Accepting Dynamic Size Of Parameters In Stored Procs
Jul 6, 2001
Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of being able to send an
unlimited amount of parameters to a stored proc and having the stored proc
detect how many parameters were sent?
1) calling the stored proc with 2 strings:
exec sp_myproc "a","b"
2) calling the stored proc with 7 strings:
exec sp_myproc "a","b","c","d","e","f","g"
The following sp_myproc would need to be able to support an unlimited amount
of parameters as well as detect how many were sent...
Thanks in advance for any help and/or code samples given!
Hello, Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of being able to send an unlimited amount of parameters to a stored proc and having the stored proc detect how many parameters were sent?
Example: 1) calling the stored proc with 2 strings: exec sp_myproc "a","b"
2) calling the stored proc with 7 strings: exec sp_myproc "a","b","c","d","e","f","g"
The following sp_myproc would need to be able to support an unlimited amount of parameters as well as detect how many were sent...
Thanks in advance for any help and/or code samples given!
Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of being able to send an unlimited amount of parameters to a stored proc and having the stored proc detect how many parameters were sent?
Example: 1) calling the stored proc with 2 strings: exec sp_myproc "a","b"
2) calling the stored proc with 7 strings: exec sp_myproc "a","b","c","d","e","f","g"
The following sp_myproc would need to be able to support an unlimited amount of parameters as well as detect how many were sent...
Thanks in advance for any help and/or code samples given!
I have read in many articles that Dynamic SQL should not be used in Stored Procedures as it is not a Best Practice. So Can anyone tell me how to handle the following scenario without using Dynamic SQL in Procs. The scenario is as follows
I have to write a Procedure which will generate a Report from a Table. For this purpose I have to Select about 20 columns from a Table (lets say Table A). Now the report has 5 filters which are completely optional. I mean the user might fill few of the filters or all the filters or none of the Filters
So can anyone help me out in this scenario because my "where" clause is completely Dynamic and I am unable to understand how to handle my where clause without writing Dynamic Queries. Also I am trying to write this query on SQL Server 2000.
If anyone can give me some examples or articles which can be of help it would be great. Please help
I have a stored proc that is run periodically which I execute with a DTS package. The problem is that I have to update a field for each record selected by this stored proc with a specific date. I need to prompt the operator for this date so I can use this value.
We are migrating from a file-server Access Database to a SQL server backend and Access front end system. I'm using ADO to access the data off the server but am implementing most of the business logic in stored procedures. All logic was coded in VBA earlier but i'm having to move that to T-SQL for performance issues. In many cases I have dynamically constructed SQL statements in code but I'm having some trouble in T-SQL. How can I do this in T-SQL?
' This is some VB code that shows how the query differs based on a parameter. If Me![Sorting] = 1 Then Me![ControlNumber].RowSource = "SELECT [DVD_Projects_Table].[DVD_Number], [Title] & "" : "" & [ID_Number] AS Display,__ [DVD_Projects_Table].Date FROM [DVD_Projects_Table] __ WHERE ((([DVD_Projects_Table].System) = IIf([Forms]![DVD_Projects_Form]![SystemFilter] = 1, ""525"", ""625""))) And __ (([DVD_Projects_Table].Active) = IIf([Forms]![DVD_Projects_Form].[ActiveOnly] = True, Yes, __ [DVD_Projects_Table].[Active]))) ORDER BY [DVD_Projects_Table].Title;" Else Me![ControlNumber].RowSource = "SELECT [DVD_Projects_Table].[DVD_Number], [ID_Number] & "" : "" & [Title] AS Display,__ [DVD_Projects_Table].Date FROM [DVD_Projects_Table]__ WHERE ((([DVD_Projects_Table].System) = IIf([Forms]![DVD_Projects_Form]![SystemFilter] = 1, ""525"", ""625""))) And __ (([DVD_Projects_Table].Active) = IIf([Forms]![DVD_Projects_Form].[ActiveOnly] = True, Yes, __ [DVD_Projects_Table].[Active]))) ORDER BY Int(Right([ID_Number],Len([ID_Number])-4));" End If
This is the ideal sp that would do what I want but it is obviously incorrect. How can I get this logic implemented. I need to construct an SQL query based on the input parameters in a stored procedure.
CREATE PROCEDURE [procDVDProjectsList] @SortBy as bit, @ActiveOnly as bit, @SysFilter as integer AS SELECT CASE @SortBy /* Display Title first */ WHEN 0 THEN [DVD_Number], [Title] + " : " + [ID_Number] AS Display, [DVD_Projects_Table].[Date] /* Display Number first */ WHEN 1 THEN [DVD_Number], [ID_Number] + " : " + [Title] AS Display, [DVD_Projects_Table].[Date] END FROM [DVD_Projects_Table] WHERE CASE @SysFilter /* List all */ WHEN 0 THEN /* List only NTSC */ WHEN 1 THEN [DVD_Projects_Table].[System] = "525" /* List only PAL */ WHEN 2 THEN [DVD_Projects_Table].[System] = "625" END AND CASE @ActiveOnly /* List All */ WHEN 0 THEN /* List only active */ WHEN 1 THEN [DVD_Projects_Table].Active = True END ORDER BY CASE @Sortby /* Sort Alpha */ WHEN 0 THEN [DVD_Projects_Table].Title /* Sort Numeric */ WHEN 1 THEN Right([ID_Number],Len([ID_Number])-4) END
So here's my deal, I've got a bunch of tables set up like so.
CaseName_Class CaseName_Address CaseName_Mailing
The casename obviously changes based on the name of the case, but all table share the "_Class", "_Address" etc.
Now, I have built apps for these to do various things, handling mail, logging claims in, whatever. And at this point in time each case has a new directory with the files inside that directory that all do the same thing. Reason why this sucks is that if I change an app in one place, I should be hanging it in about 100 other places which causes...
So, what I am attempting to do is created a stored proc in SQL to handle one of the applications, pass in a few variables and make all of the cases run off of that one proc...yay! go me.
Now...due to the fact I have to pull the case prefix name everytime the proc runs, I am kind of shooting myself in the foot being that the proc has to recompile everytime to get that casename.
The code that is currently there and works, looks like this
Hi, I'm having an issue trying to send parameters to a SQLDatasource object. I"m creating it in code (and I need it to stay there) I have determined that the stored procs called with no parameters work fine. I start having problems when I have any parameters. Interestingly, it doesn't crash. It just fails to run (the onselected event never fires). dsUser is a protected SQLDatasource property repMain is a repeater on the aspx sheet lstUser is a stored proc with one varchar(10) parameter called cSort Here is my current code that will result in no called to StatementCompleted and no data. Pull cSort parameter from the proc and it works just fine. Obviously I'm setting it wrong. string cSelect = "dbo.lstUser"; dsUser = new SqlDataSource(); dsUser .ConnectionString = GetConStr(); dsUser .SelectCommand = cSelect;
I have received a change request for a project i am working on which im unsure if possible or not.
at the minute i have a very simple sp that simply selects data from a table by passing in one parameter
@int_ID int
SELECT GradeID as ID, Grade as Description, RequiresText, SendEmail, Timestamp FROM tbl8Grade WHERE Obsolete=0 AND GradeID = @int_ID ORDER BY Grade
the user now wants the option to select more than one grade type (there are 100's of different grades)
so they might decide they want to see details for 2 grades, 22 grades etc. these would be selected and stored in an array (via an project) and then the stored procedure is called from within a web service
my question is how would i pass this array into the stored procedure??
i am assuming i would need to do something as follows for sp syntax, but im stumped on how i pass my array of values into the sp from the webservice and then for the sp to read the array in SQL??
@myArray <what datatype?>
SELECT GradeID as ID, Grade as Description, RequiresText, SendEmail, Timestamp FROM tbl8Grade WHERE Obsolete=0 AND GradeID IN (@myArray) ORDER BY Grade
any ideas are greatly appreciated. or maybe its just not possible?!?
I am working on a DTS package in which one part is executing a SQL Task that's output is being stored in a global variable..or better yet, it WAS storing it. In the beginning it was working and I had an Active X task that would loop through the record set and write the contents in HTML to a flat file.
NOW, out of nowhere, when I press on the parameters button, I recieve the following error:
"The SQL Statement does not contain any parameters"
I made no changes and the funny thing about it is that I can still run the package and it still writes the output to the file, with different data if it applies ( it is calling a stored procedure ), I just cannot change it!
Has anybody ran into this? I have searched other discussion boards and there have been people with the same issue but I have not gotten a clear answer.
Is there a way to namespace groups of stored procs to reduce confusion when using them?
For C# you can have ProjectName.ProjectSection.Classname when naming a class. I am just wondering if there is a way to do the same with SQL stored procs. I know Oracle has packages and the name of the package provides a namespace for all of the stored procs inside it.
I have only one table (Products) with 3 columns, PKID(int), CompanyID(int) and Product Name(nvarchar). The products table fills a CheckBoxList Control; the values of the ListItem's are the PKID of the Products Table. When a user ticks the check boxes to search for products, I generate a comma deliminated string of ONLY CHECKED products. For example I now have a string "3,5,4,6" which represent the Product PKID's. We can assume the values are not in order. My question is: Without knowing how many values are parsed to the stored procedure. How can I query the Products table for the CompanyID's? I've been banging my head for days thinking how to structure such a DB, Stored Procedures and HTML Controls. Am I going about this the wrong way, some advice would be really appriciated. Kind Regards.
Hi,I'm using c# with a tableadapter to call stored procedures. I'm running into a problem where if I have over a certain byte size or number of parameters being passed into my stored proc I get an exception that reads: "Cannot evaluate expression because a thread is stopped at a point where garbage collection is impossible, possibly because the code is optimized." If I remove one parameter, the problem goes away. Has anyone run into this before? Thanks,Mark
SELECT A.INTCUSTOMERID,MAX(case when A.intpreferenceid = 23 then '1' else '0' end) + MAX(case when A.intpreferenceid = 12 then '1' else '0' end) + MAX(case when A.intpreferenceid = 10 then '1' else '0' end) AS PREFER FROM CUSTOMER GROUP BY A.INTCUSTOMERID ORDER BY A.INTCUSTOMERID END
Hi, I have a need to display on screen AND email a pdf report to email addresses specified at run time, executing the report with a parameter specified by the user. I have looked into data driven subscriptions, but it seems this is based on scheduling. Unfortunately for the majority of the project I will only have access to SQL 2005 Standard Edition (Production system is Enterprise), so I cannot investigate thoroughly.
So, is this possible using data driven subscriptions? Scenario is:
1. User enters parameter used for query, as well as email addresses. 2. Report is generated and displayed on screen. 3. Report is emailed to addresses specified by user.
How do I search for and print all stored procedure names in a particular database? I can use the following query to search and print out all table names in a database. I just need to figure out how to modify the code below to search for stored procedure names. Can anyone help me out? SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'
I am wondering if it is possible to execute an .exe from a stored proc. I have an application that calls a stored proc and I am wanting for that stored proc to call up an app to show certain results. I have no way of doing this on the application itself as I dont have the source code. So, since I do have access to the SQL I am wondering if it could be done there.
First off, this is a cross post which is also located here:
Now, with the following stored procs and UDF, the Result is NULL and I cannot figure out why.
What I am doing is calling a stored procedure pass in an OUTPUT variable of type float. This stored proceudre then calls a different stored procedure passing the same OUTPUT variable of type float. The second stored procedure then calls a UDF passing in two variables to be multiplied ans this should set the OUTPUT variable to the result.
The UDF does return the correct result to the interior stored procedure, but the interior stored procedure does not pass the value back to the original stored procudure resultint in a Result value = NULL.
The code is below, just copy / past, execute and you will see exactly what I mean.
Any thoughts?
I am trying to improve my SQL and reduce the number of connections my website is making to the server.
Currently I have a stored procedure that gets all the games (and their details) for a single user which works fine which uses a WHERE userid = @userid which is an Int value.
I now need to create a new procedure which brings back the to all their "friends" (again by their userid). How is it best to do this? I originally tried to do a WHERE userID IN (@userid) but was unable to work out what variable type to use for @userid.
Is it best to do a single query in this way or is there a way to use the existing SP, loop through the collection of userids and join the result together into a single set to return? If an IN is the best route, what is the correct datatype for the variable?
can anyone help me out.... i need to compare a date that was retrieved from the database and the system date then it must be coded in the stored procs of the database.. help!!!!
I'm relatively new to stored procs (not to SQL or SQL Server) and I am trying to get transactions to work within a stored proc. Here is the code:
( --define the parameters that are needed @userID char(32), @userName varchar(50), @status char(10), @type char(10), @password varchar(50), @firstName varchar(100), @lastName varchar(100), @email varchar(200), @domain varchar(50), @pwdExpiry int, @badLogin int, @lastLogin datetime, @full varchar(8000), @read varchar(8000), @noaccess varchar(8000) ) AS BEGIN TRAN tmp1 --First, insert the user into the system INSERT INTO ptsUsers(UserID, UserName, Status, Type, Password, FirstName, LastName, Email, DomainName, PasswordExpiry, BadLoginAttempts, LastLoginDate) values(@userID, @userName, @status, @type, @password, @firstName, @lastName, @email, @domain, @pwdExpiry, @badLogin, @lastLogin);
--Now, we need to add the function access edges for the user declare @arrayValue char(32) declare @rightID char(32) declare @sepPos int while patindex('%,%',@full)<>0 BEGIN select @sepPos = patindex('%,%' , @full) select @arrayValue = left(@full, @sepPos - 1) -- replace the value with an empty string select @full = stuff(@full, 1, @sepPos, '')
--create and parse the new id declare @strID char(32),@tmpStr varchar(40) set @tmpStr = newid(); set @strID = REPLACE(@tmpStr,'-','')
--get the access right id for full control select @rightID = (Select AccessRightID from ptsAccessRights where Name = 'Write') if(@rightID IS NOT NULL) --insert the records that are full access INSERT INTO ptsFunctionAccessEdges(FunctionAccessEdgeID, FunctionID, AccessRightID, UserID) VALUES(@strID, @arrayValue, @rightID, @userID) else RAISERROR(50100,15,1) END COMMIT TRAN tmp1 IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 RAISERROR(50101,15,1) ROLLBACK TRAN tmp1
The transaction does not rollback when any errors occur at all. Any advice/help?
I am not an expert in Stored Procs. I would like to build one for a product list that would return a default value without using output parameters, if possible. Ultimately, I wouldn't be opposed to it.
It currently looks like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE ProductsByVendorNo ( @VendorNum nvarchar(24) ) AS
SELECT P.ProductID AS ProductID, P.ProductShortName AS ProductName, P.ProductDesc AS ProductDesc, U.UnitDesc AS Unit, P.VendorProductNumber AS VendorNumber, V.VendorName AS VendorName, P.Price AS Price, P.ImageThumb AS ImageThumb
FROM tblProducts AS P INNER JOIN tblUnitCodes AS U ON P.UnitCode=U.UnitCode INNER JOIN tblVendors AS V ON P.VendorID=V.VendorID
WHERE V.VendorsVendorNo = @VendorNum AND P.Inactive = 0
ORDER BY ProductName, VendorNumber
I would like for it to return a default, constant value for the URL in the ImageThumb field, if this one is empty. I could not find good documentation of how to use IF statements for this case, i.e. to alter the return of just one field.
I want to "deny" create, update,and delete access on the dbo stored procs that are in the database, but do not want take away dbo owner access. is this possible?
can i create a role and deny access on a particular table in msdb? or a system table in the user table. Thus preventing the developers on the box access to update any of the dbo owned sp's and have them create their own user-owned stored procs?
I am trying to set up a DTS package that selects data from one table on server A into another table on server B. I want to do a select statement that will do the following:
select store_name from store (server A) where date_created >= (select max(date_created) from store (server B)
I use EM 7.0 to manage all of my extracts, however, the data is moving from a Syabase (adaptive Server)onto another Syabase(adaptive server) machine. Unfortunately, there is no functionality for a linked server connection.
I tried the following, (which doesn't error out), but is not displaying the source columns in the destination tab of the DTS package when setting up the transformations.
declare @maxdate datetime exec serverB.dbo.sp_max_date_from_store @maxdate select store_name from store --(server A) where date_created >= @store
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! trevorb
I will be taking over a database that has almost no pk's or relations(this is not my choice, but a vendors) Management is looking at stored procs to improve performance, but I am wondering if the db is in this state will there really be a gain. I am pushing for normalization first, but if anybody has any ideas or opinions I would appreciate
Ok, I've read somewhere(which I'm looking for again : ) that said that there are errors like DeadLock that kills the execution of a stored proc and there are other errors that do not necessarily kill the rest of the execution of the stored proc. Is that true? If so does anyone have any links I can read. What I'm seeing is a bad id in the foreign key and I think what is happening is that there was a unique constraint error on the first insert but the stored proc continued executing and used the bad id later on in the stored proc.
I do know I can use the @@error and will start using it but I need more proof to agree or not agree with my theory.
Thanks ahead of time for any information you can give me either way.
Is there any performance loss by setting up a view and creating a stored procedure to return a recordset from a view versus setting up the stored procedure to return the recordset from the tables directly?
First post on here, so please excuse any ignorant parts of my question :)
We've recently had to migrate an application from one server to another, and had lots of problems getting it to work (NT4/SS7 -> 2K3/SS2K5). After much digging around I found the info on SQL server 2k5 changing the SUSER_NAME to SUSER_SNAME (I think from reading the change was actually from SQL Server 2000 - that correct ?).
Anyway I updated some of our stored procedures to correct that issue, and things *seem* to be working again (<-- famous last words, I know :eek: ), but I've been trying to find details of any other changes, particularly command changes, that I may need to make to our stored procedures.
To be honest I've found the info on Microsoft's main site and technet site next to useless - all seems to discuss very generic high-level procedures for database migration etc.. I didn't even find the SUSER change on there.
Could anyone point me to some useful information on other changes to look out for (within the SP's) ??
Thanks in advance for your help, and for taking the time to read this :beer:
I ran into something interesting today and was wondering how one would do this. I have some 3rd party stored procs and one was kicking out a truncate error so I took it upon myself to investigate the stored proc that was kicking out this error. So when I tried viewing the sp, I received an error:*****Encrypted object is not transferable, and script could not be generated.***** and then it brings up a blank editing screen.
First I believe this was a custom error message as it just doesnt seem like the way SQL Server would have presented it.
So how would someone prohibit viewing of a stored proc like this?
I have a stored proc that runs every 4 hours - as a job. The stored proc takes about 3-5 minutes to comple, depending on number of records. To do testing we run that stored proc manually, also. Sometimes 2 or more people may run the same stored proc without knowing that the other person is running. This may create duplicates entries once processed.
What I want to know is, Is there a way to check if that stored procedure is currently running. If so it wont run second time concurrently. (May be semapohres,mutex or something like that?)
(I am trying not to use a table to store whether the stored proc is running or not)
I wrote a stored procedure and set it as a schedule. it has no problem when I execute this SP in query analyzer. But it will show error when I execute it in schedule job. I think the main reason is I have created a DDL trigger that will fire when DDL_DATABASE_LEVEL_EVENTS happens. Any solution?
SELECT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 1934). The step failed.
Can someone please point me in the right direction (guidance or url to a utility or article) as to how we can write a script to scan all of the stored procedures in our database for any reference to a field name were are about to change? Also, can we use such a script to do the actual change from the old field name to the new one?