Access 2000 Linked To SQL 7

Apr 26, 2000

Are there any documented bug/incompatiblities with Access 2000 linked to SQL 7?

I have an Access form that is used to do data entry to SQL7. In Access 97 the forms worked great, but now in Access 2000, if a user pastes plain text into a field, when they save the record all the text is converted to questions marks.


John Denver

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IDENTITY Column In SQL 2000 And Linked Tables In MS Access

Nov 30, 2006

Please help

We have an application written in MS Access. The tables are linked to a SQL 2000 database.
The problem is that sometimes insert a new record in a table freezes and times out after a while without anything has happened.
When installing the application the *mdb file is copied over to the C drive and an ODBC connection is written to the registry.
The application is used by many in the company.
We have problems on tables defined with IDENTITY columns. Can this be our problem and how can we solve it?

Regards Anna-Lena

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MS Access Linked Tables To SQL Server 2000 Slow On Vista

Mar 13, 2007

I am using two almost idential laptops, one with XP and one with Vista, the only differences is that the XP laptop has 1G of RAM and running Office XP and the Vista has 2G RAM and is running Office 2007.

I have a MS Access database that has linked tables to a SQL Server 2000 database. The performance of the Access database on Vista is 5-10 times slower on the Vista machine. Just flipping through records or opening forms can take 5 - 15 seconds on the Vista machine while the XP machine takes 1 sec or less.

What gives? I looked at the CPU performance and the network performance while the Access database was busy flipping through records, the network traffic was < 2% and the CPU would spike to 40% on one of the CPUs (dual core) but would remain under 5% most of the time.

I also previously had Office XP installed on the Vista machine and it had the same performance issue so bought and install Office 2007 on the Vista machine and it did not solve the problem.

It seems that Vista is doing something that is slowing down Access with linked tables. Is this a issue between Vista and using an ODBC connection to SQL Server?

Thanks in advance for any help on this

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Distributed Query From SS 2000 To Access Catalog Views On SS 2005 Via Linked Server

Aug 24, 2006

I am trying to write some admin only procedures which will collect information to one of my development server from other production and development servers.
I have created linked servers to access these other servers on the development server. This development server is SQL Server 2000 EE. Other servers which I want to access are 2000 and 2005 (vaious editions)
E.g I have another development server called PRODTEST which is SQL Server 2005 and on the development server I have created a linked server pointing to PRODTEST called TESTLINKSRV. I want to access new object catalog view (as I do not want to use sysobjects)
When I run the following query
I get following error,
OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error:  OLE DB provider does not contain the table: ProviderName=' TESTLINKSRV ', TableName='" DBNAME "."sys"."objects"'].
Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider ' TESTLINKSRV ' does not contain table '"DBNAME"."sys"."objects"'.  The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
So I try this query
and I get following error
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name TESTLINKSRV.DBNAME.sys.objects'.
So bottom line is how do I access catalog views on a 2005 server from a 2000 server using linked server?
I hope someone understands what I am trying to achieve. Please let me know what is it that I am doing wrong.
Thank you

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Sql Server 2000 Linked Server To Access 97/2000 Incompatability

Jul 20, 2005

We are experiencing a problem with Sql Server 2000 linking to anAccess 97 file. We have two machines that link to this .mdb file, andwe recently upgraded one to newer hardware, SP3a, MDAC 2.8, etc. Thelink on this upgraded machine no longer works, giving this message:Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.[OLE/DB provider returned message: Cannot open a database created witha previous version of your application.]OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80004005: ].The link on the older machine still works. We decided to tryconverting a copy of the file to Access 2000 to see if the newerpatches/drivers/whatever no longer supported 97. We set up a link onboth machines to this file, and they both work. However, on theupgraded machine, the following error is receievedServer: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.[OLE/DB provider returned message: System resource exceeded.]OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'ICommandText::Execute returned 0x80004005: ].when making 1-3 connections to the the linked server, while the oldermachine supports at least 7 simultaneous queries connecting to thelinked server and still hasn't produced that error.Does anyone have any idea if there is a known issue with linking toAccess 97/2000 files under MDAC 2.8, Jet 4.0, etc? Any light anyonecan shine on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

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Linked Server 2000 To 2005: Error 17 Sql Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denined.

Aug 30, 2006

I'm trying to link SQL Server 2000 sp3 to SQL 2005 64 bit. I keep getting Error 17 sql server does not exist or access denined. I tried adding remote user mapping and chaning the linked server properties to "Be made using this security context" without any success.
Any help is appreciated.

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Users&#39; Access Linked Table From ACCESS To SQL 7.0 By ODBC

Jan 12, 2000

Hi Everyone,

I have set up a link from ACCESS to a SQL 7.0 database using ODBC (File DSN saved on a shared DRIVE). The link works well only from the workstation where the link was created. But How can I create a link so a group of users can view the linked table in ACCESS without type a password? Any suggestion is appreciated.


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Access 2007 Linked Tables (vs Access 2003)

May 15, 2007

We migrated a MS Access 2003 mdb into MS Access 2007. The mdb has linked tables to SQL Server via a DSN and utilizes a mdw file. In 2003, the username/password is "passed" to SQL Server, so the UID/PWD that is used for opening the mdb, is used in SQL Server.

Opening the same file in 2007 using the same mdw, gives a secondary login on SQL Server.

Is there a way to have MS Access 2007 pass the UID/PWD to SQL Server on linked tables, the same way that 2003 does?


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Linked Server ( Not Able To Access Any Tables Under LINKED SERVER From My DESKTOP Enterprise Manager

Mar 25, 2002

Hi ,
On my Desktop i registered Production Server in Enterprise Manager
on that Server if i go to SecurityLinked Servers
There is another Server is already mapped, when i am trying to see the Tables under that one of the
Linked Server i am getting the Error message saying that
"Error 17 SQL Server does not exist or access denied"

if i went to Production Server location and if i try to see the tables i am able to see properly, no problems
why i am not able to see from my Desk top
i am using the sa user while mapping the Production Server on my DESKTOP using (ENTERPRISE MANAGER)

And i check the Client Network Utility in the Alias using Named Pipe only, i changed to TCP/IP still same problem
What might the Problem how can i see the Tables in Linked Server from my DESKTOP


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Linked Ser Ver With MS Access

Jun 3, 2008


While creating Linked server from SQl server to Ms access I am getting the following error

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

"The linked server has been created but failed a connection test. Do you want to keep the linked server?"


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "ACC".
OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "ACC" returned message
"The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxREM_Prod.mdb'.
It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.".
(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7303)

But rem_prod.mdb is closed. I just created the Access database. There is no password and the shared directory is having full of read and write access. Can anyone suggest me where was the problem. or am i missing something..?


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Access DB Via Linked Server

Jun 27, 2001

I have SQL Server 7.0 running on a NT server. I need to get data from an access database on another NT server on the network. Can I have it mapped to a logical drive and create a linked server and get data to be used in my stored procs. Please help !!

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Linked Server To Access

Nov 5, 2001


I am running SQL Server 7.0 and am trying to set up a linked server to an access database so I can use a SQL7 stored procedure to update the access database.

I create the linked server as:
sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'LinkedServer',
@srvproduct = N' ',
@provider = N'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
@datasrc = N'MyServerest2.mdb',
@catalog = N''

I then try setting up the security in the security tabs to impersonate a user I have set up in the access database.

I also have NT security on the directory of the access database to limit the users who can access the directory.

My problem is that when I try to run the sql:
"select * from LinkedServer...IMS" (IMS is the tablename) I get the following error:
Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'ASPECT04accpactestest2.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.]

If I add "Everyone" tpo the security level on the NT directory it works fine, so I obviously have a security problem.

Can anyone tell me what user the sql is running under.

any ideas of the best way to set this up.

many thanks for the help


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Linked Server To Access

Oct 5, 1999

I am new to SQL server. I have a pbm setting up a linked server to MS Access using ODBC. My MS Access database is in the Netware server. I have mapped the NT server to this Netware server using a binary account. Then I have setup the ODBC connection. I tested the ODBC its ok. But when I try to view to tables in the Linked server it gives me an error "Disk or Network Error". I am breaking my head for the past few days. If you have any solution. Pls reply. Thanks in advance.

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Access - Linked Servers

Mar 6, 2002


we have some Access databases that are password protected. I get an error when I try an access these through a Linked Server. If I remove the password there is no problem.

I have tried adding the password to the security Information with a user of admin but this fails with a 7303 error. Should I not use admin as the user ??

Any ideas ???



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Linked Table To Access

Nov 7, 2005

I've created a linked table to Access. I want to be able to delete records and modify existing records through this linked table. I used the account with sa privelleges yet i am unable to delete/update any records.

Does anyone know if there is any fix or am i doing anything wrong ?

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Access/SQL Linked Tables

Nov 17, 2005

I have linked a number of tables from a SQL database to a Access front end. I am able to update all but one of the tables (the main table I need!!!). I get the error, cannot update record as it has been changed by another user although there is no other user. I believe it may be to do with the way the recordset is linked to the access database or the referential integrity of the table associations in the SQL database.

I can change the data using query analyser without issue.

Any help would be greatfully apreciated.

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SQL Table Linked To Access

Apr 30, 2004

I'm using ODBC to link a SQL table to access and using Access as the frontend, so to speak. Trying to write a query, but I get Timeout Error.
I need to resolve the timeout error, I've tried several things in the ODBC
configuration, but no solution yet.

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Linked Server Access DB

Feb 9, 2007

After converting to SQL Server 2005 and VS2005 I am having a problem connecting to Linked Servers for Access databases. I have searched and read everything I can find, but the solution is still not evident. I have a lot of data integration and data conversion procedures to run and I am stuck at this point not understanding exactly what the problem is and how to resolve it. I believe it is somehow related to "double hop" and permissions with .NET. Many of the discussions are related to using .ASP but that is not involved in this situation.

The Linked Server is defined using the UNC path. The machines are not in a domain. They are in the same LAN segment. Connections will be made without using a security context is specified. A sample Linked Server definition:

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'ACCESS EDUCATION', @srvproduct=N'OLE DB Provider for Jet', @provider=N'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', @datasrc=N'\Tacir2k3InfrastructureDatabasesJuly 2005 DatabasesEducationEduDb2005_TR_Db.mdb'

The error:

OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "ACCESS EDUCATION" returned message "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '\Tacir2k3InfrastructureDatabasesJuly 2005 DatabasesEducationEduDb2005_TR_Db.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.".

Machine 1 (Developer Workstation): XP SP2 with latest security patches; SS Management Studio, VS2005

Machine 2 (SQL Server server): Windows 2003 Server with SS2005. The Linked Servers are defined on an SS2005 instance on this machine.

Machine 3 (File server): Windows 2003 Server that contains the Access DB files

When I run SS Management Studio on Machine 2 (the database server), I have no problem accessing the Linked Server pointing to an Access DB file on Machine 3 and can compile or run SPs referencing the Linked Server.

When I run SS Management Studio on Machine 1 to execute an SP that references the Linked Servers, I get the above error.

When I use Machine 1 to compile an SP that references the Linked Server, I get the above error.

I tried granting Everyone Full Control to the folder that contains all the Access database subfolders but I get the same error when running from Machine 1.

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Performance Issues - Access 2000 Frontend SQL Server 2000 Backend

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,Simple question: A customer has an application using Access 2000frontend and SQL Server 2000 backend. Data connection is over ODBC.There are almost 250 concurrent users and is growing. Have theysqueezed everything out of Access? Should the move to a VB.Net frontendtaken place ages ago?CheersMike

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Maximum Capacity Specifications Comparison Table For Access, SQL Server 7, 2000 And MSDE 2000

May 27, 2008

Access 2000/XP
SQL Server 7.0
SQL Server 2000
MSDE 2000

Number of instances per server

Number of databases per instance / server

Number of objects per database

Number of users per database

Number of roles per database

Overall size of database (excluding logs)
2 GB
1,048,516 TB
1,048,516 TB
2 GB

Number of columns per table

Number of rows per table
limited by storage
limited by storage
limited by storage
limited by storage

Number of bytes per row

2 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB

Number of columns per query

Number of tables per query

Size of procedure / query
64 KB
250 MB
250 MB
250 MB

Number of input params per procedure / query

Size of SQL statement / batch
64 KB
64 KB
64 KB
64 KB

Depth of subquery nesting

Number of indexes per table
250 (1 clustered)
250 (1 clustered)
250 (1 clustered)

Number of columns per index

Number of characters per object name

Number of concurrent user connections

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Reconnecting Access 2000 Front End To New Instance Of SQLServer 2000

Jul 27, 2004

I recently had to reinstall a new instance of SQLServer 2000, but was unable to use the previous server name. As a result, my Access2000 front end is not happy with it's linked tables. I can't seem to find anyplace within Access to universally change the address of the SQLServer used as the back-end for all linked tables.

When I do try to access the linked tables through Access, I get an error, and the option to change the server location. When I try to type-in the new SQLServer location, there is an attempt to reconnect to SQLServer, but a whole lot of errors are generated, and none of the data is transferred into the Access table.

I really don't want to have to re-do my Access front end, so it seems it would be easiest to somehow reinstall SQLServer to have the same server location it used to. Is there a good way to completely erase all traces of SQLServer so that I can have better luck reinstalling it to the same location it used to be in? Just using the uninstall program from SQLServer doesn't seem to be cutting it.


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Problem Using Access 2000 As A Front-end To SQL Server 2000 Tables

Jul 23, 2005

I've created a small company database where the tables reside in a SQLServer database. I'm using Access 2000 forms for a front end.I've got a System DSN set-up to SQL Server and am using links withinAccess 2000 to get to the SQL Server tables.My forms worked fine until I made a few minor changes to the databaseschema on SQL Server (e.g. added a foreign key, or added a column).After that, all the links break - I click on a table link and get anerror msg like "invalid object name."Deleting the links after a schema change and re-adding the links seemedto fix the problem. The forms I'd already created seemed to work fineafter re-creating the links.But then I got more advanced with my forms. I have it set up so thatfor certain entry fields, the combobox gets populated with values froma table (the description appears in the drop-down and the correspondingprimary key value gets populated in the table). I created a number offorms using this technique, entered data, and everything worked fine.Made a small schema change and it broke everything -- not the actualtable links, but the functionality for the drop-downs. My values nolonger appeared, and this was true for forms that accessed tables whoseschemas did not change.This is driving me nuts. Is there any way to keep my forms frombreaking each time I make a small schema change?Thanks.- Dana

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Access 2000 Frontend MS SQL 2000 Backend - Locking Problems

Aug 20, 2007

We are using an Access 2000 project to view our SQL Tables and using Access 2000 Runtime to Access the forms in the project. We have written in a locking system in VB and removed the video controls to prevent users from accessing the same records. But of course now we need to make the video controls available. This has now thrown up the problem of multiple users accessing the same records. We have tried to write code to lock records when then video controls are used but this is not working as well as we hoped. Can anyone please suggest any way of setting up locking on SQL using triggers from the Access frontend? or any other types of locking systems that could be written in the Access front end.

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Linked Server To Access 97 Problems - HELP!

Jul 16, 2001

I am trying to configure a linked server to a local Access database with no security and only one table.

I set it up and tested on a test machine first and all works fine. I then did the same on our production box and receive the error below.

Server: Msg 7303, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not initialize data source object of OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Not a valid account name or password.]

I then set it up on another production box and it worked for a while but now I get a different error.

Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Cannot open database ''.
It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.]

Is there a server level setting that could be different on these machines that could be causing this?

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Updating A Linked Table In Access

May 26, 1999

I currently have a database that I can update in Microsoft Access by going into datasheet view of the table and just changing the value of a given field.

Here is the problem. I have made a copy of this database by backing it up and restoring to a new database. Now when I go into Access datasheet view to update, I get the following error: "ODBC--update on a linked table '<tablename>' failed". I have tried restoring to a database on the same server as well as others and have checked for differences set for each database as well as differneces in indexes. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Access Dabase Linked To SQL Server

Jan 6, 2005


I have an Access database (name "Shipping") linked to SQL Server. The Access database is not secured. My access file is located on the same machine as the instance of SQL Server, in a shared folder that can be accessed by any user. The file permissions are set to full control for Everyone. I linked Access with the following procedure:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'Shipping',
@provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
@srvproduct = 'OLE DB Provider for Jet',
@datasrc = 'C:ShippingShipping BackEnd.mdb'

then modified the linked server login mapping with:

EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'Shipping','false',NULL,'Admin',NULL

Now, since I have domain administrator permissions, I can run a stored procedure in SQL Server that does a Select in the Access database without any problem. But when a normal user tries to run the procedure, he gets an error #7399. If I give this user domain administrator rights, he's able to run the procedure. There is something I don't get, with normal user permission, this user can open the Access database through the shared folder...



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Need To Access INFORMATION_SCHEMA On Linked Server

Apr 5, 2006

I'm working with MSSQL2K+SP3a, Standard Edition. I defined linked server (MSDE).
On the local server, I can do
select * from [testDB].[INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[TABLES] -- local

select * from [testSRV].[testDB_far].[dbo].[sysobjects] -- linked

but not

select * from [testSRV].[testDB_far].[INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[TABLES]

How can I access the INFORMATION_SCHEMA on the linked server ?


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Creating A Linked Server To Access DB

Jan 13, 2004

I'm trying to create a linked server to an Access database that resides on a separate machine.

On my PC, I can create a link to the Access db, and view, update, add and delete data. If I create the same linked server on our production Server, I can again view, update, add and delete data. All's well so far.

If I now go back to my own PC (used for developing) I cannot access the linked server on the production machine.

The Access database is stored on a separate PC, so the I'm linking to a remote db. As I said this works fine if I'm sat in front of the PC that the linked server is created on - but not if I use a client PC to connect.

I create the linked server using the following command:
exec sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'AccLinkedServer',
@provider = 'Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0',
@srvproduct = 'OLE DB Provider for Jet',
@datasrc = '\DatabaseServerAccessDatabase.mdb'

If I run the SQL statement:

SELECT * FROM AccLinkedServer...AnyTableYouLike

I get this error:
Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '\DatabaseServerAccessDatabase.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80004005: ].

I've searched in the MS knowledge base, and this forum and followed all of the advice that was available, but it still won't work.

Anyone got any other advice, before I go totally insane with this.


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Linked Server Between Access 97 And SQL2K5

Oct 16, 2007

I am trying to create a Linked server between Access 97 and SQL2K5
MDAC version installed on SQL server system is 2.8

with same configuration if i convert MDB file to Office 2000 then its working fine
Please advice

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Linked Server Headache (Access)

Aug 13, 2007

There seems to be a lot of confusion around the groups about linkingto an Access mdb with the SQL Server Jet OLE DB provider and I haventbeen able to find a straight forward solution. Basically, I have anAccess MDB (A2K) on one server and a SQL Server DB (2005 std ed.) onanother - Both on the same network. I'm trying to create a linkedserver object in the SQL server to view data in the mdb. I've set itup and it works - but only from the server machine itself. If you tryto connect the the linked server from any other computer on thenetwork you get the usual access denied / file in use error.The fact that I can use the linked server from the server box itselfbut not from another pc on the network makes me think that it may be apermissions problem. But I am logging in with full Admin rights andstill no joy. Also there is no workgroup security on the mdb, so thatsnot the problem. I've used the surface editor to remove anyrestrictions that may cause problems, OLE DB connect, OPENROWSET etc.but still no joy.I've tried mapping the mdb's location on the server so I could use astandard filepath, rather than a //Server-Name/... path. Again, worksfrom the server, but not from any client PCs, so no joy there either.In frustration, I copied the mdb to the same server and viola - fullaccess to the linked server from anywhere. But this is no good, I needthe mdb file to stay where it is. An mdb full of linked tables wontwork... they don't show up in the linked server.So that's it - out of ideas! Am I just going to have to accept thatlinked server objects are limited just to mdb files on the same servermachine, or is there something I'm missing??? Firewalls, servicelogins, server settings.... something one of you gurus out there knowabout that might be the key to making my headache go away!!!Any input gratefully recieved!!!

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Problem In Linked Server To Access

Nov 8, 2006

windows xp pro
iis 5.0
office 2002
sql server express 2005

linked server: lkdb
Provider: Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0
product: Jet 4.0
data source: d:db est.mdb
provider string: Provider='Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'; Jet OLEDB:System database='d:dbSecured.MDW';Data Source='d:db est.mdb';user id=rep; password=1234;;

got error message:
OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "lkdb" returned message "Could not find installable ISAM.".

Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "lkdb".

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Linked Server To Access Mdb Problem

May 22, 2007

I've set up a linked server to an Access database and read from the linked database in a stored procedure. No problems when I execute the stored procedure from management studio and the Access database resides on a local drive.

However, when I move the database to a network share drive and run the proc through a scheduled job using SQL Server Agent I get the following error --

"Executed as user: C-SGROUPactprod. Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 15274)."

I've spent days trying to resolve this problem and tried many different setting to fix the problem, but no luck yet.

Under the Security setting for the linked server I have "Be made using this security context" selected with a valid id/password. I am able to login to the server where the database resides using the id and password and successfully open the database.

Don't know what to try next. Any suggestions?

I'm using SQL Server 2005 Developers edition.


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Converting Data From Access 2000 To SQL Server 2000

Oct 18, 2004

I worked on a project in ASP.NET using SQL server 2000 as the back end. Its a conversion application that I rewrote in ASP.NET using C#. I need to import the old data in Access db into SQL server 2000 and I have very little knowledge about doing it. The data in not a direct one -one transformation. There are considerable changes to the Database design and data types. Any help and suggestions wud be really helpful. Also, any article links wud be great.


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