ANSI_NULLs Settings For Existing Stored Procedures
May 8, 2008
As noted on the msdn the ANSI_NULLS for a stored procedure are set at time off creation (
- SQL server 2000
My question is; How do i get the details of a sp and display the ANSI_NULLS setting for it.
("select * from information_schema.routines" doesnt shows this information)
Is this possible in SQL 2000 (or 2005)?
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Jul 20, 2005
Getting an "incorrect settings: 'ANSI_NULLS., QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'."error after creating a view.We wanted a composite unique constraint that ignored nulls, so we setup a view using the following script:/* --- start --- */BEGIN TRANSACTIONSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONSET ARITHABORT ONSET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFFSET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ONSET ANSI_NULLS ONSET ANSI_PADDING ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS ONCOMMITGOCREATE VIEW vw_MyViewWITH SCHEMABINDINGASSELECT Col1, Col2 FROM dbo.MyTable WHERECol2 IS NOT NULLGO/* --- end --- */and then added the constraint to the new view/* --- start --- */CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX AK_MyTable_Constraint1 ONvw_MyView(Col1, Col2)GO/* --- end --- */I thought we were doing fine, 'til we started running some DELETEstored procedures and got the above error. The error also citedARITHABORT as an incorrect setting until we ran this script:/* --- start --- */USE masterDECLARE @value intSELECT @value = value FROM syscurconfigsWHERE config = 1534SET @value = @value | 64EXEC sp_configure 'user options', @valueRECONFIGURE/* --- end --- */TIA to anyone kind enough to shed some light on this for me. Is theresomething we should have done differently in creating the view andindex? If not, what's the procedure for working through thesesettings errors?I've read through some other threads on this subject, but didn'treally find what I was looking for. Thanks again for any help. Wouldbe appreciated.-matt
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Oct 1, 2007
Hi, i have problem as subject says.
Db has table with 3 columns, ID, Key and Val. ID is primary key, Key has unique index and Val simple holds value in text format.
I have created DAL layer using .netTiers and CodeSmith. Generated procedures.sql has before every procedure set ANSI_NULLS to OFF.
When i read rows from table i print them on screen. When user changes value, that should also be updated in database.
When i select entity, its value is changed.
Here is code snipper.
Code Blockentity.Key = key;
entity.Value = value;
TransactionManager transactionManager = DataRepository.Provider.CreateTransaction();
retVal = DataRepository.TestTableProvider.Update(entity);
I got an exception with message below:
UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ANSI_NULLS'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods.
Also, class which hold previous code snipper supports caching, by using some kind of SqlCacheManager, which is above SqlCacheDependecy class. Database service broker is started by
Code Block
Server is SqlExpress 2005.
Application is in ASP.NET 2.0.
I also noticed next.
On first run, previous code passes without errors. On second run, update error appears.
This is log from sql server.
Code BlockQuery notification delivery could not send message on dialog '{822C7891-736E-DC11-836B-005056C00008}.'. Delivery failed for notification '<qn:QueryNotification xmlns:qn=""></A< A>>" id="1" type="change" source="database" info="restart" database_id="13" sid="0xE7C0751C9F7F6C4D9423096BBCC7FB69"><qn:Message>edd3e2dd-11ed-4d92-a0f4-5c674a90aecf;8b2095663cc6a9c297120e4c94d488555e97e54d</qn:Message></qn:QueryNotification>' because of the following error in service broker: 'The conversation handle "822C7891-736E-DC11-836B-005056C00008" is not found.'
Need fast answer.
Thanks in advance.
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Oct 13, 2005
Dear group,is it possible in SQL-Server to see when a stored procedure wasexecuted ?I would say it is only possible with some traces but not with thestandard settings.For a short answer on that matter i'd be thankful.RegardsUli
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Dec 13, 2007
is there someway I can use to copy an existing stored procedures to another database?
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Sep 8, 2004
Does anyone have any scripts, or know of any tools, that can scan through all of the SPs that I have inherited, documenting details?
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Jun 30, 2014
Below is sample SQL:
SQL_1: Creates a database
SQL_2: Creates 2 stored procedures
Now, I need to search database SP`s for Table2 t2 ON t2.CID = t1.CID and ALTER them with Table2 t2 ON t2.CID = t1.CID.
INNER JOIN Table3 t3 ON t3.CID = t1.CID
WHERE CustGroup = 'Employees'SQL_1:
USE [master]
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Mar 17, 2015
How can I find calls which do not exist in stored procedures and functions?We have many stored procedures, sometimes a stored procedure or function which is called does not exist. Is there a query/script or something that I can identify which stored procedures do not 'work' and which procedure/ function they are calling?I am searching for stored procedures and functions which are still called, but do not exist in the current database.
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Jul 23, 2005
I want to know the differences between SQL Server 2000 storedprocedures and oracle stored procedures? Do they have differentsyntax? The concept should be the same that the stored proceduresexecute in the database server with better performance?Please advise good references for Oracle stored procedures also.thanks!!
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Nov 10, 2015
1. I need to make use of in memory engine for my pr-existed develop procedures ,tables ,index. do I need and code changes for application and how to store tables /indexes in OLTP memory
Assume table index may have primary key index as well.
2. If table with one primary index and 2 foreign constraints, 3 non clusters indexed. which one able o load to memory area and how t do that.
3. In memory is lock free zone. usually locks will happpen in RDMS context . how this works without locks.
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Sep 30, 2006
This Might be a really simple thing, however we have just installed SQL server 2005 on a new server, and are having difficulties with the set up of the Store Procedures. Every time we try to modify an existing stored procedure it attempts to save it as an SQL file, unlike in 2000 where it saved it as part of the database itself.
Thank you in advance for any help on this matter
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Nov 6, 2007
Using SQL 2005, SP2. All of a sudden, whenever I create any stored procedures in the master database, they get created as system stored procedures. Doesn't matter what I name them, and what they do.
For example, even this simple little guy:
Gets created as a system stored procedure.
Any ideas what would cause that and/or how to fix it?
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Sep 21, 2007
What does this mean and do?
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Nov 26, 1999
I figure that my query below should return the records that I've inserted into test1 and test2 after I turn ansi_nulls off for my session. But the query does not return any records. Any ideas?
create table test1 (id int, create_date datetime null)
create table test2 (id int, create_date datetime null)
insert test1 values (1,null)
insert test2 values (1,null)
set ansi_nulls off
select *
from test1 t1 join test2 t2 on =
where t1.create_date = t2.create_date
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Nov 20, 2002
Could someone explain why these queries give two seemingly different
set nocount on
set ansi_nulls off
create table #tmp1 ( col1 char(1) )
insert into #tmp1 values (null)
insert into #tmp1 values ('1')
select case when col1 <> '1' then 1 else 0 end from #tmp1
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Dec 2, 2007
does anyone know how to keep QA from adding the lines setting thesetwo options on and off along with blank lines at the beginning and endof every object you edit? i have searched quite a bit on this buthaven't been able to come up with anything.
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Apr 29, 2008
How do I search for and print all stored procedure names in a particular database? I can use the following query to search and print out all table names in a database. I just need to figure out how to modify the code below to search for stored procedure names. Can anyone help me out?
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Jun 13, 2007
Seems like I'm stealing all the threads here, : But I need to learn :) I have a StoredProcedure that needs to return values that other StoredProcedures return.Rather than have my DataAccess layer access the DB multiple times, I would like to call One stored Procedure, and have that stored procedure call the others to get the information I need. I think this way would be more efficient than accessing the DB multiple times. One of my SP is:SELECT I.ItemDetailID, I.ItemDetailStatusID, I.ItemDetailTypeID, I.Archived, I.Expired, I.ExpireDate, I.Deleted, S.Name AS 'StatusName', S.ItemDetailStatusID, S.InProgress as 'StatusInProgress', S.Color AS 'StatusColor',T.[Name] AS 'TypeName', T.Prefix, T.Name AS 'ItemDetailTypeName', T.ItemDetailTypeID FROM [Item].ItemDetails I INNER JOIN Item.ItemDetailStatus S ON I.ItemDetailStatusID = S.ItemDetailStatusID INNER JOIN [Item].ItemDetailTypes T ON I.ItemDetailTypeID = T.ItemDetailTypeID However, I already have StoredProcedures that return the exact same data from the ItemDetailStatus table and ItemDetailTypes table.Would it be better to do it above, and have more code to change when a new column/field is added, or more checks, or do something like:(This is not propper SQL) SELECT I.ItemDetailID, I.ItemDetailStatusID, I.ItemDetailTypeID, I.Archived, I.Expired, I.ExpireDate, I.Deleted, EXEC [Item].ItemDetailStatusInfo I.ItemDetailStatusID, EXEC [Item].ItemDetailTypeInfo I.ItemDetailTypeID FROM [Item].ItemDetails IOr something like that... Any thoughts?
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May 13, 2008
I have MSSQL 2005. On earlier versions of MSSQL saving a stored procedure wasn't a confusing action. However, every time I try to save my completed stored procedure (parsed successfully ) I'm prompted to save it as a query on the hard drive.
How do I cause the 'Save' action to add the new stored procedure to my database's list of stored procedures?
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi All,I'm converting some stored procs from Sybase to SQL Server, and I'mhaving serious problems with Null comparisons.When I run the code below on Sybase, it returns both rows. When I runit on MS SQL Server, it returns nothing. I have set ANSI_NULLS off inthe code (and on the session through Query Analyzer), but it doesn'tseem to make any difference. Am I missing something?---------------set ANSI_NULLS offdrop table #TestNullcreate table #TestNull (Field1 varchar(10), Field2 varchar(10))insert into #TestNull values (1, null)insert into #TestNull values (1,1)declare @TestVar varchar(10)select @TestVar = Nullselect * from #TestNull where Field1 = @TestVar---------------Thanks in advance,Saul
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Sep 6, 2006
Is there any way via T-SQL to run through a database and ensure that QUOTED_IDENTIFIER and ANSI_NULLS is set for all stored procs and functions etc on a database without having to recreate every proc / fn ?
The reason this is an issue is I'm trying to take advantage of indexed views to get a performance increase in an application - but not all of the procs/fn's have historically been created with ANSI_NULLS and QUOTED_IDENTIFIER set - so any proc that's not set correctly will fail once the indexed view has been created.
I could I suppose, script out all the procs / functions and do a bit of search and replace to ensure that these are set correctly by recreating all procs and functions - but I'm trying to avoid doing that as I've over 500 databases to upgrade - a metadata hack may be preferable.
Thoughts or comments or possible alternative approaches are welcome...
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Mar 11, 2008
I am trying to use a dataset for the first time and I've run into a roadblock early. I added the dataset to the AppCode folder, set the connection string, and selected 'use existing stored procedures' in the configuration wizard. The problem is that there are three input parameters on this procedure and they're not showing up in the 'Set select procedure parameters' box. I went through several of the stored procedures and this is the case for all of them. The weird thing is that if I select the same procedure as an insert procedure then the parameters do show up. Very frustrating, any thoughts?
Thanks in advance,
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Apr 16, 2008
Hi all,
I have an Existing Stored Procedure on the database, and I want to modify it. However, when I changed it and saved it with the same name, the value,say 20 here I changed was not upgraded to the new value (I wanna it be 30). so anyone know how to solve that? Thanks in advance.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spr_getCompanyId]( @companyname as varchar(20), @companykeyword as varchar(20) //i want to change 20 to 30
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Dec 2, 2005
I have a stored procedure I created in SQL Server 2000 enterprise manager which I would like to modify in SQL Server 2005 Express Management Studio. When I right click on the stored proc and select "Modify", the code opens - however any attempt to save creates a local .SQL file. How can I save these changes to the stored procedure on the server?
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Aug 18, 2006
I know that we can CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name WITH ENCRYPTION.
But how about if I want encrypt existing stored procedures?
Which command should I use ?
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Apr 7, 2006
We recently upgraded to SQL Server 2005. We had several stored procedures in the master database and, rather than completely rewriting a lot of code, we just recreated these stored procedures in the new master database.
For some reason, some of these stored procedures are getting stored as "System Stored Procedures" rather than just as "Stored Procedures". Queries to sys.Objects and sys.Procedures shows that these procs are being saved with the is_ms_shipped field set to 1, even though they obviously were not shipped with the product.
I can't update the sys.Objects or sys.Procedures views in 2005.
What effect will this flag (is_ms_shipped = 1) have on my stored procedures?
Can I move these out of "System Stored Procedures" and into "Stored Procedures"?
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Apr 23, 2008
Hello friends......How are you ? I want to ask you all that how can I do the following ?
I want to now that how many ways are there to do this ?
How can I call one or more stored procedures into perticular one Stored Proc ? in MS SQL Server 2000/05.
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Mar 26, 2008
I'm start to work with SSIS.
We have a lot (many hundreds) of old (SQL Server2000) procedures on SQL 2005.
Most of the Stored Procedures ends with the following commands:
How can I use SSIS to move the complete #RESULTTABLE to Excel or to a Flat File? (e.g. as a *.csv -File)
I found a way but I think i'ts only a workaround:
1. Write the #Resulttable to DB (changed Prozedure)
2. create data flow task (ole DB Source - Data Conversion - Excel Destination)
Does anyone know a better way to transfer the #RESULTTABLE to Excel or Flat file?
Thanks for an early Answer
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Jul 10, 2001
Im having trouble accessing a linked/remote server from a powerbuilder app.
I can run the stored proc from QueryAnalyzer, but from the app I get the error message - 'heterogenous query must have ANSI_NULLS set option ON, set it and retry'.
Is the ANSI_NULLS option set for each db, or each server? And how can I check a DB or Server to see what the setting for ANSI_NULLS is? Does the local and remote/linked server/db need this option ON?
Any idea why this remote query works form QA but not from an application?
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Oct 19, 2006
I have stored procedure:
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @FailedRegionServerName, 'false', NULL, 'sa', 'pass'
DECLARE @a varchar(100)
SET @a = @FailedRegionServerName + '.Ithalat.dbo.Product'
DECLARE @s varchar(100)
SET @s = ' SELECT * FROM ' + @a
EXEC ( @s )
When I execute it I get the error:
Heterogeneous queries require the ANSI_NULLS and ANSI_WARNINGS options to be set for the connection. This ensures consistent query semantics. Enable these options and then reissue your query.
Then I put
SET ANSI_NULLS ON lines into the procedure. Also checked "Ansi Nulls" and "Ansi Warnings" in the properties of SQL Server. It didn't work
Then I tried:
DECLARE @s varchar(300)
EXEC ( @s )
I still got the error.
WHAT SHOULD I DO? HOW CAN I GET A TABLE CONTENT FROM A LINKED SERVER? Any will be appreciated, thanks a lot...
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May 15, 2008
Hi, I already got a database and I need to add another stored procedure on it in order to call it from the SSIS package.
But when I execute the sql file to create the procedure, there is a error message popping out like:
"Cannot add rows to sys.sql_dependencies for the stored procedure because it depends on the missing table 'logit'. The stored procedure will still be created; however, it cannot be successfully executed until the table exists."
And I have tried it on another computer, there is the same error. Could you please tell me how to solve the problem. Thanks very very much.
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Jun 16, 2007
Do you know how to write stored procedures inside another stored procedure in MS SQL.
Create procedure spMyProc inputData varchar(50)
----- some logical
procedure spMyProc inputInsideData varchar(10)
--- some logical
--- go
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May 8, 2008
I am writing a set of store procedures (around 30), most of them require the same basic logic to get an ID, I was thinking to add this logic into an stored procedure.
The question is: Would calling an stored procedure from within an stored procedure affect performance? I mean, would it need to create a separate db connection? am I better off copying and pasting the logic into all the store procedures (in terms of performance)?
Thanks in advance
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