ASP .NET Application Is Hanging When Number Of User Grows

Aug 22, 2007

Hi, 2.0 (VB) application with Sql server 2000 Installed in windows 2000 professional server.Only less than 10 users using this application.

The problem is sometimes the application didn't response, it's very slow to get the information and after sometimes its never responding it showing hourclass.

I used Helper class (Application Block). Since Sql Server 2000 doesn't have the MARS Function, i have manually close the connection and opening again everytime.

Any idea?. Thanks in advance.

Help Class Modified Code:
Code :

' If the provided connection is not open, we will open it

If connection.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then


mustCloseConnection = True


mustCloseConnection = False

End If

Data ObjectBase :

'The transaction will call this method and also check the connection status

Public Sub BeginTransaction()


If Not (myTransaction Is Nothing) Then

'Throw New Exception(ConfigManager.ReadFromXml("msg_DataAccess_Begin_trans"))

Throw New Exception("Transaction Error in Begin")

End If

If ourConnection.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then


myMustClose = True


myMustClose = False

End If

myTransaction = ourConnection.BeginTransaction()

Catch ex As Exception

'Throw New BRSDatabaseException(ex.Message, ex)

Throw ex

End Try ''''

End Sub

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Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path. Please Make Sure The User Has A Local User Profile On The Computer. The Connection Will Be Closed

Dec 7, 2006

This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database)
Help pleaseee

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The Number Of Requests For XXXServerXXXUser Has Exceeded The Maximum Number Allowed For A Single User

Oct 15, 2007

I have created a local user on Report Server Computer and the user has the administrative rights.
When i try to connect Report Server ( with this user's credantials. (ReportServer directory security is set -only- to Basic Authentication. ).
I get the following error.

Reporting Services Error

The number of requests for "XXXServerXXXUser" has exceeded the maximum number allowed for a single user.
SQL Server Reporting Services

Then i try to login using a different user with administrative rights on the machine, i can logon successfully.
The system is up for a month but this problem occured today?!? What could be the problem?!?

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Please Help *** Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path

Apr 28, 2008

Hi all hope some one can help - please bear with me new to this
Basically I have had to change pc's so I copied and pasted my ASPNET.MDF and LDF from my old pc to new PC including webpages/apps etc.. created.
However now all I get is "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path """"
Just don't understand what permissions the db should have, does it need to match the SQL Express owner...
any help would be most appreciated

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Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path

Jun 21, 2005

I installed my 2.0 web application  and sql express june editon on my windows 2003 server.When the application tries to reach the database i am getting the following error"Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed."I can understand that it has something to do with user right but more than that I am pretty lost. Can anyone translate this error for me and give me some tips on what do to.I checked first the user running the sql express service and saw it was the NETWORK SERVICE user. I changed it to be the local system account but that did not make any difference. The application is running just fine on my local computer(Win XP sp2). This one has SQL express April edition though.

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When Row Per Table Grows?

Feb 25, 2006

I am really curious about the row per table grow.What does slow down first?

inserts ,updates,deletes,joins ??

like does billion row table is much slower than a million row tables?

How can find some guidence?

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When Grows File Mdf ?

Oct 15, 2004

My cuestion is, when grows (in %) the file mdf
if " Automatically Grow file" is on, because my database
have the 94 % used and the file no grow.
I read several docs ,and not found nothing.

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What Is The Limit Number Of SQL Mobile Databases Per Application?

Feb 28, 2008

Hi There,

I would like to know what the recommended Number of Sql Mobile Databases Per Application?

I appreciate any response!

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ReportserverTempDB Grows Unexpected

Apr 8, 2008

Hi SSRS Experts

We encounter the problem, that a reportservertempdb grows extremly large... the sessiondata and snapshotdata tables are about 10gb each at the moment and keep growing and growing...
The CleanupCycleMinutes Configuration is set to default=10. We are not taking snapshots of our reports.
Shouldnt those tables be cleaned up every 10minutes with this setting?

What can we do to stop this database growing? is truncating those tables on a weekly base a solution?
We are using SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 SP2 with Cumulative Hotfix Package 5 (Build 3215).

Thanks for your answers...

Kind Regards,


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SQL Backup Continuosly Grows And Fills Up Drive Issue

Nov 1, 2007

I currently have a SQL backup process that backs up my databases via the network to a backup hard drive on a separate system. I recently began getting strange issues with my backup process in which it continually writes to the backup drive until the drive fills up and then the job fails. I also noticed that when I kill the job on the host server, the backup file drops to the normal file size. The normal file size is 300 GB but it has grown to over 400GB. I looked at various logs and even performed several backup tests with success.

I am trying to figure out if this is a known SQL Server issue or an issue with the OS?


windows 64bit/sql server 2k5 64bit

Thanks in advance for the help.

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Tempdb Grows Rapidly And Fills Up Disk Space

May 10, 2006

Hi,The tempdb file on one of our servers grew very large and used allavailable disk space. This is SQL Server 2000 SP4. I have installedhotfix version 8.00.2187. I opened a profiler trace but can't still getto the root of the problem. Any help will be appreciated.Egbon*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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Slow Inserts/updates As The Database Size Grows

Oct 23, 2007

Hi all,

This managed application was written to run on a Symbol 3090 Win CE 5.0 scanning device. We are using the symbol provided classes to access the scanning interface, and SQL Compact database on the device to collect the scanned data, and then using merge replication to synchronize scanned data when the device is docked. The problem we have experienced seems to be releated to the performance when inserting and updating records in the database.

We have tested some randomly generated 1000 records and inserting/updatating into a database. At first the time to commit a record increases when the database is flushing into the memory (The flush interval in the connection string property is 10 seconds by default). and then as the database size grows increasing the time to commit every single record which is causing the application to perform slowly as they scan items into the database. However, the device program memory remains consistant as they are scan items. From our tests, I found the time to execute either a update/insert command on 2MB sqlMobile database (upto 10000 records, depending on the size of the columns) is taking nearly 2 to 2 and half seconds to complete. Below is the only code I am executing,

If Not sqlObj.UpdateItem(1061022, itemNo, 1) Then

sqlObj.InsertResultSet(1061022, itemNo, itemObj.Style, itemObj.Color, itemObj.Size, itemObj.Description, 0, 1)

End If

For the notes, I am using prepared updated command and resultset.insert methods to perform update and insert commands into the database.

Any help on this issue is highly appreciated.


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Creating User From Application

Feb 16, 2004

I'm trying to create a user from a powerbuilder application through powerscript.
I'm trying to create first the login using sp_addlogin
but I'm getting the following error
[microsoft][odbc for sql server]the procedure sp_addlogin cannot be executed in transaction.

Plz does someone know what should I do?

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User Application Statistics

Jul 16, 2014

I have an application audit table (e.g. audit_log) which records the following information :

user_id row_creationaction

200392014-05-15 13:09:20.00020
200482014-05-15 13:15:22.55020
200392014-05-15 13:30:33.54021
200482014-05-15 15:44:14.74721
200482014-05-16 08:10:27.52320
200482014-05-16 08:39:21.18721
200482014-05-19 08:22:54.92020
200482014-05-19 08:24:06.59721
200482014-05-19 09:42:34.90720
200482014-05-19 10:23:19.09021

where action is defined :
20 = login
21 = logout

How can I query the table for following management information (in SQL SERVER 2008)?

1. Last user login?
2. How long(i.e. duration) user has been online for the day?
3. How many times user has login or logout per day?
4. which users logged into system on certain day?
5. Which users still logged in after 11pm?
6. Any other statistic that could be useful to management?

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Application / User Defined Categories?

Mar 9, 2004

I have about 10 required (never to change) categories in my tbAccountCategories table, but after that, the user can add as many
as he/she wishes. I use an identity field to identify each record. The problem is I want to reserve the first 20 rows for the application and thereafter is for the user. Should I just create 20 rows with the category description field = 'Reserved' ?

Also, how do I reindex the identity fields that it cleans up gaps and starts back at 0?

Mike B

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Finding Out All The User Tables Being Used By An Application

Jul 23, 2005

Here's the situation, developers inherit a web app from someone,backend SQL db has about 120 user tables and the db is also being usedby other apps. Developers don't have a list of user tables being usedby this app, now, I need to create a new db based on this one, whichwould be used by this app only. So, I intend to find all the usertables being used by this app, then copy its schema and possibly dataas well to a new db. FYI, current ERD is not this app.One option to find out all the user tables being used by this app is todo recursive search for FROM and JOIN against the full spectrum of theuncompiled source code, then, weed through such an extracted list whenin doubt about a particular table, one caveat is a portion of code withsql stmt could have already been commented (no longer being used thoughstill in the code).Better option?TIA.

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SQL 2012 :: Replicated Database Log File Grows Exponentially With Few Row Deleted / Inserted

Jun 29, 2015

I have a publisher database set up for a merge replication. This is using parameterized filter with join filters.

I also have a stored procedure that does deletes & inserts on the table where the parameterized filter is applied to aid in changing a subscriber's eligibility to receive so and so data. I have observed that running the stored procedure takes extraordinarily long and as a result, the log file grows to a size 1.5 - 2.5 times the database size.

At first I reasoned that this might because I had it set up to use precomputed partitions and changing it requires recalculating the partitions. As a test, I turned off the precomputed partitions. Didn't work. I turned on "optimize synchronization" AKA "keep_partition_changes", which normally is not available when you have precomputed partition on, and that didn't work, either.

At this point, I think I can rule out precomputed partitions being a problem here but I'm stumped now what else I should do to reduce the amount of log writes being required. We do need the parameterized filters & join tables, so that can't go.

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Restrict Application User With Specific Data?

Oct 18, 2013

i am using sql server 2008R2 and i want to restrict my application user to view only the data(ships) related to him only.

We have database and many vessels with many owners, basically wants the owner could only view his owned vessels not the vessel owned by another owner.

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SQL Security :: User Login Failed For Web Application

Nov 19, 2015

We have a Web application that requires user authentication.  We have a Login Page for user's to login and be authenticated.  We also manage the user accounts using SQL Server Membership Provider.  We created aLogin user in SQL Server and used this user's privileges to connect to SQL Server in our website's connection strings.  Example, in our Web.config file, the connection string is:

Catalog=MyDatabase;User Id=TUser;Password=MyPassword"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

The problem now is when a user logs in, it's throwing an error that TUser's password has already expired.  We did not enforce the password policy and expiration date for this user.  So, I'm wondering why it's giving me this error.

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Login Failed For 'user' (Application Role)

Oct 16, 2006

I've created a database in SQL Express and I have a Windows form attempting to connect to it through SQL Authentication. Connection string:

private string connString = @"Data Source=.sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=SQLTestDatabase;User ID=SearchAppRole; Password=password;";

The role I have added to the database is an Application Role. It has been added to the Database permissions with Grant checked for "Select" and "Authenticate".

If I test this with query analyzer, it returns expected results (if I remove Grant from 'Select', it fails)

sp_setapprole 'SearchAppRole', 'password'

select * from recipe

If I edit my connection string (for testing purposes) to use the sa account, the application can connect and run the Select statement:

private string connString = @"Data Source=.sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=SQLTestDatabase;User ID=sa; Password=sa_password;";

However, I cannot get the application to successfully logon and run the select statement when using the user id and password of the Application Role. I get error:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'SearchAppRole'. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj

I can't find much information on Application Role...I just want one basic permission for the application as a whole. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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Permissions Granted To An Application Intead Of A User

Feb 20, 2007

I have an application that talks to an access db located on a 2000 server. I would like grant permissions to the application instead of a specific user. Any help would be great...

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Server Error In Application. Problem When User Name Has An Apostrophe In Name.

May 16, 2006

This is my code and all works great except when there is an apostriphe in the logon name. 
Example:  MRPJUser ( works greate )
Example: MRPJ'User (I get the server error at the bottom) 
Is there an Imports statement that would fix this, or where is my code failing, and what do I need to do to fix it?
Imports System.Web.Security

Imports System.Security.Principal
Imports System.Threading
' Imports System.Net.Dns
Public Class LogIn
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim hostName As String = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_HOST")
txtIPAddress.Text = hostName
Session("ComputerIP") = txtIPAddress.Text
txtUserName.Text = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name()
Session("UserName") = Trim(txtUserName.Text)
TextBox1.Text = Trim(Session("UserName"))
End Sub
Server Error in '/ITWorkOrder' Application.

Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'Test'. Unclosed quotation mark before the character string ' '.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'Test'. Unclosed quotation mark before the character string ' '.Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:

 [SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'Test'.Unclosed quotation mark before the character string ' '.]   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream) +742   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader() +42   ITWorkOrder.LogIn.LoadPage() in C:InetpubwwwrootITWorkOrderLogIn.aspx.vb:163   ITWorkOrder.LogIn.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:InetpubwwwrootITWorkOrderLogIn.aspx.vb:156   System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67   System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35   System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +750

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User Token Is Different When SP Is Executed In Management Studio Vs Application

Sep 18, 2007


I have a stored procedure that outputs login token and user token information. The stored procedure has


When I execute the stored procedure from Management Studio I get the following output from the stored procedure

<login_token pid="267" sid="AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAdbl1VI3r6l4jX2Nr0AYAAA==" name="MYDOMAINjoe" type="WINDOWS LOGIN" />

<login_token pid="2" sid="Ag==" name="public" type="SERVER ROLE" />

<login_token pid="3" sid="Aw==" name="sysadmin" type="SERVER ROLE" />

<login_token pid="257" sid="AQIAAAAAAAUgAAAAIAIAAA==" name="BUILTINAdministrators" type="WINDOWS GROUP" />

... (more groups)

<user_token pid="7" sid="AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAdbl1VI3r6l4jX2Nr0AYAAA==" name="MYDOMAINjoe" type="WINDOWS LOGIN" />

<user_token pid="0" name="public" type="ROLE" />

<user_token pid="5" sid="AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAdbl1VI3r6l4jX2NrCAUAAA==" name="MYDOMAINPeople" type="WINDOWS GROUP" />
<user_token pid="16" name="approleDirector" type="ROLE" />

<user_token pid="16384" name="db_owner" type="ROLE" />

When I execute the stored procedure through my application (IIS application connecting to SQLServer 2005 through SQL Native Client - not .NET)
I get the following

<login_token pid="267" sid="AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAdbl1VI3r6l4jX2Nr0AYAAA==" name="MYDOMAINjoe" type="WINDOWS LOGIN" />

<login_token pid="2" sid="Ag==" name="public" type="SERVER ROLE" />

<login_token pid="3" sid="Aw==" name="sysadmin" type="SERVER ROLE" />

<login_token pid="257" sid="AQIAAAAAAAUgAAAAIAIAAA==" name="BUILTINAdministrators" type="WINDOWS GROUP" />

... (more groups)

<user_token pid="1" sid="AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAdbl1VI3r6l4jX2Nr4QQAAA==" name="dbo" type="WINDOWS LOGIN" />

The login token is the same but the user token is dbo instead of the actual user.

What am I doing wrong?


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How To Set My ASP.NET Application To Access SQL Server 2005 Using Client's User Credentials?

Jan 29, 2007

Hi guys,I'm not sure if I'm just bad at googling but I can't seem to find a way to set an ASP.NET 2.0 web application to connect to SQL Server 2005 using the current client's user credentials. My web application is using Integrated Windows Authentication so its Page.User.Identity is set to a DOMAINusername value... I want to pass that to my connectionstring or have my connections pick up the identity automatically and use that Identity when accessing the db server.Oh and another thing, my IIS Application Pool is using a specific Identity itself, so I don't know if that might affect the above.Hope someone could help. 

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query For User Access To Application Modules

Mar 24, 2015

I have to create a query that will be returning the users and the application modules they have access for. Along with the list of users and modules the query should also return if any module is not accessible for that user.

The 'ApplicationUsers' table is like this:

CREATE TABLE #ApplicationUsers
userId INT,
UserName VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO #ApplicationUsers VALUES
(1, 'Daniel'), (2,'Martin'), (3, 'Brandon'), (4, 'Doug')The 'ApplicationModule' table is like this:

[Code] .....

I used pivot query but there are a couple of limitations in it(may be I am making mistakes in it). First, the pivot columns are static whereas I need dynamic column names(Application Modules). Second, I need to include all the users with all the modules with access or without access that I am unable to achieve.

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Installing Onto Windows 2003 Server For Multi-user Application

Apr 22, 2006

Good Day,

I have an application that is being developed on Visual Studio 2005 (VB) and SQL Express. The application is set up to use the SQL Express on the development computer, and if an Internet or CD install is built, it installs SQL Express as expected. The question is, when it is time to deploy and put the SQL Express database on the 2003 server, how should the install on the server be done and how should we set the database path to the server?



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Data Access :: Login Failed For User When Run Application In Network

Jun 9, 2015

When i wanna run Application in other computers in network. The following error occurs.

error : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'Suren-PCGuest'.ConnectionStr = "Data Source=SUREN-PCMSSQLSERVER,1433;Initial Catalog=WorkFlow;Integrated Security=True";

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Can An Authorized User Like SA Create A Table Which The Owner Is Any Users Who Use The Application?

Aug 20, 2007


autorized user: sa
any user : nuran
temporary table: birtablo

I need a stored procedure will execute by sa and it will create some required temporary tables for each users. For example table name is birtablo. I mean sa will create table for nuran, and when I checked the owner of the table (birtablo) I want to see nuran not dbo.
sa will execute following command:

create table nuran.birtablo (...........)

Is it possible to cerate a table by sa on behalf of any user? If it is, could you please explain?



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How To Propagate User Identity Form Application Server To Database

Apr 21, 2008

Hi All,

I am new to MS SQL SERVER 2005.
My web application using SQL Server 2005 as back end database to store all the information.
I am using connection pooling to get connection form db.
But my fron end user( user who logged in into webapplication) lost his identity b'coz for database user is application server.
Now I wanna to track front end user in db.

In oracle I can do it by using CLIENT_IDENTIFIER. But in sql server I don't know how to do it.

in oracle i can do it as below
public void setIdentity(Connection conn, String identity) {
PreparedStatement ps;
try {
ps =
conn.prepareCall("begin dbms_session.set_identifier(?); end;");
ps.setString(1, identity);
} catch (SQLException e) {
// Handle the exception
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
once the transaction is complete, the application should reset the identity as follows:

public void clearIdentity(Connection conn) {
PreparedStatement ps;
try {
ps = conn.prepareCall("begin dbms_session.clear_identifier(); end;");
} catch (SQLException e) {
// Handle the exception
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Please guide me for same.

Thanx in advance.


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How To Find Out The Number Of User Connections

Aug 9, 2000

I am using SQL 6.5 and I would like to know (using Isql/w)
the number of users connected to my server at any given time.
Thanks for your help in advance.

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Get Only One Record Out Of X Number Of Records Per User ID

Oct 29, 2013

I need to create a query that will select only one record out of x number of record per user id.

Sample Data
User ID | Date |Status
001 |10/1/2013 |01
001 |10/2/2013 |A1
002 |1/1/2013 |BB
003 |5/8/2013 |EE
003 |4/2/2013 |BB

Expected Result
User ID | Date |Status
001 | 10/2/2013 |A1
002 | 1/1/2013 |BB
003 | 5/8/2013 |EE

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Change The Number Of User Propertie

Feb 28, 2008


I'm new in all this, I have sql server 2005 and have a problem I need let access to more users to the database, in the properties page of my DB I hava a Number of user field with 5, how can change this to up number?

I hope can help me.

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User Defined Number Generator

May 10, 2006

Hello all!

I have a windows forms app and I'm trying to add functionality that would allow the user to enter a number into a textbox control on a setup form and then that number would autoincrement by one each time a new record on another form is inserted into the DB .

I've searched high and low and can't seem to find much information on how I can put this together. I'm sure I'll need a "numbers" table in the DB that stores the numbers and is joined with the parent table where the records are being inserted into. After that, I'm pretty much lost on how to generate the numbers in the "Numbers" table.

If anyone could assist or point me in the right direction of a resource, I would really appreciate it!!



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