Apr 10, 2007

A customer wants to implement table partitioning on a replicated table.

They want to hold 13 months of data in the table and roll off the earliest/oldest month to an identical archive table. The table has a date field and partitioning by month makes sense all around.

So SWITCH PARTITION is the obvious solution to this, except for the fact that the table is replicated (transactional w/no subscriber updates).

What are his architectural or practical solutions to using table partitioning and replication?


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How To Modify Colum (alter Table) Of Table That Is Replicated?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello!I have an MS SQL-server with an database, that runs replication. In thisdatabase there is an table with an columni want to extend; varchar(50)->varchar(60).But I get this error (using design window of Enterprise Manager): Cannotdrop the table 'MytableName' because it is being used for replication.Thanks for helpBjoern

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Feb 13, 2008

I am having problem when performing the alter table switch. Both tables are identical and have pk.

ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. There is no identical index in source table 'LocalDeltanet.dbo.testresults' for the index 'PKIDX_testSummary' in target table 'LocalDeltanet.dbo.testresults_part' .


( [testresult_id] ASC )


ON TResultsScheme (testresult_id) ) ON TResultsScheme (testresult_id)

I have performed the function on other tables successfully, but this is the first that has an identity column involved. Is there anything special that needs to be done?

[testresult_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

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Alter Table In Replicated Database

Apr 26, 2003

How can I do an alter table in some table that replicated database ?
I got the error message when I try !

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Altered Table-changed Column From Text To Varchar And Now Having Issues With Alter Switch

Feb 14, 2008

Working on partitioning a few large tables. One of the tables included a text column and the €œTEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]€? clause which would prevent the partitioning of this table. After some research we found that the data was legacy and no longer used. We updated the column on the affected rows to NULLS and altered the column to a VARCHAR(20)
When I attempted to run the ALTER TABLE SWITCH I encountered the error
Msg 4947, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. There is no identical index in source table 'LocalDeltanet.dbo.testresultsjoe' for the index 'PKIDX_testSummary' in target table 'LocalDeltanet.dbo.testresults_part'.
After a lot of grief and testing I determined that the message was bogus and the real issue is that the 'sys.tables' still has €œlob_data_space_id€? with a value of 1 for this table.
I created a copy of the table with the text column altered to varchar and one with just the varchar to begin with. After copying data from the original table, I tried to run the alter switch. It failed once again for the text column altered to varchar table, but it worked for the varchar from the start.

Since it appears that this value is causing my issues, is there anyway to update the table in place. I know I can BCP the data out, but that would take too long and would defeat the advantage of using the alter switch method.

BOL States:

The allow updates option is still present in the sp_configure stored procedure, although its functionality is unavailable in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (the setting has no effect). In SQL Server 2005, direct updates to the system tables are not supported. This means we cannot update the table manually.


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DB Design :: Alter Partition Function In Data Vault Where There Is 4 Table Dependency?

Aug 28, 2015

I'm currently stuck with a table that has 350 mil records. Querying this table is insanely slow so I had a better look at existing yearly partitioning. I already managed to partition on a month level which increased the performance/querrying a lot. I did this on the staging table where I used an alter statement to split the 2015 partition by 12 months.

However, in our project we used Data Vault. This means that we have 4 tables (hub, sathub, link, satlink), all carrying 350 mil records. The problem is that altering the partition function does not work. The server cannot handle this action. What the best way is to do this, without having to drop/reload all tables.

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Partition Switch And Non Unique Index

Aug 9, 2006

I have a table partitioned by month. There are no primary key. There is another table with the same structure that I use to load data for the current month. I can perform partition switch with no problem.

I created non unique index on integer field in both tables. After this change partition switch does not work anymore. Here is an error that I am getting:

'ALTER TABLE SWITCH' statement failed. The table 'dbo.test' is
partitioned while index 'IX_test' is not partitioned."

Any help?

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Could You Tell What's Wrong When I Split Table To The Target Partition Table?

Jan 22, 2007

Could you tell what's wrong when I split table to the target partition table?USE TEST--ADD FILEGROUP---------------------------------------------------------------------ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILEGROUP FG_01ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILEGROUP FG_02ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILEGROUP FG_03--ADD FILE--------------------------------------------------------------------------ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILE (NAME = DF_01,FILENAME = 'D:TESTDF_01.ndf',SIZE = 10MB,MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED,FILEGROWTH = 10MB)TO FILEGROUP FG_01ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILE (NAME = DF_02,FILENAME = 'D:TESTDF_02.ndf',SIZE = 10MB,MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED,FILEGROWTH = 10MB)TO FILEGROUP FG_02ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILE (NAME = DF_03,FILENAME = 'D:TESTDF_03.ndf',SIZE = 10MB,MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED,FILEGROWTH = 10MB)TO FILEGROUP FG_03--CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION---------------------------------------------------------CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION PF_HIS_HTTP_LOG(datetime)AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES ('20070101 23:59:59.997','20070102 23:59:59.997')--CREATE PARTITION SCHEME-----------------------------------------------------------CREATE PARTITION SCHEME PS_HIS_HTTP_LOGAS PARTITION PF_HIS_HTTP_LOG TO ( FG_01, FG_02, [PRIMARY])--CREATE PARTITION TABLE -----------------------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE HIS_HTTP_LOG ( USERID varchar(32) , USERIP varchar(15) ,USERPORT numeric(5,0) , OBJECTIP varchar(15) , OBJECTPORT numeric(5,0) , URL varchar(256) , HOST varchar(64) , DN varchar(64) , VISITIME numeric(5,0) , STARTIME datetime , ENDTIME datetime ) ON PS_HIS_HTTP_LOG(STARTIME)--INSERT DATA,PARTITION 1 20070101-------------------------------------------------DECLARE @i intSET @i = 1WHILE @i <= 100BEGININSERT INTO HIS_HTTP_LOG VALUES(CAST(@i AS varchar(32)),'',5,'',6,'',11,CONVERT" target="_blank">','','',11,CONVERT(datetime,'20070101 13:25:26.100',121),GETDATE())SET @i = @i +1END--INSERT DATA ,PARTITION 2 20070102-------------------------------------------------SET @i = 1WHILE @i <= 200BEGININSERT INTO HIS_HTTP_LOG VALUES(CAST(@i AS varchar(32)),'',5,'',6,'',11,CONVERT" target="_blank">','','',11,CONVERT(datetime,'20070102 11:25:26.100',121),GETDATE())SET @i = @i +1END--CREATE A TABLE -------------------------------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE TMP_HTTP_LOG( USERID varchar(32) , USERIP varchar(15) ,USERPORT numeric(5,0) , OBJECTIP varchar(15) , OBJECTPORT numeric(5,0) , URL varchar(256) , HOST varchar(64) , DN varchar(64) , VISITIME numeric(5,0) , STARTIME datetime , ENDTIME datetime ) ON FG_03--INSERT DATA TO TMP_HTTP_LOG 20070103-----------------------------------------------DECLARE @i intSET @i = 1WHILE @i <= 400BEGININSERT INTO TMP_HTTP_LOG VALUES(CAST(@i AS varchar(32)),'',5,'', 6,'',11,CONVERT" target="_blank">','','',11,CONVERT(datetime,'20070103 09:25:26.100',121),GETDATE())SET @i = @i +1END--ADD CONSTRAINT--------------------------------------------------------------------ALTER TABLE TMP_HTTP_LOGWITH CHECKADD CONSTRAINT CK001CHECK (STARTIME >= '20070103 00:00:00.000' AND STARTIME <= '20070103 23:59:59.997')--SPLIT RANGE ,SWITCH DATA----------------------------------------------------------ALTER PARTITION SCHEME PS_HIS_HTTP_LOG NEXT USED FG_03ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION PF_HIS_HTTP_LOG() SPLIT RANGE ('20070103 23:59:59.997')ALTER TABLE TMP_HTTP_LOG SWITCH TO HIS_HTTP_LOG PARTITION 3--==========================================�======================================Why is the error in step of“ALTER TABLE TMP_HTTP_LOG SWITCH TO HIS_HTTP_LOG PARTITION 3�error infomation:message_id 4972,level 16,severity 1ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Check constraints or partition function of source table 'TEST.dbo.TMP_HTTP_LOG' allows values that are not allowed by check constraints or partition function on target table 'TEST.dbo.HIS_HTTP_LOG'.Please tell me why ? check constraints ?Thank you very much !

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Large Table-Table Partition, View Or Other Method?

Aug 27, 2007

Hi everyone,

I use sql 2005. What is the best practice for dealing with large table (more than million rows)? Table Partition, View or other?

Can you please give some suggestions? It will be very helpful if you can post some references or examples.

Thank you!

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Alter Table Alter Column In MSACCESS. How Can I Do It For A Decimal Field?

Jul 23, 2005

Hi people,I?m trying to alter a integer field to a decimal(12,4) field in MSACCESS 2K.Example:table : item_nota_fiscal_forn_setor_publicofield : qtd_mercadoria integer NOT NULLALTER TABLE item_nota_fiscal_forn_setor_publicoALTER COLUMN qtd_mercadoria decimal(12,4) NOT NULLBut, It doesn't work. A sintax error rises.I need to change that field in a Visual Basic aplication, dinamically.How can I do it? How can I create a decimal(12,4) field via script in MSACCESS?Thanks,Euler Almeida--Message posted via

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Table Switch Won't!

Aug 17, 2007

I am trying my first sliding partition scheme with 2005, and I am getting the following error...

ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Check constraints or partition function of source table "ScanStoreAggregateLoad' allows values that are not allowed by check constraints or partition function on target table "ScanStoreAggregateTest'.

I have gone over the functions and constraints a gazillion times. The columns are set to Not Null. The constraints are set to AND NOT NULL. The constraint values align and align with the function. But still I get the failure. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here are the definitions:

CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION pfn_ScanStoreAggregate(int)







CREATE TABLE dbo.ScanStoreAggregateTest(

ProductID int NOT NULL,

DateKey int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT ck_ScanStoreAggregateRange CHECK ((DateKey BETWEEN 19224 AND 19227) AND (DateKey IS NOT NULL)),

Span tinyint NOT NULL,

LocationID smallint NOT NULL,

WeeksTY tinyint NOT NULL,

WeeksLY tinyint NOT NULL,

UnitsTY numeric(12, 2) NOT NULL,

UnitsLY numeric(12, 2) NOT NULL,

SalesTY money NOT NULL,

SalesLY money NOT NULL,

CostTY money NOT NULL,

CostLY money NOT NULL,





) ON ps_ScanStoreAggregate (DateKey)

CREATE TABLE dbo.ScanStoreAggregateLoad(

ProductID int NOT NULL

,DateKey int NOT NULL

,Span tinyint NOT NULL

,LocationID smallint NOT NULL

,WeeksTY tinyint NOT NULL

,WeeksLY tinyint NOT NULL

,UnitsTY numeric(12, 2) NOT NULL

,UnitsLY numeric(12, 2) NOT NULL

,SalesTY money NOT NULL

,SalesLY money NOT NULL

,CostTY money NOT NULL

,CostLY money NOT NULL





) ON DataAggregates

ALTER TABLE dbo.ScanStoreAggregateLoad


ADD CONSTRAINT ck_ScanStoreAggregate19227_DateKey

CHECK ((DateKey = 19227)


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Transact SQL :: How To Alter Existing Table Column As Identity Without Dropping Table

Nov 20, 2013

I have created a table as below mentioned. Then I want to alter the ID column as identity(1,1) without dropping the table as well as losing the data.

create table dbo.IdentityTest
id int not null,
descript varchar(255) null,
T_date datetime not null

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Transact SQL :: Dynamically Alter Schema Of Stage Table When Source Table Structure Changed?

Oct 25, 2015

we have a table in our ERP database and we copy data from this table into another "stage" table on a nightly basis. is there a way to dynamically alter the schema of the stage table when the source table's structure is changed? in other words, if a new column is added to the source table, i would like to add the column to the stage table during the nightly refresh.

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How To Alter The Table With Delete/update Cascade Without Recreating The Table

Jul 26, 2004

I have contract table which has built in foreign key constrains. How can I alter this table for delete/ update cascade without recreating the table so whenever studentId/ contactId is modified, the change is effected to the contract table.


************************************************** ******
Contract table DDL is

create table contract(
contractNum int identity(1,1) primary key,
contractDate smalldatetime not null,
tuition money not null,
studentId char(4) not null foreign key references student (studentId),
contactId int not null foreign key references contact (contactId)

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How To Alter Column Length Of The Master Table Along With The Slave Table?

Aug 13, 2006

In SQL Server 2005,here are two tables, created by the following SQL Statements:



For the length of Column ID is not enough, So I want to alter its length.The alter statement is:


For the table student is referenced by table score, the alter statement can not alter the column of the table student, and the SQL Server DBMS give the errors.

But, I can manually alter the length of the column ID in SQL SERVER Management Studio. How to alter column length of the master table(student) along with the slave table(score)?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Alter Table Triggers Recreate Table?

May 26, 2015

which ALTER TABLE/ALTER COLUMN- Statement has a Recreate Table as result ?

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.rdlc Table Use Of SUM And SWITCH Together?

Jan 19, 2007

Hello everyone, thanks in advance for reading. I'm new to reports and have tried searching for my answer with no luck. Any direction would be great.

Here is the issue, I have 3 colums in the dataset which display String data ("High", "Medium", or "Low")

I've added a column to the table on the report where I would like to convert the value of "High", "Medium" and "Low" to 3,2,1 respectively then SUM these numbers.

Is this possible? I've tried several variations of the code below--maybe it's not possible to do what I want? Thanks again for your time and help.

Fields!PP.Value is set to:
=Switch(Fields!Avail_Rank.Value = "High", 3, Fields!Avail_Rank.Value = "Medium", 2, Fields!Avail_Rank.Value = "Low", 1)

=Switch(Fields!Volume.Value = "High", 3, Fields!Volume.Value = "Medium", 2, Fields!Volume.Value = "Low", 1)

=Switch(Fields!Integ_Rank.Value = "High", 3, Fields!Integ_Rank.Value = "Medium", 2, Fields!Integ_Rank.Value = "Low", 1)

=Sum(Fields!Avail_Rank.Value + Fields!Volume.Value + Fields!Integ_Rank)

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Proc To Switch Two Values In Table

May 29, 2008

I need to switch two int values in my table, but I have no clue how to do it.  If I switch the 6 to a 5, then I can't distinguish between the 5 that's supposed to be a 5 and the 5 that needs to be a 6. Any help is greatly appreciated - thanks in advance! 

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Cannot Alter Column (column1) Because It Is Replicated

Jun 9, 2015

I am trying to change the size of the column which is the part of replication but its giving me the error "Cannot alter column 'Column1' because it is 'REPLICATED'.But same i tried to change for another column and its working. 

ALTER TABLE test1 ALTER COLUMN column1l varchar(80) NULL

whats going wrong .

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Unable ALTER Stored Proc If SP Is Replicated

Apr 12, 2008


My Stored Proc is Replicated to other DB Server, When iam trying to ALTER my modified SP in Publisher DB, ALTER statement not working, even it's not throwing any errors also.

My SP has very simple logic [Just for get data from DB] , no of lines 680, no of chars 32000 [Approx].

If i decrease the length of SP, it's working fine.

Can anybody help on this?

Thanks in advance..

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How To Alter The Data Type In A Replicated Databas

Jun 11, 2008

Dear All,
i've one database replicated from production server.
now i need to change one perticular table column datatype.
what steps i need to follow to do this?

thankyou very much

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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SQL 2012 :: Table Partitioning - Switch Out / Merge Range

Mar 6, 2014

If the partitioning MERGE command attempts to drop historic data at the wrong boundary point then data movement between file groups may be necessary before or during the next index rebuild. The script below creates 2 test tables, one using a range right function and the other using range left. The partitioning key is a number between 0 - 59, an empty partition is maintained at the start and end of ranges, 4 partitions contain data in the ranges between 0-14, 15-29, 30-44, 45-59. Data in the lowest range (0 - 14) is switched out and a merge command is run, edit the script to try the different merge boundaries, edit the variables at the start to suit runtime environment 'Data Drive' & 'Log Drive' paths.Variables are redeclared but commented out at the start of code blocks to allow stepping through if desired.

-- PartitionLabSetup_20140330.sql - TAKES ABOUT 1 MINUTE TO EXECUTE
-- Creates a test database (workspace)
-- Adds file groups and files
-- Creates partition functions and schema's
-- Creates and populates 2 partitioned tables (PartitionedRight & PartitionedLeft)

[Code] ....

The T-SQL code below illustrates one of the problems caused by MERGE at the wrong boundary point. File Group 3 of the Range Right table is empty according to the data space views, it cannot be dropped though. File Group 2 contains data according to the views but you are allowed to drop it's file.

USE workspace;
DROP TABLE dbo.PartitionedRightOut;

USE master;
REMOVE FILE PartitionedRight_f3 ;
--Msg 5042, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
--The file 'PartitionedRight_f3 ' cannot be removed because it is not empty.

REMOVE FILE PartitionedRight_f2 ;

-- Works surprisingly although contains data according to system views.

If the wrong boundary point is used then the system 'Data Space' views show where the data should be (FG2), not where it actually still is (FG3). You can't tell if data movement between file groups is pending and the file group files are not protected from deletion by the OS.

I'm not sure this is worth raising a connect item for but it would be useful knowing where data physically resided after a MERGE RANGE and before an INDEX REBUILD, the data space views reflect the logical rather than the physical location if a data movement is pending.

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Replicated Table Is Not Updated

Jun 19, 2008

Dear All,
i've made repliaction stup using the information guide below. all the things are done axactly. now i've inserted a row in the publisher. but i'm not getting the record at the subscriber database. please let me know where i'm missing

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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New Column For Replicated Table

Sep 20, 2007

Hope to be my last question.
I used Transacational with update sub method. When adding new column to replicated table. Do I need to generate new snapshot again? Just want to know how can I apply the new schema to subsciber DB without doing all regenerate snapshot, recreate all tables and bulk copy.. Please help

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Altering Table Replicated

Feb 2, 2007

How can i change my Table Structure that is replicated?

I need to add a new field.

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How To Switch Off Automatic Blanking Of Table Views In Enterprise Manager ?

Aug 10, 2006

Hi Sqlserver experts,I use the SQL Server enterprise manager of MSSQL 2000 regularly.I'm often annoyed by the automatic blanking of the table views.If this happens then mostly with the hint :"The Results pane have been cleared to conserve server resources.To re-establish the result set, run query again."Is there any possibility to switch that blanking off ?Best regards,Daniel Wetzler

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Alter Table Alter Column

Jul 20, 2005

I would like to add an Identity to an existing column in a table using astored procedure then add records to the table and then remove the identityafter the records have been added or something is a rough idea of what the stored procedure should do. (I do not knowthe syntax to accomplish this can anyone help or explain this?Thanks much,CBLCREATE proc dbo.pts_ImportJobsas/* add identity to [BarCode Part#] */alter table dbo.ItemTestalter column [BarCode Part#] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL/* add records from text file here *//* remove identity from BarCode Part#] */alter table dbo.ItemTestalter column [BarCode Part#] [int] NOT NULLreturnGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOhere is the original tableCREATE TABLE [ItemTest] ([BarCode Part#] [int] NOT NULL ,[File Number] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_File Number] DEFAULT (''),[Item Number] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Item Number] DEFAULT (''),[Description] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Description] DEFAULT (''),[Room Number] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Room Number] DEFAULT (''),[Quantity] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Quantity] DEFAULT (0),[Label Printed Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Label Printed Cnt]DEFAULT (0),[Rework] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Rework] DEFAULT (0),[Rework Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Rework Cnt] DEFAULT (0),[Assembly Scan Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Scan Cnt]DEFAULT (0),[BarCode Crate#] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_BarCode Crate#] DEFAULT(0),[Assembly Group#] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Group#] DEFAULT (''),[Assembly Name] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Name] DEFAULT (''),[Import Date] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Import Date] DEFAULT(getdate()),CONSTRAINT [IX_ItemTest] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED([BarCode Part#]) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GO

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Alter Table Alter Column...

Oct 8, 2007

I am using sql server ce.I am changing my tables to use 'alter table alter column...'.for example:I have table 'customers', I delete column 'name' and add column 'age'.Now I drop Table 'customers' and create again.but I read something about 'alter table alter column...'.I use thi command but not work.I thing syntax not true,that I use..plaese help me?

my code:
Alter table customers alter column age

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Computed Column In A Replicated Table

Apr 10, 2015

I have a strange problem. I have a computed column in a replicated table, the Formula is as follows:

(isnull(hashbytes('SHA2_256',CONVERT([varchar](256),[AccrualReference],(0))),(0))) the column is also Persisted.

This gets around a case sensitivity issue and is used as the Primary Key column, which works well.The problem is that this table is then replicated to another server. On the subscriber the value of this computed field is being returned as 0x00000000 for every row, so this must be the ISNULL function doing its job. But why? The AccrualReference is the true PrimaryKey and is never NULL.

If I remove the computed specification and set the field up as varbinary(64) the value then gets replicated. This then means maintaining a different table schema for in excess of 500 tables.

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Rename Replicated Table Columns

Jun 10, 2015

I need to rename a replicated table columns.will this affect my current replication (Transactional replication)? Do i have to create a new snapshot and restart the subscriber?

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Table Mantenance Within A Replicated Database

Jul 20, 2005

When I try to remove a table, it complains because it's part of apublication. I could script the publication and subscriptions suchthat they can be deleted, the table removed, and then added again.But, I not sure if this is the 'best' approach.Anyone faced this challenge before?Regards,gary

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Drop Trigger From Replicated Table??

Apr 14, 2007

I created a trigger on a replicated table in a publishing database on SQL Server 2000. When I attempt to ALTER TABLE ... DISABLE TRIGGER ..., I get a message that I cannot alter the table since it is part of a publication. Does anyone know if I would be able to issue a DROP TRIGGER or ALTER TRIGGER on a replicated table?



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Changing A Primary Key In A Replicated Table

Jul 20, 2006


We have a merge publication - I want to change the primary key for one of the tables (add another column to the primary key)

How do I do it ?

Currently there is no data in the table - which I guess might help..


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