBox).Text
dtmCreationDate = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtCreation"),TextBox).Text
strCreatedBy = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtCreatedBy"),TextBox).Text
strProjectLead = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtLead"),TextBox).Text
dtmEstCompletionDate = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtComDate"),TextBox).Text
intProjectID = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblProjectID"), Label).Text

Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "Update tblProject " _
& "Set strProjectName = @strProjectName, " _
& "txtProjectDescription = @txtProjectDescription, " _
& "strProjectState = @strProjectState, " _
& "intEstDuration = @intEstDuration, " _
& "dtmCreationDate = @dtmCreationDate, " _
& "strCreatedBy = @strCreatedBy, " _
& "strProjectLead = @strProjectLead, " _
& "dtmEstCompletionDate = @dtmEstCompletionDate, " _
& "WHERE intProjectID = @intProjectID"

Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("connectionstring"))
Dim cmdSQL As New SqlCommand(strSQL, myConnection)

cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@strProjectName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 40))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@strProjectName").Value = strProjectName
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@txtProjectDescription", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 30))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@txtProjectDescription").Value = txtProjectDescription
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@strProjectState", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 30))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@strProjectState").Value = strProjectState
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@intEstDuration", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 60))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@intEstDuration").Value = intEstDuration
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@dtmCreationDate", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@dtmCreationDate").Value = dtmCreationDate
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@strCreatedBy", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@strCreatedBy").Value = strCreatedBy
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@strProjectLead", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@strProjectLead").Value = strProjectLead
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@dtmEstCompletionDate", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 24))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@dtmEstCompletionDate").Value = dtmEstCompletionDate
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@intProjectID", SqlDbType.NChar, 5))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@intProjectID").Value = intProjectID


MasterList.EditItemIndex = -1

End Sub

Thankyou in advance.

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Which Is Faster? Conditional Within JOIN Syntax Or WHERE Syntax?

Mar 31, 2008

Forgive the noob question, but i'm still learning SQL everyday and was wondering which of the following is faster? I'm just gonna post parts of the SELECT statement that i've made changes to:

INNER JOIN Facilities f ON e.Facility = f.FacilityID AND f.Name = @FacilityName


WHERE f.Name = @FacilityName

My question is whether or not the query runs faster if i put the condition within the JOIN line as opposed to putting in the WHERE line? Both ways seems to return the same results but the time difference between methods is staggering? Putting the condition within the JOIN line makes the query run about 3 times faster?

Again, forgive my lack of understanding, but could someone agree or disagree and give me the cliff-notes version of why or why not?


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Converting Rrom Access Syntax To Sql Syntax

Sep 23, 2007

Ok I am tying to convert access syntax to Sql syntax to put it in a stored procedure or view..
Here is the part that I need to convert:

SELECT [2007_hours].proj_name, [2007_hours].task_name, [2007_hours].Employee,
IIf(Mid([proj_name],1,9) In ('9900-2831','9900-2788'),'II Internal',

) AS timeType, Sum([2007_hours].Hours) AS SumOfHours

how can you convert it to sql syntax

I need to have a nested If statment which I can't do in sql (in sql I have to have select and from Together for example ( I can't do this in sql):
select ID, FName, LName
if(SUBSTRING(FirstName, 1, 4)= 'Mike')
if(SUBSTRING(LastName, 1, 4)= 'Kong')
if(SUBSTRING(Address, 1, 4)= '1245')


Case Statement might be the solution but i could not do it.

Your input will be appreciated

Thank you

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Sqlexpress Cannot Open Database Abc.mdf Requested By Login. The Login Failed For User 'machinenameASPNET'

Apr 18, 2008

Hi I have asp.net2 app using SQLExpress which works fine in VS2005.
When I compile it and try to run it from IIS on the same machine using the same
sql server database with:
I get the following error.
Cannot open database abc.mdf requested by login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'machinenameASPNET'
Any help much appreciated 

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