I have x amount of tests for a person on a particular day. There are criteria to invalidate a test. I can filter all the bad tests away, but now I need to only accept 2 valid tests per day, even if there are more tests. The tests are filtered according to person ID and then put in order by date. I need to accept the first 2 valid test based on the criteria and reject the others. Any suggestions
I'm trying to run a stored proc on a SQL 2005 SP1 box to return info to a SQL 2000 SP4 box, as a linked server. Both boxes have the latest service packs, and run Windows 2003 Server, again with the latest service packs. The error I get is: OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "" returned message "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".Msg 16955, Level 16, State 2, Line 1Could not create an acceptable cursor. The full script I am running is: CREATE procedure [dbo].[proc_AuditServer] as /* ** Auditing Script for SQL Servers. ** ** D Maxwell, June 2007 ** ** This script takes configuration and job status information ** and writes it to a designated logging server. I'll describe ** each section in detail, below. We write to the local box first, ** Then upload everything to the logging server. ** ** This is the SQL 2005 version. */ /* ** We want to know exactly what server this is, so ** we get the server name, instance name, as well as ** SQL Version, Edition, and Service Pack level. */ truncate table admin.dbo.sql_servers insert into admin.dbo.sql_servers select convert(varchar(15), serverproperty('ServerName')), convert(varchar(25), serverproperty('InstanceName')), convert(char(9), serverproperty('ProductVersion')), convert(varchar(4), serverproperty('ProductLevel')), convert(varchar(20), serverproperty('Edition')), getdate() /* ** Now, having that, we get the list of databases, ** as well as thier creation dates and file names. */ truncate table admin.dbo.databases insert into admin.dbo.databases select convert(varchar(15), serverproperty('ServerName')), dbid, name, crdate, filename from master..sysdatabases where dbid > 4 order by dbid /* ** We need to know how the server is configured, so we ** can compare it to a list of preferred configuration ** values, as well as the defaults. I cut this out of ** sp_configure. */ truncate table admin.dbo.server_config insert into admin.dbo.server_config select convert(varchar(15), serverproperty('ServerName')), name, config_value = c.value, run_value = master.dbo.syscurconfigs.value from master.dbo.spt_values, master.dbo.sysconfigures c, master.dbo.syscurconfigs where type = 'C' and number = c.config and number = master.dbo.syscurconfigs.config and ((c.status & 2 <> 0 ) OR (c.status & 2 = 0) ) order by lower(name) /* ** The next configuration item we want to get is the ** list of jobs that run on the server. We're looking ** specifically for backup and other maintenance jobs. ** (Which will hopefully be named appropriately...) ** We use Neil Boyle's job report script for this. ** My comments and changes prefaced by a 'DM:' */ truncate table admin.dbo.jobs insert into admin.dbo.jobs select convert(varchar(15), serverproperty('ServerName')), --DM: Needed since we'll have lots of servers reporting j.job_id, -- DM: More unique than a name. convert(varchar(22), j.name) as job_name, case freq_type -- Daily, weekly, Monthly when 1 then 'Once' when 4 then 'Daily' when 8 then 'Wk ' -- For weekly, add in the days of the week + case freq_interval & 2 when 2 then 'M' else '' end -- Monday + case freq_interval & 4 when 4 then 'Tu' else '' end -- Tuesday + case freq_interval & 8 when 8 then 'W' else '' end -- etc + case freq_interval & 16 when 16 then 'Th' else '' end + case freq_interval & 32 when 32 then 'F' else '' end + case freq_interval & 64 when 64 then 'Sa' else '' end + case freq_interval & 1 when 1 then 'Su' else '' end when 16 then 'Mthly on day ' + convert(varchar(2), freq_interval) -- Monthly on a particular day when 32 then 'Mthly ' -- The most complicated one, "every third Friday of the month" for example + case freq_relative_interval when 1 then 'Every First ' when 2 then 'Every Second ' when 4 then 'Every Third ' when 8 then 'Every Fourth ' when 16 then 'Every Last ' end + case freq_interval when 1 then 'Sunday' when 2 then 'Monday' when 3 then 'Tuesday' when 4 then 'Wednesday' when 5 then 'Thursday' when 6 then 'Friday' when 7 then 'Saturday' when 8 then 'Day' when 9 then 'Week day' when 10 then 'Weekend day' end when 64 then 'Startup' -- When SQL Server starts when 128 then 'Idle' -- Whenever SQL Server gets bored else 'Err' -- This should never happen end as schedule , case freq_subday_type -- FOr when a job funs every few seconds, minutes or hours when 1 then 'Runs once at:' when 2 then 'every ' + convert(varchar(3), freq_subday_interval) + ' seconds' when 4 then 'every ' + convert(varchar(3), freq_subday_interval) + ' minutes' when 8 then 'every ' + convert(varchar(3), freq_subday_interval) + ' hours' end as frequency -- All the subsrings are because the times are stored as an integer with no leading zeroes -- i.e. 0 means midnight, 13000 means half past one in the morning (01:30:00) , substring (right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6),active_start_time), 6), 1, 2) + ':' + substring ( right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6), active_start_time), 6) ,3 ,2) + ':' + substring ( right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6),active_start_time), 6) ,5 ,2) as start_at ,case freq_subday_type when 1 then NULL -- Ignore the end time if not a recurring job else substring (right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6), active_end_time), 6), 1, 2) + ':' + substring ( right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6), active_end_time), 6) ,3 ,2) + ':' + substring ( right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6), active_end_time), 6) ,5 ,2) end as end_at from msdb.dbo.sysjobs j, msdb.dbo.sysJobSchedules s, msdb.dbo.sysschedules c where j.job_id = s.job_id and s.schedule_id = c.schedule_id order by j.name, start_at /* ** Now that we know what jobs we have, let's find out ** how they did recently. */ truncate table job_status insert into job_status select convert(varchar(15), serverproperty('ServerName')), job_id, run_status, run_date, run_time, run_duration from msdb..sysjobhistory where step_name = '(job outcome)' -- The last 90 days' worth. and run_date > (select replace(convert(varchar(10), (getdate() - 90), 120), '-', '')) order by run_date desc /* ** If this server is already known to the audit server, ** we need to remove the existing data from the audit ** tables. */ declare @known bit set @known = (select count(*) from [].AUDITDB.dbo.sql_servers where server_name = (select convert(varchar(15), serverproperty('servername')))) /* ** Now we remove the existing information from the audit tables, ** if need be. */ if @known = 1 begin delete from [].AUDITDB.dbo.sql_servers where server_name = (select convert(varchar(15), serverproperty('ServerName'))) delete from [].AUDITDB.dbo.databases where server_name = (select convert(varchar(15), serverproperty('ServerName'))) delete from [].AUDITDB.dbo.server_config where server_name = (select convert(varchar(15), serverproperty('ServerName'))) delete from [].AUDITDB.dbo.jobs where server_name = (select convert(varchar(15), serverproperty('ServerName'))) delete from [].AUDITDB.dbo.job_status where server_name = (select convert(varchar(15), serverproperty('ServerName'))) end /* ** Finally, we upload the new info from here to the audit server. */ insert into [].AUDITDB.dbo.sql_servers select * from admin.dbo.sql_servers insert into [].AUDITDB.dbo.server_config select * from admin.dbo.server_config insert into [].AUDITDB.dbo.databases select * from admin.dbo.databases insert into [].AUDITDB.dbo.jobs select * from admin.dbo.jobs insert into [].AUDITDB.dbo.job_status select * from admin.dbo.job_status This works fine for other boxes of the same service pack levels. I've already read KB302477, which doesn't appear to apply, since I'm already several revisions beyond that. I'm unable to duplicate this in test. Any ideas as to what I should look at next? Thanks. -D.
I've successfully created a column bar graph that shows the availability (0-100%) for a given site for each month YTD. I would like to have fixed lines added to the graph across all the columns at the 99.0 and 99.99% marks to show where we've reached and surpassed these key service levels.
I can't seem to find any examples on how to do this. The line drawing tool doesn't always line up with the graph correctly when it's displayed so I was looking for a data point at those levels.
In the database, there is Date, Store#, Item#, and %Total Sales. In some cases, the same item# for the same date may be given more than one value for '% of Total Sales'. (For some reason this is a valid business scenario that happens rarely, but it happens.)
In that situation only, the requirement is to sum the two values together into one line. So if Item# 123 has a line with a value of .05%, and another line with a value of .08%, I need to sum those two values into one line for Item #123 that has a %Total of .13%. ONLY when an item has more than one percentage assigned, those percentages should be summed. Otherwise, if an item# has only one percentage value assigned, we just want to see that value.
Basically, I would like to implement logic that would work like this:
SELECT Date, Store#, Item#, CASE WHEN Count(%Total Sales) >1 THEN Sum(%Total Sales) ELSE %Total Sales END
FROM (some tables and joins) GROUP BY Date, Store#, Item#
However, I'm not sure how to craft it so that I don't get a syntax error (this query produces errors).
Hi~, I have 3 questions about memory based bulk copy.
1. What is the limitation count of IRowsetFastLoad::InsertRow() method before IRowsetFastLoad::Commit(true)? For example, how much insert row at below sample?(the max value of nCount) for(i=0 ; i<nCount ; i++) { pIFastLoad->InsertRow(hAccessor, (void*)(&BulkData)); }
2. In above code sample, isn't there method of inserting prepared array at once directly(BulkData array, not for loop)
3. In OLE DB memory based bulk copy, what is the equivalent of below's T-SQL bulk copy option ? BULK INSERT database_name.schema_name.table_name FROM 'data_file' WITH (ROWS_PER_BATCH = rows_per_batch, TABLOCK);
------------------------------------------------------- My solution is like this. Is it correct?
// CoCreateInstance(...); // Data source // Create session
I am trying to create an asp page that will update an Access 2000 database. I need to update records if the user exists and create a new record if the user does not exist. Most of the variables are pulled from a separate "post" form.
I am using 2 pieces of info to find duplicates, as employee numbers can be assigned to multiple employees. Right now I have the page check for a duplicate employee id number then check for a duplicate last name. Unfortunately it is running each check separately, so if the last name is duplicated anywhere, it is sending a duplicated value.
here is the chunk of code in question... all RF_variables are request.form variables
cnt="SELECT COUNT(emp_id) AS Xnum FROM " & RF_course cnt=cnt & " WHERE emp_id='" & RF_emp_id & "'" set again=conn.Execute(cnt) dup=again("Xnum")
if dup>=1 then cnt="SELECT COUNT(lname) AS Xnum FROM " & RF_course cnt=cnt & " WHERE lname='" & RF_lname & "'" set again=conn.Execute(cnt) dupl=again("Xnum")
if dupl=1 then upd="UPDATE " & RF_course & " SET " upd=upd & "section" & RF_section & "='" & RF_score & "'" upd=upd & " WHERE emp_id='" & RF_emp_id & "'" upd=upd & " AND lname='" & RF_lname & "'" on error resume next conn.Execute upd else ins="INSERT INTO " & RF_course ins=ins & " (lname,fname,emp_id,cname," ins=ins & "section" & RF_section & ")" ins=ins & " VALUES " ins=ins & "('" & RF_lname & "'," ins=ins & "'" & RF_fname & "'," ins=ins & "'" & RF_emp_id & "'," ins=ins & "'" & RF_cname & "'," ins=ins & "'" & RF_score & "')" on error resume next conn.Execute ins end if else ins="INSERT INTO " & RF_course ins=ins & " (lname,fname,emp_id,cname," ins=ins & "section" & RF_section & ")" ins=ins & " VALUES " ins=ins & "('" & RF_lname & "'," ins=ins & "'" & RF_fname & "'," ins=ins & "'" & RF_emp_id & "'," ins=ins & "'" & RF_cname & "'," ins=ins & "'" & RF_score & "')" on error resume next conn.Execute ins end if
Hopefully this is understandable. If anyone can offer any help I would greatly appreciate it.
I have a fact table with a create time dimension and an expiration time dimension. I'd like to have a calculated member that would compare the (count for create time) / (count with that expiration time). I already have these counts as measures.
I would be able to put the create time dimension in the "row fields" area, and see the ratio (calculated above) over the different create time periods.
Can someone point me in the right direction on how I would create that kind of calculated member? What would the MDX look like?
My SQL is very basic. How do I create a query that will accept a parameter, an integer, and based on the integer, locate all the matches in a db? SELECT COUNT(*) AS Expr1, tblArticle.ArticleIDFROM tblArticle INNER JOIN tblArticleCategory ON tblArticle.ArticleCatID = tblArticleCategory.ACategoryIDGROUP BY tblArticle.ArticleID This isn't setting up the query to request a parameter.What am I doing wrong here? I"m trying to get the total number of articles for a particular category ID.
I am trying to write a stored procedure that updates a value in a table based on the sort order. For example, my table has a field "OfferAmount". When this field is updated, I need to resort the records and update the "CurrRank" field with values 1 through whatever. As per my question marks below, I am not sure how to do this.
Update CurrRank = ??? from tblAppKitOffers where appkitid = 3 AND (OfferStatusCode = 'O' OR OfferStatusCODE = 'D') ORDER BY tblAppKitOffers.OfferAmount Desc
We have customer accounts that we measure usage. We want to run a report for all customers whose current usage is 0 and a count of how many months it has been zero consecutively. Here is an example.
I have the table below and want to show the prop_code if the rent_review_date count is less than 1 in 12 months. This means to show only propcode if there has not been any rent update since the first rent_review_date
DECLARE @table TABLE ( Prop_Code INT ,Current_Rent INT ,Revised_Rent INT ,Rent_Review_Date varchar(10) ,Rent_Review_Time DATEtime)
I have conducted a thorough search in the forums and cannot quite find my answer. I have a date field called open_date. If the open_date is more than 30 days old, I need to count it. I have started with the following code:
SELECT 'Older_Than_30Days' = CASE WHEN open.date >= 30 THEN '1' ELSE '0" END
I need to create a query that will count new cases based on the create date(create_date) and criteria for the groups(The only way to distinguish between the 2 major groups mts and bnb is area!= 'bnb" because everything else is MTS). The sample report I need to create below shows how it needs to be counted weekly, for a 4 month period, for the groups under MTS and BNB. The totals and grand totals can be achieved in the report tool. I want to create variables for the new cases (mts_newcases_sales, mts_newcases_salesd, bnb_newcases_salesd etc)
Ex. MTS sales : (status = 'Calculated' OR status = 'REJECTED') and errorsource != 'marketing' and accountns is null and area != 'BNB'(everything else is MTS)
MTS salesd ; Credit >= '1001' and (status = 'REJECTEDV' or status = 'ACCEPTEDS') and errorsource != 'marketing' and accountnr is null
BNB creditr: Credit < 101 and (status = 'SUBMITTED' OR status = 'REJECTEDS' OR status = 'REJECTEDA' OR STATUS = 'ACCEPTEDC')
Ok... I know this is something that I've seen and probably done before....
I have a value that will show up multiple times in a table. I want to order the table by that value and then count up from 1 to however many items that it shows up as.
The example below shows the results I want. Value1 and Value2 are in the table, LineNumber is what I need to generate.
I'm hoping someone can help with with a task I've been given. I need to write a trigger which will act effectively as a method of automatically distributing of incoming call ticket records. See DDL below for creation of the Assignment table, which holds information on the call ticket workload.
SELECT COUNT(CallID) AS [Total Calls], AssignmentGroup, Assignee FROM #Assignment GROUP BY AssignmentGroup, Assignee ORDER BY COUNT(CallID) DESC , AssignmentGroup, Assignee
What I need to do is write a trigger for on INSERT to automatically update the Assignee column with the name of the person who currently has the least active calls. For example, using the data above, the next PC Support call will go to Mickey Mouse, and the next two Service Desk calls will go to Jim Smith.
So, the logic for the trigger would be
UPDATE #Assignment SET Assignee = (SELECT Assignee FROM #Assignment WHERE COUNT(CallID) = MIN(COUNT(CallID))
But that's only the logic, and obviously it doesn't work with the syntax being nothing like correct.
Does any one have an idea or pointers as to how I should go about this?
I've been able to get this select query to work, but I'm not sure how to modify it to turn it into a DELETE query: Â Â USE QSCTestENG select p.[testid], COUNT(c.[testid]) FROM [dbo].[tblTestHeader] p left outer join [dbo].[tblTestMeasurements] c ON p.[testid]=c.[testid] where p.[model] = 'XPPowerCLC125US12' group by p.[testid] having COUNT(c.[testid]) <>48;
I have duplicate records in table.I need to count duplicate records based upon Account number and count will be stored in a variable.i need to check whether count > 0 or not in stored procedure.I have used below query.It is not working.
SELECT @_Stat_Count= count(*),L1.AcctNo,L1.ReceivedFileID from Legacy L1,Legacy L2,ReceivedFiles where L1.ReceivedFileID = ReceivedFiles.ReceivedFileID and L1.AcctNo=L2.AcctNo group by L1.AcctNo,L1.ReceivedFileID having Count(*)> 0 IF (@_Stat_Count >0) BEGIN SELECT @Status = status_cd from status-table where status_id = 10 END
Because of a limitation on a piece of software I'm using I need to take a large varchar field and force a carriage return/linebreak in the returned sql. Allowing for a line size of approximately 50 characters, I thought the approach would be to first find the 'spaces' in the data, so as to not split the line on a real word. achieve.
--===== Simulate a passed parameter DECLARE @Parameter VARCHAR(8000) SET @Parameter = (select a_notes from dbo.notestuff as notes where a_id = '1')
I'm trying to get a calculation based on count(*) to format as a decimal value or percentage.
I keep getting 0s for the solution_rejected_percent column. How can I format this like 0.50 (for 50%)?
select mi.id, count(*) as cnt, count(*) + 1 as cntplusone, cast(count(*) / (count(*) + 1) as numeric(10,2)) as solution_rejected_percent from metric_instance mi INNER JOIN incident i on i.number = mi.id WHERE mi.definition = 'Solution Rejected' AND i.state = 'Closed' group by mi.id
I would like to transfer selected data from an ODBC-based table to a OLEDB-based table. However, there isn't a data flow source on the Data Flow Design screen to accomodate such an action. Please help!
How to count the number of values that exist in a row based on the values from an array of numbers. Basically the the array of numbers I want to look for are in row 1 of table [test 1] and I want to search for them and count the "out of" in table [test 2]. Excuse me for not using the easiest way to convey my question below. I guess in short I have 10 numbers and like to find how many of those numbers exist in each row. short example:
I need to create a function that replaces the data in a column with an 'X' based on the LEN of the data in the column. I created one that does a replacement, but it fills the column based on the max data length, and not the current length of the string or integer. An example of what I'm trying to accomplish.
Original data in a varchar(30) column: thisisavalue thisisanothervalue thisisanothervalueagain shortval
replaced with xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
My current function is replacing the data like this: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have 4 Tablix and 2 of the Tablix get data from Server 1 and other 2 get the data from Server 2.I have set NoRowsMessage "=Data Not Available for the Selected Values"  for all the 4 Tablix.Now if data is not available from Server 1 then I must show "Data Not Available for the Selected Values" only once in the  outputbut now its appearing twice in the output because of the 2 tablix that had no rows.Similarly if data not available from Server 2 then it should show "Data Not Available for the Selected Values" only once in my output.If Data not avilable from all the Tablix then also i t should show only once as "Data Not Available for the Selected Values" in the report output.
I need to periodically import a (HUGE) table of data from an external data source (not SQL Server) into SQL Server, with the following scenarios: Some of the records in the external data source may not exist in SQL.Some of the records in the external data source may have a different value at different imports, but this records are identified univocally by the same primary key in the external datasource and in SQL Server.Some of the records in the external data source may be the same in SQL.
Due to the massive volume of the import, I would like to import only the records which are different from what I have in SQL Server (cases 1 and 2 above). In fact case 2 is the most critical.
I thought of making a query with a left outer join between the data in the external data source table (SOURCE) and the data in the SQL Server table (DESTIN). The join is done on the respective primary keys (composed keys of up to 10 columns) and one of the WHERE conditions will be that the value in SOURCE is different from the value in DESTIN.
The result of this query would be exactly what I need to import. How to do this in SSIS??? I couldn't figure out how to join tables in different data sources yet.
In fact I cannot write a stored procedure to do that, since one of the sources is in a datasources not SQL Server. I have seen the Lookup transformation in this article http://www.sqlis.com/default.aspx?311 but this is not exacltly what I want to do. Another possibility is to use the merge join, but due to the sorting I believe its performances would be terrible!
I'm in the middle of developing a Database for a hospital that measures its audits, inhouse operations, and finance. What we currently have and do everyday is collect data from a large database that is real time with patient data, progess, infomation, etc and dump it into a data warehouse that runs on TSI/Eclipsys. We run reports using a number of programs and dump it into Excel sheets that have charts, reports, etc. This Database for which I'm developing won't come soley from the TSI/Eclypsys source, but this is the only source thats updated regularly. I don't want to have in sync with TSI/Eclipysys in fear that every day when it updates data may be lost, not read, or worse won't be up date if there is a problem. My question is is it possible to run a query from Sequel Server 2005 that will take that data upon request using the reporing features on Sequel Server 2005. i.e. What if I need to run a report on measure B in department 12 from Jan 1-Feb 1, instead of being in sync, can I just write queries to take that information rather than double the data and take up twice the space and trouble. FYI, these datatypes rarely change in the TSI/Eclipsys data warehouse. This sure was long question and didn't intended it to be . Thanks for listening and hope to hear back.
With the function below, I receive this error:Error:Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 1, current count = 0.Function:Public Shared Function DeleteMesssages(ByVal UserID As String, ByVal MessageIDs As List(Of String)) As Boolean Dim bSuccess As Boolean Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection = GetConnection() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("", MyConnection) Dim i As Integer Dim fBeginTransCalled As Boolean = False 'messagetype 1 =internal messages Try ' ' Start transaction ' MyConnection.Open() cmd.CommandText = "BEGIN TRANSACTION" cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() fBeginTransCalled = True Dim obj As Object For i = 0 To MessageIDs.Count - 1 bSuccess = False 'delete userid-message reference cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM tblUsersAndMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID AND UserID=@UserID" cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@UserID", UserID)) cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID", MessageIDs(i).ToString)) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() 'then delete the message itself if no other user has a reference cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblUsersAndMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID1" cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID1", MessageIDs(i).ToString)) obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar If ((Not (obj) Is Nothing) _ AndAlso ((TypeOf (obj) Is Integer) _ AndAlso (CType(obj, Integer) > 0))) Then 'more references exist so do not delete message Else 'this is the only reference to the message so delete it permanently cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM tblMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID2" cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID2", MessageIDs(i).ToString)) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() End If Next i ' ' End transaction ' cmd.CommandText = "COMMIT TRANSACTION" cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() bSuccess = True fBeginTransCalled = False Catch ex As Exception 'LOG ERROR GlobalFunctions.ReportError("MessageDAL:DeleteMessages", ex.Message) Finally If fBeginTransCalled Then Try cmd = New SqlCommand("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION", MyConnection) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch e As System.Exception End Try End If MyConnection.Close() End Try Return bSuccess End Function
We have SharePoint list which has, say, two columns. Column A and Column B.
Column A can have three values - red, blue & green.
Column B can have four values - pen, marker, pencil & highlighter.
A typical view of list can be:
Column A - Column B red  - pen red - pencil red - highlighter blue - marker blue - pencil green - pen green - highlighter red  - pen blue - pencil blue - highlighter blue - pencil
We are looking to create a report from SharePoint List using SSRS which has following view:
          red   blue  green   pen       2    0    1   marker    0    1    0   pencil      1    3    0   highlighter  1    1    1Â
We tried Sum but not able to display in single row.
I have a table called MasterSkillList which is a list of skills and attributes, eg: [Appraise, INT], [Bluff, CHA] etc I have a table called Classes, which is a list of all classes available (and some details which are irrelevant), eg: [Fighter], [Assassin] etc. I also have a table called ClassSkills which holds a list of classes and their applicable skills, eg: [Assassin, Bluff], [Assassin, Open Lock], [Fighter, Appraise], [Fighter, Bluff] etc. What I have is a gridview which shows all my classes from the class table. i want to be able to select a class on that gridview and create a checkbox list of all available skills that are NOT allready associated with that class. Eg: assassin has bluff and open lock, so those two skills shouldn't appear on my checkbox list. So i want to show all the skill from the master skills list, excluding all the skills the selected class allready has. Alternatively, It would be better if there was a way to display all the skills in existance on my checkboxlist and the ones that class allready has to be checked. Any suggestions? Here's the query I have: SELECT MasterSkillsList.SkillFROM ClassSkills INNER JOIN MasterSkillsList ON ClassSkills.Skill = MasterSkillsList.SkillWHERE (MasterSkillsList.Skill <> ClassSkill.Skill) Edit: I just added the following sql query, but when i run it i get no results even though it should show everything except 2 skills. Have I written it wrong? SELECT SkillFROM MasterSkillsListWHERE (NOT EXISTS (SELECT Skill FROM ClassSkills WHERE (ClassName = @ClassName)))
Here's something that I need to do. Might be pretty simple for you guys. :)
I have a table of Employees. All the employees work in some departments. So, I have a table of Department too. Employee table consists of details like EmpID, FirstName, LastName, SAP etc. Dept table consists of TeamID, TeamNo. Now, I have another table called as Emp-Team. This table basically maps the employees to the department by taking EmpID and TeamID. There's one more column in this table which is date. This date is required because when some person resigns (say today) then he won't feature in the headcount for July 08 but till June 08 he was there and this is how I maintain my history. e.g All the employees in the Emp_Team table have date as 01/06/2008 for this month. So, in future if I query for the employees who worked in June I will get this list. Now, I want to copy all this data in the same table again and want to remove any people who have resigned. Their resignation status is in the Employee table, where you have their last working date as well. So, when I add all this data with date 01/07/2008 I want to remove any employees whose last working date is before that.
Can this be done or I have to change my design? In case it can be - How?