ASPNETDB Migration

Jul 12, 2007

I created a website using Visual web developer express edition (including SQL Express). No the user management section of the site (the login/logout database) was created automatically and SQL Server express was installed at my computer under the instance name of SQLExpress. I uploaded it to my web host and he hooked up the ASPNETDB for me. Now the problem is that ASPNETDB has an id password and I was given the MSSQL Server IP. How do I configure my website to accommodate that? Any help will be extremely useful!!!

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Migration Of ASPNETDB.MDF To SQL2005 Not Working

Apr 16, 2008

 I  had developed a site on my dev machine using Visual Web Developer and SQL Express.
the site consists of three databases one of which is the ASPNETDB.MDF database which VWD creates when you use CreateWizard controls etc. All works fine on the development machine.
Now when my mate migrates the databases onto SQL2005 Standard Edition on his server the ASPNETDB.MDF database does not work.
The other 2 databases work fine, however whenever I attempt to login or signup i get an error which i cant get access to at the moment.
I am prepared to bet alot of money that this is something stupid so if anyone has some useful pitfalls to watch out for when migrating this particular db that would be great.
Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

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Moved Aspnetdb To SQL Server - What Permissions Do I Need To Give The ASP IIS Service Account For That? (Getting: Cannot Open Database Aspnetdb Requested By The Login. The Login Failed.)

May 12, 2008

I am getting the error:
Cannot open database "aspnetdb" requested by the login. The login failed.
When I browse to my ASP.NET 3.5 LINQ web application on the IIS 6.0 server on Server 2003.
I imagine this is because while I granted SQL Server 2005 login and permissions to my database that the application stores its data in, I did NOT grant any rights to the service account the IIS Application Pool uses for its identity to the aspnetdb database on SQL Server which is where all my roles information is stored at.
My question is what are the MINIMUM permissions needed for this database so it can perform its roles related functions?
I'm using Windows Authentications with the SQL Role provider for authorization.
Thank you.
EDIT: I think I only need to open the aspnetdb database and add my login to the aspnet_Roles_FullAccess role.  Is that correct?

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Mar 13, 2007

Using VS2005, VB backend and javascript,
I have developed a relatively simple site - its got a few (12) simple aspx pages but its mostly client side javascript. Keeping disk storage costs down is a big concern with this my site. The disk usage for the site is ~24M. Since this was larger than I expected I started inspecting the files comprising my site and found that the "ASPNETDB.MDF" in my "App_data" folder is consuming 10.2M by itself. The thing is that site only has a few pages with calls to SQL Server - but I never did anything (that I know of) with ASPNETDB.MDF. Through VS2005, I opened up the MDF file and poked around, everything that I looked at was empty (NULL). 
So my questions are:

What is causing the ASPNETDB.MDF to consume 10.2M even thought I can't see any data stored in it?
Is there anyway for my to reduce the size of this file? If so, how?
Your input appreciated.

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Using ASPNETDB.mdf

Nov 14, 2007

I'm creating a website in VWDexpress 2005 using a database, with string "SqlDataProvider". I have only one small-sized database. When I try to run my application in login mode (not using LoginView, I create it manually), the application cannot log me in, instead there's a weird error said some kind of "cannot use the ], [ or ) in database name". I don't configure the ASP.NET Configuration (which is opened in browser to make roles etc), I create all the controls manually. I don't have any other automatically-generated databases such as ASPNETDB.mdf because it cost lots memory! Oh, I used it before and the weird error I mentioned is occur when I excluded the ASPNETDB.mdf. I'm confused, why would the same error occur since I create everything manually? Any solutions? Thank you.

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Jan 31, 2008

I am creating a new application and want to store the sql database. But i need the aspnetdb.mdf. I dont know where is the database located or do we have any scripts to create the database.
Any help would be useful

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Apr 27, 2006

In response to a problem I have, my web hosting company asked me to rename aspnetdb.mdf. When I ask why, I was given this response is because SQLexpless is developed for single database. If there is a same db name in the server, it cannot attach to the server. In order to prevent conflict, so that you need to change the SQLexpress's dbname into others to prevent conflict with others db name...

Does this make sense?

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Aug 14, 2007


I thought I had this corrected, but in fact don't. According to
SQL Express is supposed to automatically generate a copy of ASPNETDB.mdf in the App_Data folder of the Express edition development suites (I'm using Visual Web Developer 2005).

In my case, it doesn't, and I can't figure out how to trigger it manually. I've read every post I can find, especially

However, that mainly applies to deploying a database that already exists. I have already tried deleting the files as suggested and they do reappear in the appropriate folder, but I'm still not getting the ASPNETDB.mdf file in my apps.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I've had a post up on the Visual Web Developer forum, but folk are staying away in droves. Also tried uninstall and reinstall all the way down to IIS 5.1


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Need Help With Aspnetdb.mdf As Im Going Nuts

Aug 1, 2006

I been all over this forum trying to find out how to get the aspnetdb.mdf running on my remote site and its driving me nuts.
i been using VWD 2005 express Edition and SQL Express 
Error Server Error in '/' Application.
An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file I:DataWebqsh.eumarker_93618920-db3b-4a04-a274-3fb613afc5dfwwwApp_Dataaspnetdb.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
over the last week it has been a nightmare trying to get anything working on the site but i have got all the other databases working but i can get the aspnetdb.mdf working. i am very new to so please use the he kiss method  "Keep It Simple, Stupid!" as im a newbe to this and it will just go over my head.

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Nov 29, 2006

I have downloaded and installed ASP.NET Ajax Sample applications from
I am trying to run the AJAX TaskList example under C:ProgramMicrosoft ASP.NETASP.NET AJAX Sample Applicationsv1.0.61025TaskList
First I moved the content of the TaskList folder to a virtual IIS directory, making it possible to debug the website on my local IIS server.
When I run the example I get prompted to Login or register as a new user. When I submit the registration form I receive the following error message:
Failed to update database "C:INETPUBWWWROOTTASKLISTAPP_DATAASPNETDB.MDF" because the database is read-only.
How can I modify the permissions for ASPNETDB.MDF in order to run the TaskList example.

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Embedding ASPNETDB Into My Own Db

Mar 6, 2007

Hi there,
i wanted to embed ASPNETDB into my own db, so i scripted the ASPNETDB and executed it into my db. the problem is that App Manager of my website can not connect to it,(>i've corrected the connectionstring LocalSqlServer), the problem is that, it says its schema is not as expected, i understand this problem but, is there any way to solve it?
thanks in advance

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ASPNETDB To Another Database

Apr 19, 2007

Hi there readers of this post,
Do you know how to transfer the database (ASPNETDB.mdf) tables made by the ASP.NET admin tool into another database?
I want to run everything from 1 database.

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Stucture Of Aspnetdb.mdf

May 30, 2007

hello how is created asnetdb,mdf?...from where it`s get that structure?... i want some link where is explained structure and how asnetdb.mdf works. can you help me? thx 

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Rename Aspnetdb ?

Jun 4, 2007

 Hello,I have a shared hosting plan which already has aspnetdb.mdf on the server so of course I cannot use that db name for my site...I have renamed the db and now I get an error Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion My question is, how can I make this thing work?  All help is greatly appreciated! 

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Jul 6, 2007

When I first sign up with Visual Web Developer, Do I continue to use this database ASPNETDB.MDF or do I need to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server Database? Does Visual Web Developer Express automaticaliyy connect to SQL Server Express Edition?

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Jan 29, 2008

I developed an ASP.NET 3.5 site in VWD 2008 Express (with SQL Server 2005 Express) on Vista Home Basic (no IIS).  So I then moved my source over to an XP Pro machine with IIS 5.1 and installed .NET 3.5 and SQL Server 2005 Express. Brought up the site, but it failed when I attempted to login.  What do I have to do to get this to work? Do I need to attach the ASPNETDB.MDF in my APP_DATA directory to my SQLServerExpress?  Was this taken care of by the ASP.NET config tool when I set up users/roles on the Vista machine?Do I need to set some permissions? Like I said this was working only on through the built in webserver in VWD 2008 Express.ThanksEric 

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How To Merger ASPNETDB With My Own One?

Apr 23, 2008

Hi I have a problem most of the hosting companies I have seen offer the hosting package I want offering 1 MS SQL Server database and if you want to then they charge twice the price. The problem is I have heard you can use your own database for the memberships, roles, etc and have other tables for your other stuff. It's just I don't know and can't find the steps to do this. 

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Using ASPNETDB For All Site!

May 26, 2008

Hi all,
I`m a .NET desktop-app developer and i`m new to ASP.NET and web development, i start developping a web application with SQL Server database and i want to know if i can put all my tables in ASPNETDB?
is any restriction with that?

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ASPNETDB.MDF Is Read-only....

Apr 25, 2006

Hello everyone.
I am to create a sample site using the club site example. I had a problem with the IIS but now it is solved.
Now i copyied the site to the IIS and it is running. But i cannot access ASPNETDB.MDF. It keep saying that the database is read only... It is not read only!!!
Can any one help me??
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Failed to update database "C:INETPUBWWWROOTNEOAPP_DATAASPNETDB.MDF" because the database is read-only.
Thank you in advance.

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ASPNETDB.MDF ... Whyyyy? :(

May 3, 2006

Hello!I have my own database file, but when I run my site in debug mode it creates aspnetdb.mdf again and stores all users in there ... question is - why? :((I've attached my own db to sql server express, ran "aspnet_regsql.exe -W" on it, so it got all the schema in there.Here's what I have in my web.config-----------<connectionStrings>        <add name="SqlServices" connectionString="Data Source=MESQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=myOwnDB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=user;PWD=password" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>    </connectionStrings><membership defaultProvider="SqlProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="20">      <providers>        <remove name="AspNetSqlProvider" />        <add name="SqlProvider"          type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider"          connectionStringName="SqlServices"          enablePasswordRetrieval="false"          enablePasswordReset="true"          requiresQuestionAndAnswer="true"          passwordFormat="Hashed"          requiresUniqueEmail="true"          maxInvalidPasswordAttempts="5"          passwordAttemptWindow="10"          minRequiredPasswordLength="5"          minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0"          applicationName="/" />      </providers>    </membership>----------so i connect straight to sql server, not local file (so i dont have to attach / detach the db all the time)but when i create new user through ASP Config, it creates them in aspnetdb.mdb file :(can anyone explain me what im doing wrong here?thanks in advance!

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What Is Relationship Between ASPNETDB.MDF

May 15, 2008

Hi All,

I have a question.What is relationship between ASPNETDB.MDF in application and aspnetdb databasein SQL Server 2005?



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Jan 25, 2006

I am using the built in securty database from vs2005
I am trying to write an insert trigger that will add a role each time a user is added but I seem to be having difficulty I believe it's with the uniqueidentifier datatype. when I run this trigger via an insert statement I get the following error.
Can anyone set me straight?
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'RoleId', table 'R:AAAPROJECTSASPVS2005MERCERBUCKSAPP_DATAASPNETDB.MDF.dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
==================insert statement==========

Declare @NewUserID as uniqueIdentifier
set @NewUserID=newID()
print Cast(@NewUserID as varchar(50))
insert into dbo.aspnet_Users (ApplicationID,UserID,UserName,LoweredUserName,LastActivityDate)

ON [dbo].[aspnet_Users]
DECLARE @RoleID uniqueidentifier
DECLARE @UserID uniqueidentifier
Select @UserID=Userid from inserted
Print @UserID
FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles where dbo.aspnet_Roles.LoweredRoleName='user'
Print @RoleID
Insert Into dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles

Thanks Len

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Help, Is It Ok To Use Same Aspnetdb ApplicationID

Mar 8, 2007

Hi, feel like i might be headed for peril

i changed the appplication name on a aspnetdb equipped mdf (SQL express) , but have another similar mdf (SQL express) in a different web application, this database has the same applicationID in the "aspnetdb" tables,

these are meant to be two different web applications running under IIS, the root folder name for each web application is also different. also the mdf (SQL express) names are different as well

but still feel like i might be headed for jeporadry, ie does IIS want a unique applicationID for each asnpnetdb equipped mdf, or is the applicationID only applicable to the mdf it is in and the web application the mdf is running under??

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Aspnetdb Connection String

Jul 9, 2006

Hello,  I'm getting up to speed with VS2005 and use SQL Server 2005.  I'm using the login control in a test web app.  When I run the app I get this error:
Cannot open database "aspnetdb" requested by the login. The login failed.Login failed for user 'UserIDASPNET'.
The connection string I'm using is:
data source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;
The AspNetSqlProvider in the web administration tool connects to the database.
My question is, Is this a connection string issue, and user ID issue, a rights issue or is it something else?

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Question On ASPNETDB.MDF Usage

Jul 19, 2006

I am building a web site that requires authentication and offers role-based services.  The standard login controls provide ample functionality for authentication and role definition as well as some additional info (e.g. e-mail addresses) that I need. 
I also need to create my own tables to contain my business data, which in many cases it tied to the logged in user, e.g. I may need to SELECT fields from my own tables WHERE users are in a specific role.
Since the login controls use ASPNETDB.MDF I wonder if I should create my application's tables inside that database to make is easier to pull information from existing tables and my own tables.
Or shuold I instead create a different database for my logic and then write code to stitch the data together from both databases?
Another alternative I can think of is to build my own database that contains my business and authentication tables, then build a custom authentication provider on top of it.
Are there any performance caveats/benefits to these approaches?
Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.

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Can't See Added Columns In ASPNETDB.mdf

Sep 27, 2006

In developing a VWDE project I added 2 columns to the User table in the ASPNETDB.mdf database.  I can see the columns in the Data Definition and I can see the values I added when I Show Table Data but I cannot access them with a SQLDataSource control?   The SQLDataSource shows all of the columns in that table except the ones I added.  Any suggestions? Thanks.

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New Table To ASPNetDb.mdf And Foreign Key

Nov 30, 2006

I was thinking of adding tables to ASPNetDB.mdf and have one of those tables have column userid as a foreign key from aspnet_Users
When I try to create relationship in Diagram, I get error saying that "data typ properties does not match"
userid in aspNet_Users is uniqueidentifier and userid (fk) in new table is int
What should I use, should I do that at all?

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How Can I Attach The ASPNETDB Mdf To SQL 2005?

Dec 29, 2006

I want to import a table and data in SQL 2005 to the table in the ASPNETDB mdf. Please help.

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Accessing ASPNETDB From Outside Web Application

Mar 6, 2007

Hi there,I have a slight problem. I have a web service running on my server.  In this, I need to access values in User's profiles.  The problem is of course, that Profile, ProfileCommon, ProfileBase, etc... are not available to me here.  What can I do?Is using an SQL command best?  If so, could someone post an example SQL command - I am getting confused by how to structure the command, since I need Membership data like UserName, and Profile data (an object serialized as binary in the Profile). Kind regards,kreid 

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Creating New Tables In Aspnetdb.mdf

Apr 27, 2007

I have made a new table called 'customer' which i wish to tie into the userId of the db. I have used a db diagram to do this (there are keys on each side of the link and userId is the FK) . When i put the membership/profile view onto the form alongside the new customer table nothing displays in the customer table when i run the app., i dont even see the titles - any ideas (i'm new to this sql malarky btw - so its probably something unbelievably straightforward). Any help appreciated.

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How Can I Open A .mdf AspnetDB DataBase ?

Jul 24, 2007

Hello everybody, I am working with SqlExpress and MSSQL Server Management Studio Express and do not manage to open the aspnetDB .mdf database in which I am storing all data about my users.I woulds like to open it and to be able to request it in order to check some strange things.Actually, I'm experiencing an isssue with that database since the request just below gives me two results for only one user: SELECT Member.Password, Member.PasswordAnswer
FROM aspnet_MemberShip Member, aspnet_Users Users
WHERE Member.UserId=Users.UserId AND Users.UserName='Admin'  Using this request returns me a user whom password is clear and an identical user whom password is hashed whereas I set PasswordFormat="Clear" in my Web.ConfigCould you explain me how I may proceed please? Thanx for your help   

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What Kind Of DB Is Members ASPNETDB.MDF?

Aug 3, 2007

Hello,   I created web site using VWD 2005 Express, and I use 'Create New user account' control for signin up. I need to know what kind of database is ASPNETDB.MDF ' in order to set it on server? I created ASPNETDB.MDF (database?) when I first created user in  ASP.Net Web Site Administration Tool . What tipe is ASPNETDB.MDF database?  . I have my web site on server, and DB is not working, because it is not set on server.I have this databases available on my server:Microsoft Access                   Unlimited     Microsoft SQL Server 2000     1 x    MySQL                                 1 x    PostgreSQL                           1 xDSN/ODBC                           Unlimited SQL Database Users              Unlimited         Which one you recommend should I choose for members database (ASPNETDB.MDF)?Thank you,   Beezgetz       

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Aspnetdb.mdf On Hosting Server ?

Aug 5, 2007

 I have established roles to restrict access to the data
entry pages.  The database is SQL Server which I've established on the hosting server.  Security was previously maintained through
~/app_data/aspnetdb.mdb (MS Access).  It works, but isn't too stable, so I have modified the security to use
SQL Server with an aspnetdb.mdf file, also located in the app_data
folder.  Is this appropriate?  Since it doesn't work, I assume not.It's now my assumption that I need to setup a SQL Server
database to support the security/roles.  I have seen some reference to
using a script to build the aspnet.mdf on the hosting server.  If
I do create such a database, is there anything special I need to do to
have my application read the aspnetdb?  Do I need a connection string
in the membership and/or roleManager sections of my web.config.
A little guidance would be appreciated.Thanks 

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