Absolute Position Or Location Of Report Table.

Apr 10, 2007


I have a report that prints cards for customers. The body of the report contains an address box, letter body, followed by a table that contains all the people to be printed on the cards. If the number exceeds 6 people, another page is to be printed, with no address or letter body, but the table with the remainder of the people on it.

I have been able to get everything to work except for the location of the table on the subsequent pages. They do not appear at the bottom as they do on the first page, but at the top of the page. I've tried using a rectangle as a container for the table, with no luck.

I seem to remember doing this in the past, but as projects get shelved for an extended period of time, the technical knowledge tends to fade.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Absolute Object Position

Jul 16, 2007

I have a table that expands and pushes down objects under it, i don't want this to happen i want my objects to use an absolute position so i can jiggle things how i want them - this doesn't seem to be an option in SSRS 2005?

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Absolute Position On Page

Jul 17, 2007

when i put a table beside 2 graphs on my report, as the table expands it pushs the bottom table down ONLY when when it's displayed on the final webpage. the preview features shows it as being correct.

how do i prevent the expanding table from pushing the tables BESIDE it down? i could understand if it was a table below it, but it's not.

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Dynamic Location For TAble Object In Report

Feb 14, 2008


I have placed one table object to show my datarows in reporting services report.
Depending upon the Parameter i want to change the location of this table in report. Is it possible or any other way we can do this. please help on this.
The purpose is to show the table horizontally centered after hiding the visibility of some column depending upon the parameter.

Thanks in advance.
With regards,
Sathish Raja S

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Page Footer - How To Fix At Absolute Bottom With Dynamic Body Content

May 20, 2015

We have the customer requirement to display the footer of a SSRS Report fixed at the absolute bottom of a DIN A4 format page. The footer contains information like company address and stuff.

I searched quite a while on this topic and only found workarounds for SQL Server 2005 with Custom Code in the SSRS Report to calculate the size of the body content and then insert some empty lines to get the space needed to push the footer to the bottom of the page. But this won't work in SQL Server 2012. And I wasn't able to figure out how to achieve this yet.

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Report Parameter Position

Apr 30, 2008

Hi All,
I have a parameter which populates the years. when user selects the year, i populate the start period values and end period values in two other parameters. So the the report has 3 parameters for the report.
The look and feel of the parameters is as follows:
First row : Year Parameter and Start Period Parameter .
Second row : End Period Parameter

But I want the parameter positions or look & feel as follows:
First row : Year Parameter .
Second row : Start Period Parameter & End Period Parameter.

Can anyone give a suggestion or hack or tip for my requirement.


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Reporting Services :: How To Use Expression To Position A Tablix On A Report

Sep 30, 2015

How do I use an expression to position a tablix on the report?

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Reporting Services :: Position Report In Centre Of Browser AND Export To A4 Portrait PDF

Jul 29, 2015

I know how to size my report to export successfully to A4 portrait PDF and I can position the report in the centre of the browser window BUT I can't do both! I would really like to be able to position it in the centre of my browser window AND be able to print to A4 portrait PDF. If I have the report in the centre (by adjusting the body to take up the whole screen and positioning the report in the centre), it is cut in half when exported to PDF. I can only get it to export to PDF correctly, if the report is aligned to the left of my screen in the browser. Is there a way to move the body to the centre or any other tricks?

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Reporting Services :: How To Change Position Of Parameter Control In SSRS Report

Jun 24, 2015

I want to Change parameter position in SSRS report.I need Start Date and End Date Parameter at same column so client can easily select Start Date and End Date.I have tried a lot but not succeed.

How Can I change the position of Start Date and End Date.I can't change order of other three parameter Select Institutions, Select Author and Course Pack Names parameter because they are internally related to each other(forward dependencies are there).

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Column Position Sql Table

Jul 26, 2007

 There are about 500 tables in one particular datbase. There are
foreign keys set on most of the tables. I want to change the position
of the primary key column in all those tables. How can I do that

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Current Position Of A ROW In A Table?

Nov 16, 2001

Hi Everybody,

Is there any way to find the current position of a row in a table?. Like what we have in Oracle ROWID, Like that anything available in SQL Server.

I have seen NEWID(),uniqueidentifier & ROWGUIDCOL in BOL. Apart from that any easy method is available in SQL Server?

thanks in advance,

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Position Of Table Columns

Jan 2, 2008

Dear All,I want to get more than one table columns as a single column byalternative.For eg,Table name = employeecolumns = empid, empname, address1,address2Here, I want to interpolate the address2 column on address1 asmentioned below,empid empname address1address21 aaa First Layout,CA, US.Thanks in advance.Thanks and Regards,Ganapathi sundaram.G

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Inserting Columns To A Table At A Particular Position

Jun 26, 2001


Does anyone know if it is possible to add a column to a table at a particular position. The ALTER TABLE statement specifies that an ADD COLUMN puts this on the end of the table. Is there a way to insert into the middle of the table?
Alternatively, can it be done through SQL-DMO?

Obviously the fallback would be to drop and re-create the table with the correct column ordering, however this is not ideal for tables with large amounts of data.

It's possible to do this through Enterprise Manager (using Insert Column), so how does it do it - DMO, or by dropping and re-creating?

We're building a database schema upgrage tool and are trying to cover all possibilities.

Steve Jenkins.

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Selecting Rows By There Position In The Table

Jan 25, 2001


I'm trying to write a query which returns only some rows in my table...

For example :

I want all the rows included between 30 and 50 from table XYZ
(30 and 50 are not keys but really the numbers of records)

Is there someone out there who has a hint for me???

Thank you for your help and sorry for my english!


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Getting Data Based On Ordinal Position Of The Column In The Table

Aug 30, 2007

I am having a problem in auditing the column data in tables.My requirement is i have write a trigger which is capable of auditing the columns which are going to be added in the future also with out using dynamic SQL.is there any way to do so.
I feel if i can get the column data based on ordinal position then it is possible.
Can any body suggest.
My set Up is like this
I have a base_table to be audited.
I have a Audit_spec table which contains name of the table and columns to be audited.
And Audit table which actually captures the table name,column name ,old value and new value.
I have to audit only those columns in the Audit_spec spec.
If schema changes(Like new column added) happens to base_table and I want that column to be audited.with out any changes to my trigger code i should handle the newly added column ..

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How To Get Table Record's Position In Comparison To Other Records Based On Numeric Field?

Apr 2, 2007

Let's say I have 1000 registered users in database table and each of them has numeric ranking value.
How can I get the position of each user in comparison to other users ranking value?

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SP2 Report Builder And Default Save Location

Feb 27, 2007

Prior to SP2, when you clicked the save button it would take you to the root of Report Server. With SP2 (in old-style Report Manager mode, not Sharepoint integrated mode) it takes you to the /Models directory by default when you click save. Is there a way around this?

If I launch Report Builder via the following URL, it does fix the problem. But it doesn't let me pick table/matrix/chart. I would like to override the default save location AND be able to let the user pick table/matrix/chart:



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Add A Column Specified Location In Table..

Mar 20, 2006

hello sir,i have a table emp ,it has three fields one is empno int ,second isename varchar(20).and last is salary ,empempno ename salary----------- ------------ ---------1000 suresh 100001001 ramesh 20000i want to add a column name is 'doj varchar ' between columns 'ename'and 'salary'.i dont want a add last only , i want to add a column only between'ename' and 'salary'give me some examplethanks u sir

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Changing Config Table Location On The Fly

Aug 30, 2007

Hi everyone,

I am trying to create a proof of concept to show that we can have packages deployed on 3 different servers and all we need to do is tell the package, upon execution/scheduled task, where to go fetch it's configurations from.

The configurations are using SQL Server as the package configuration. This makes it easier for DBA's to maintain since DBA's are responsible for package executions and job scheduling.

For example, the configuration database and all package configurations would be found on server1, server2 and server3 The difference in values is that on Server1, the configuration for the source data and the destination data point to Server1DatabaseSource and Server1DatabaseDestination and on server2, the configs point the source to Server2DatabaseSource and Server2DatabaseDestination and for server 3, the same thing but pointing to server3.

There is also a connection for the SSIS_Config database we're getting the configurations from. In theory, if we specify a different server where this SSIS_Config database is found, it should override the settings in the package. No?

When I schedule OR execute the package, it's always getting it's configs from the config specified in the package independent of wether I specify it in the Connection Managers of the Execute Package Utility when I manually execute it OR in the data sources tab when I configure the package to be run as a job in SQL Server 2005.

Am I missing something here?



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Getting An Absolute Record No

Nov 26, 1999

Does anyone know how I can get just one record returned from a select statement - not by doing set rowcount, but saying I want, for example the third record returned.

I'm trying to do a stored procedure that does a select of current records that will reduce the output to roughly 24 records and then get a random record from this - I need to do it all in a stored procedure.

What I have so far is :

DECLARE @Count int
DECLARE @RowCount int

/* Randomise the Data */
SELECT @Count = Count(*) FROM MyTable WHERE fRotation = 1

SELECT @ID = Rand() * @Count


As you can see, @ID will hold a record no.

I cant use batch cursors as they are giving me problems - work for a short while and then they mess up.

Any ideas anyone?


Rich Hopwood

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Analysis :: Get Absolute Value In MDX

Oct 16, 2008

I create the cube and KPI successfully.Now want to define the "trend" in MDX.the problem is the trend is not linear, but a quadradic function, which means the kpi target is the highest point in the function.in order to get the "trend expression", to get the "absolute value" is needed (as to measure how near to the target point).but i browsed the operators available, there is no ||.

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Absolute Beginner's Question...sorry

Apr 5, 2008

I'm almost embarassed to ask such a simple question but I'm pretty new to SQL and want to the do the following SQL select. I have two tables:

WorkOrderNumber | CustomerNumber | StartDate | EndDate

WorkOrderNo | Service

I want to select all customer numbers that have a work order that includes a line with the service code XXXXX and a start date of YYYYYY and end date of ZZZZZZ. Note that the first field in each table contains the same data but is named differently. It's this that's causing me a headache.

Thanks in advance.


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Absolute Beginner Questions

May 20, 2006

I just downloaded and installed Visual Basic Express Edition and SQL Server Express Edition. All I have in the Start menu is SQL Configuration Tools. My absolutely stupid question is, how do I get started with this?

I know a little bit about SQL from using SQL command line in Oracle, and I've built small databases before using Access. Where does this program fit into all of that? And what do I use and how can I get started with this program?

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Resources For ABSOLUTE Beginners

Jan 26, 2007

Seems to me like microsoft mentions learning, but it's never for beginners. I haven't found a single tutorial that says how to make a simple database step by step.

Does anybody know about a tutorial focused on teaching the very basics (a kind of "hello world" application) from setting up the new database with a few sample fields to "deploying" it (making it ready to be used)?

Please let me know.

Once I'm through with these first steps there seems to be a lot of helpful learning resources meant for experienced and expert users, but I'm not there yet...



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Absolute Beginner To Databases

Feb 10, 2008

Hi all,

I'm a user interface designer working for a small development shop in a government agency. My boss feels it would help our team out if I learned a bit more programming (I'm on that already in VS2k8, VB.NET), and some general database theory and practical knowledge. The more I learn about programming, the more my utter ignorance of databases proves to be an obstacle. We use SQL2k5, so I've decided to cut my teeth on that; I don't have the free time to learn something simpler and then graduate to SQL, so it is what it is.

So, I'm looking for a "Dumb Even for a Dummy" guide to database fundamentals, with a strong emphasis on SQL in particular. I slogged through the first 30 pages of this forum and found a couple of MSDN resources but nothing stuck me as being basic enough. I'm hoping someone can provide me with some "Go here, newb" resources to get me started.

Thanks in advance!

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Absolute Beginner In SQL 2005 EE, Needs Help.

Oct 13, 2006

Hi everyone.

Using C# 2005 EE with SQL 2005 EE

I am really new to SQL, got qns here.

Can my program with SQL database run correctly on another com using win xp home edition, with only C# 2005 EE installed?
Is it compulsory for every table in a database to have a primary key?
Can I extract a data from a specific cell in a database table(click button get data)? How do I go about doing it (the simplest n straight forward method)?

Many Thanks in advance.




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Integration Services :: Exporting A Table To Flat File In Folder Location

Jun 10, 2015

I am using the below code in my command prompt and it is copying all the records from a particular table and dropping in Flat file format in particular folder location. The below code is working if I am pointing to my local database but if I need to point to different database outside my environment how should I set it here also including the case where User ID and password are required to access the db.bcp AdventureWorks.HumanResources.Department out C:myDepartment_c_t.txt -c -t, -r -T -S.

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Integration Services :: Exporting A Table From Flat File In Folder Location

Jun 8, 2015

I have a requirement where I have to take all the data available from a sql table and write it out as a flat file in folder location.Its a simple table have 8-10 coloumns, have to take this data on daily basis from sql table and deliver out as flat file in a folder.

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SQL Server 2000 - Absolute Beginner! Please Help Me

Nov 15, 2002

Hello there...
Pending receiving the full version from the higher powers at my work, I have downloaded the Evaluation version of SQL 2000, and set up an instance on my desktop machine. This was set up on an administrator account, and works fine.
My main aim with SQL 2000 is to upsize all the companies piddling little Access 97 databases into an SQL backend and keep the 97 frontends. I have migrated some of the tablesets into SQL, and linked to them in Access 97 and they work fine.
However, the problems are when I try and set up ODBC. When I enter ODBC as a different user on the server itself, the ODBC list of available SQL Servers shows me the correct server information - my PC ID no, followed by the server name. However, when I try and connect with another machine on the network, it only displays the PC ID no of the server, and not the server name. When I attempt to add the server with just the PC name, it doesnt find the server - same when I add the name of the database to the end of the PC ID no.
I'm sure there is something really basic I have not done, but I'm totally stumped now. I am using Windows Auth, and have set up the login of the other PC I am trying to connect, as an authorised user.
Please help me - I am just a doofus, please feel free to laugh at me...

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Varchar Absolute Max Length Of 1024 Characters. Why?

Oct 1, 2000

Hi all,
I have a strange situation. I have a field in the database that has to be a string type field of around 4000 characters.

So naturally I setup the field as
type: varchar
length: 4000

However when I try to put any text in this field I find that I can put no more than 1023 characters of ascii text in there.

To check if this was a max record length prob I setup a test table with only 2 fields:
ID: int, PK, Identity
longVarchar: varchar, 4000

and tried to put some ascii text into the field called longVarchar. Again the most I could put in was 1023 characters!

Thinking that it could just be that SQL svr box that was wacky, I tried it on another one with the same result.

I have tried using other field types (nvarchar, char) and have found that they all could only hold 1023 characters max, no matter what how high I defined the size of the field.

Try it out yourselves and see if you get the same result. Any useful suggestions would really be appreciated.

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Absolute Day, Month, And Year(IN SQL SERVER 2000)

Mar 2, 2005

In SQL SERVER 2000,I had built a function that retrieved absolute day, month, and year between two dates.

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Calculate Relative Totals With Absolute Values

Feb 28, 2015

Have a bit of an SQL challenge in that I need to create a well performing view in SQL2008R2 which calculates hours remaining at any given point in time. This is not a simple sum but has some absolute values included.

-- Basic simplified structure of maintenance and usage tables
CREATE TABLE #Maintenance (Id int NOT NULL
MaintenanceDate smalldatetime NOT NULL, -- When maintenance hours are reset
HoursAvailable numeric(5, 1) NULL -- Available hours until next maintenance

[Code] ....

-- Required output view so that at any given point in time I can determine hours remaining
-- AtDate HoursAvailable
-- '01-Jan-2015 15:00' NULL -- before first maintenance hence unknown
-- '10-Jan-2015 10:00' 10.1 -- maintenance hours reset
-- '11-Jan-2015 07:30' 8.9 -- subtract 1.2
-- '11-Jan-2015 11:10' 2.9 -- subtract 6.0
-- '15-Jan-2015 00:00' -0.1 -- subtract 3.0
-- '01-Feb-2015 00:00' 12.2 -- maintenance hours reset
-- '02-Feb-2015 13:00' 10.0 -- subtract 2.2

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[absolute Beginner] Help For SQL Basic Query Exercise

Apr 29, 2008


i am learning SQL basic commands ( like , where, having, group by, order by , join ,and simple sub-query) and I got one exersice I cannot solve

table RECIPE has 3 columns , ( pizza ,ingredient,amount)
each pizza could use 1 / many ingredient, each ingredient could be used by 0 / 1/ many pizza, amount means the quantity of that ingredient used in certain pizza

(List the ingredients, and for each ingredient, also list the pizza that contains the largest amount of this ingredient.)

Raw data :

pizza ingredient amount
margarita spice 5
margarita cheese 120
ham ham 150
ham spice 5
napolitana anchovies 100
napolitana olives 75
napolitana spice 10
hawaiian ham 100
hawaiian pineapple 100
hawaiian spice 5
cabanossi cabanossi 150
cabanossi spice 10
siciliano onion 50
siciliano capsicum 75
siciliano olives 50
siciliano anchovies 50
siciliano spice 15
americano salami 120
americano pepperoni 75
americano spice 10
mexicano onion 75
mexicano capsicum 75
mexicano mushroom 50
mexicano chilli 25
mexicano spice 20
seafood seafood 200
seafood spice 5
garlic garlic 25
garlic spice 10
vegetarian onion 50
vegetarian capsicum 50
vegetarian mushroom 50
vegetarian peas 50
vegetarian tomato 50
vegetarian spice 5
mushroom mushroom 100
mushroom spice 5
special cheese 25
special tomato 25
special ham 25
special anchovies 25
special olives 25
special mushroom 25
special bacon 25
special egg 25
special pineapple 25
special cabanossi 25
special salami 25
special capsicum 25
special onion 25
special peas 25
special seafood 25
special spice 10
stagiony ham 75
stagiony mushroom 50
stagiony olives 50
stagiony anchovies 25
stagiony spice 10


Query Results needed:

ingredient pizza amount
anchovies napolitana 100
bacon special 25
cabanossi cabanossi 150
capsicum mexicano 75
capsicum siciliano 75
cheese margarita 120
chilli mexicano 25
egg special 25
garlic garlic 25
ham ham 150
mushroom mushroom 100
olives napolitana 75
onion mexicano 75
peas vegetarian 50
pepperoni americano 75
pineapple hawaiian 100
salami americano 120
seafood seafood 200
spice mexicano 20
tomato vegetarian 50



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